She led me to him (Werewolf s...

By milroymelena

23.5K 1.5K 123

When I locked my gaze with hers, everything became clearer. While my wolf screamed 'Mate' in my head with joy... More

Chapter 1: What you meant
Chapter 2: Thanks Zaphira
Chapitre 3: Lucky To Survive
Chapter 4: Tracking This Scent
Chapitre 5: You always knew
Chapitre 6: Her
Chapter 7: Reds
Chapitre 8 (part 1): I won't mind
Chapter 8 (part 2): Four years
Chapter 9: Last warmth
Chapter 10 (part 1): In the middle of nowhere
Chapter 10 (part 2): Hunter vs Rogue; supposedly...
Chapter 11: Beg for my death
Chapter 12: The whisper of despair
Chapter 13: Disappointed
Chapter 14 (part 1): Keep your head held high
Chapitre 14 (part 2):**BANG**
Chapter 15: Hate the most
Chapter 16: Why isn't she coming?
Chapter 17: Need to tell you something
Chapter 18: I'll be the one
Chapter 19: Breaking the bond
Chapter 20: B*stard of human
Chapter 21: Still rejected
Chapter 22 (Part 1): After twenty years
Chapter 22 (part 2): An already written fate
Chapter 22 (part 3): The Sleeping boy
Chapter 23: The best of the worst
Chapter 25: All It Took
Chapter 26: Messed up
Chapter 27: The reason why
Chapter 28: Eye to eye
Chapter 29: Everything black
Chapter 30 part 1: What a day
Chapter 30 part 2: A great mistake
She Led Me To Him Part II
Chapter 31: A dance or chase?
Chapter 32: Introducing Max
Chapter 33: So, It's A Girl
Chapter 34: Next Time
Chapter 35: Crush
Chapter 36: He was gone
Chapter 37: Red Team
Chapter 38: Déjà vu
Chapter 39: Let's go
Chapter 40: The future
Chapter 41: Didn't Tell Her
Chapter 42: A secret
Chapter 43: To be found
Chapter 44: Ice Moon
Chapter 45: Illuminated Night
Chapter 46: End of the day
Chapter 47: Another Pack
Chapter 48: Time for what?
Chapter 49: Take care of it
Chapter 50: The Beginning
Chapter 51: A bitter joust
Chapter 52: The proposition
Chapter 53: Encircled
Chapter 54: Two weeks
Chapter 55: Hidden Pack
Chapter 56: Which room?
Chapter 57: Our exit
Chapter 58: Let her go
Chapter 59: Not alone
Chapter 60: Now
Chapter 61: Can you see?
Chapter 62: Because of her
Chapter 63: Half Blood
Chapter 64: Shameless
Chapter 65: His childhood memories
Chapter 66: Introductions
Chapter 67: A story I have to hear
Chapter 68: Grey
Chapter 69 (part 1): Best friends
Chapter 69 (part 2): worst friend
Chapter 70: A sickening night
Chapter 71: An other reason to disagree
Chapter 72: Shut the f*ck up
Chpater 73: Prophecy
Chapter 74: No responsibility
Chapter 75: They collided
Chapter 76: It talked
Chapter 77: Bad decision
Chapter 78: Keep being busy
Chapter 79 (Part 1) : Peacefulness
Chapter 79 (part 2): The mirage
Chapter 80: A salmon sandwich
Chapter 81: Your Blood
Chapter 82: Erased
Chapter 83 (Part 1): The truth about Dina
Chapter 83 (Part 2): Ridiculous
Chapter 84: Only ally
Chapter 85: All the pleasure was mine
Chapter 86: Broken ribs
Chapter 87: Explosion
Chapter 87 (part 2): Broke her heart twice
Chapter 88 (part 1): Thank you
Chapter 88 (part 2): Memories
Chapter 89: Not today
Chapter 90:
Chapter 91: I don't blame you...
Chapter 92: The hint
Chapter 93: The weight of my wrongdoings
Chapter 94: From human to lycan
Chapter 95: Where you belong
Chapter 96: Run
Chapter 97: A bitter lie
Chapter 98: The answers are ahead
Chapter 99: The red Maiden Tale
Chapter 100: Both tainted red
Chapter 100 (part 2): A promise not to be broken
Chapter 101: Broken Promises
Chapter 102: Inhana
Chapter 103: The List
Chapter 104: A bane or a cure
Chapter 105: From hope to despair
Chapter 106: Wished to be human

