RWBY x MaleReader

By CET999

1.5M 22.1K 40K

(Y/N) is a 17 yr old boy who's accidentally mutated with the power of electricity. (Y/N) was in a world full... More

Chapter 1: Rose Petals
Chapter 2: The Shining Beacon
Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Part 2
Chapter 4: The First Step
Chapter 5: Players and Pieces
Chapter 6: The Badge and the Burden
Chapter 7: The Badge and the Burden Part 2
Chapter 8: Jaunedice
Chapter 9: Forever Fall
Chapter 10: Forever Fall Part 2
Chapter 11: The Stray
Chapter 12: Black, White and The Beast
Special Chapter: The Favor
Volume 2 Chapter 1: Best Day Ever.....
Volume 2 Chapter 2: Welcome to Beacon.....
Volume 2 Chapter 3: Android?!
Volume 2 Chapter 4: Painting the town.....
Volume 2 Chapter 5: Extracurricular
Volume 2 Chapter 6: The Band and The Bonds
Volume 2 Chapter 7: Dance Dance Infiltration
Volume 2 Chapter 8: Field Trip
Volume 2 Chapter 9: Search & Destroy
Volume 2 Chapter 10: Mountain Glenn
Volume 2 Chapter 11: No Brakes
Volume 2 Chapter 12: The Demon and The Prototype
Volume 2 Chapter 13: The Demon and The Prototype Part 2
Special Chapter 2: Remedial Class
Special Chapter 3: Salutations Best Friend!
Volume 3 Chapter 1: Round One
Volume 3 Chapter 2: It's Brawl in the Family
Volume 3 Chapter 3: As The Ice Melts
Volume 3 Chapter 4: The Mentor and The Protege
Volume 3 Chapter 5: Ominous Unknown Killer
Volume 3 Chapter 6: Not Again...
Volume 3 Chapter 7: Why Can't We All Smile?
Volume 3 Chapter 8: The End of the Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 1: A New Beginning
Volume 4 Chapter 2: A Small Reminder
Volume 4 Chapter 3: An Enemy Of My Enemy
Volume 4 Chapter 4: The Arrival
Volume 5 Chapter 1: Welcome To Menagerie
Volume 5 Chapter 2: Unforeseen Complications
Volume 5 Chapter 3: Faker
Volume 5 Chapter 4: Azazel
Volume 5 Chapter 5: Downfall
Volume 5 Chapter 6: Haven's Fate
Special Chapter 4: Nurse RWBY
Chapter 0: Gunpoint
Volume 4 Chapter 0: A Little Bit Of Summer Rose By My Side
Chapter 0.5: Go Crazy!
Special Chapter 5: Soft Kitty Warm Kitty
Special Chapter 6: A Night With The Sun Dragon
Special Chapter 7: A Schnee's Melting Point
Special Chapter 8: "Thus Kindly I Scatter"
Volume 6: The Lightning Raptor
Volume 6: The Demented Flame
Volume 6 Chapter 1: Argus Limited
Volume 6 Chapter 2: Uncovered
Volume 6 Chapter 3: So That's How It Is
Volume 6 Chapter 4: The Storm
Volume 6 Chapter 5: Sanity Break
Volume 6 Chapter 5.5: Aftermath
Volume 6 Chapter 6: A War No One Cares About
Volume 6 Chapter 7: Declaim
Volume 6 Chapter 8: Huntdown
Special Chapter 9: Picture Perfect
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 1
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 3
Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 4
Volume 7 Chapter 1: The Greatest Kingdom
Volume 7 Chapter 2: Shattered Memories
Volume 7 Chapter 3: Graduation
Volume 7 Chapter 4: Sudden Connection
Volume 7 Chapter 5: The Rich And The Innocent
Volume 7 Chapter 6: Piece By Piece
Volume 7 Chapter 7: Fragments
Volume 7 Chapter 8: Mirror Mirror
Volume 7 Chapter 9: Perturbation
Volume 7 Chapter 10: Out In The Open
Volume 7 Chapter 11: Mirror Mirror, Tell Me Something
Volume 7 Chapter 12: Heart Be Turned To Stone
Volume 7 Chapter 13: The Loneliest Of All
Team SHLD: Sonya Goodwitch
Team SHLD: Haytham Saxe
Team SHLD: Lucas Cardinal
Team SHLD: (F/N) (L/N)
Volume 8 Teaser
Team SHLD: The First Mission
Volume 8 Chapter 1: Grimm Escape
Volume 8 Chapter 2: The Lost Bird
Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces
Volume 8 Chapter 4: When Flowers Bloom
Volume 8 Chapter 5: Reminiscense

Chapter 0.6: Compos Animi Part 2

3.8K 91 197
By CET999

Back in the post-apocalyptic world, it is a cloudy afternoon, John White and Lucy Kuo are on the rooftop of one of the abandoned buildings.

