Michael Clifford Imagine Seri...

By Princess_Marie_

146K 3.9K 555

Sorry for mistakes if there are any ***Never point out the mistakes, because I already know they're there*** More

Michael Clifford Imagines
1. Heartbroken To Fixed Heart
2. All Of The Stars
3. Shock Of Your Life
4. Sympathy For The Devil
5. Ever Enough
6. Love Story
7. Three Cheers For Five Years
8. All That I'm Asking For
9. Love Somebody
10. The Reason
11. Simply Fate
12. Ghost Of You
13. Nightmare
14. Nightmare Part 2
16. Frozen Hearts
17. Seize The Day
18. Harder Than You Know
19. Mirrors
20. Break Me Shake Me
21. Bloody Valentine
22. Always
23. All Of Me
24. Bound To You
25. Holding On To You
26. Save Your Heart
27. Someone's Watching Over Me
28. Best Of You
29. Avalanche
30. Save Me A Spark
31. Lips Of An Angel
32. What A Feeling
33. The Only Hope For Me Is You
34. Someone, Somewhere
35. In The End
36. Cross My Heart
37. Jet Lag
38. No. 1 Party Anthem
39. The Reason
40. Angel
41. Flipped
42. Happiness Machine
43. Alive (Fast And Slow)
44. ************
45. I Should Have Known

15. Wake Up

4K 135 10
By Princess_Marie_

*She's been doing better, but he came back, because he was starting to remember.*

It's been six months since the day my life was completely ruined. He lost every memory of me after a stupid huge fight. It stressed him out so badly, that when he got into that accident and bashed his head into the steering wheel, the pain and the stress erased me from his mind. I tried working with him, doing things to try and jog his memory, but it was no use. Our love had disappeared.

I moved back home after a week of trying, but he asked me to go away. I don't remember how long I cried.

There are times when I miss him and it hurts so much that I breakdown, but I've gotten somewhat better about it. The breakdowns happen less frequently now that I'm getting use to being without him. I still talk to Calum, Ashton, and Luke, well, more Luke than the other guys.

It hurts that I lost the great love of my life. I'll never forget that dreadful day.


" Y/N, he's awake," I heard Luke's relieved voice through my phone. I didn't even have the patience to chat, so I immediately rushed back to the hospital.

Once I was inside, I ran to his room and bursted through the door with tears running down my face. I gasped as noticed he was sitting up with a bandage around his head and his eyes open.

"Oh, Michael, I'm so glad you're awake," I said as I hugged him lightly.

He didn't react, so I moved back and said, "Is something wrong?"

He kept staring back at me in complete confusion, "Do I know you?"

My heart shattered in that moment.


I shuddered at the memory and grabbed my bag as I headed out the door to go to the hospital. I spend time with children who live in the hospital.

When I got into my car, Luke texted me.

Luke: Hey is something coming up that Michael is supposed to remember, because he's been having frequent headaches.

Luke: He also keeps mumbling in his sleep gotta get Y/N 2 gifts this month it's a bit odd, because he doesn't remember dreaming it even though he heard recordings of himself saying it.

I think for a minute of what it could be, but then I remember.

Me: Possibly my birthday & our 2 1/2 year anniversary??

Luke: Yep, u ok?

Me: Yeah, maybe you shouldn't keep updating me. It hurts too much.

Luke: Sorry

Me: It's ok, but I gotta go.

Luke: See you soon :-P

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but when I arrived to the hospital some of the kids were waiting for me.

Noah came up to me yelling, "Y/N! You're here!"

He threw his arms around my waist and said, "Come to the visiting room, there are some really cool older guys hanging out with us."

I let him lead me to the visiting room and as soon as I saw what he was talking about, everything went black.

When I came to, the kids and 5 seconds of summer were surrounding me. I shot up from the bed and Ashton said, "You alright, Y/N?"

I stuttered, "Y-Yeah, I was just hit with a train full of memories."

It was then that I noticed Michael was staring at me.

I sighed, "Can I help you?"

He broke out of the trance he was in, "Oh, no, sorry. You just..remind me of someone."

I rolled my eyes, "Sure I do."

"I'm Michael--," he began, but I cut him off.

"I know who you are," I said calmly.