Chapter 24: Tainted Purity

284 17 0
By milroymelena

Jayson POV

It has been a week that both my mate and my sister were ignoring me.
It hurt to be neglected by your mate but the distasteful glares from Jess weren't any better neither.
It felt like my sister resented me more than my other half.

Today, I was determined to catch her and ask her why she was acting like that, her behavior only got worse since she came.

Moreover, I was kicked out of my own mansion and had to move to the pack house. Dad said it was the little one order: "I don't want my sis to be uncomfortable during her stay so don't let 'the alpha' any near her for the time being."
And who I am for her? This little brat.
She should have her own reasons but Volcker was driving me crazy as he was constantly asking for his mate.

I knew her, she would not endanger my chances with my mate but I couldn't figure out how was that supposed to help me.

My bare feet were now hitting the humid grass as I got out to get some fresh air so I could finally focus on my work.


I voice that I knew too well called me out.

"What do you want Theo?"

I asked in a bored tone, this week my social interaction were with Theo and my beta which were the same person so I was no more enthusiastic to hear his voice.

"The ball we-"

I knew it was about work but I didn't want to listen anymore. It was giving me a headache already.

"Don't talk about it! I need a break."

My ranting was followed by the sound of a human body crushing on the ground. Not only my mind but my legs gave up too. I was now sat on the grass with my head between my hands. I could feel someone sitting beside me.

"Me too, bro. This week was hard, I couldn't get hold of Jess and all the work we put aside came back harder than I expected."

We were both in the same shit. Really deep down now. I chuckled because I wasn't going to cry over this.

"Does she also give you that glare that says 'you are the most repugnant person in the world'?"

My question won the surprised look of my best buddy.

"No, no way. I'd break down if she did.  No, she gave me that hurt and sorry look but still ignores me. But does Serah give you that look."

It was now my time to be surprised she was quite civil toward her mate even though that I-

"No, Serah plainly ignores me like I was no one and will be no one like she doesn't feel anything towards me but I get the looks from Jess. She wasn't that harsh at first, what could have happened?"

He sighed after hearing all of this.

"I thought my life sucked but yours is worst."

That statement was more than true. I didn't know what to do anymore.


That same one person I was talking to this whole week called up.


What else could I have answered?

"Jess always takes some time alone during this time. She should be in the front garden watering the plants. If you go now, you should see her."

Why did he wait to drop that gold bomb? But-

"How do you know that?"

This simple question made him really uncomfortable as only stutters got out of his mouth.

"Did you stalk her!?"

My voice got a little deeper-

"No! It's not what you are thinking about, I'm am just, you know, keeping an eye on her."

I got up because I did not have any more time. But gave him a last warning.

"I'm not dropping this, but I need to go! "

I started to run at full speed even if I didn't need to, the pack house wasn't that far from our mansion but we never know. I really need to talk to Jess.



I cried out her name with a firm grip on her hand. As expected, her expressions were defined by that gaze, a gaze holding hatred.

"Release my hand, right away."

I did what she ordered me too but she had to give me my answers.

"I will, right away. But first, promise me that you won't run away and will answer me."

I might have used my alpha tone on her. I knew I shouldn't have but I shouldn't forget that I was dealing with an alpha female.

She glared at me but eventually calmed down, when she looked composed enough, I let her go and started:

"Why are you ignoring me and why do you look at me-"

I couldn't even finish that I was cut violently.

"Why didn't you wait for your mate?"

Her harsh voice denounced my past and my flaws and may be the cause of my downfall.

I was also taken aback, nobody knew till now. How could she?

"How do you k-"

She was getting impatient and cut me once again.