Lucy: That man... He's not from this world.

John: Most likely. Just another lost civilian.

Lucy: What about that kid he picked up?

John: He seems like one. He's got potential, if we're able to get him on our side then that'll be the start. Rift Walker or not, it doesn't matter as long as we have strong allies on our side

Lucy: What about the ri--

John: THE RIFT SANCTUM will not find out about this! As long as we remain invisible in their radar we should be fine. *sighs* Ziv has been the commanding leader far enough. A millennium of research and protection we still couldn't get any answers. 

Lucy: R-Right.

John: The world was already dead, to begin with. What we were doing was to just slow down the inevitable. Thousands of years and we still don't have a solution! The world already struggled enough, it's time to put an end to their meaningless lives.


Back inside Devil May Cry, (Y/N) is dodging the broom, holding by the girl, from before as it proceeds to only make a mess out of Dante's office.


He stated as he dodges the next attack, hitting the jukebox.

(Y/N): Not the jukebox! I just fixed it!

???: What the hell are you doing here?!

(Y/N): I told you, I work here!

(Y/N) is now backed against Lady's weapon, Kalina Ann, that is hanging on Dante's weapon display. Without realizing it, (Y/N) dodges the broom as it hits Lady's weapon. Kalina Ann falls from the weapon display as it breaks into two.

???: Oh no!

(Y/N): Oh shit! That's Lady's!

???: You know Lady?

(Y/N): Yes! I keep telling you, I work here! Oh man, Lady's gonna kill me when she finds out about this.

???: Prove it!

(Y/N): Prove how?

???: Show me your Devil May Cry I.D.

(Y/N): Since when did Dante make I.D's?

???: .... Okay, you really do work here.

(Y/N): Ugh... (starts gathering the weapon's fallen parts) Whatever. I gotta find someone that can fix this, before Lady...... *gulp* Does that to me again...


Three days earlier. 

(Y/N) is struggling to do some push-ups with Lady sitting on his back while Dante and Trish are enjoying their pizza.

(Y/N): 1035, 1036, 1037, 1038....

Dante: Never bet against the ladies, (Y/N). I learned that the hard way.

(Y/N): Now you tell me.... 1039, 1040

Lady: A bet's a bet, kid.

(Y/N): (struggling to push back up) One thousand... Forty...

He then suddenly lays flat on the floor, now trying to catch his breath.

Lady: What's the matter, kid? I thought you could do better.

(Y/N): You're... A lot heavier than you look........... Huh?

Lady suddenly gets off of (Y/N) as she moves to stand in front of him.


Lady: S a y   i t   a g a i n.

Those three words sent shivers down Dante and (Y/N)'s spines while Trish continues to eat as she giggles.

Lady: (to Trish) Did you just laugh?

Trish: What do you mean?

While the two ladies are fighting, (Y/N) makes an attempt to escape but only able to slowly crawl away from his fatigue. Caught in the act, Lady steps on (Y/N).

Lady: Where do you think you're going?

(Y/N): EEEK!


Present Day

(Y/N): Oh... Boy... A-Anyways, who are you and why are you in a maid uniform?

???: Who am I? Didn't Dante tell you anything about me? 

(Y/N): Yeah, I don't think Dante talks about his maids.

???: I am not a maid!

(Y/N): Then what's with the outfit?

He then receives a broom on his head.

(Y/N): Ow!

???: It's just a cleaning gear! Hmph! No wonder Dante hired you.

(Y/N): What's that supposed to-- *sighs* Okay... I gotta find someone to fix this. You don't happen to know anyone who makes good weapons, do you?

???: Well, I know some people, but I don't think they could make... Well, (points at Kalina Ann) "that".

(Y/N): *sighs* Figures...

???: Where's Dante, anyway?

(Y/N): Out on a mission. Thank God... We can finally pay the water bill after. It's like he rarely takes missions.

???: Ugh... Tell me about it. It's amazing how you guys have electricity now.

(Y/N): That's because I'm here.

???: I see... You're new around here, aren't you? I've never seen your face anywhere here in Red Grave before.

