Digimon Adventure: A Yamato l...

By Rubyrose645

136K 2.7K 437

He was my best friend for years... until he suddenly shoved me away. For years I thought that our friendship... More

The Adventure Begins
Garurumon Howls!
Birdramon gets Firepower
Kabuterimon's shocking attack!
Togemon in Toy Town
Ikkakumon's Harpoon Torpedo!
Memories tell the truth
Evil shows his face
Legend of the Digidestined
Departure For a New Continent
The Dark Network of Etemon
Arrival of SkullGreymon
The Crest of Sincerity
The Piximon Cometh
The Prisoner of the Pyramid
Rise of MetalGreymon
Forget about it!
WereGarurumon's Diner
No Questions Please
Princess Karaoke
Sora's crest of Love
The Gateway Home: The Crest of...
It's All in the Cards
Return to Highton View Terrace
Almost Home Free
The Ninth Digivice
Gatomon comes calling
The Ninth Child Revealed
Show us your power
City Under Siege
Wizardmon's Gift
The Battle for Earth
Enter The Dark Masters
Sea-Sick and Tired
Under Pressure
Playing Games
Trash Day
The Ultimate Clash
No More Games
Crest of Light. A Mage and Queen
Our Battle
True Power
The beginning of the final battle
Now Apocalymon
Fate of Two Worlds
Book Two Sneak Peak
Book Two is out!!

Rise of Greymon

5.8K 100 63
By Rubyrose645

I held Luna tightly against my chest as we fell from the cliff to the water below.

"Sora!" I heard Biyomon yell.

"Izzy!" "Tk!"

The three flying digimon flew down to grab their partners, but since the digimon had just digivolved, they weren't used to their new bodies and abilities, so they couldn't hold them for long.

We finally hit the water, but Gomamon shouted, "Fish Net!" As Luna and I sunk into the water, we were suddenly lifted out of it by a large school of colorful fish.

The others landed safely on the fish.

"Wow, this is some ride." Tai said, surprised and dumbfounded by the school of fish.

The large digimon's roar cut through the air as the cliff began to collapse.

"Hey, look out!" Matt shouted. Luna held me tighter as the fish swam faster.

However, the water became rough as the large cliff fell into the water. We held onto the fish as tight as we could, until finally we washed ashore.

I coughed up all the water I had in my mouth as I sat up and looked around at my friends. I sighed with relief, thankful that no one seemed injured.

"I knew we would be okay. I wasn't worried." Matt said.

I chuckled, "Yeah, well your screams of fear said otherwise." I said. I laughed as his face turned red in embarrassment.

"What was that, a floating fish market?" Joe asked as he wanted on the ground.

"Lucky for us those fish were having a school reunion, haha." Joe looked up at the newly evolved Gomamon in confusion.

Gomamon just smiled happily as his tail wagged back and forth, "I'm kidding, those fish are good friends of mine and I just asked them for a lift."

"And all these I thought I was allergic to seafood, thank you... Uh.. I guess it's not Pukamon?" Joe asked.

"Gomamon, now."

"Gomamon." Joe repeated.

"And I guess you're not Tokomon anymore are you?" Tk asked as he stared at his partner.

"Mmhm, now I'm Patamon." Patamon said.

"It's all because we digivolved." Agumon said, explaining what had happened to them.

"I don't think that word's in my vocabulary." Tai said.

"So digivolving is when a digimon advances to the next level and becomes more powerful." Izzy concluded. I smiled as he got it right.

"Right, all of us digivolved. I went from Motimon to Tentomon." Tentomon explained.

"I digivolved from Yokomon to Biyomon."

"First I was Tsunomon, then Gabumon."

"And I digivolved from Tanemon to Palmon."

"And me, I was Koromon. I digivolved into Agumon."

Sora looked over at Luna and me, "What about that digimon?" She pointed towards Luna, "She didn't  change like the rest of you."

I blushed and rubbed the back of my head to calm my nerves.

"Luna, you'd better explain." I said. She blushed as well and hid her face in my arms.

"I digivolved a long time ago, so I'm already at the rookie level like everyone else." Luna explained.

Everyone stared at Luna, who hid further in my arms to hide her red face.

"Could you guys stop staring at Luna? She's awfully shy, ya know." I said.

"Mhm, when you diguvolve you certainly got way bigger. Are something else now, or still digimon?" Tai asked, trying to change the subject.

