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Moiety: One of two equal parts Never treated as an equal due to being an omega, Yoongi lives life serving ot... Еще

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
I Got Tagged
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Never have I ever...
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 (M) (?)
Chapter 47 (M)
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54- The End
Extra- Tae's Thank You

Chapter 51

4.9K 277 110

"We leave in 10 minutes. That'll be all." Yoongi stood from the desk and walked out of the room. Jimin, Namjoon and taehyung following him suit.

After waking up, Jungkook and yoongi both agreed that they needed to plan an attack, or at least talk to the rogues once again.

A meeting in Jungkooks office, as Alpha Jeons was still a wreck, had just finished. Or rather, yoongi finished it.

He made his point clear. They were leaving today. Jungkook argued that maybe they should prepare and leave tomorrow, yoongi simply stated that they'd waited too long already.

Yoongi made his way to Luna Jaeeuns office, she said the omega was free to use it as his own till one can be made for him.

He sat at the desk chair and gestured for his council to sit. His fully commenced council.

Jimin sat with a shocked expression, he'd never seen yoongi so... dominant. He'd never seen the adorable, soft, sweet omega that he thought he knew, speak so strong and with such leadership. Even he felt compelled to follow.

Jimin was the newest member of the council. After helping yoongi yesterday, both men realised the connection they had ignored. The same connection both Namjoon and taehyung felt. The need to serve yoongi.

The full council is now ready.
Yoongi, The Omega of Serenity.
Taehyung, The Omega of Equanimity.
Namjoon, The Alpha of Perspicacity.
Jimin, The Alpha of Sagacity.

1 leader, and 3 followers. A start of the new system.

"Are you alright yoongi?" Taehyung asked softly, he knew yoongi would be a little upset. Him and Jungkook were at a disagreement again.

"I'm fine. We need to make a plan" yoongi started as he sat back and joined his hands on the desk.

The other three perked up, "Yes Serenity."

"While Jungkook and Alpha Jeon take the attack group to the front, I want us three to infiltrate the building. Jin won't be stupid enough to take us head on, he'll be hiding, presumably with my mother." Yoongi gripped his own hands tightly, repressing the alpha rage that boiled within.

"Namjoon, Jimin, as alphas you will protect me and taehyung. Then, once we find my mother, Tae will take over and heal my mother, I've a feeling she'll be very sick, tired and maybe even injured."

The others nodded in understudying.

"Jungkook will want to help" Jimin spoke up. Having been previously on Jungkook council, and being his best friend, he knew Jungkook like the back of his hand.

"I know, that's why I want him to be busy out front. I'm making this clear here and now, Jungkook can not come with us in the building. I can't guarantee his safety, and he'll most likely get in the way." Yoongi replied, his voice stern yet understanding.

"He wants to keep you safe, as anybody would for their mate" Namjoon gave a voice of reason, trying to understand where Jungkook was coming from.

"He forgets I can protect myself. I love him, I really do. But this fight is between me and Jun, I'm sorry the pack got involved."
Yoongi stood and placed both hands flat on the table.
"I know thsi is a lot, and I know your new lives have only begun, but do you all trust me? I can keep you three safe."

Looks were shared amongst the other three council members, but nonetheless they nodded.
"Yes, Your Serenity. Our trust lies in you."

"Then get ready, we leave soon"

The packs strongest alphas and betas has gathered outside the pack, ready for what was to come. Jungkook stood next to his father, his eyes peeled for a certain raven haired omega.

Soon, said omega walked forth, his council training behind.

Yoongi was dressed in a pair of tough, jet black pants, good for the upcoming battle. He wore a simple white shirt and a dark body warmer. His clothes followed suit as everyone else, casual yet warm clothing, the only reason these 4 stood out was their brooches. Gorgeous silver brooches with a different coloured gem in each.

Tae wore a yellow get, Namjoon wore blue and Jimin wore red. Yoongi wore what could essentially be he crown. His silk choker that Jaeeun had gifted him.