(Y/N): Kinda.

???: Huh... Well, if you want it to get fixed, I guess I could guide you on where to go, make sure you don't get lost.

(Y/N): Hey, I never get lost... Though, there is that one time...


Two days earlier.

Dante and (Y/N) are casually walking back to their office, when suddenly, as (Y/N) turns to the other direction he then falls inside a hole, leading to the sewers while Dante is still walking straight.

Dante: That road's closed, kid. 'Been telling you that many times.

(Y/N): God dammit!


Present Day

(Y/N): Thanks. Come on.

He stated as they rush towards the door, with a giant bag strapped to (Y/N)'s back with Kalina Ann inside it.


As they close the door behind them, and the girl now in her casual attire, (Y/N) and the girl are now walking on the busy streets of Red Grave City.

Patty: I'm Patty, by the way.

(Y/N): (Y/N). So, how did you and Dante meet?

Patty: I worked for him, part-time before. 

(Y/N): Before? So what was that earlier, you just clean his stuff up pro bono?

Patty: Something like that. It kinda became a habit.

(Y/N): Huh... You two seem to be pretty close.

Patty: What about you? What's your story?

(Y/N): He... Um... Picked me up on the way. 

Patty: "Picked you up"? Like, he adopted you or something?

(Y/N): I-I guess... I don't know why though... He just did.

Patty: Hmm... Knowing him, it does sound strange. Picking up someone and let him work for him.

(Y/N): Yeah...

After a moment of awkward silence, (Y/N) pops another question.

(Y/N): So, how did you get a part-time job at Devil May Cry?

Patty: Sorry, I don't share that much info with just anyone. Perhaps if you treat me right, like take me out to dinner, then maybe I'd think otherwise.

(Y/N): Uh huh...

Another moment of awkward silence passes by as Patty clears her throat while looking at (Y/N) with an annoyed look.

(Y/N): What?

Patty: Ugh... Seriously?

(Y/N): What?!

Patty: *sigh* Whatever. No wonder Dante picked you up...

She stated as she proceeds on, leaving (Y/N) to contemplate on her comment.

(Y/N): ... H-Hey! What's that supposed to mean?!

After hours of searching for the right gunsmith, to fix Lady's weapon, the two decided to take a break as they loiter in the cafe on the outside table. Where Patty is enjoying her frappe.

(Y/N): *sighs* Not a single gunsmith in town knows how to fix it. Who even made this?

Patty: Beats me. All I know is that she always carry it around. What's it doing back in the office, anyway?

(Y/N): Dante took it. Said he needed to use it. 

Patty: But you said he's on a mission.

(Y/N): He just wanted to keep it, he keeps doing this to Lady for the past month.

Patty: I see... Well, now what?

(Y/N): ...

After a while of thinking, Patty pops an idea.

Patty: Hey... There is one gunsmith I heard of...

(Y/N): Who?

Patty: I don't know the name and the shop is not here in Red Grave.

(Y/N): Where is it?


(Y/N) and Patty are now sitting across each other, riding the train headed towards...

(Y/N): (reading the brochure that he's holding) "Fortuna"?

Patty: My mom said it's a big city, filled with religious people.

(Y/N): That's an understatement. I mean do all of them really walk around in a robe?

Patty: I know, right? Talk about a lack of fashion.

(Y/N): Speaking of which, is it okay for your mother for you to travel this far?

Patty: My mom is on a world tour.

(Y/N): ... That didn't really answer my question.

Patty: As long as she doesn't know, it's fine, right?

She stated with a finger on her lips accompanied by a wink as (Y/N) sighs in response.

(Y/N): Well, as long as we get back before dark, we should be fine. Here's hoping that you're right about this gunsmith.

It then became dark inside the train for a brief moment as the train passes through the tunnel. As the train finally passes through the tunnel, suddenly, Patty is now hugging (Y/N) tightly as she is trembling.

(Y/N): H-Huh...?

Patty: No... Not again...

(Y/N): Patty?

Patty: Huh?

As Patty gently and slowly pushes herself from (Y/N), their faces are an inch away from each other as they begin to stare at each other for a split second. Then the two begin to blush.

(Y/N): U-Uh...

Patty: S-Sorry!

Patty stated as she pushes herself away from him as she now sits next to him.

(Y/N): W-What was that about? Don't tell me that you're afraid of the--

Patty: T-THAT IS SO NOT IT! It's just... The last time that happened, a man that sat next to me died instantly... 

