By 1985cat

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On earth 38 KAL-El of Krypton is sent to earth after the planet Krypton blows up. KAL-El becomes superboy and... More

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By 1985cat

Meanwhile at the Luthor mansion. Lex Luthor is making a piece of the green crystal into a blade for the war suit. Lex Luthor accidentally cuts part of his hand with the piece of the green crystal. Lex Luthors hand starts bleeding. Lex Luthor quickly washes the blood off of his hand. Lex Luthor grabs a bottle of rubbing alcohol and pours some rubbing alcohol on his hand. Lex Luthor quickly wraps a bandage around his hand. Meanwhile at the Daily Planet. Perry White is trying to open a bottle of scotch but can't. Perry White angrily says great Caesar's ghost?!!!! Lois Lane walks into Perry White's office. Lois Lane says let me open that for you chief?!!

Lois Lane opens the bottle of scotch. Perry White says miss Lane I heard you and Kent are dating?!! Lois Lane says yes we're dating!! The next day. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are on their third date. Clark Kent and Lois Lane are at a bar. The song Linger by the cranberries starts playing on the jukebox that is at the bar.

Clark Kent looks at Lois Lane and says would you like to dance?!! Lois Lane says sure?!! Clark Kent and Lois Lane start slow dancing to the song. Lois Lane says Clark this is gonna sound weird but when I first met you I felt like I've seen you somewhere before?!!

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