Those four reeked power, as the pack couldn't have been more proud of their new leaders.

"I thank you all for gathering. This pack is under threat. Today, we eliminate that threat. We are peaceful, and never throw the first punch. Yet we will protect our home, by any means necessary. All of you will head to the front, do as you must. I have faith in you all. Thank you, for guarding our pack" yoongis cogce remained calm and strong as he spoke. Every alpha, beta and omega in the area breakers with pride.

"Yes! Your Serenity!" The changed back before they all began walking.

Luckily a beta had spotted the rogues camp while scouting the area. They were in an abandoned factory only a mile or two out of pack grounds. It was scary how close they were.

Yoongi led the group, waking at the front with his three council members. The air was tense, yet an aura of bravery looked over them all. They had to do this. They had to protect their home.

Jungkook caught up with yoongi, trying his best to talk to him.
"Peach, can I talk to you for a second?"

"I haven't time babe, neither do you. You gotta lead them into battle" yoongi didnt want to be rude ti his mate, especially not know. Under his strong facade, yoongi was scared. He didn't know what lay ahead.

Jungkook shook his head, a little frustrated.
"Promise me, if anything goes wrong you'll call me" yoongis heart broke as he stared into the alphas eyes. Jungkook wasn't just scared, he was terrified. He'd already lost yoongi once, he couldn't do it again.

Yoongi reached down and grabbed the alphas large hand in his own, he brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it, "only if you promise me to keep safe. You said you'd never leave me. If it gets too dangerous, run. Hide. Stay safe."

Jungkook didn't have time to respond as they were mere feet standing from the abandoned factory. The crickets old bulldog wa sonly two storeys high, yet was large in its area coverage.
Around 200 rogues gathered in a fighting stance outside. Jun stood on the roof, two rogues either side of him.

"Lookey here! Ain't it my pretty little omega~ miss me already princess?" Jun sneered from atop of the building.

Jungkook growled possessively. Yoongi released a pheromone to calm him before standing forward, his council following him.

"Jun! We come here to negotiate! We want peace! And return The She-Alpha you hold prisoner!" Yoongis voice boomed loudly, shocking those around him who knew not of his stays. How could an omega appear so strong?

"Negotiate? I stated what o wanted! Money and you~" the disgusting smile he gave at the end made yoongis stomach turn.

"That's not happening!"

"Then it's done. You won't save your pack from battle! You failure of an omega! If you want a fight princess... then here it is!"

Like a flash, all of the rogues ran forward and began attacking. It hurt to admit, but they were strong. Yoongis and his council silently slipped from the battle and made their way inside. Jungkook gave a disapproving look but didn't have a chance to follow his omega as he was grabbed by rogues, this isn't going to be easy.

As they entered the building Yoongi rolled his eyes at the lack of security. They checked all the rooms downstairs, not that there was many. Most of the spaces downstairs were used as bedrooms and kitchens for the rogues.

"She's not here yoongi" Tae declared after checking the last room.

"She must be upstairs" yoongi whisper yelled as he began slowly moving upstairs, cautious of his every move.

Namjoon went first, after he gave a quick nod the rest followed. Yoongi could feel his heart race. This place was awful. The walls were barely standing, there was mold and all the windows were smashed or cracked. It physically hurt yoongi to think of his mother being in such a horrible place.

They split into two teams, Jimin and taehyung, yoongi and Namjoon. Each pair went into the seemingly endless rooms, searching for the Serenity's mother.

After 20 solid minutes, yoongi could feel all hope fly from his soul. Where is she?!
At that exact moment Jimin called out urgently,
"We found her!"

Yoongi ran straight into the far corner room. Jimin stood at the door, a worried expression painted on his face.

The smell, the smell was the first thing that yoongi noticed. It was horrific. Obviously a mix of stool and urine, added with the humid stench of sweat.

Yoongi lifted his eyes to briefly search the room. Those bastards... the room wasn't fit for rats, let alone any people. The walls were cracking and crumbling at the touch, a tiny window sealed off with bricks, the floor was harsh cement. Pipes travelled across the ceiling, each steaming with heat. The room had little to no air.