"Digimon, but I needed your help, Tai." Agumon said, surprising the boy.

"You see, digivolving is a very difficult process. In order to be successful, I had to share your energy."

"Really?" Tai asked.

Sora bent down towards Biyomon, "I guess you guys don't run on batteries."

"Sure don't." Biyomon replied.

"But how do you access my energy?" Izzy asked.

"Even we don't have all the answers." Tentomon said.

"Thanks for my magical powers." Palmon excitedly said as she spun around.

"The whole thing makes my head spinny." Mimi sighed.

"So I helped you change. That's so cool!" Tk said as he circled Patamon.

"My folks warned me about strangers." Joe said, turning away from Gomamom who frowned.

"I'm not a stranger, Joe, I'm your friend for life." Gomamon said.

"Gomamon's right, Joe." I said, "These digimom are going to be our closest friends. You should learn to accept that fact."

"All right, come on, now what arw we gonna do?" Matt said.

"If only there was payphone nearby. We could call the police, or the Fire Department, or my mother." Joe hastily suggested.

"But we don't even know where we are." Tai said.

"But we do know that we came from up there." Sora added looking up at the mountain.

"I say we forget about going back and explore around here." Matt suggested.

"That would be the best option." I agreed.

"I'm not exploring anywhere." Joe refused, "I'd say we stay right where we are."

"Yeah, let's wait for the giant bug to come get us. We need to find a road leading someplace to get away from here." Matt said.

I glared at the blonde boy, "Matt, you could be a little nicer." He turned his head away from me.

"Hmm, Matt's right, but without a compass, we can't even tell which way is North." Izzy said.

"Wait I know." Tentomon said.

"Well which way is it?"

"It's the opposite of South." Izzy sighed, I chuckled at the joke.

"I shouldn't have worn these pants, they ride up when I do a lot of walking." Joe complained.

"You know, if we could get back to where we were before, we might at least find some clues as to why we're here in this place." Sora said.

Mimi looked up in fear, "Wait, are there more monsters around like tgat big flying bug?" She asked.

"Yes indeedy." Palmon answered. Mimi looked disgusted.

"Those monsters don't scare me." Matt declared.

"Tell that to your screams as you were running away, Matt." I said. He turned around and faced.

"What do you know?" He asked.

"I know that you screamed at the top of your lungs." I retorted.

"Are there any humans?" Tai asked Agumon.

"Humans? Others like you?" Tai nodded, "You're the first ever. There's been no one besides digimon."

"So, okay you're all digimon. But what about these monsters, they're all digimon too?"

"It's creepy, and dangerous, and who knows what happens when it gets dark." Sora said.

"Who says it ever gets dark here?" Matt asked.

"Such a phenomenon would be unnatural." Izzy stated.

"And you call this natural?" Joe asked.

"Well, we're not gonna find out anything by standing around here." Tai said as he turned around and walked away.

"Where do you think you're going?" Matt asked.

"Up on that cliff, that's where I saw the ocean."

"The ocean?" Matt repeated.

"Yep! There might be a boat or something." With no better ideas, we all followed Tai down the river.

As we walked down the path, everyone began to take in tge beautiful landscape.

"The trees are beautiful." Sora commented.

"Yeah, they're really different and I just thought they were subtropical." Izzy said.

"Well, whatever they are," Joe sniffed, "They're aggravating my hayfever."

"Hey Joe, is there anything you don't complain about?" I elbowed Matt in the side. He looked at me as he held his ribs in pain.

"What that heck was that for, Raya?" He asked.

"For not being nice." I replied, walking up next to Tk, who smiled and grabbed my free hand happily.

After a little more walking, the digimon showing off their new skills, and Luna falling asleep in my arms, Gabumon took a whiff of the air.

I sniffed and smelled the familiar salty air surrounding the ocean.

"Ahh, nothing like the ocean." Gabumon said.

"Yeah, everybody in the water!" Gomamon shouted happily.

"Hey, let's build a giant sandcastle." Tk suggested. I smiled at his innocence.

Suddenly the softest sounds of ringing telephones reached our ears.

"Wait a minute, listen, what's that?" Matt said, hearing the ringing.

"A phone." Tai gasped. We ran down towards the beach amd were surprised to see five phonebooths lined in a row.

"See what did I tell ya, all we needed was a phone!" Joe exclaimed happily.

They all ran to the phone, but as soon as they opened on of the doors, the ringing stopped.

