It's not my fault - A Charlyn...

By InLoveLace

56.1K 1.3K 399

This is my first book and it isn't finished yet but it's going under some editing and will be completed soon... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51

Chapter 33

867 17 5
By InLoveLace

4 days later

Charlotte's POV

It's been a couple of days and Becky still hasn't woke up yet. I'll be lying if I said I wasn't a mess because I am. I haven't been eating properly at all and I can barely do anything without thinking about her. I'm in my hotel room since I couldn't spend the night at the hospital anymore. I was in the middle of changing clothes to see Becky until I hear a knock on my door. "Hold on," I yelled while quickly putting on my clothes. I finish getting changed and opened the door to reveal AJ. "Hey Charlotte. I was wondering how were you doing since Becky being in the hospital and all," he said and I sigh. "Why are you asking me this now," I say and I see him frown at the sound of my attitude. "I haven't seen you since she was in the hospital. Every time I knock on your door, you were at the hospital with her. Every night, morning and during the day," he said and I frown feeling guilty. "I'm sorry. Becky is just one of my best friends and I just miss her," I say as I feel AJ pull me into a hug.

I hug him back and then pull away. "So I'm guessing you're dressed to see Becky right," he said with a smile. "Yea," I say returning a smile. "So are you gonna be at the hospital for a long time," he asked while scratching his neck. I can tell he's nervous since he only scratches his neck when he is. "I don't know. I usually stay there until they need to take tests and make sure she's ok and everything," I say while he just nods his head. "Ok," he says. "So I'll see you when I get back from seeing Becky," I say as I was cut off by Aj kissing. "AJ STOP," I yelled as I pushed him off of me. "C'mon Ash," he said as he kissed me again but I then pushed him but I was no use since he just reconnected our lips.

He then moved down to my neck while pushing me against the wall. I wanted to tell him to stop but it's like I couldn't get the words out. I then felt him pick me up and lay me down on the bed while still attacking my neck with kisses. I then felt him put a hand under my skirt and I immediately stopped him. I managed to push him off and kick him in the shin while grabbing my stuff and leaving my room. I ran to the elevator and luckily it opens and everyone exits. I get in and it closes before anyone else can get in. I stop the elevator and just take a deep breath. "Why did I freeze up and didn't do anything?," I ask myself. "If I didn't stop him, things could've been much worse," I tell myself. "What the hell was I doing?," I thought to myself as I pushed a button to make the elevator go again.

Becky's POV

I woke up in a very bright room and felt pain coming from every where. My head and knee have more pain than the rest of my body. I then see a doctor open the door with a clipboard in hand and a nurse behind him. "Hello Rebecca. I'm your doctor and I've been taking care of you for the past 4 days," he said while writing some things down. "What happened and why does my head and knee hurt so bad," I ask and he places his clipboard in the counter before facing me. "Well you got hit by a drunk driver and you've been in a coma for about 4 days. As for injuries you suffered a broken rib, a sprained knee and a concussion. Now you hit your head really hard so you may suffered from memory loss," he said and I shake my head. "I don't think I have memory loss,"I say as I think of everything I know.

"Well do you remember anything," he asked me. "I remember the accident and how it happened. I remember my friends and family. I remember everything," I say and he nods as he writes something down. "Ok well we have to run some tests on you to make sure you're ready to go home so do you have anyone you can call," he said and I nod thinking about Charlotte. "I do," he said as he gets ready to write something. "What's their number so I can call them," he said and I gave him her number before he left to call her.

In about 7 minutes, Charlotte comes through the door any I immediately frown at her appearance. She has some of her lipstick smudged and a hickey on her neck. She smiles as she sees me but I frown and look away. "Hey Bex," She said and I ignore her and look away. I play with my fingers and I feel her grab my hand and kiss it but I pull my hand away from her causing to see a frown appear on her face. "What's wrong with you," she said and that's when I actually took a smell of her and I smell cologne. Not anybody's cologne but AJ's.

She tries to give me a hug but I pull my hands up and stop her. "Don't touch me. Why don't you spend some time with Aj," I tell her and I see a confused face come from her. "What are you talking about," she says and I shake my head at her. "Cut the crap. You're lipstick is smudged, you have a hickey on your neck and you smell like his cologne," I tell her. "I can explain. It was AJ. I didn't do anything with him," she said with a little tear falling from her eye. "Then explain the hickey on your neck," I said causing her to nod and let out a shaky ok.

