She led me to him (Werewolf s...

By milroymelena

23.5K 1.5K 123

When I locked my gaze with hers, everything became clearer. While my wolf screamed 'Mate' in my head with joy... More

Chapter 1: What you meant
Chapter 2: Thanks Zaphira
Chapitre 3: Lucky To Survive
Chapter 4: Tracking This Scent
Chapitre 5: You always knew
Chapitre 6: Her
Chapter 7: Reds
Chapitre 8 (part 1): I won't mind
Chapter 8 (part 2): Four years
Chapter 9: Last warmth
Chapter 10 (part 1): In the middle of nowhere
Chapter 10 (part 2): Hunter vs Rogue; supposedly...
Chapter 11: Beg for my death
Chapter 12: The whisper of despair
Chapter 13: Disappointed
Chapter 14 (part 1): Keep your head held high
Chapitre 14 (part 2):**BANG**
Chapter 15: Hate the most
Chapter 16: Why isn't she coming?
Chapter 17: Need to tell you something
Chapter 18: I'll be the one
Chapter 19: Breaking the bond
Chapter 20: B*stard of human
Chapter 21: Still rejected
Chapter 22 (Part 1): After twenty years
Chapter 22 (part 3): The Sleeping boy
Chapter 23: The best of the worst
Chapter 24: Tainted Purity
Chapter 25: All It Took
Chapter 26: Messed up
Chapter 27: The reason why
Chapter 28: Eye to eye
Chapter 29: Everything black
Chapter 30 part 1: What a day
Chapter 30 part 2: A great mistake
She Led Me To Him Part II
Chapter 31: A dance or chase?
Chapter 32: Introducing Max
Chapter 33: So, It's A Girl
Chapter 34: Next Time
Chapter 35: Crush
Chapter 36: He was gone
Chapter 37: Red Team
Chapter 38: Déjà vu
Chapter 39: Let's go
Chapter 40: The future
Chapter 41: Didn't Tell Her
Chapter 42: A secret
Chapter 43: To be found
Chapter 44: Ice Moon
Chapter 45: Illuminated Night
Chapter 46: End of the day
Chapter 47: Another Pack
Chapter 48: Time for what?
Chapter 49: Take care of it
Chapter 50: The Beginning
Chapter 51: A bitter joust
Chapter 52: The proposition
Chapter 53: Encircled
Chapter 54: Two weeks
Chapter 55: Hidden Pack
Chapter 56: Which room?
Chapter 57: Our exit
Chapter 58: Let her go
Chapter 59: Not alone
Chapter 60: Now
Chapter 61: Can you see?
Chapter 62: Because of her
Chapter 63: Half Blood
Chapter 64: Shameless
Chapter 65: His childhood memories
Chapter 66: Introductions
Chapter 67: A story I have to hear
Chapter 68: Grey
Chapter 69 (part 1): Best friends
Chapter 69 (part 2): worst friend
Chapter 70: A sickening night
Chapter 71: An other reason to disagree
Chapter 72: Shut the f*ck up
Chpater 73: Prophecy
Chapter 74: No responsibility
Chapter 75: They collided
Chapter 76: It talked
Chapter 77: Bad decision
Chapter 78: Keep being busy
Chapter 79 (Part 1) : Peacefulness
Chapter 79 (part 2): The mirage
Chapter 80: A salmon sandwich
Chapter 81: Your Blood
Chapter 82: Erased
Chapter 83 (Part 1): The truth about Dina
Chapter 83 (Part 2): Ridiculous
Chapter 84: Only ally
Chapter 85: All the pleasure was mine
Chapter 86: Broken ribs
Chapter 87: Explosion
Chapter 87 (part 2): Broke her heart twice
Chapter 88 (part 1): Thank you
Chapter 88 (part 2): Memories
Chapter 89: Not today
Chapter 90:
Chapter 91: I don't blame you...
Chapter 92: The hint
Chapter 93: The weight of my wrongdoings
Chapter 94: From human to lycan
Chapter 95: Where you belong
Chapter 96: Run
Chapter 97: A bitter lie
Chapter 98: The answers are ahead
Chapter 99: The red Maiden Tale
Chapter 100: Both tainted red
Chapter 100 (part 2): A promise not to be broken
Chapter 101: Broken Promises
Chapter 102: Inhana
Chapter 103: The List
Chapter 104: A bane or a cure
Chapter 105: From hope to despair
Chapter 106: Wished to be human

Chapter 22 (part 2): An already written fate

352 20 0
By milroymelena

Sorry guys I changed my cover without notice because of copyrights and all those stuff. So hope you like the new one!!
Here an early update for all the people I confused!! Enjoy. Vote and comment if you like the story!!