Finally yoongi meg eyes with taehyung who sat squatted beside the motionless alpha on the ground.

His breath hitched. Yoongi couldn't move forwards. Tae stood slowly and stood beside his friend, his eyes said it all. Yet he still spoke,

"There's not much I can do yoongs... s-she- she's too far gone..." Taes voice carried the weight of the world. Yoongi counts t build the spirit to look at Tae, he simply asked, "is she alive?"

Tae shook his head with a sigh, "she is... but I don't know for how long.. I'm so sorry" and with that he left the room.

Yoongi took 4 steps forward. He let himself fall to his knees. His mother... Sweet Min Haneul... she wore scraps of clothings, ripped and shredded to almost nothing. Her skin was dull, lifeless in its appearance. Her legs and arms viably displayed the horrendous beatings the gave her. Disgusting large blue and purple welts all across her skin. Scratches and cud along her one flawless skin.

His hand travelled up to the ever soft skin of his mother's cheek. She was so weak. Her face was sulken, her eyes held no life.

"H-hi mama.." yoongi tiny voice broke the sickening silence.

The broken alpha perked up, her head turned to face the sweet voice and the smile that graced her was one of pure joy.
"Yoongi, my sweet boy" she tried her best to lift her hand to touch her son's chubby cheek, but she couldn't. Yoongi instead lifted it for her, snuggling his face deep into her palm. He inhaled her familiar scent, sweet like his, yet more alpha like. Cherries and cinnamon. And odd mix yoongi admits, but that was his mama.

"I'm sorry mama... I'm so sorry..." the tears flowed from the boys eyes and he couldn't stop if he wanted. His heart was snapping in two. This woman, she not only gave him life, but she made him live. She gave him kindness, warmth, love. She gave him everything she had unconditionally. She never doubted him, she never underestimated him. Even when he presented as an omega, presented as the Serenity, all she saw him as was her son. Her baby. She was the strongest woman he knew. Through all the pain, through all the horrid events life threw at her, she held her head high and smiled.
Even when chulsoon died... she was there for yoongi. She put aside her pain and comforted her sweet baby boy.

"Oh my sweet boy, don't cry. I'll be fine. I've lived a good life. This is not your fault." She comforted him to the best of her ability, her voice was tired and lacked its normal enthusiasm. Yet it was still as warm as ever.

"Mama... I can save you, w-we can take you back to the house! Jin can help- please hold on, i-I can't lose you... please don't leave me" he begged, his words were scratchy and painful.

"No darling... it's okay, it's my time. I'm going to see chulsoon now..." she gave a half hearted smile, and yoongi bawled his eyes.

He can't lose his mama. He has no brother, his dad won't wake up, and now his mama... yoongi needs his family. It's not fair, he can't lose his whole family.

But that's just it, isn't it? Life isn't fair to everyone.

Yoongi lifted his mother into his lap, wrapping his arms around her, holding her tightly. Maybe if he held her close enough, maybe if he wished hard enough, maybe, just maybe she won't leave.

"Yoongi... d-don't let this pain become you... I'll always be with you. You're going to do such amazing things my sweet boy. I-i love you so much. You've made me so proud" the sweet alpha cried too. She was scared, she didn't want to die. But she knew it was inevitable. All she could hope for now was a happy place. A happy life for her son.

"Mama... please... I love you so much... please..."

Yoongi whispered soft exchanges of love to his mother. And soon... she fell limp. The last exhausted breath escaped from her crimson lips.
Yoongi continued to hold her, sobbing uncontrollably.
The three council members held their head down in sorrow. Tae let a few tears escape. Namjoon stepped into the room and placed a comforting hand on yoongis shoulder.

Yoongi blinked and let the last of his tears fall.
And that was it.
She's gone.

Min Haneul was dead.

That's the end of the chapter.
I'm sorry.

Word count: 2317


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