"Well, I was on my way to the hospital but Aj came by my room. We had a conversation about something then I said I was gonna see him later after I was done visiting you. So I told him that and he kissed me. I pushed him off but he kept kissing me and I got the hickey because he was kissing my neck and I froze in place. I then managed to get him off of me and leave. That's what happened. Nothing else happened and I promise," she said and I try to process everything that she said. "Ok. I'm sorry for snapping at you like that," I say to her and I hear her chuckle.

"It's ok. I just can't wait for you to leave this place and come home with me but it'll take maybe a couple more days," she said as she holds my hand. "I agree," I say as the doctor then entered the room. "Hello. So I'm gonna take some tests and see how your knee, rib and head is doing. And I need you to leave so I can take the tests," he said while motioning to Charlotte. She started to let go of my hand and leave but I held on and pulled her back to me. "Doctor, can she stay. I just feel more comfortable with her around me," I say and he smiles before nodding his head yes.

"So Rebecca can you see if you can sit up without any help," he asked and I let go of Charlotte's hand and sat up. "Yes I can and please call me Becky," I say as he writes things down. While he was writing things down I never took a second to admire Charlotte's clothes. She was wearing a black skirt with a blue shirt and a black sweater. Even in simple clothes, she still looks beautiful.

"Ok Becky, So how does your head feel? Does it hurt," he asks and I nod. "It does hurt and I feel very dizzy since I'm sitting up," I say as I put my head in my hands. "Ok well are you-, Becky you have to sit up so I can check you," the doctor said as I laid back down. "I'm sorry but my head hurts since I'm sitting up," I say as Charlotte shoots me a worried look. I feel Charlotte hold my hand and gives me a small smile. "Are you able to sit up Becky," the doctor asked again and I sigh in annoyance. "Yea I can" I say as I sit up.

Charlotte's POV

After 15 minutes of the doctor checking on Becky to make sure everything is ok he's finally done,. "So I would say you should stay one more night in the hospital and I'll give you some medicine to help you with your head," he said before leaving to give her Becky her medicine. "It sucks you can't go home tonight," I say as I hold her hand. "I know but don't you have to be in Los Angeles for a show in 3 days" Becky said with a little of sadness in her voice.

"Not anymore, I quit," I say and she looks at me with a shocked expression on her face. "Why did you quit," she asked me and I sigh. "Stephanie was being a bitch," I mumbled but I could tell she didn't hear it. "Can you speak a little bit louder," she said. "I said Stephanie was being a bitch so I quit," I said and Becky shook her head no. "Ashely, tell me the real reason," she said in a serious tone. "Okay okay. I quit because I wanted to be at the hospital with you but she wouldn't allow it. I threatened to quit and she took it as a joke so when I asked for her to give me a couple weeks or a month off she said no so I quit," I say simply. "Why? Charlotte you have a job and Stephanie is our boss. You have to listen to her," she said and I shrug my shoulders. "It doesn't matter now and she said sorry and gave me 2 months off to see you so it worked out in the end," I say and I hear Becky sigh. "If you say so," She said as I hear someone walk in and see that it's Finn.

Becky's POV

I hear a door open and see Finn walk in. I hold on to Charlotte's hand a little tighter. "Hey Finn," Charlotte says while letting go of my hand to greet him. I look at her in shock. "Hey Becky," he said but I don't say anything back. "Charlotte, do you think you can leave us to talk?," Finn asked Charlotte and she nodded yes. "NO. I don't want him near me," I say to Charlotte and she comes right next to my bed and cups my face. "It's gonna be ok. I'll be right outside the door just call me ok. Be strong for me beautiful. Ok?," She said and I nod before she kisses me on the fore head and leaves us alone.

"Becky, I know what I've done to you in the past and I just wanna talk," he said in a very calm voice. That's the first time I heard him speak like that in maybe a year or more. "What do you wanna talk about then?," I say a little calmer. "Well I know this isn't gonna make a whole lot of sense but I'm sorry. I know a sorry isn't gonna fix anything but I just hope you forgive me for what I done. I know what I did to you was very horrible and terrible and it can never be undone but if you can't forgive me I understand," he said with some tears in his eyes and I process everything he said. "I just wanna know why. Why me Finn?," I ask.