"Why'd it stop ringing, Tai?" Agumon asked.

"Wrong number?" Was Tai's intelligent reply.

"Well that's bizarre." Sora said.

"My theory is aliens, they ser these phonebooths out as a trap." Izzy stated.

"If we can call up a place that delivers, lets order pizza." Matt said.

"Whatever you get, no anchovies for me." Mimi said.

"The question is, what are these things doing out here at the beach?" Sora asked.

"So kids can call their parents for a ride home." Joe said.

"Parents? What exactly is a parents?" Gomamon asked.

Joe looked down at his digimon and sighed, "That's it, I'm out of here."

I smiled and knelt down in the sand next to Gomamon.

"To answer your question, Gomamon, a parent is usually a human male and female who give bear and raise children of their own." I explained without going too far into detail.

"Does anybody have any loose change?" Tai asked.

"Why?" Izzy asked.

"Obiviously I'm gonna make a phone calle and get some help."

"Oh, use my phone card, the aliens can bill me." Izzy handed Tai his card.

"Okay, while you guys do that, I'm gonna take inventory on my bag over there." I said, walkign away from the group and sitting in the warm sand.

I sighed, taking in the relief of resting my legs.

A small squeaking sound from my arms made me look down and smile.

"Are you awake now, Luna?" I asked. She yawned and smiled at me, rubbing the aleep from her eyes.

"Yeah, I'm awake. Seeing and fighting a Kuwagamon really tires you out." She said, jumping out of my arms and landing next to my left leg.

"Does it hurt?" She asked. I reassured her with a smile and a head shake.

"No, it's alright. I just needed to sit down for a while. Come on, you can help me with my bag inventory." I said. She jumped happily up and down, reaching into my bag and pulling out supplies.

"Olay then," I said, "What type of fruit do we have and how much?"

Luna dug into my bag and pulled out all the fruit I had stuffed in there.

"We have three apples, five small oranges, and a banana." Luna said as she tossed out the fruit.

"Any drinks?" I asked.

"Three bottles of water." She replied, throwing out the water bottles.

"How about nuts?"

"One big bag of assorted trail mix."

I hummed, thinking, "That should last us about two days if we ration evenly with the others and whatever food they have. How about parts and medical supplies?"

She dug deep into my bag and pulled out a smaller bag and a box with a green cross.

"You've got plenty of each."

"That's good, in this place, we'll need all the parts and medicines we can get in case something goes wrong."

After a few minutes of repacking my food and supplies, everyone, except Joe, came over to sit with me.

"Very curious, does Joe always behave like this?" Izzy asked as we watched Joe type numbers into the phonebooth.

"Every single day." Tai answered.

"No matter what number or how many he dials, those phone aren't gonna work." Matt said.

"Well, I'm gonna keep searching for a boat or something." Tai stood up, but was stopped by Matt.

"Hey, wait a minute! Even though we can't call out of here, there might always be a chance that someone could call in to us."

"It's a waste if time just sitting here and doing nothing."

"I'm gonna stay here for a little while and see if anyone calls. Besides, everyone could use a little rest."

Tai looked out at our exhausted friends.

"And I'm getting pretty hungry too." Izzy said.

"You know why, because we haven't eaten yet. Okay, break time everybody." Tai said.

Sora sighed with relief, "Does anyone else have any food? I think the only thing I have is..." She gasped and pulled out the small device we all received, "Is that gadget that fell out of the sky."

"I forgot all about those weird gizmos." Tai gasped, pulling out his own device.

"If anybody's got a pink one, I'll trade." Mimi said as she looked at her device on her bag strap.

"What are they anyway?" Tk asked.

"We wouldn't have them if they weren't important." Matt said.

"If I could take mine apart..." Izzy was interrupted by his grumbling stomach, "That is after I have something to eat, I'm really famished."

"Well, the only thing that I have is my emergency supplies. It's got a first aid kit, some bandages and skme medicine, but that's about all I've got." Sora said, pulling out her supplies.

"I have my trusty laptop computer, and a digital camera, of and I've got a small cellphone, too." Izzy said, "Of course none of them has worked since we got here."

"I can't believe you dragged all that computer stuff to summer camp." Tai laughed.

"And what do you have?" Izzy asked.

"Oh, well, there's my mini telescope." Tai said.

"Sorry, but I don't have anything to eat, either." Matt said.

"Hey look at what I brought!" Tk happily opened his bag to show off all the goodies he had packed away.

