Monster In The Woods (BWWM)

Av bedpeace

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--COMPLETE--- There are whispers of a monster in the woods. What happens when said monster saves your life? T... Mer

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Av bedpeace

"So ma'am what do you need town records for?" The librarian asked as she placed some more documents in front of me.

"I'm wondering about a particular person I saw their name somewhere and I just wondering who they were."

"And whom might that be? I know almost every single person that has ever lived in this town." I sighed I really didn't want to confide in the woman but none of the documents I looked through were providing me with any clues.

"I'm wondering about a person name Thor... I'm not sure his last name I just heard someone mention it."

"Oh dear..." The older woman muttered "Oh my I haven't heard that name in a very long time. Poor boy god rest his soul, and the soul of his family." Her reaction made me look up at in confusion. She took the seat right next to me shaking her head, muttering 'that poor family' over and over.

"Umm ma'am" I interrupted.

"About 15 years ago no wait it was 22 years ago, the Mathison has been here for as long as the Shaw family generations if you will, but they have always kept to themselves not really speaking to anyone and lived closer to the woods. We all just assumed we live in a smallish town we can all be a little nosey maybe they just don't want anyone in their business, little did we know. Anyway whenever they did come to and there was a few of them Mrs. Mathison, Mr. Mathison he never came to town but their kids accompanied the mom a few times. There was Thor, Kari, Jakob and Aaren they would be in dirty rags for clothes and bruises all over, I heard the police tried to get involved but nothing came of it."

"We all got involved a little too late. It was actually the anniversary was actually a few days ago the police got a call from someone from their property when they showed up the house was on fire and Mr. Mathison was in the front yard gun in his hand wife in another; yelling about his good for nothing family. Before the cops could intervene he shot her right there and the police shot him. After the fire department came out and put the fire out the found the bodies of the children all expect the youngest Thor, he probably barely escaped and the wolves or something got him." She shivered.

I nodded trying to keep the tears a bay so Thor had escaped after seeing his siblings and possibly his mother murder right in front of his eye and had spent the last 22 years or so living in isolation.

"So this is random but what about Monster in the woods where did that story come from?"

The librarian waved her hands in the air "Oh that old fable people say that Mr. Mathison wasn't actually killed and escaped into the woods where if anyone wanders too far into the woods falls prey to him."

"Well has anyone ever seen this monster or?"

"I gotta ask why are you so into this honey?" She asked looking at me suspiciously.

"I just heard some people talking about it and I've lived here for awhile so I was just wondering what was going on. Thank you so much for taking the time to speak with me it means a lot you have a great day." I collected my laptop and other things before rushing out of the building, tears streaming down my face. My heart hurt for Thor and everything he went through, and now people thought he was his awful father haunting the woods.


"I went from spending my days off sitting on the couch vegging out with Anderson, now hiking through the woods to get to Thor's cabin." I muttered stomping through the woods now but now I knew exactly how to get to the cabin and if anyone tried to get fresh with me on the way I was carrying a taser.

When I finally made it to the cabin I quickly knocked before my nerves got the better of me and stepped back holding the bag so hopefully he would welcome her in with the promise of food.

Slowly the door opened to reveal Thor his face as stoic as ever. I lifted the bag even higher so he could see I didn't come empty handed and to my surprise he grinned but moved aside to let me in. I didn't even try and hide my smile and I damned near skipped in the house.

"So since you liked my cooking so much last time I thought if it's okay with you I'd whip you up another home timey classic biscuits and gravy." I kicked off my shoes at the door before heading into the kitchen.

"Why are you here again?" He asked leaning against the wall I turned to look at him, and just like every other time it felt like my heart was going to fall out my mouth it was beating so fast.

"Why did you let me in?"

"Because you would not have left if I didn't." I swear I saw a small grin appear on his face before it quickly disappeared back into his regular disapproving face.

I chuckled before leaning against the counter "Sorry. I promise I'm not usually this annoying in real life."

"Then why why are you here? You already repaid me as you put it." He had a good point I had no reason to be here, and he made it very clear he didn't want to be bothered but when I woke early this morning coming here was the first thing on my mind. I even cancelled my morning date with Thomas.

"Touche. I thought maybe you needed a friend or something." He looked at me "Okay honestly I don't know why I'm here, I know you don't want to be bothered but I don't know why I can't leave you alone."

"Is it because I killed those men?"

I shook my head "No I mean of course I'm extremely thankful for that extremely, but seriously I don't know." I shrugged "But if you tell me now to leave and never come back scouts honor I will, I mean I'm not a scout but we can pinky promise or whatever." I held my breath waiting for him to kick me out, instead we locked eyes and he turned around making his way toward the back door.

"I will be out back chopping wood." He said before closing the door, I turned back to the kitchen doing a happy dance.

Every Sunday for the next two months I would hike up to his cabin to hang out and it allowed us to get closer. I still did most of talking but he taught me the proper way to chop wood and I would cook for him, he even cooked for me. One day he whipped up some squirrel and after much persuading on his part which was mostly just challenging stares I gave in at it was actually good. He had yet to give me a full smile or laugh but we were getting close.

"I'm not going to be able to come out next Sunday. Thomas and I will be going on a mini vacation." Thomas and I had officially moved up to boyfriend/girlfriend status a few weeks after our first date. Whenever I brought him up whenever I would tell Thor about my week, Thor would get slightly uncomfortable. Of course he wouldn't say anything but I becoming very well versed in the facial expressions of Thor Mathison.

"Aww Thory are you going to miss me?" I teased and he slightly blushed. "I'll miss you too, but don't worry I'll be back the following week and lookie here!" I held out a phone.

"Why do I need this?" He took it from me our hands touching causing me to shiver. Over the course of our time together I come to learn he hated technology. The only things in his home that needs electricity were the refrigerator and deep freezer. He was pretty much off the grid and the only time he really drove his truck, which I still wasn't to sure on how he got it was when he would drive me back to my car. He hunted for his own food, had a well for his water and his clothes were years old I'm guessing he thrifted them a while ago.

"Because if you have an emergency you can call me or just because you want to hear my annoying ass voice, I don't know. Oh also you can facetime we so you can also see my face if you want."

He groaned his annoyed groan "Look I know you hate technology but as your best-"

"Only" I glared at his interruption but continued "Best friend I worry about you so just take it and spear my weak heart from having to worry so much."

He huffed looking at the phone in disgust. "Fine show me how to work the damn thing."

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