"I don't know. I was just angry at the time and I needed to take my anger out on someone. I now know that it wasn't right of me to do that and if I had a chance to take it back, I would. You've been nothing but nice to me in the past. You were so kind-hearted and nice and I took advantage of that. So I'm here now asking for a second chance. I talked to Charlotte once and she said that you forgive people and give people second chances no matter of what they did and I know I don't deserve a second chance and there's no way of me getting one but I want to give it a try. So can we start over with you forgiving me?," he asks as he lets out a shaky breath. I want to forgive him but I don't know if he really changed.

"Finn, I want to forgive you I really do but... I'm scared of the same thing happening again and again. Every time, I was at home trying to satisfy you with me cleaning and cooking and making sure the house was clean, you always hit me and slapped me for not doing a good job. Every single night I always cried myself to sleep wondering what did I do wrong to deserve this. I was living in a world of darkness by myself and the only sunshine I got was from Charlotte," I said and I feel my eyes start watering.

"She helped me, loved me, and cared for me when you didn't but you didn't want that to happen. You wanted me to just be depressed and only be with you. You even went as far as to rape me for nothing and I yelled. I yelled and cried for hours for someone or anyone to help me. You even beat me because I didn't listen to you. I was sore for hours on end because I was beat for exactly no reason," I said with tears streaming down my face. "You're sorry doesn't mean shit to me. Now just leave me alone," I say crying. "I'm sorry," he said before standing up. "No don't say that. You don't mean it at all. Just leave," I said as I pointed to the door.

He then leaves and Charlotte then walks in and notices my tearstained face and walks up to me and gives me a hug. "What happened," she asked as she rubbed my back. "Finn acts like a sorry is gonna undo everything he did but it isn't," I say to her. "I'll never know why those things happened to me. I tried my best to not make him mad at me and I always failed no matter what," I said as I cried on her shoulder. "Becks it's ok. Finn just wan-," Charlotte said as she was cut off by a door opening.

"Hello Becky... oh am I interrupting something," the doctor asked and I shake my head no. "Well ok but Becky you need to have surgery soon and we are gonna let you two talk before going into surgery," he said causing us both to nod before he left. "Charlotte, I'm scared," I say as she wiped my tears away. "Everything is gonna be ok. Just be strong. You'll get through this," Charlotte reassured me. "If you say so," I say and Charlotte gently forces me to look her in they eyes. "I'm serious. You're a person who has perseverance no matter what and you got this surgery in the bag. Just keep being positive," she says looking at me with a smile. "Ok," I nod and kiss her on her forehead. "Thanks I needed that talk a lot," I say. "Your welcome," Charlotte said as she kissed my forehead.

"Becky, it's time," the doctor said as he came in with a couple of nurses. I nod and they then switched me into a bed with wheels to bring me to the surgery room. Charlotte watched everything and I could tell she was worried. I held Charlotte's hand as they bring me to the room. We then came to a stop and I fell Charlotte grab my hands and make me look at her. "I love you," she said. "I love you too," I say as I give her a little peck on her lips.

Charlotte's POV

I watch as I saw Becky being wheeled over to the surgery room. I decided to go to my hotel room to wait for Becky's surgery to be done. In 20 minutes, I was in my room watching T.V when I heard a knock on my door. I get up and go to the door to open it and see it's AJ. I tried to close the door on him but he put his foot in the doorway preventing me from closing the door. "Charlotte, I just wanna talk," he said. "There's nothing to talk about," I say and try to close the door but he wouldn't let me. "Please Ash. Listen I'll take you out somewhere so we can talk about it please. My treat," he asked me. "No," I say then I feel a pair of lips touch mine and I immediately froze.

"Please Ash," he whispered into my ear. "Ok fine. Just let go of me," I say and he immediately steps away from me. "Lets go since you are already dressed and everything," he said and I grab my phone and keys and start to leave. "I appreciate you saying yes," he said as he started to hold my hand. "We're just talking about what happened. There's no need for you to hold my hand," I say. "Ok" he said as he presses the button for an elevator. We patiently wait for an elevator and one quickly opens revealing Sonya Deville.

I mentally sigh since me and Sonya have a very rough past. We met each other in the Performance Center in Orlando. She asked me to help her train and get comfortable with everybody. I said yes and I helped her with her training and I introduced her to some Superstars, backstage workers, our announcers and Becky. I then found out that she apparently liked me back then and she asked me out and I said yes. We kept our relationship super private that only me and her knew. We privately dated for maybe a year until I started to like Becky. We got into a huge argument about me liking someone else when we dating and we then broke up and we haven't talked since then.