"Wow, look at all those goodies," Mimi said, "Why don't you be a good little boy and share those treats with dear sweet Mimi."

"Aw, you don't have to be so nice, Mimi. I'm happy to share, you're the best, isn't she cute?" He asked his older brother, but Matt turned away.

"What about you, Raya? You got anything to eat?" Tai asked.

I nodded and proceeded to dump out all the food and supplies I had in my backpack.

"I've packed plenty of food and medical supplies." I said. I didn't want to talk about the parts I had showed away, because then they'll ask questions.

And I'm not in the mood to answer them.

"Say, Mimi, what's in that big bag of yours, some hairbrushes and makeup?" Sora joked.

"Um, well let's take a look," Mimi said as she pulled out whatever was in her bag, "Here's a compass, cooking fuel, flashlight, one of those knives with all the things, and some other stuff."

We all gasped at her supplies. It was kind of strange to see a girl like her with such supplies in her bag.

"Why didn't you say you had a compass back when we needed one?" Matt asked.

"I just thought it would be kind of fun to see how far we could get without one, besides it's broken." Mimi said smiling.

I sighed, "At least she has some other useful items." I said.

"Yeah, we could use the cooking fuel to start a signal fire." Matt suggested.

"That's true, or we could barbeque some telephones." Sora jokongly suggested.

"Oh, boy, check out the genius." Tai saod looking back at Joe who still attempted to call for help, "See, he's trying to call the telephone repairman because the telephones won't work, problem is... look! Joe's got the emergency food!"

We all gasped and stared at the large bag Joe was carrying this whole time.

"Joe, hey Joe, look! You've got all the food!" Tai shouted.

Joe turned around, "Hey, don't you know it's rude to interrupt someone when they're on the telephone?" He shouted back.

"But that bag..." Izzy said.

"This? I just brought it to give to Mimi, today was her day to carry the bag!"

"Think he likes ya." Palmon said.

"No way!" Mimi denied.

Joe ran up to Mimi and held out the bag, "Mimi you have got to stop thinking of yourself and do something to help somebody else for once. Take a little responsibility!"

"But, that bag's too heavy for me." Mimi complained.

"Listen you never hear me complaining."

"Guys, guys," Tai broke up the fight, "Listen, the most important thing is thst we've got some food to eat, so let's sit down and have some lunch."

We all pourer out whatever food we had and divided it up.

"Okay, let's figure this out, there's eight people in this group times three days, times three meals, that comes to..." Joe said.

"72 meals." Izzy finished. (A/N this is a guess of the meals since I can't even figure out how Izzy did that. If you know the right answer, leave it in the comments. Thank you.)

"All right, so split evenly between us that makes it..."

"Enough food for three days, at the very least."

"But guys, factor in the digimon and you really have enough food for a little more than half an hour." Sora pointed out.

"Not a problem at all, we digimon hunt and forage for ourselves." Gabumon said.

"No need to include us in your calculations." Tentomon added.

"Okay, now that that's been taken care of, lets go ahead and divide this by the eight people here." Joe said, but the heavy munching of Agumon and Tai said that they already had their share.

I gave Luna some of my trail mix, which she ate happily.

"Raya, you should eat too. All you had today was an apple." She told me.

I smiled and shook my head, "I'll eat when you are full, Luna."

Luna sighed, "You're too selfless sometimes."

"Now you sound like my mother." I mumbled under breath.

Suddenly, a low grumble reached my ears.

My body began to shake as old scars warned me of bad news.

Biyomon and I stood up, "What's the matter you two?" Sora asked.

"Trouble." We said.

All of a sudden, a pillar of water shot out of the ocean and completely destroyed the phonebooths.

Everyone stood up alert and ran to the cliff for shelter.

"What was that?" Tai asked. A large pile of sand rose from the ground.

"Shellmon!" Tentomon shouted.

"What's a Shellmon?" Izzy asked.

"Something that gets mad for no reason!" The sand stopped swirling around and revealed the digimon.

It was large and had a gray spiked shell, a pink body came out of the she'll with green tentacles on its head and large arms, hands and fingers.

"Attacked by two digital monsters in the same day. And doesn't Shellmon know I'm allergic to shellfish?" Joe said, running to the cliff, "Everyone, up here!" He shouted, climbing the Cliffside.

Shellmon lowered his head and sprayed a high pressure pillar of water at the cliff, and at Joe.

