Ameortentia - Collection of O...

By SlytherinPrincess002

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A collection of One-shots: Fremione Dramione FredxHermionexGeorge Theomione Linny Deamus Cedmione ect... More

Mistletoe (Fremione)
Filthy Little Mud-Blood (Dramione)
Coming Out (Linny)
Pissing off the Old Toad (George x Lee)
Marry me? (Fremione)
Caught (Scorose)
Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)
"Make me, Potter." (Scorbus)
Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)
His Girl (GeorgexHermione)
Defying Fate (Hermione/Adrian Pucey)
Half Off (Fred/Hermione/George)
Guilty (Draco×Ginny)
Imprint? (Hermione/Paul Lahote)(Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)
Tame Me (Hermione×Charlie)
Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)
Dauntless (Hermione × Fred)
Friends Dont (Hermione × Ginny)
Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)
Thank you, Next (Hermione x Pansy)
First Dance of Many (Fremione)
Secret Love (George x Hermione)
End Up With You (Theomione)
Traitor (Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger)(Part 2)
The Martyrs (Theomione Part Three)
I Dare You
Broken (Fred x Hermione)
Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)
Changes (Lee x George)
Unbreakable (Deamus)
Sleepovers (Lee x Hermione)
The Cure
Love Lies
Broom Sticks and Bookworms (Oliver x Hermione)
Teasing (BlaisexHermione)
Bravery and Loyalty
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)
The Weasley Eight
She's So Gone (Cedric/Ginny/Oliver)
Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)
Facing the Consequences
Fire and Ice (Scorose)
Kryptonite (GeorgexHermione)
Fist Bumping (Jily)
Misfit (Scorlily)
Aftermath (Vikmione)
Demons in... Lust? No, Love.
The Weasley/Granger War of '95
Dragons (Hermione×OC Muggle Boy)
The Executioner
Interdimensional (Thresh and Hermione)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not? (Seth Clearwater & Hermione Granger)
Taken with Her (Hermione Granger×George Weasley)
Real or Not Real?
In Another World
In Another World
The Forest and The Ocean (HGxGW HGxFW)
Demetrius Harrison Nott
Evans Sisters
His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)
Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers
Snakes in the Lions Den
Stolen (MiltiShip)
Dirty Blood
Reunion of Sorts (Spencer ReidxHermione Granger)
Color (Soulmate AU)
True Loves Curse
Teach Me
Good Girls
The Wrong Weasley
The Young McCarty (Time Warp - Hermione x Paul Lahote)
Part One: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Two: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Three: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
The Beaters Girl (OC/GW)
The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)
Dear Fred,
Hey, Freddie
His Name (Soulmate AU)
Venom (Smut)(GWxHGxFW)x(CW) (HGxFW)(Modern Muggle AU)
Mudbloods (Hermione Granger x Carl Gallagher AU) (Part One, Years 1-3)
Lupin (Chapter One Draft) (OCxRAB)
Lost in Battle
My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)
Spin the Wheel
Life Debt (Hermione x Marcus)


6.7K 123 21
By SlytherinPrincess002

The previous four years of my schooling here at Hogwarts have been full of adventure and never ending fun. I've stood alongside my two best friends, Dean Thomas and Seamus Finnigan, since the day I met them on the train coming to school for our first year. It hadn't taken the two of them long at all to conclude they were soulmates, because as soon as Seamus entered Dean and I's compartment his eyes zeroed in on the neon blue pen Dean had been tracing delicately across his right arm- making a beautiful flower... a flower that just happened to be blooming to life on Seamus's left arm for all to see. The two of them, they've come a long way from the shy eleven year olds they were on the train that first day we all met- Now, boys of fifteen, they were confident in their relationship and didn't let anyone make them feel bad about who they were; They couldn't help who their souls chose anymore than anyone else could- so they didn't see it fit to let people walk all over them for being openly gay. They are two of the bravest Gryffindors I've ever met.

Although the two of them had found their soulmate quickly after starting Hogwarts, I had still yet to even get an idea of who my soul was destined to. I've taken to borrowing Deans pens whenever I get the chance and inking my right arm from top to bottom in pictures, anything in the hopes of figuring out who he or she is... but nothing. My left arm, the arm they are allowed to decorate however they please, stays covered in black and gray drawings of trees and occasional school notes. We've only had one conversation through our arms, and it was before the start of first year. We both discovered the other would be at Hogwarts, and we both decided we didn't want to know until we felt we were old enough to handle a relationship... which is why I didn't start drawing on my arm until the beginning of this, fifth, year. My bond mate has been drawing on his arm since the term before school ended last year, their art never fails to make me smile... the only problem is that I don't know what gender my bond mate is, what house they're in, how old they are, or what they look like.

Currently Dean, Seamus, and I are sitting on the floor together in the astronomy tower waiting on class to start- it was the one lesson we happen to have with the Slytherins today and the room is divided down the middle between the Courageous and the Cunning... the snakes sit on the right side of the circular room and the lions on the left. Dean and Seamus are whispering adamantly about the fact Deans parents were going to allow him to spend half the Christmas holiday with Seamus and his family- seeing as it was a Pureblood tradition still practiced by the noble families. I quickly and quietly tap Dean on his shoulder to which he responds by immediately handing me his case of pens; He knows that I draw whenever I get a free chance. Looking over at the magical picture of the solar system above a gaggle of Slytherin boys heads I pick up a black pen and begin to ink the planets on my right arm- an effort to let my bond mate know what class I was in without telling him.

As I'm halfway through my drawing I glance at my left arm and my breath catches in my throat when I see a solar system appearing- one that matches the diagram above my head. Trying not to be obvious I steal a glance around the room and the only other person writing on themself is a Slytherin boy- but not just any Slytherin boy- Slytherins Golden boy, Theodore Nott. Blaise Zabini catches me staring at Theodore and taps him lightly on the shoulder. When Theodore looks up Blaise nods his head in my direction and I watch in anticipation as the Slytherin slowly turns his head towards me. When my eyes meet his emerald green ones I suck in a sharp breath and stand up, deciding to actually go talk to him. He raises an eyebrow at me, but stands and walks towards the center of the room- the eyes of every Gryffindor and Slytherin watching the two of us as we meet in the middle. "Zabini says you've been watching me, Granger." Theodore's voice is low and smooth as he speaks, his eyes sparkling with mischief, not yet comprehending why I was watching him. With a nervous glance back at Dean and Seamus, I lift the sleeve of my robes on my left arm.

"You." He breathes, his word not a question at all, but a statement. "Me." I confirm in a whisper, glancing around the room; Attempting to look anywhere but at Theodore Nott. "All this time I've spent trying to figure out who you were- and you were right under my nose the entire time..." he lets his sentence trail off as he looks at me. By now the rest of our classmates are starting to put together what's going on, but it finally clicks into place when Theodore whispers a soft "Fuck it." And pulls me to him, his head dipping down so his lips can capture mine. A soft gasp escapes me, his actions surprising me. After a moment I bring my arms up to wrap around his neck and pull him closer to me- I can vaguely hear Dean and Seamus wolf whistling from behind me, and the quiet, but audible, whispering of Theodore's friends from over his shoulder. As we pull our lips apart, he grins at me; Oblivious to the rest of the room. "Meet me after class and I'll walk you to your tower, we can talk more then... and you can call me Theo, Hermione."

(Sneak peek of a story I'm working on! Enjoy! Let me know what you think!)
(Voldemort doesn't exist in this universe and Hermione never became friends with Harry and Ron. The Slytherin v Gryffindor rivalry exists but the blood purity isn't an issue- it's all quidditch beef.)

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