My Happy Ending [MIA]

By Haruki0w0

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"We met by pure chance, she seemed to lived an interesting life and I was drawn to her by first chat. When we... More

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By Haruki0w0

Also sorry in advance LMAO. I'm gracing y'all with a 4500k word update. Dunno if it's enough though.

I finished reading A hardcore, cultural BDSM fanfic. So forgive me for the intro lol.

"No, no. I'm not doing this."

"Shut up, you are, now bend over and let this shit fuck you up."

Lucy pursed her lips in thought, the bad part was that she hated spanking but on the other hand, it was Camila. The girl could barely walk most of the time without tripping, it wouldn't hurt right?


Lucy cried out shamelessly, she had tears rolling down her face after Camila finished 5 bare spanks on her ass.

Fuck the dare, she wasn't going to receive another 5 slaps from this madwoman.

So she stood up, ass on view for anyone to see. Unfortunately or fortunately, it was only her circle of friends that saw her tan, turning into blue ass. "Damn it, Lauren you didn't tell me she had a firm hand!"

The woman in question grinned at her, "You really thought I'd stay with her for almost 2 years just by being all cute and shit?"

Ally giggled as Lucy strapped herself in her lap, the Latina winced as she did so, giving ally her best puppy eyes, "Even I knew Camila wasn't all sweet, everyone has a different side Lucia."

Lucy directed her glare towards Dinah who was snickering with Normani, "You knew!," Gasping she continued, "Oh my God! You went through with it didn't you?!"

The Polynesian turned into a darker shade of red, she didn't answer even as as her lover pestered her with a finger.

"You're really not going to tell me? Or your girlfriend? She's practically your wife at this point!" Lucy pointed out.

Selena covered her mouth with a hand, she was trying not to laugh. Lucy shot her a look, "You got spanked too didn't you? Don't laugh at me you masochist."

She opened and closed her mouth, she shrugged as a woman sat on her lap. "Get off me, I'm a taken woman now."

"You? Did Camila leave her wife for you?" Parker laughed. For some reason, she always preferred Selena over Dinah.

Lauren lazily took her head off Camila's shoulder to give the redhead a glare, "She wishes."

Selena gulped down her 'me too' and instead replied with a, "Nah, got myself another hoe."

"What a real hoe she is too," Demi snorted as she pulled Parker into her lap, "Don't try with her Lil mama, how about you take me down there and we can have a little reminisce bonding time?"

They disappeared off into the private rooms with Camila looking after them thoughtfully, "That's weird."

Selena had the same look on her face but shrugged it off.

"I can't believe you guys own this club." Ally slurred. She was already tipsy.

Camila replied with a "Same," She was sipping her drink with a thin straw, "It was just an orgy house at the time."

Lauren and the rest curiously listened as Camila told her story, "I lost my virginity pretty young and so did Demi, we were both high off sex all the time. Sometimes you'd get bored of the same area and women all the time so I made her buy this club and made it turn into an underage orgy house. Later on, I don't know how but we decided to profit over it and Demi said 'fuck it' and turned it into a strip club with private rooms for people to fuck in. There's also the VIP area where a couple or two might fuck in public, or some horny shits want to do humiliation play. Overtime it just turned into a success. Never actually had a hand in this though."

Selena chuckled and Lauren eyed her with suspicion, "You know something. Now cough it up."

Dinah was also chuckling. It was her who revealed that, "Karla over there used to a pole dancer/stripper. Best one that made this club known for. No one actually knows her identity so don't freak it out."

Lauren felt upset, well half upset and half turned on, "You used to strip for other people?"

Camila calmly sipped her straw, "Yeah, used to fuck the staff and some of the costumers too. You wanna leave me now that you discovered I'm such a whore?"

The way she said it rattled Lauren's bones but she held on her girlfriend's arm tightly, "Like you can just get rid of me like that."

Camila laughed at her reaction, she turned her head to give the green eyed woman a tender kiss with pure bliss reflecting in her eyes, "They could never compare to you Lo, your touch always lingers on my body."