(Y/N): Huh?

Patty: That was two years ago. I was with Dante then. He was assigned to escort me to a Lowell mansion. Those things were assigned to kill me.

(Y/N): The demons? What did they want from you?

Patty: *chuckles* Yeah... That's what I thought at first... Turned out, it was the other Patty Lowell that they wanted. I was just some bait, to keep her away from them.

(Y/N): ... Well, it's a good thing Dante was with-- I mean, agreed to escort you.

Patty: *giggles* I should thank Morrison for that.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Anyways, at least no one is harmed now.

He stated as the crowd of passengers starts to chatter and is trying to look over the security to the next car while (Y/N) and Patty remain in their seats.

(Y/N): What's going on?

Security: Everyone please, get back in your seats!

"Oh my goodness!"

"What's going on?!"

"Someone got killed!"

"Oh my God!"

"What's happening?!"

(Y/N): Killed?

Patty: Oh no... It's a demon...

(Y/N): ...Demon huh?

(Y/N) stands up from his seat as he heads towards the next car.

Patty: (Y/N)?!

After (Y/N) manages to push through the crowd, he is now facing the security, who is blocking the way.

Security: Sorry kid, but I'm gonna have to ask you to get back in your seat.

(Y/N): Oh give it a rest, pal.

He said as he pushes the security away before proceeding onward.

Security: Hey!

Patty: (Y/N)!

Patty decided to chase after (Y/N).

The two then arrives at the scene and in front of them is a corpse of a man sitting on his seat, with his throat slit.

Patty: Oh my God...

Patty is stunned upon seeing the corpse while (Y/N) is searching for a sign. Suddenly, a being warps in front of them as it begins to slowly approach them...

"What the hell is that thing?!"

"It's a demon!"

"It's going to kill us all!"


While everyone starts panicking as they run back to the last car, (Y/N) and Patty was in, (Y/N) casually stands there as the demon and (Y/N) have a stare down.

(Y/N): Looks like one of Satan's boys has some free time.

He stated as the approaching demon spawns a blade out of its arm.

Patty: (Y/N), what are you doing?!

(Y/N): Patty, just stay back.

Patty: Are you crazy?!

(Y/N): *chuckles* What do you think my job is at Devil May Cry?

The dashes in with incredible speed, enough for it to disappear. As the demon appears in front of (Y/N) with its blade now only an inch away from (Y/N)'s throat, (Y/N) punches the demon's gut, to push it away while Patty watches in amazement.

While the demon is tumbling back, (Y/N) dashes towards the demon with lightning speed.

(Y/N): Not fast enough.

Then he sends out a barrage of lightning fists towards the demon, leaving out streaks of electricity. He then uppercuts the demon upward. After the demon bounces off the ceiling, mid-air, (Y/N) catches the demon before slamming its head down as the demon disintegrates.

Patty then starts to smile, knowing (Y/N) didn't bare a scratch.

Patty: You're okay!

She stated as she starts running towards (Y/N).

Patty: I didn't know you were--

(Y/N) signals Patty to a halt as the train is about to enter the next tunnel. Patty noticed as she is about to desperately reach (Y/N). 

Patty: (Y/--

Suddenly, everything went black. All Patty and the rest of the passengers could see were the flashing sparks of electricity and hear only the sound of liquids splashing. 

After the train finally passes through the tunnel, the light from the outside lightens the area. (Y/N) disappears from Patty's eyes where all she can see now are the corpse of two demons, each lying down on their pool of blood.

Patty turns back around only to see (Y/N), with his fist jammed through a demon's throat. (Y/N) then swings his arm to the side, throwing the demon away. (Y/N) looks back at the victim as he begins to stare at him for a while.

(Y/N): ...



(Y/N) and Trish are out on the streets at night, fighting off the demons while the civilians run for their lives.

One demon jumps on one of the fallen civilians. (Y/N) dashes in just in time to kick the demon away. 

Civilian: Thank you.

(Y/N): Go!

Meanwhile, one demon charges towards Trish, where she retorts back by casually firing her gun at it...

After the last shot, the demon finally disintegrates as (Y/N) and Trish regroups.

(Y/N): Where's the last one?

Trish: Last one?

(Y/N): There were 23 of them, where'd the last one go?

Child: Papa?

They both turn to where the voice was, only to see a demon with its hand jammed through the man's chest, while the little boy behind him watches in fear.

Man: Run... Son...

As the demon pulls out its arm, the man lifelessly falls to the ground as his blood starts to spread.