"Does it matter? You are our alpha so act like one! If you can't follow the rules, do you really think people will respect you?"

Gosh, that was hard. She will make a better alpha than my pathetic self but I had my reasons too.

"You don't know what I went through. Dina was here and supported me the whole tim-"

"And sucked you when you needed. Guess that's what-"

How could she disrespect to that point?

"Jess! You may be my sister but I'm your alpha and you have to respect me. What happened between Dina and-"

"And the other whores."

The devil added.

"Jessica Gloria Rider these are none of your business!!"

She was tiring, arguing with her was nearly impossible.

"Yes, you are right. They do not concern me but it does concern Serah. Your destined mate if I may add."

So it was about her. Her newfound and favorite sibling.

"Please, do not intervene. I'll tell her when-"

A scoff interrupted what I wanted to say.

"What she knew the second she saw Dina."

Her mocking tone was unnerving but something else gained my attention. Serah knew about my past habits and it was going to be harder than I thought to gain her trust.

"How did she, I mean she doesn't look like-"

She had the answer, so she didn't bother to wait for my next question.

"Well, she wasn't interested in the news she found out and she's human. It's rare for them to only have one sexual partner."

That was reassuring. She won't hold a grudge for these sins at least.

"But she was disappointed in you as a werewolf who knew that you had a predestined mate. To stay with one person her whole life and know that this person is the one, is something she longs for."

My hope for a happy ending was crushed by her latest statement.

"How do you know all of this. Did she tell - "

"No, she was completely committed to her first love but something happened and they are no longer together."

Did I hear right? Well, Volker just confirmed as he was trying to get out and tear this stranger into pieces.
She had someone and was entirely committed to him. Okay, let's calm down. There was nothing anymore so it should be alright.

"Who is he?"

Calmly I asked. I tried to exhale and inhale slowly to not tear this place down.


"What's taking you so long baby gir-"

Our discussion was disturbed by a goddess dressed like a homeless woman who happened to be next to the door she opened a few seconds earlier.

She interrupted herself when she understood what she just stepped in. Without a single word, she was about to go back in. As if I'll let that chance slip.

"Serah, do you have a minute. Please."

My request was being analyzed as she didn't say no the second after.

"Sis, I'll wait for you upstairs."

Jessica didn't even let her process what she said and went inside and led her out. She closed the door by the way. We were now all alone and I didn't prepare what I wanted to say.

"So, I am listening."

Her words weren't rushed. She was complete, all her emotions were under control unlike me.

"I am sincerely sorry."

That was all that came to mind right now. She didn't respond and her void look seemed to reflect her boredom.

"If it was all you had to say. I'm going back."


I stopped her but still had nothing to say she turned around.

"Who is he?"

I blurted out the first thing that came to mind. And I felt stupid now.


She was confused but I wasn't and I clearly know who I was talking about.

"Your first love."

It hurt me to know that there was someone else before but I wasn't the cleanest person here.

For the first time in the conversation, her eyes lit up a little showing those bright emotions of hers. However, it soon disappeared only leaving behind a hurt expression.

"The greatest person I ever met but we are not close enough for me to disclose any details."

She quickly composed herself but the hurt never left her eyes.

I knew that she won't tell me anything more but I really wanted to know.

"Where is-"

"Please, am I pestering you with questions that are related to your past affairs. I don't think so. So let's keep our boundaries together."

Great, I upset her.

"I am sorry."

"And I am fed up to hear that."

Gosh, these women never let me finish. I really needed to know something so Volker would calm down.

"I just need to know something for Volker and I'll leave right away."

The reluctance was clear in her face but she nodded. A sign to let me ask her my final question.

"Did you sleep with that guy?"


Thank you so much guys to keep up with the story!! And a big thanks to all of you that comment and vote it really motivates me. I know I say that a lot but having a vote or comment just enlighten my day!!
I wanted to say that I made an Instagram account for my "arts" in general so if you follow comment so I'll know. You could know when I'm about to post and all.
Don't forget to vote. Love you all!!!

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