Lauren leaned in closer to her ear and whispered, "Not even Dinah?"

Camila watched the other couple, Dinah letting Normani settle on her arm as they conversed with Ally and Lucy, who looked oddly couple-y as well. Dinah looked so content just having Normani in her arms, it made her happy that her soul-sister was happy too. "Not in the way you're thinking no, but I'm still very grateful I lost it to her. Albeit it wasn't as romantic as she wanted it to be."

Lauren smiled happily, she switched their positions and snuggled Camila in her arms. She didn't know what she would do without the woman in her life.

Selena watched them from afar with a smile, a smile that was genuine in her opinion. She liked seeing Camila happy, really happy. And she was still one of her closest friends, there was no way in hell she was going to ruin the best thing that happened to Camila.

She remembered being 18, she and Demi just both turned legal. She had just returned from Paris after a shoot and Camila had been waiting for her in her room with a soft smile. One of the rarest things she had come to know at the time.

It wasn't the thrill actually, it was just the natural security and vibe.

Sure she liked Camila's taste in bed, rough and fast- but she still preferred the butterflies, the ache in her chest.

She loved the feeling of being in love.

Selena knew it wasn't ever going to work, with her constantly in the spotlight, her sexuality being covered by her first boyfriend. With Camila's condition.

She never thought another person would prove her wrong.

Then Lauren came into the picture and she knew Camila was saved. She was saved from all the monsters Selena couldn't protect her from. The failure she had was fixed by Lauren.

Lauren who wasn't just in love of being in love, no she actually loved Camila and everything Camila carried.

And maybe it was because she was immature or it was because they were teenagers, but she knew she never had a chance to be even compared.

At the end, Camila's happiness was her happiness.

And if she had to move on now, really find someone new, then she would. For her and Camila both.

She didn't expect that she had to prove her love too soon though.


Numbness. Nothingness. Faults? Mourning?

What were those again?

Black? White? Gray?

Camila drew in a heavy breath, she tried to think. Tried to feel.


She hugged the body close, not bothering by the odor coming from it. She needed to keep it safe, she had promised a future with it.

Who was it..?

She shook her head as she continued to drag it with her, she didn't know where she was, her vision was blurry, her head was heavy. She was dehydrated? Her mouth and throat was dry and her guts felt like they needed horse to shut themselves up.

Just keep walking.

Just keep walking.

Just keep walking.

The body was a burden, but she didn't let go. She had a promise to keep.




Camila rubbed her temples as the couple from the other room fought. It looked like it was going to be another sleepless night. Lauren wasn't with her too, usually her cuddles was enough to drown out any kind of uneasiness.

Vegas was beautiful at night. The lights were amazing. Camila stood by the glass window to gaze at its beauty.

The place had always been her escape from everything. The alcohol, the thrill, the women helped her escape her abnormality.

No she was normal, just a bit special.

A buzz from her phone made her tore her eyes away from the amazing view.

LoLo💚: I'm sorry mi amor, I'm going to be late tonight. Mani has some issues and the girls and I are having a night out with her.

Camzi💓: girls? You, mani and?

LoLo💚: Lucy lol, I've been hanging out with her a lot to rekindle our friendship. She's my bestfriend too.

Camzi💓: oh okay. Are you at the club rn?

LoLo💚: yeah, you don't mind right?

Camzi💓: no I don't. Just steer clear away from Parker. That woman doesn't mind if there's a goalie.

LoLo💚: I'll keep that in mind <3

LoLo💚: talk to Dinah for me will you? She's being a bitch and I'd hate to see this relationship die out

Camzi💓: I will, take care mi amor

LoLo💚: Take care too mi amor, I'll be home soon

Camzi💓: I'll be waiting

Her door busted open and a grumpy Selena walked in, "I wanna go out and drink." She demanded.

Camila gave her a look, "We've been drunk since 3 days ago flaca. Do you have a problem?"