The water hit and knocked Joe off the cliffside.

All the digimon attacked the their best ability, including Luna, but for some reason, only Agumon was able to attack at full force.

The other digimon were barely able to manifest their powers.

"What's happening to them?" Izzy asked.

"It looks like they've lost their power." Matt said.

Shellmon shot water at all the digimon, but before he could get to Luna, I raced towards her, picked her up and and tumbled out of the way with her in my arms.

"Agumon!" Tai shouted.

"Raya!" Tk and Matt shouted, running towards me.

"Are you okay, Raya?" Tk asked as Matt ran to Gabumon.

I nodded and groaned as I stood up with Luna, "You all right, Luna?" I asked. She nodded and looked dowm saddened.

"Why is it only Agumon who's aboe to fight?" Izzy asked.

"We're just too hungry." Tentomon moaned.


"I don't have any strength." The blue digimon moaned.

"That's it!" Sora said as she stood up with an injured Biyomon, "Agumon's the only one who had anything to eat."

I watched as Tai ran around Shellmon, grabbed a metal pole and stabbed him with it while Agumon fired his attacks.

As Tai was creating his diversion, one of Shellmon's tentacles wrapped around Tai and picked him up into the air.

"Hold on, Tai!" Agumom shouted. My heart began to beat against my ribs as I feared the worst for my friend.

I tried to run tiwards them to help, but a wavering hand caught my arm and pulled me back.

I looked behind me and saw Matt pulling me back.

"You can't go out there, it's too dangerous!" He said.

"Let me go, Matt, I have to at least tey to do something." I shouted.

"What can you do? And what if you get hurt? I swear your stubborn selflessness will get you killed someday!" He yelled back.

We looked back at Tai and and Agumon, but our vision was blocked by water as Shellmom attacked us.

Matt grabbed me and pulled me close as we were knocked to the ground by the water.

When the attack ended, I opened my eyes to see Matt's eyes staring into mine. Quickly, my cheeks turned pink and I sat up, pushing him away.

Just then, a high pitched squeal rang through the air, and Agumon was covered in a bright light.

We all stared in amazement as Agumom changed.

"Agumon digivolve to... Greymon!"

The light faded and the little dinosaur digimom was replaced with a huge dinosaur, wearing a brown horned helmet and covered in blue stripes.

Greymon threw Shellmon to the ground, resulting in Tai's release.

Greymon chuckled as he stared at the Shellmon.

Shellmon charged at Greymon and shot water at the large orange dinosaur. But Greymon was stronger, he breathed flames and used his new horns to flip Shellmon into the air.

"Nova Blast!" Greymon shouted, breathing giant ball of fire at Shellmon. We watched as Greymon went back to Agumon and Shellmon was thrown back into the water.

I smiled, holding Luna close to my chest.

"There's no reason to stay here now." Tai said.

"Who wants to break the bad news to Joe?" Matt asked.

I looked out at the still waters, walling closer to the shoreline.

"What other dangers will await us here in the Digital World, Luna?" I asked.

She sighed, "A lot of things can happen in this world, Raya. Just promise me that you'll be careful. Maybe if you tell the others-"

"Not an option, Luna. I don't want the others to worry about me when I've been handling myself for all these years." I interrupted her.

She climbed out of my arms and onto my shoulder, "They'll find out sooner or later. You once said that you shouldn't put off till tomorrow what can be done today."

I chuckled, "I did say that, didn't I? Maybe I should tell them, but what about Tk and Matt? I can't make them go through remembering that day. Tk was so devastated by my accident. I can't stand to see him cry that much again."

"It may be hard, but the longer you wait, the hard it will be to explain." Luna said. I nodded in agreement. If I tell the others about my accident, I wonder how they'll react.

"Hey, Raya!" I heard Tk yell, "We're about to leave! Hurry or you'll be left behind!"

I smiled and ran back to the group.

Tk immediately grabbed my hand, then looked sadly at my left leg.

"How is it? Does it hurt anymore?" He asked quietly.

I shook my head, "No, it hasn't hurt for a couple of years now. Don't worry about me, Tk, worry about yourself and if I need help, I'll call you and the others."

He looked up at my smiling face and nodded with his own bright smile.

"Okay, but if you feel hurt, you come and get me or Matt, got it?" He said.

I laughed and nodded, "I've got it. If I feel any pain, I'll tell you immediately."

We walked hand in hand, joining the others as we walked into a new adventure.

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