Child: PAPA!

As the demon is about to kill the child, (Y/N) jams his hand through the demon's back. Pulling back his hand, he then grabs the demons head to electrocute it until it explodes into bits.

The child then runs towards his dead father as he desperately tries to wake him up.

(Y/N) and Trish can only watch this. (Y/N) reaches his hand out to the boy but is pulled back by Trish as she shakes her head in disagreement.

After a few minutes, while the nurses are taking care of the injured and the dead, Trish, (Y/N) and Morrison are having a meeting in the far end of the corner of the place.

Morrison: Welp, a job's a job and... Trish will be getting her payment tomorrow. (Y/N), you still have that water bill, so you know the gist.

(Y/N): ...

Morrison: Kid?

(Y/N): H-Huh? Oh... Yeah...

Trish: ... It happened too fast, (Y/N). We couldn't anything about it. What's done is done. We can't save everyone, (Y/N).

(Y/N): ... I'm going back to the office, I'll see you guys tomorrow.

While (Y/N) is now walking away with his head down, Morrison and Trish both watch him so with a worried expression.


Present Day

Patty: (Y/N)?

The train then slowly starts to stop as the notice the sign from outside labeled "Welcome To Fortuna".

(Y/N): *sighs* Let's go.

He states as he passes through the crowd of passengers while Patty catches up.

Security: What the hell was that, kid?!

(Y/N): Don't worry about it.


Inside the station of Fortuna, (Y/N) and Patty are watching the police and the nurses deal with the incident earlier in the train.

Patty: When do you think this is going to end?

(Y/N): The demons? I don't know... I hardly know the story...

Patty: ... Well, it's a good thing we're here, right? Otherwise, everyone in there would've gotten killed. 

(Y/N): Really?

Patty: Are you serious? You saved everyone.

She stated as they both see the corpse being put inside a body bag.

(Y/N): ... Not everyone...

He stated before walking away with a bag, with Kalina Ann inside, strapped to his back.

Patty: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): Let's go, Patty.

Patty takes a moment to watch (Y/N) walk away before joining him to head out of the station.


In the land of Fortuna, a place surrounded by high ramparts, cathedral-looking buildings, and townspeople wearing cowls. While the locals are cleaning up some rubbles and some repairing the buildings, (Y/N) and Patty are strolling along the streets.

Patty: Wow!

(Y/N): Notre Dame ain't got nothin' on this.

Patty: "Notre" what?

(Y/N): Don't worry about it. What is this place?

Patty: I heard from Dante that he came here out on a mission before. Said something like the locals here worships a demon.

(Y/N): Huh... (reads the brochure) It says here that the locals where cowls as a symbol of the... "Sword Of Sparda", and live pious yet modern lives, peacefully worshiping the savior Sparda. So, I'm guessing this "Sparda" is the demon lord they pray to?

Patty: Heck if I know.

(Y/N): Right... Now, about this gunsmith...

Patty: Look!

Patty points at the sign labeled "Goldstein's Gunsmith".

(Y/N): Ain't that peculiar.


The gets inside the store only to see a bunch of boxes lying around.

(Y/N): Shit...

Patty: Are they closed?

(Y/N): Well, there's no sign saying so.

Suddenly, they hear mumbling behind the counter. (Y/N) and Patty walks over to the counter as (Y/N) taps the service bell in front of him. A thud is heard under the counter.

???: OW! Fuck...

A woman slowly stands up whilst rubbing her head in pain.

???: Jesus, y'all scared me.

Patty: Hey. Are you the owner?

???: Why I sure am!

Nico: Name's Nico! Here to buy some guns? Well, you two are in luck, 'cause "Goldstein's Gunsmith" is still open until midnight!

(Y/N): ...

Patty: ...

Nico: ...

Patty: Going bankrupt?

Nico: Yup... So what can I get ya?

(Y/N): Actually, could you fix this for us?

(Y/N) then puts the broken Kalina Ann on the counter.

Nico: What the hell did y'all do to this poor baby!?

(Y/N) & Patty: ... It fell?

Nico: (examining Kalina Ann) This will not do at all... Say... Aren't you two a bit too young to be carrying weapons?

(Y/N) & Patty: Yes we are.

Nico: ...

(Y/N): ...

Patty: ...

Nico: Well shit! *laughs* I like you two already! You lovebirds remind me of a young me.

Patty: *blush* O-Oh no! W-We're not dating!