"Hey Sonya," Aj said and I knew it was gonna be a long conversation since Sonya is a talker. "Hey Aj. Charlotte," she said awkwardly. "What are you doing right now," Aj asked her. "I was gonna go to the gym. What about you," she asked AJ. "Oh nothing. Just getting ready to go on a date with Charlotte here," he said as he put an arm around my waist. I fake smiled at her and she could tell it was fake. "Oh. Hey do you guys know where Becky is," she asked as she smirked at me.

"Oh she got into a car accident and she's in the hospital. Charlotte has been there the most. Every morning, day, and night," he said as he looked at me. "So why aren't you with her now?," she asked me. "She's having surgery," I say as I look forward at the door. Can this elevator go any slower? I just wanna get off already. "Aw that sucks. I was actually gonna pay a visit to her. Maybe I'll do it after her surgery is done and see how is she," she said causing AJ to laugh.

"Does someone have a crush on the Irish Lasskicker," AJ said in a baby voice. "Yea. She's absolutely stunning and beautiful and maybe I could call her mine sooner or later," she said while smirking at me. "I don't think that's possible. She's already dating someone and she isn't the cheating type," I say hoping Sonya will stop talking like that about Becky. "That doesn't matter if she has a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I just know I'm gonna make her mine one day," she said and finally the door opens. AJ then gets out and heads outside. "Ash I'll wait in the car," he said noticing I wasn't following him. I nod and after he was out of sight, I pulled Sonya out of the elevator and made her look at me. "Don't talk about Becky like that," I say to her and she just laughs in my face.

"Still the jealous type I see. Listen I don't care if you're dating Becky or not. Just listen when I tell you, she'll be mine," she said as she simply stood on her tippy toes and kisses my cheek before leaving to go to the gym. I hear a honk and realize AJ is waiting for me. I walked outside to AJ's car and hop in. "What took you so long," he asks and I shrug my shoulders. "We just got caught up on talking I guess," I say and he sighs before driving. "Where are we going?," I ask. "We are going to a bar actually. Maybe have a drink or two," he said and I shake my head. "I'm not having anything. I don't trust myself with alcohol and being with you," I say. "I'm a trustworthy guy," he said and I shake my head. "AJ, you are not even close to being trustworthy," I say causing him to laugh. "Whatever Flair," he said as he still drives.

15 minutes later

"We have arrived my queen," he said as he opened my door for me. "Thanks but I could've done it," I say. "No I got it but let's go inside," he said a little too excited. I let it slide and go in with him. As soon as I go in, I immediately smell alcohol. "Jesus. Smells like alcohol," I say and hear AJ chuckle. "What did you expect," I hear him say. "I don't know but it smells more like vodka then anything else," I say as we walk over to a bar and Aj immediately orders two beers. "AJ, I'm not gonna drink," I reminded him but he shrugs his shoulders. "I'm just getting one incase you want a drink," he said as the drinks came. "So, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for doing what I did earlier today," he said as he took a big sip of his glass. "It's fine and it's my fault for not stopping you," I say as I circle the rim of my glass. "Thirsty already," AJ asked. "I will be lying if I said I wasn't thirsty," I said and he eyes me a lot. "Ok fine," I say as I give in and start to drink my beer. "So, what were you and Sonya talking about," he asked as he takes another sip of his glass.

"Just catching up on our positions in the WWE and our futures. Stuff like that," I say as he nods. "Ok," he said as we both took a sip of our drinks at the same time. "Hey, you wanna do shots," he asks and I shake my head no. "Oh come on. It'll be fun," he said as he gave me puppy dog eyes. "Fine," I say as we both finish our beers and he calls a bartender for some shots. I know I'm gonna regret this. In about 2 minutes, the shots came and we each took 3 shots of vodka and I'm already starting to feel drunk a bit.

"AJ can we leave," I ask him and he shakes his head no. "We're both drunk so we are in no way to drive," he said and I sigh. "Call a friend," I say. "I guess," he say as he takes out his phone. "I could call Sheamus. He's always up at this time and he doesn't mind going for a late night jog," he says as he calls Sheamus. "Hey Sheamus. Me and Flair are at a bar and we need you to pick us up and drive us back since we aren't in any condition to drive," he says and I hear Sheamus agree and that he's coming right now. AJ then puts his phone away and keeps drinking. "Aj stop. You'll get more drunk," I say in concern. "So," he said as he puts his head down on the table. I copy him and do the same thing. "Charlotte, have I ever told you that you look beautiful tonight," he told me as he caresses my cheek.

