Truth (Minjoon) ✅

By HopeWorldTrash_BTS

304K 20.7K 2.6K

The weak, powerless princess. That's all Jimin has ever been called. Born without an ability of his own in a... More

Copyright Notice
Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine

Thirty Seven

5K 382 27
By HopeWorldTrash_BTS

Jimin was scared. He hadn’t moved from this position in what seemed like hours. Curled up to protect his stomach, staring wide eyed at the guard, who was sneering at him from the other side of the room. 

Im hadn’t made an appearance since the first one. He’d thrown around threats. Threats towards Jimin, threats towards his child. Jimin couldn’t make any sort of move, it would be too dangerous. 

Im could control poison. And the last thing he’d done before leaving Jimin was force him to drink water laced with it. 

One simple command and the poison would shoot straight towards his womb and kill his child. 

Jimin could always use his ability to stop it, eradicate the poison from his body, but the guard across from him would surely drive a sword through his stomach the minute he did so. 

No, everything was too risky, and Jimin was trapped. He didn’t know what to do. 

He didn’t know how long he’d been here, but he could guess that it had been at least several days, judging by the amount of guards had come and switched through to watch him. 

There were no windows in the room he was in, and the queen was too terrified to sleep long to be able to properly tell if it was night, day, or how long had passed. 

He stayed there, curled up in a ball as yet another guard opened the door to his room and switched with the old one. 

This one was one that Jimin had had a few times before and hated the most. Most of the guards just stood there and glared. 

But he…

He said nasty things, and one time he had even tried to hit Jimin before someone came and told him to fuck off. Jimin felt a little content to know that he wasn’t allowed to be harmed by the guards, but that just meant something worse was probably going to be coming for him, and he didn’t want to be here to find out what. 

The guard took his usual position, closer than the other ones, and sneered down at Jimin. 

“I’m surprised they haven’t just killed you yet.” Jimin ignored it. “Or perhaps that traitor you call a husband. You know, I heard rumors. That the child might not even be his. That you were a whore before marrying him, and you continued to be a whore afterwards. Is that true?”

Jimin bit his bottom lip, containing it. He didn’t want to give the guard a reason to hurt him or his child, so he stayed silent, no matter how hard it was to do so. 

The man continued to make comments, towards him, about his supposed bastard child, and he also threw some insults about Namjoon in there as well. 

“That’s enough.” Jimin’s head snapped up when he heard the voice. His eyes widened when Im stepped into the room, giving the guard a hard stare. “The child is the traitor’s, you will not say otherwise, nor spread rumors that it isn’t. We need the child to be his, otherwise he will have no reason to come for his whore.” Jimin flinched, the words coming from the man so much more painful to hear than from a simple guard. 

Beside Im, a woman entered the room, someone Jimin had never seen before. She had a collar, a slave collar, around her neck, and her face showed nothing but regret and sadness. “Take her collar off.” Im demanded. Jimin recoiled. 


“She has the ability to...shall we say...quicken things a little.” Im smiled. “Take her collar off. Or I will kill your child before you can even see them.”

Jimin swallowed in a shaky breath as the woman stepped forward. “W-What are you going to do?”

“She’s going to speed up your pregnancy, put you in labour.” Im watched intently as Jimins hands shakily reached up and clasped around her collar, breaking it off. “And then I’ll take your child and show the traitor what happens when he messes with me.” 

Jimin screamed then, as the woman’s hands shot forward. Im smirked as horror ripped through Jimin. He felt his water break and a pain, an unbearable pain rip through him. 

“Let him go through labour.” Im said, stopping her from skipping those moments. “He should feel the pain.”

“P-please.” Jimin whimpered, shaking his head. “Don’t do this.”

Im merely smirked. “She’ll deliver the baby. Be good for her.”

Just as Im was about to step outside, someone came rushing forward, whispering something in his ear. 

A horrible smile graced his features as he slowly turned to Jimin. “And looks like the traitor is just in time as well.”

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