Unknown POV

"I want some pants!!"

It was the eighth dress she gave me and it was irritating.

"Dear, you might have forgotten that your host is a royal and do not own any pants so hurry up and get dressed."

The queen replied with grace even though it was me in front of her. She wanted me to give in but that won't happen.


I couldn't even argue that she pursued.

"Not that you aren't hot in that thin towel but shouldn't you cover-up."

Ritha was right, I was starting to get goosebumps since the cool air of the room was caressing my skin for quite a long time.
I let out a long sigh and started changing into the last outfit she gave me. I dropped the thin material that covered my body to-

"God da*n it!"

Please, I thought to myself, did she just squealed like a teenager.

"Mind your language, majesty!"

I only gained a chuckle.

"Does your body ever age?"

Was she really asking me that?

"Aging is for human and last time I checked, I wasn't completely one."

She knew all that cannot she let me dress.

"I know, I know but still; look at yourself, I bet you don't even work out."

I felt someone' s, that I won't quote (Ritha), eyes on my back that awaited an answer.

"Normal our metabolism is boosted naturally."

I was only half-human, even if my human genes were dominant I still had those traits.

"Anyway, now tell me truthfully: Why did you cut all ties with us during those twenty years?"

It was a question that was on her mind for quite some time now and I own her answers.

"I got pregnant. A girl."

No reaction came from that she just tried to understand what I was saying.

"Okay, just remind me later to kill you for hiding the existence of my niece but how is that related to us."

Great as if she didn't want my head for enough reasons.

"It's complicated and a long story so-"

She interrupted me with no elegance.

"Cut the crap and tell me what happened!!"


Twenty years ago

"Eos! Help me out please."

I begged shamelessly hanging with only my weak arm as support on the other side of the wall.
I might have snicked out and didn't have enough abs to get inside our property and my unique chance of survival was that being standing on the top of the wall with all his glory.
He crouched enough so we were face to face and smirked.

"Shouldn't have skipped training, now look at you; imploring the help of the most disgusting person walking on earth?"

He was and always will be the most horrendous being. However, I'll keep that for me.

"Listen, I never meant what I said, it's just that I've never seen someone eat their food through their nose so some words came out on their own. So can you just pull me up because I have no more strength in my arms."

I gave the best speech I could and tried to be the closest to the truth. Meanwhile, he leaned forward and started to run his wicked mouth.

"Would have complied if your heartbeat didn't give you away."

He stood up ready to go back home leaving me alone in the dark. I had to do something if mom saw me like this it was the end of my poor life.

"Okay! What do you want? I'll do anything, like anything. Please."

I was desperate and he knew it, this motherf*cker. He turned back to face me and his smirk came back.

"You'll do all my drudgery for the whole month."

He announced the barter amused by the situation. But I wasn't.

"No way, one week if you want."

That was all I could offer.

"One month."

He counter-attacked with a stern face.

"One week."

I stayed in my position.

"One month."

He didn't budge.

"One week."

As if I will.

"Okay then, I guess you didn't really need my help."

Oh my god, no it couldn't happen.

"Okay, whatever you want so help me already."

Didn't have time to argue so it was my loss for tonight or rather this morning.
The man finally gave me his hand so I could get on the other side of the wall. I took it as it was my last chance to be home before mom found out. I climbed the last inches to get at his level with my sore muscles. I didn't have time to get comfortable on my feet that I was yanked away by two gigantic hands and he jumped from the top of the wall, then he dropped me on the floor.

"What the h*ll Eos!!"

I was beyond pissed. One, I had to do his chores for one month and Two, I was on the muddy floor with my nicest skirt that was now dirty.

"Shut up, you idiot! Wanna wake up the whole neighborhood?"

True, people under 10 miles around might have heard me.

"Like I care. Anyway, let's go back before she-"

"What are you kids doing here!?"

A tired woman approached us with her long scarf hugging her small frame; her eyes reflected the sky, a really light blue clouded by the early dawn but her messy bun was shining as it matched the radiant sun. F*ck that woman was my mom, why did she have to come at this moment. I was actually prowled on the floor with my date outfit with my brother by my side in PG's. Was it possible to defend?

"I can explain, I wanted-"

"Don't even try young lady, I know what you were up to!"

My advocacy didn't last a second but how could she know?

"How did you know? And why are you up so early in the morning?"

I interrogated her as my confusion started to show on my face.

"Look at you and I have an appointment so you two go back home and dress up for our guests. We'll talk about that later."

She commended looking at me but turned towards my brother now.