(Y/N): C-Can you just fix the gun, please?

Nico: Mmm... I'm afraid I can't, sweetheart. This thing is completely busted. I can weld it back together, but I'm afraid you won't be able to fire a single shot from it.

(Y/N): Ahh... Shit... Lady's gonna kill me for this.

Nico: Wait. Hold on. You two know Lady?

Patty: Yes.

Nico: Well, why didn't you say so? No wonder this old thing looks familiar. Hold on.

Nico walks inside to her storage room and later brings out an exact replica of Kalina Ann as she confidently displays it on the counter before them.

(Y/N): Woah!

Nico: I call it "Kalina Ann 1.5". 'Didn't really much change, but it can destroy a demon shield with just two shots.

(Y/N): It's perfect! How much?

Nico: On the house!

Patty: What? Really? Why?

Nico: Ehh... I gotta be honest, Fortuna ain't really the place to sell guns. See, the locals here are only interested in medieval shit. I never really get anything. So I thought if I give this one for free, what makes a difference? 

Patty: Sorry to hear that.

Nico: Ahh... Don't be. Besides, I got a new business comin' up.

???: (through the storage room) Hey, Nico! A little help here!

Nico: So is that all, anything else?

(Y/N): No, I think we're good.

Patty: Thank you so much.

???: Goddammit, Nico, I'm losing my grip here!

Nico: Just keep it still, I'm comin'! Geez, you can't even put that arm of yours to good use.


As time passes, (Y/N) and Patty are now in a cafe having lunch.

(Y/N): *sighs in relief* It's nice to eat something different for a change. I'm starting to get sick of just eating pizza.

Patty: Tell me about it. If there's one thing that I hate the most about Dante is his diet. I mean, who can even deal with eating just pizza for almost a year?

(Y/N): *chuckles* If it's Dante, make it two years.

Patty: *giggles* Perhaps a lifetime.

The two then share a laugh.

(Y/N): Weird... Back then I always dreamt of having a lifetime supply of pizza. Now... Ugh... Just picturing it already makes me want to barf.

Patty: ... Hey... Do you know what it feels like to have a sibling?

(Y/N): Huh? Well... Um... Yeah...

Patty: What's it like?

(Y/N): Well, I don't know what to say... Not boring, I guess...

Patty: I see... So is it a sister or a brother?

(Y/N): ...Sister...

Patty: What's she like?

(Y/N) takes a moment to breathe deeply.

(Y/N): She's... Almost the exact opposite of me. Caring, loving, loud, sometimes annoying. She always cheers me up whenever I'm down, even when I tell her to leave me alone. She always protects me, y'know. Whenever mom is feeling sick, she always cooks. She's always hanging around in my room, play some games with me, always checking up on me whenever I'm sick even when she's at school. Yeah... She's my sister.  

Patty: Wow... What's her name?

(Y/N): (S/N).

Patty: (S/N), seems cool. 

(Y/N): Yeah...

Patty: Seriously, I wish I have a sister like that.

(Y/N): Yeah... You too would've been great friends...

Patty: Huh?

Patty notices (Y/N) watching the kids playing with a slight smile. 

In (Y/N)'s perspective, a ghost of his sister fades in before him, giving him a caring smile.

(Y/N)'s eyes widen upon seeing his own sister as a voice whispers in his ear.

???: "We're a family, (Y/N), I would never leave you alone. Mom and dad are gone, ain't no way I'm losing you too! ... I'm here for you, (Y/N). Always will be... If you get lost out there, I'll find you, because I know you'll do the same... We're family after all, right?"

Tears begin to slide down (Y/N)'s cheek as he hurriedly grabs the napkin on the table to wipe it off.

Patty: (Y/N)?

(Y/N): I-It's nothing! .... Just had some dirt in my eye...

Patty is about to say something but is taken back as she notices the situation. From that, she looks down in guilt for a brief moment before she brightens the mood again.

Patty: Hey. Once we get back to Red Grave, wanna go somewhere? I mean it's still early.

(Y/N): *sighs* Sure, why not? Dante won't be back in probably two weeks anyway, and it's not like we get calls frequently. 

Patty suddenly flips a coin.

Patty: Heads or tails?

(Y/N): Huh?

Patty: Just pick one.

(Y/N): Um... Heads.

Patty removes her hand from the coin.

Patty: Tails. I win.

(Y/N): Okay... Win what, exactly?

Waiter: Ma'am, sir, would there be anything else I can get you?