He nodded and I sighed, "Luke, follow me."

Once we were in the lobby I said, "Are you seriously trying to make him remember me by creating how we met?"

He smiled, "Yep. He is on the brink of remembering. Trust me on this, I can feel it."

I groaned, "I hope you're right about this."

While we hung out with the kids, Michael walked up to me and said, "So, you're Y/N?"

I nod absentmindedly and say, "Yep, why do you ask?"

He smirked as I looked at him, "I'm intrigued by you."

"How so?" I reply.

He shrugged, "I feel a weird sense of déjà vu, like I know you."

I smiled, "I just have that affect on people."

"Do you have a boyfriend?" He asked bluntly.

I fiddled with my fingers as I broke eye contact with him, "I use to, but I kind of lost him."

He spoke up again, "What happened?"

I breathed deeply, "He was in an accident. We had a huge fight a few days before that and he was on his way to probably talk to me and I never got to say sorry."


We were in a screaming match and I said, "It would be nice if you would stop playing video games for two minutes and just be with me."

He glared at me, "I just got back from tour two days ago, I have spent time with you."

"I missed you, Michael. All I want is to be with you, but I always come last," I said in a nasty tone.

He groaned, "I just want to relax without you nagging me."

I rolled my eyes, "Is this going to be you thirty years from now? Are you going to ignore your kids in the future? After this rock star life you're living is over, is this what it's going to be like?"

He sighed, "This is me and if you want me, this is what you get."

I glared at him, "This is what it is, you're going to be like this forever. Ok, so you're just going to have nothing after your career is spent. Well, you better enjoy it, because I'm gone."

He yelled the words I love you as I walked out the door.


As I remembered our stupid fight, a single tear slipped out and  Michael sighed next to me, "What was the fight about?"

I shrugged, "I was being ungrateful, because I wanted him to lay off his games and spend time with me. It was such a stupid fight, he was away from home for a while and I just missed him."

"So how long were you guys together?" He asked patiently.

I looked at him, "It was supposed to be our two and a half year anniversary plus my birthday after that."

He smiled sincerely at me, "That sounds kind of nice. That means you'd get two gifts."

I giggled, "I-I guess."

Suddenly, Michael groaned and doubled over clutching his head in agony. I grabbed his arm, leading him to one of the beds to sit down, "Are you ok?"

He waved it off once it passed, "Yeah, I just get headaches when memories try to come back. I just get a few flashes, but then it's gone and so is the pain."

I nod, "Wow, that's interesting."

He smiled and said, "Yeah, but the flashes don't stick, so I don't get anything from it."

"Oh, well, do you need anything at all?" I asked politely.

He shrugged, "No, not really. Um, where is the bathroom?"

I pointed in the direction of the bathroom, "It should be right over there, but be careful, the floor was just mopped a while ago."

He smirked as he walked toward the restrooms and said, "Don't worry, I see the caution sign."

Then he tripped over one of the wires attached to the vaporizer. He groaned as the guys ran to him, I rushed to him and said, "Michael, you idiot! I told you to be careful."

I kneeled to the ground next to him as Luke and Ashton rolled him onto his back. They helped him sit up and he looked right into my eyes. I placed my hand on his arm, "Michael, are you ok?"

He nodded solemnly, "Don't worry babe, you're right. I should spend more time with you."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Pardon me?"

He sighed, "Y/N, that fight was stupid. I love you and I want to give you the attention you deserve."

Michael looked around and noticed the confused expressions on mine and the guy's faces, "D-Did I miss something?"

Luke spoke up, "Mate, that fight was six months ago. You and Y/N haven't been together, because you lost your memory of her. You don't remember?"

Michael began to laugh, "No, that was a dream."

"No, just check what day it is," Luke replied. "You were in a car accident on your way to talk to Y/N. You hit your head on the steering wheel and the stress of your fight on your brain caused the memory of her to be erased."

Michael stared at me with an expression of awe and said, "Mind, blown."


That day, I got my Michael back and I remember the tears of joy as he hugged and kissed me.

I think he held me close almost every time we were together and always reminding me that he loved me for a long time after that entire experience.

After all that time of him having no memory of me, all he needed was a knock in the head. I guess him being a doof and not listening when people tell him to be careful was his wake up call.

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