Her bestfriend sat near her, on her bed. "Well, there's me breaking Demetria's heart, possibly Ariana's too if we continue fooling around and my own if I don't sort this shit out."

The dip of her bed made Camila stretch her back, it was stiff all afternoon from having Lauren snuggle in her chest. "Mhmm, be thankful you're an adult. Imagine being 15 and going through all that bullshit."

"Well, I did go through with that at my teenage years, don't think the same solution would work this time around." Selena replied with a yawn.

"You seem tired," Camila pulled on a a jacket, she eyed the older Latina. "You sure you wanna go out?"

"Yeah, I haven't had the chance to whore out since the Ama's."

The younger celebrity laughed, "You haven't whored out? What about Grande then you hoe?"

Selena's cheeks blushed pink, yet she shook her head stubbornly. "Properly whore out Cabello, I wanna do that."

"Men or women?" Camila asked. Selena's bisexuality gave her 2 choices everytime they went out. Once she picked one, she was committed to it at that night.

"Hmm... Let's go for girls since I'm so nice. You might find some cute little baby Latina."

She dodged the pillow that spiralled to her, it didn't stop with only one pillow, another and another got smacked on her head. "Bitch. I already have a baby Latina."

"She's so pale thoug-" This time she was thrown a heel.

Camila held the other 5-inch heel in her hand with a scary smile, "Let's just go. "


"Lo, isn't that Camila?" Lucy slurred, they were hanging out in the same club that the sisters had taken them to earlier.

Lauren looked over her shoulder to indeed see her girlfriend sitting down with an already drunk Selena on her lap. Camila looked bored as her best friend kept drinking more out of the vodka bottle she had on her hand.

This was bad, Lauren had been feeling drunk since 3 hours ago and that meant she wasn't in her usual composure. All patience was thrown out the window as she saw Selena kissing Camila's neck, with her girlfriend not doing anything to stop it.

She stormed to them, alcohol and weed in her system. Pushing Selena off, she sent a slap hard enough that it made Camila stumble on her seat. "What the fuck Camila?!"

Her girlfriend took 5 seconds to regain her consciousness, her brown eyes panicking as she saw Lauren standing over her with a face full of anger and frustration. "Lo??? Are you okay??"

Selena stood up and pushed Lauren away, "Slut! The fuck are you to push me away?!"

They were making a racket in the middle of the club now. People gathered 5 feet away from them as they watched the scene unfold.

Camila was barely sober, and Selena had already forgot what the word even meant. Lauren was worst, she had decided to let loose and smoked that night. She was never one of a calm stoned girl.

Lucy could hear them shouting at each other, she was in the crowd, elbowing people out of the way to stop the fight before it became too huge.

Normani was nowhere to be seen.



Oh. She already lost Lauren, she couldn't ask for help now.

"You'll be fine. We'll be fine. You were a hero today." She muttered as she hugged her companion close. It was getting dark.

Her companion didn't reply. How could they?

"Come home Camila. Come home to me, you love me don't you? I accept you, you're so perfect for me." A voice called out from inside the house.

Camila blinked and she saw herself barely 10 feet away from the broken house. Oh.

She was hungry, and dirty. She had cuts everywhere and she doubted her hair was even decent.

"You... Won't hurt me anymore right?" She softly replied. Her voice was cracked.

The person came out with a large smile. She walked to Camila with arms open and inviting, "I didn't hurt you remember? It's punishment for how bad you were being. I care for you, that's why I punished you."

The former singer clutched her friend close, "You.. Won't hurt my friend either?"

This time the person shook their head, "We'll put them to sleep. Okay? They need to rest."


"I want to rest too." She replied as she leaned down on the person. They felt cold.

The person hugged her, fondly kissing her forehead. "I always cared for you. I always watched you. That girl.. She didn't know how to take care of you."

Lauren. Lauren would save her. Lauren was an angel.

Her friend laid limp on the sidewalk, looking as dirty as Camila was. "Will you let me rest?"

The smile she was replied with was bone-chilling. "You will. In a bit after I feed you. How long do you want to rest?"