Patty: Just the check, please.

Waiter: Of course. Will it be a split check?

Patty: No. He's paying for all of it.

(Y/N): WHAT?!


(Y/N) are now walking back to the train station in Fortuna. Patty is walking with a triumphant smile while (Y/N) checking his wallet.

(Y/N): And I was saving up for a guitar...

Patty: Hey, you're the one who bet on it.

(Y/N): I didn't even know what I was betting!

Patty: But you still called your bet.

(Y/N): You tricked me!

Patty: You called your bet~

(Y/N): You-- *sighs* Forget it.

Patty: *gasp* Oh my god! Is that...

Patty's eyes widen, accompanied with a big smile on her face, as she points at a stuffed teddy bear with a ukelele, displayed through the window of the toy shop. Patty ran towards the stuffed bear as she begins to stare at it with her starry eyes.

Patty: It's Alola Bear! Ooohh! I've always wanted to have him! He's so cute and cuddly!

(Y/N): ... Aren't you a little old to be wanting that?

Patty: First off, (Y/N), I'm a girl and girls like cute stuff. Second, I'm fifteen, emphasis on the "teen". Therefore, I'm still somewhat of a kid.

(Y/N): So girls your age like cute things that don't even do anything?

Patty: That's just how it is for girls!

She said in an irritated manner as she pouts at (Y/N).

(Y/N): What?

Patty: *sighs* Geez. I guess being dense is part of a boy's nature. But I guess you still have a chance, you are also still a kid after all. Here's hoping you grow out of that phase and not be like Dante.

She stated with a flip of her hair as she walks away.

(Y/N): That doesn't even make any sense! AND I'M A YEAR OLDER THAN YOU!



With the sun about to set, (Y/N) and Patty are now back in the park in Red Grave. 

(Y/N) is sitting on the bench, alone, watching at the orange sky for a while. He then shifts his gaze towards the kids playing in front of him, making him let out a warm smile. After a short moment, he then sees an image of his old friends playing with one another, gesturing (Y/N) to join them.

His trance was broken by Patty, giving him a playful scare from behind when he felt a slight shove. He turns around to see Patty holding two Ice Popsicles with a cheerful smile on her face.

Patty: Did I startle you?

(Y/N): *chuckles* Yeah...

Patty: Liar.

She stated in a playfully irritated manner as she walks over to the bench to sit next to him.

(Y/N): Why'd you say that?

Patty: Because you weren't. Here I bought you some.

(Y/N): ...

Patty: What?

(Y/N): This isn't another trick, is it? You didn't pickpocket me, did you?!

Patty: What?! No! Come on, I'm not that clever! ... Well, maybe a little...

(Y/N): ...

Patty: Oh, just take it!

(Y/N): T-Thanks.

He stated as he gladly takes the Ice Pop from her.

(Y/N): So... What're we doing here?

Patty: I just want to relax here. It's beautiful here. 

(Y/N): ... Huh... I guess it is...

Patty: I like the quiet, sometimes. Don't you? 

(Y/N): Yeah... Sometimes...

While enjoying the sound of kids playing and the of the sudden gust of wind, Patty is eating her Ice Pop while (Y/N) just leaves hanging on his hand as he stares back up at the moving clouds.

Patty: It's really peaceful, isn't it?

(Y/N): ... Yeah... It is... 

After a brief moment, Patty now just noticed (Y/N) staring up at the sky, forgetting about the ice pop his holding as it begins to melt.

Patty: (Y/N)... Your ice pop...

(Y/N): Huh? O-Oh! R-Right...

As (Y/N) is now eating his ice pop, Patty now has her head down in guilt.

Patty: Hey...

(Y/N): Yeah...

Patty: I don't know if this is a bad time... But... I'm sorry about earlier...

(Y/N): Huh?

Patty: A-About... Your sister...

(Y/N): ...O-Oh... Y-Yeah... Um... Don't worry about it...

After another moment of the silent awkwardness, Patty then decides to brighten the mood a little.

Patty: But I wasn't lying though.

(Y/N): Huh?

Patty: I always wanted a sister like that. She seems cool.

She stated as she looks at him with a caring smile.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Yeah... As I said, you two would've been great friends.

Patty: Yeah... I'm so sorry for what happened to her...

(Y/N): ...



(Y/N): Y-Yeah... Me too...

After another moment of awkwardness, (Y/N) notices the statue in front of them.

(Y/N): Who's that guy?

Patty: The statue? His name is Sparda.