"You too Eos."

She sighed and made her way towards the back gate.


"Hey, are you alright?"

My brother was spacing out a lot since we came back, I had the time to shower and change into something presentable. However, he didn't move or utter a word.

"The guest, they are not like us and-"

Bless or curse his heightened senses, he couldn't seem to relax.

"They might be werewolves."

My answer made him even more agitated.

"Aunt Inhana is a werewolf and they don't smell like us at all but that's not all; they are chanting some weird incantation near the walls, the walls do not smell the same anymore."

That was becoming weird, but everything should be all right.

"Don't worry too much, mom is with th-"

I was violently cut off as he abruptly stood up.

"You don't understand, that's exactly the problem! What if they are doing some kind of black magic so we won't snick out anymore."

I thought my brother was a forever idiot but I never thought he could be this smart when it came to his business.

"You may be right but let's ask them directly."

I was cut off as the door opened and showed us our creator along with two strangers. They didn't even put a foot inside that my brother rushed towards the door pulling mom inside in a defensive way and asked.

"What are you guys?!"

His voice was menacing but held an authority that made them flinch. There were two men; one was really old, bald and wrinkled whose eyes we couldn't see as he struggled to open them and the other one seemed to be in his early forties, dark brown eyes and hair were displayed by a tan and toned body.

My analysis was interrupted by a fed-up middle-aged woman.

"They are here to help us so let th-"

"They won't enter until I know what they are!!"

Eos was powerful, nature wanted it and nobody could go against it so mom's attempt to calm him down were useless.


My mom outburst was stopped as the older man started talking.

"Cynthia, it's okay; he just wants to protect his family. You sure have a good kid. So Eos was it, you are right, we not like you but it doesn't mean we are dangerous-"

The old man was really testing his limits, little did he know that Eos was not the type to be patient.

"Go to the point what are you?"

He only earned a chuckle from the elder.

"You are as your father described you as, a hot-headed impatient kid."

I stayed as a bystander far too long. Guess it was my cue to butt in.

"You knew our dad?"

My voice got the attention it sought as he turned towards me.

"This mesmerizing amber and gold gaze is hard to forget, you have his eyes dear. Moreover, you need answers so I'm a warlock and here is Edmond my nephew and a seer. Hence would you let me in because I'm only here to help."

The man was wise and his aura was reposing as if trusting him was the best choice one could make. My brother let them in and our mother apologized for Eos rudeness and guided them to the couch.

"Make yourself comfortable. By the way, would you-"

Mom's ranting was stopped right away.

"Cynthia, I think your kids need to hear this first."

"What are we not aware of?"

My brother already attacked them, not liking strangers knowing more about us than we knew about them.

"The prophecy."

It was the first time the younger one spoke but I didn't understand.

"What prophecy?"

My curiosity got the best of me, so needed to know.

"The blessed child is soon to be born, as the first child of the first female half-blood."

The guy was talking with riddles but it wasn't hard to know that he was talking about my future child.

"It's me right, the first female half-blood. So you say that my kid will be a blessed child."

My blood is quite special so it wasn't really surprising. But the old man gave me a small smile and pursued.

"These are not his words but the moon goddess. As a seer, his bond with the goddess is stronger and she sometimes warns her kids when she considers it as a necessity. His duty is to make sure that it reaches your ears. Now, my dear Iris, you need to listen to the whole prophecy."

The man was right if the moon goddess wanted to talk to me it might be important, moreover, it was about my child.

"Go on then."

I wanted to hear the whole story and they obliged.

God gift to us mortal:

A blessing for the virtuous,

An instrument for the wicked.

Her given mate will awaken her given beast.

At that time, it will be the end or the beginning.

The downfall of our world,

Or the salvation of our species,

Only her choices could decide.

Lost or won, the battle will be a slaughter.

Death will welcome evil as well as good at its home.

Again riddles, but I wasn't dumb; it was her or the world. There was no way I was going to give up a child I will give birth to. I had no choice, it will be hard but for everyone sake, this child shouldn't exist.

She will be destruction or our savior, either way, she won't survive.

"So I won't have kids and we won't have to choose between downfall or destruction."

All the people that were in the living were looking at the floor, pitying my poor self, I would have too. Building a family was all I wanted but this dream got crushed. However, Edmond was looking straight at me with no emotion and his lips moved on their own.

"The prophecy is already written, The heart of the chosen one is already beating."

It took a few seconds to register his words and it struck me. "The heart of the chosen one is already beating". My hands unconsciously descended to my womb protectively and their eyes did the same.

Me, half-human and half Lycan was already pregnant.

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