By 1985cat

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On earth 38 KAL-El of Krypton is sent to earth after the planet Krypton blows up. KAL-El becomes superboy and... More

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By 1985cat

A little girl named Lois Lane who is on the train is looking through one of the windows of the train using a pair of binoculars. Lois Lane sees Clark Kent running extremely fast. Clark Kent gets to his house. Brad drives by and sees Clark Kent. Brad says how did you get here so fast?!! Clark Kent smiles and says I ran?!! Brad drives away. Clark Kent walks up to Jonathan Kent. Clark Kent says I didn't mean to show off pa?!! Clark Kent says I know I shouldn't?!! Jonathan Kent says yeah I know you can do all these amazing things and sometimes you think you will just go nuts if you can tell people about it huh?!! Clark Kent says yeah... I mean every time I get the football I can make a touchdown. Jonathan Kent says that's for sure. Clark Kent says every time?!! Jonathan Kent says you listen to me... When you first came to us we thought people would come and take you away because when they found out you know the things you can do it worried us a lot but then man gets older and he thinks very differently things get very clear and there is one thing I do know son and that is you are here for a reason... I don't know whoes reason or whatever the reason is you know maybe it's because... I don't know but I do know one thing it's not to score touchdowns.

Clark Kent says thanks dad?!!

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