Camila breathed in slowly. "Until this nightmare ends."

"This isn't a nightmare my love, this is a beautiful dream."


Lauren woke up with a start. She held her head in her hands as it pounded and she saw red. "F-fuck, what happened last night Camila?"

The lump beside her wiggled, it was covered by the thick blanket of the bed. She tore it off only to see Lucy and Normani hugging each other. "What the fuck?"

"Don't disturb them. They had the same nasty night as you did."

She turned around to see Ally smiling at her, eyes dark and tired while holding a tray of water and pills. She laid the tray down on the desk beside the bed and sat down with a sigh on the chair. "Last night, I was gone for a full 5 hours and you kids decided it was the best time to act like Hollywood brats."

Lauren tried to remember what even happened last night. Who did she fight? "Where's Camila?"

Ally pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed again, "I don't know whether it's great you forgot it even happened."

"H-huh?" Fuck. She had a chill creep up very slowly up her spine. No. That was never good. The last time that happened was when she was taking photos in Hawaii and Demi texted her about Camila.

"Where's Demi?" She asked again.

"Outside. Looking for someone. Some people." Ally replied again in her tired voice. Now that Lauren looked very closely, the bags under her eyes made her look older than 29.

"C-camila. Where is she Ally?" She tried standing up from the bed, wincing as her head hammered again.

Her friend tossed her a phone and she saw a video playing. She played it again from the very start, with her heart beating so loudly, she swore it would have waken up Lucy and Normani.

The place was the club, the music loudly played and people were everywhere. At first the view was blurry, then it focused as Lauren's voice boomed.


The camera steadied on three people, Lauren standing in front of Camila who was sitting back and Selena who was on the floor.

The three women looked drunk out of their minds. With Lauren looking the least sober out of them. Eyes red and wild hair, she stood with a slight slump in front of Camila with her arms crossed.

Selena stood up and pushed her, making her stumble beside Camila on the couch. "SHE'S NOT A WHORE. HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT?"

Lauren flashed a grin, "She sleeps around. She fucked you, what else proof do we need?"

Camila sat by, silent as she watched the two. Silent and frigid.

Selena slapped the raven haired woman, "HOW FUCKING DARE YOU?"

Lauren didn't need more of a push to slap the woman back. Camila looked tired at that point, she stood up and made herself still in between the two women. "Shut the fuck up. We're fucking drunk."

Selena didn't calm down and nor did Lauren. Infact they didn't stop throwing hands. Camila didn't step away as some of their attacks landed on her.

She held out her hands and grabbed their wrists. "Just stop."

Lauren didn't stop, she took her hand away and punched Camila square in the jaw. It made the singer back away from the two, holding her jaw in her hand.

The older Latina threw a punch to Lauren, "Why the fuck did you do that you peice of shit? You love Camila! Not hurt her!"

Lauren stared at her girlfriend in shock, "I-i, didn't meant that Camz!"

She ran to the singer to only be held back by Lucy, "You made enough ruckus Jauregui. Let's go. People are filming."

"N-no, Camz! D-dont hold me back Luce, I need to make sure she's okay!" Camila was already walking away, or limping away as Selena dragged her out of the crowd.

"CAMZ! CAMILA! I FUCKI-" the video ended as the holder was swept away by the crowd.

Lauren already had tears streaming down her face. That wasn't her. She could never hurt Camila.

"T-that's not me." She sobbed.

Ally watched her cry, "It is you. Or it's a part of you. You must have been very stressed or frustrated even before this night."

The woman kept silent, she replayed the video. Not believing that was her. No. That wasn't her.

"Have you always had a problem with her friendship with Selena?" Ally asked, her voice gentle and motherly.

Lauren's tears didn't stop as she swallowed heavily, she wrapped her arms around herself. Feeling regret fill her inside and out. "I-i, don't know. I've.. Been always insecure about them, but Camila always assured me there was nothing going on."

Ally's features softened and she stood up to hug Lauren into her chest. "Honey.."