(Y/N): What's his deal?

Patty: They say that he's the one that prevented the underworld from taking over the world. Saying he "Betrayed his fellow demon brothers for the human world."

(Y/N): Really... 

Patty: You've never heard of him?

(Y/N): Nope, not once.

Patty: ...How long have you been staying here?

(Y/N): .... Almost half a year maybe...

Patty: Half a year?! Doesn't the school teach you anything about him?

(Y/N): School?

Patty: ... Yeah... Wait... Don't tell me...

(Y/N): What?

Patty: .......

(Y/N): ...


(Y/N): Uh... No... Why?

Patty: I can't believe you!

With that said, Patty's voice is attracting the crowd.

Patty: You're sixteen years of age and you already quit school!

(Y/N): Well, I was fourteen then... 

Patty: WHAT?!

(Y/N): And technically, I didn't quit...

Patty: Quit or not, it's still not good to be out of school! FOR TWO YEARS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!

She stood up saying that as (Y/N) drags her back down.

Patty: What the--

(Y/N): Will you keep it down?! You're making a scene!

"Oh my!"

"That poor man."

"Can you believe this, dear?"

"Flirting was less violent back in the day."

"I hope they don't break up."

Both of (Y/N)'s and Patty's face starts to turn red upon hearing the crowd's bickering as they turn both of their faces away from each other. After another awkwardness, the crowd then proceeds to mind their own business.

(Y/N): A-And besides, it's not like I have the money to enroll.

Patty quickly shifts her gaze back to (Y/N) with a surprised expression.



The sun has finally set in Red Grave city, where the lamp posts are the only thing the lights up the city. (Y/N) and Patty are now walking in the city streets together, hearing nothing but their own footsteps.

After a while, they then arrive at one of the houses.

Patty: This is my home.

(Y/N): Oh... Um... Well, I guess I'll see you around.

Patty: Yeah...

(Y/N) proceeds to walk a few steps before he stopped by Patty's voice.

Patty: U-Umm...

(Y/N): Huh?

(Y/N) turns around to Patty.

(Y/N): What's up?

Patty: I-If you'd like, I could help enroll in my school.

(Y/N): Huh?

Patty: Y-You said, you don't have money to enroll... I-I just thought that... Maybe I could help...

The two fell silent as Patty is fidgeting from where she's standing.

(Y/N): *chuckles* Thanks, Patty, but I don't want to be a burden.

Patty: ... That's not an excuse for you to not to go to school now, is it?

(Y/N): What?! No!

Patty raises an eyebrow.

(Y/N): Well...

Patty: Ugh... Seriously, you could at least just--

As she takes a step forward, she loses balance. (Y/N) dashes in to catch her fall. Afterward, they both stare at each other for a while until Patty's cheeks turn red. Where she could only see (Y/N)'s face basking in the moonlight. 

(Y/N): Are you okay?

Snapping back to reality, she quickly pushes herself off of (Y/N).

(Y/N): Patty?

Patty: I-I'm fine! I-I'm fine. Y-You'll be at Devil May Cry tomorrow, right?

(Y/N): Yeah. Why?

Patty: Expect me tomorrow, okay?

(Y/N): Um... Okay... Sure...

With that said, Patty runs inside her house, leaving (Y/N) in deep thought.

(Y/N): What the hell was that?

Lady: Well, well.

Behind him is Lady as he begins to drip down sweat as he turns around to see her with a skeptical smile.

Lady: No wonder the office was locked. You have my weapon.

She then starts approaching (Y/N).

(Y/N): L-Lady! I-I can explain!

Lady: *giggles* Don't worry, (Y/N). Nico told me everything.

(Y/N): R-Right...

Lady: Don't worry, you're not in trouble.

(Y/N): Phew...

Lady: I'll be taking that.

She said as she swipes her weapon away from (Y/N).

Lady: By the way, keep doing what you're doing with Patty.

She stated with a wink at (Y/N) before walking away.

(Y/N): What?


Outside the office, (Y/N) is now approaching the entrance.

(Y/N): What does she mean by that?

As he opens the door he sees Dante...

Dante: I have to say; I'm very disappointed.

He stated before the electricity powers back up.

(Y/N): What?

Dante: Lady told me about you and Patty. Seriously, kid? Out of all the girls out there?

(Y/N): What about her? Actually, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be out for a week?

Dante: A man needs to rest too, kid. By the way, (Y/N), I brought you a date.

He points at the person sitting on the couch.

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