Stuck in a Love Triangle (COM...

By kristin_valerie

116K 1.6K 224

(COMPLETED BUT IN EDITING))) Ashley Bales gets kicked out and has to move in with her best friend, Andrea Rod... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 27

2.3K 29 3
By kristin_valerie


"hey dad"

"Ashley" he replied

I trembled when he said my name.

he began walking towards me.

I pushed away all my fear and tried to stay calm.

if he sense I was scared, it would give him more pleasure.

he raised his arms.

I cringed, still trying to stay calm.

I felt a warm embrace around my body.

I pinched myself, making sure this was real.

my dad, was hugging me.

my abusive dad was hugging me.

maybe rehab did help him!

but I couldn't get too happy yet, what if he was just kidding...

I slithered out of his embrace.

"dad what's going on..?" I asked.

" you did to me, put me into place. I don't remember everything that happened, but I do know that I can't explain how sorry I am. I should have never started drinking.. you are my angel, and I'm pretty sure I did some terrible stuff to you

"but it's all over now.. I'm better. I know it. that's why they let me out" he grinned.

a smirk played upon my face.

"dad" I whispered reaching for a hug again.

it felt like we were hugging forever..

forever wasn't long enough.

my dad missed out on almost 14 years in my life.

I didn't even know his personality!

"now c'mon, let's go home" he said

I froze.

"we....we don't have a home. when you went to rehab, the bank took our house.. I've been staying with my friends.." I said.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket.

I pulled it out.

caller i.d.: Harry ;))

"dad hold on one second I have to take this."

I pressed answer and held the phone to my ear.


I took a deep breath.

how was I going to explain this..

"harry...I need to talk to you and the boys......can we meet somewhere?" I asked as calmly as I could.

there was a long pause.

"fine...Nando' there in 10 minutes" and then the line went dead.

I turned back to my dad.

"we're gonna go meet my friends. they should let you stay with them until you find your own flat, but we have to talk to them. ok?" I asked

he nodded and kissed my cheek.

I raised my hand to my cheek, feeling the place he just kissed.

this was gonna work out.

I could feel it.


we pulled into Nando's.

Niall jumped out and ran to the door.

I saw a taxi pull up behind us.

I took a deep breath as I watched Ashley come out.

Ashley and her....

her dad???

my fists clenched and I began walking towards him.

Ashley pulled my to the side.

along with everyone else, Niall came back out to listen.

"boys...this is my these are the people I've been staying with" she said gripping me so I would attack.

"ooh. their boyss. so which one of them has a bit of a crush on you?" he asked

I watched Ashley push him a little.

there was a long pause.

my cheeks flushed and I looked anywhere but Ashley's dad.

"I see...I'm making this awkward. well sorry! I'm Robert Bales. Ashley's father. nice to meet you" he said sticking his hand out to shake each and every one of us.

"I'm harry" I said looking into his eyes.

I was told my eyes could peer into someone's soul.

I hoped it was working.

"so...I take it you know about my past.." he whispered looking at the ground.

I folded my arms across my chest, holding Ashley close to me.

"well. I've changed." he said.

BULLSHIT, I thought.

before I knew it, my fist came in contact with his face and I heard Ashley screaming.

someone pulled me back.


she grabbed his arm.

hiding behind it.

she was taking his side.

the guy that abused her for so long...

and not me..

I wiggled my way out of Liam's grasp and went over to her.

she cringed back when she saw me walking towards her.

I carefully grabbed her, pulling her back into my arms.

I held her there until she finally stopped squirming.

"I'm gonna talk to him go head inside" I whispered, shooing all the boys with her.

they hesitantly started walking away.

"don't hurt him. please Harry." she whispered to me.

I nodded.


I watched as they backed away to the corner.

Liam opened the door for us and we strolled in.

"Ashley? Ashley? Bales?" an all too familiar voice sang behind me.

I froze.

my head turning around.


I stood face to face, once again, with andrea.

I rolled my eyes and began to walk away.

she grabbed my wrist.

"hey hey what's up?" she asked

I rolled my eyes, once again.

"look. I don't want anything to do with you, and neither do they" I said motioning to the boys who stopped walking behind me.

"aw..that hurts. considering we were best friends and all...." she started saying, I interrupted her.

"save the bullshit for someone else" I stated turning around.

she held her hand tightly around my wrist.

"no wait! hear me out!" she begged.

I pulled myself out of her grasp and returned to her.

"I've changed" she said.

I laughed.

"honey, I'd appreciate it if you left me and my friends alone." I mumbled.


"no no! I'm serious! I changed!" I pleaded.

why didn't she believe me?

I mean sure I tried to steal the guy that liked her....

I wondered if he still liked her...


it's not like I wanted to move back in with them, I mean helloooooo I'm not insane.

their obviously gonna be mad at me!

but I rented a flat right around theirs! Ashley started talking.

about how no one can change that fast.

my eyes wandered around the restaurant.

my eyes caught something I hadn't seen in YEARS!

......Rob Bales.

no freaking way.

"a......a-ashley... is that... is that Rob???" I stuttered

"yeah I know... he just got back from rehab"

"and he's with....Harry?" I asked

I was so confused..

then they both turned around and began walking towards Nando's.

Harry walked in and his first reaction, wasn't the one I was hoping for..

he saw me and clenched his fists, his face turning red.

then he looked at ashley, his face softening...

they so had a thing going on.

she smiled back at him.

I elbowed her and winked at her.

"hey what are you doing here?" Harry asked rudely.

"just wanted to catch up with some old friends that's all" I smiled.

he ignored the smile and turned back to ashley.

"he can stay...BUT only if he gets a job!" Harry yelled

I looked at Ashley weirdly.

"my dad" she whispered.

"thanks haz!!!!" she screeched wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him.

I coughed, trying to make then remember I was here.

"oh right.." Harry said pulling away.

"look. I live a couple blocks down. call me sometime!" I said to Ashley.

handing her my number.

she nodded and gave me a half smile.

I looked at Harry.

"yeah uh... I guess I'll see you around?" I said, he turned the other way.

I ignored him and walked out.

I walked over to where I had left my boyfriend.

"hey babe. lets get going" I said to my him.

he kissed my cheek and wrapped his hand around my waist.

"ok love" he whispered and we began walking towards his car.

"I love you jake. you know that?" I said twirling the promise ring he gave me yesterday.

even though we'd been dating for only a while, I loved him.

I met him at a club.

I think he had been seeing someone, but he assured me it ended because he loved me.


I mean how much perfect could that name be?

HE was perfect!

"yes babe I know" he said


"what? is that so bad?? I do think she's changed guys..." I mumbled

"yeah. I believe that as much as I believe Niall will become anorexic" Harry said

"HEY" Niall yelled

Harry said sorry and then turned back to me.

"babe lets just talk about this at home" he said folding his hand in mine.

after a half an hour fight that i had to pay for my own meal, Liam ended up paying.

once we got home I threw myself on the couch.

my phone vibrated.

'from: Andrea

hey! I was wondering if you wanted to go on a double date?  

you know.. you and Harry? me and my boyfriend? 

I can prove to him I've changed. 

anyways let me know!

-A .x'

without asking Harry I replied

'to: Andrea

sounds good.

-Ashley x'

I felt Harry wrap his arm around me.

he would go, I know it.

I just had to figure out how to bring it up.

but maybe he would ask me out first right?

I ignored all the questions and rested my he's against his chest.

and slowly, the sound of his heart beat put me to sleep

-A/N- ooooooh drama drama.

havent updated in a while!

maybe with anough votes and reads i can update a second time this weekend ;)

-kristin valerie xox

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