"W-where is she Ally? I-i need to tell her I didn't mean it!"

Lucy had already woke up earlier as Lauren saw the video. At first she was silent, but she saw ally bite her lower lip and she felt remorse, "Ally. Where's Camila?"

Both women turned to their best friend, Ally sighed and she squeezed Lauren, "Demi's looking for them."

"T-them?" It looked like Lauren's stutter wasn't go go anytime soon.

"Camila and Selena. They've been gone since last night."


It's been a month.

Demi slugged against the wall of Camila's childhood home with her sister's sweatshirt in her hands.

She was supposed to be 31 now. She was supposed to be celebrating with her little sisters right now.

But all three disappeared.

Camila. Selena. Dinah.

Where were they?

It was impossible. How were they gone over just one night?

She held the shirt to her tighter, Camila's natural scent helping a little to calm her down.

Maybe.. The girls just went to an island, one of Camila's hidden islands to comfort the playful Latina. Maybe she just needed time away from her girlfriend. That night was a big shock after all.

But. No.

There was a possibility, but her mind refused to register it as one.

Camila was alive. Selena was alive. Dinah was alive.

Those three would destroy a whole country if one of them was either physically or mentally hurt.

Yes. It was impossible that even one of them died. Those three wouldn't let any kind of harm happen to each other.


She choked back a sob, she wouldn't cry. She refused to cry. Demi never cried. She was Camila's big sister, she did the comforting. She was Selena's best friend, she was the one who gave her shirt to cry on. She was Dinah's soul sister, she held her hand through out the worst. She won't cry. She won't.

Camila was strong. She wouldn't lose herself. She would get passed this just like she passed her condition.

Selena was strong too, she would be at Camila's beck and call if the girl needed anything. She would sacrifice herself if needed.

Dinah would protect them both. She wouldn't hesitate to throw herself in front of a running bullet if it meant she would save the two girls.

Yes. They would survive.


She sighed as she thought of the emerald eyed girl. She saluted the woman who drove her little sisters away. The woman who possibly broke Camila's heart.

Lauren spent every second looking for the girls. She didn't sit down at home, relying on shitty ass detectives to look for Camila. She took Lucy and disappeared from the face of earth as well.

Normani spent everyday in Ally's care. The older Latina was the most patient of them. She spent it comforting Normani who acted suspiciously quiet while her lover was gone. Demi knew they were all going through shock, and one of these days, they were all going to break down.

This was why Camila always told her to cry. It was why Camila didn't hesitate to cry. Because there was relief after, but no. She refused to feel relief until she found her little sister.

Someone knocked on the door, they knocked for a minute straight until they gave up.

"Darling, you need to eat. I left you soup incase your stomach rejected it." Simon's voice called out from the other side. Tired. Like the rest of them were.

Demi knew why. Of course he handled everything that was happening, not only with Camila's career. He hired FBI agents to find his little girl. The little girl he spent ¼ of his life protecting, sheltering and spoiling. He had to take care of one grown up woman that was slowly going insane from the loss of her little sister, and another grown man who was panicking everyday in regards to his family. All three of them felt useless. The girl they cherished all through their lives was gone.

"I'll eat, don't worry." Came Demi's soft, raspy voice.

She heard her father sigh, then his footsteps away from the door.

If anyone read or saw their family, they would assume that Camila only brought despair and pain to them. But they didn't see or felt it.

They didn't see Camila's blinding smile, the sheer brightness of her laugh bringing happiness to anyone who saw it. They didn't see her protecting and getting herself hurt just to protect her family and friends. They didn't see her slowly die inside from burdening all her feelings. She didn't want to hurt anyone. She did the opposite, she gave her all in making them feel half the worth she wanted them to see.

Demi's past wasn't as messed up as Camila's. Possibly. But for the longest time, she never trusted any other man than Simon and Harry. She never trusted anyone who was kind, too kind in her opinion. Someone who sugarcoated their words.

She had a facade as well. A smile that made everyone thinks she was the happiest girl ever.