"AJ," I say as I tried to push his hand away but I missed. "Ashely I like you," he said plainly. "No you don't. You d-" I say as I was cut off by him kissing me. I hesitated but ended up kissing him back. Ashely Stop. You're dating Becky. I tried to stop kissing him but it was like my mind was on autopilot. "Charlotte," I heard Sonya say. "Oh no" I say as I pull back from AJ. "Why were you kissing AJ," she pretended to act shocked but I knew she was faking it. "Sonya, can you take us home but I need to tell Sheamus to not come anymore," AJ asked and she nods. "Sure thing, I'll help Charlotte to the car while you call him she said as she helped me up. AJ then went somewhere to call Sheamus and I push Sonya away from me.

"I can walk on my own," I say and she puts her hands up. "I'm not gonna do anything," she says as she opens the door for me outside. It was a chilly day but that was the least of my worries. "Sonya can we just get to the hotel and-," I say as I'm cut off by Sonya pushing me up against the wall. "Sonya. Stop it," I say but she doesn't. I then feel her kiss me and I just stay still and don't kiss her. "Sonya. Stop it," I say and she finally listens. "Ok, fine," she said as she backs up and just in time, AJ comes and doesn't see anything.

"Ok come on let's go to the hotel," AJ said and I nod in agreement. We go to her car and AJ sits in the passenger seat while I sit in the back. "AJ, what about your car," I ask as I yawn. "I'll ask someone to drive me here in the morning and pick it up," he says and I nod. We start driving and I look out the window.

20 minutes

At hotel

"Make sure she gets to her room safely," Sonya says to AJ as he walks me to my room. "You do know I can walk by myself," I say to AJ as he shrugs his shoulders. "I know but I wanted to know if I can stay with you tonight since I don't have a key to my room," he asks and I nod. "Sure, I don't mind," I say and he smiles before thanking me. "No problem," I say as I unlock my door. We both enter and I began to take off my jacket.

"Charlotte, we didn't get to finish since Sonya interrupted us," he said and I shake my head. "Nothing was gonna start," I say as I took off my shoes and him doing the same thing. "Charlotte, I like you a lot. So you might hate me but whatever," he said before kissing me again for the second time tonight. He then drags me to my bed and lays me on top of their without breaking the kiss. The rest of my sober mind is telling me to stop and my drunk mind is telling me to keep going and my drunk mind is winning that argument. I feel AJ break the kiss and start to take my shirt off. He reconnected the kiss and I kissed back. "Ready Ash," he asked me. "Of course," I reply back to him.

Becky's POV

I just woke up since the surgery and my doctor prescribed me with some painkillers to take. I laid on my bed looking up at my ceiling until I heard my door open to see it was Sasha and Bayley. "Hey guys," I say to them as they came in. "I wish I could hug you but you just got out of surgery so yea," Bayley said and I chuckle. "It's fine. Sooner or later I'll be out and can give as many hugs as possible," I say. "Have you guys seen Charlotte or know where she is? I wanted to see her after my surgery to talk to her," I ask and they both shake their heads no.

"Nope. We actually though she was here waiting for your surgery to end to see you but guess not," Sasha said as she sat down on one of the chairs. "Oh," I say s little disappointed. "But don't let that ruin today. Let's watch maybe a couple of matches on YouTube. Maybe some older matches," Bayley said and Sasha shrugged. "I know a great match. Search up the second TLC match at WrestleMania 17 I think," I say in excitement. "That's a great match. One of my personal favorites," Bayley said and I nod in agreement.

The next hours or so us 3 have just been watching old matches and remembering fun times in the ring. I miss nights where we would all chat together but it will be better if Charlotte was here. Sasha and Bayley feel asleep on each other and I chuckle at their positions. I grab my phone and go to Charlotte's contact to text her.

Lasskicker 🧡: Hey Charlotte, I just got out of surgery and I hope you will be here with me but I don't know if you fell asleep or are doing something. I hope in the morning we will be able to talk but right now, Goodnight Charlotte.

I send the text and then turned off the T.V. I then soon fell asleep with the thought of Charlotte on my mind.

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