Then she turned 15 and she met Camila.

The brunette looked her in the eye and scoffed, she would never forget what Camila said in their first meeting.

"You're as disgusting as the adults I know."

For the rest of the year, she spent it sucking up to her new little sister. She bought her gifts, took her to shows, introduced her to celebrities. Yet Camila never liked her. She insulted her. She told her how much of a degrade she was.

"You're fake." Camila casually said once as they had their nails done.

Demi had flashed her a smile, "Am I? I only want you to accept me as your sister."

Camila was blunt, she didn't care what people thought of her. She possibly did enough bullshitting before and got tired of it.

"You're someone who wouldn't think twice before sacrificing someone you love just to live for a minute more." Camila stated.

That made Demi frown. And it was the first time she publicly frowned. Camila laughed at her face and congratulated her.

"I like that on you. Genuine feelings suit your face." Camila teased.

After that, Camila always insulted her. Openly to anyone who could hear. She liked seeing Demi frown, she liked seeing Demi pout. She liked seeing Demi lose her mask.

Once a stone, the next into a human.

It didn't mean that Camila only showed her concern in meaningless words though.

She received a bullet for her older sister once. She was only 12.

Demi's singing career was huge at the time, and everyone was obsessed with her. Her security was tight but it wasn't enough to stop a crazed obsessed fan from coming up on her meet and greet and shooting her with a gun.

Camila at the time already saw the gun and was ordering guards around to pin the guy down. She was only a little girl, no one believed her.

No one believed her until she threw herself on Demi and stop the bullet from hitting her oblivious and dumb older sister.

The people saw the fan, a big man who had the gun out and was trembling with fear.

Demi herself was shaking, that bullet could have hit her. Killed her.

Then she looked down and Camila was soaking her in blood that came from her.

Later, they discovered that the bullet went through her lung. It was lucky that no remains was left or it would have crept up to her heart.

It didn't help that it opened up the girl's raptured lung though.

It took Demi two years to fully appreciate her new family. Two years to discover her past and two years before losing herself in tears and revealing everything about her to Camila.

And Camila accepted her. She said she would do it again and again, protect Demi if it meant that she would never lose her family again.


That was what they were. Blood be damned.

Her hand shook as she held up her phone to her ear, she needed to move.

She needed to find the angel who saved her again and again.

"Yeah. I'll play your little game, just make sure Camila's safe and sound."

"Will do."







If y'all were paying attention, y'all would have noticed Lauren's insecurities, Her frustration. The luck Of communication form Her side. Sometimes it's better to scream now, than lose it later. They have a problem with voicing out their problems.

Dunno lol, Lauren always raised Camila's awareness with her problem with her relationship with Selena. But Camila always reassured her, Camila was faithful. It didn't mean that her worries were over though, anyone would lose it after being under the influence of alcohol and weed.

I ain't spilling on who our little game master is. (Me) but let's say they already came up from before lol, but they had their sights switched.

Camila is gonna survive dont worry, Lauren is gonna be fine.

The next update is gonna be slow lol, since I'm gonna be thrown into a game myself.

Never take the next chapters as transparent things. They would all have foreshadowing in them, like this one.

So like...

Idk lol, I'll prolly bring lots of fucked up shit starting next chapter so I'm sorry.

Did I ruin my own progress? NOPE. I always believe in making characters go through even more bullshit to develop.

Also... Did people think I'm sticking to peaceful, non-problematic Camren? Bitch you thought.

They be really easy-going adults but y'all forget things. Like how famous Camila is.

It's 2 am, and its Monday tomorrow. Should I wake up at, 5:30 to attend flag ceremony or wake up at 7:30 and go to school just in time for the ceremony to end?

Bisouxx 😘😘

Leave a comment and a vote! It always motivates me when I see people caring enough to do that lol, like some sort of invisible loving payment for my bored ass.

And also please follow me! I have two draft stories under my belt, but I intend to finish MHE and YBAB first.

I wanna kill characters. Specifically characters y'all don't care about and even appreciate lol.

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