Her Not So Fairytale

By ArpitaGauri

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"Every once in a while in the middle of ordinary life, Love gives you a Fairytale. " ... More

8. Walls
9. Care
10. Baby Steps
11. Glimpse
13. Storm
14. Past and Present
15. Lost
17. Found a Bit
18. Guards down
19. Celebration
20. Fights And Making-up
21. Another Step
23. Embrace
24. Him


85 11 45
By ArpitaGauri

"In overwhelming anxiety she found overwhelming grace."

The journey was silent.

And in my view Adhvik was giving extra attention on the road.

It had been nearly 20 minutes since we left the city.

"Where are you staying? "

"Vrinda's family has a holiday home here in Mumbai. So right now we are staying there. Then Shyaam lives in a flat in Bandra so usually we stay there while visiting."

He was giving all the information to keep the conversation going. Maybe he was trying to make it up for losing his temper earlier. I smiled at the thought.

"Bandra?! Not bad. "

"Ha! He was quite lucky to get it there."

"What's he doing? " I actually had no much idea about his family.

Other than the fact that I impressed them somehow.

"He is managing the family business. We have a branch here. "

"Oh! "

He gave me a smile.

" Why didn't you join the business? "

He raised one of his eyebrows.

"Asks the girl who quit her job and joined a new course. "

"You aren't interested?" I pointed out my reason and connected with his.

"Nope! As you noticed already I am a very emotional person. And also very incapable to handle the business.Di is working and also Atharv will be joining soon. "

"So you are the black sheep of the family? " I asked playfully.

"If you mean odd one, then I am! But our family supports whatever decisions we make. So once I realized what I wanted, it wasn't so difficult to pursue it. "

I nodded with a smile, genuinely happy for him.

"How much longer? " I asked looking the long road ahead.

"Is my company boring you? I am trying my best to engage you in a conversation. " He fake-pouted.

I chuckled but shook my head.

"No I was wondering whether you are kidnapping me. "

"Is that so? Are you doubting my intentions? And you actually found the real one too! " He mocked seriousness.

"OK! OK! That's it. You should have joined theatre not law. You will do well there with all these expression of yours. " I reigned in my laughter.

"I did theatre in college but then realized I couldn't act on stage for the life of me. But only in real life. So opted law after my Bachelor's! "

He winked at me. I laughed at his lively nature. I wondered how within few minutes he calmed down and was back to his own self.

There was something about him. Something alive! Which could push you to your limits and then bring you back to life. Something that demands your happiness. Something that spreads a strong positive aura.

I sat there observing him. He was driving in a relaxed stance, humming something under his breath and drumming his fingers on the steering wheel to its rhythm.

"It's rude to stare. " He stated with his eyes still on the road.

I shrugged with a half smile and looked away. The silence was not uncomfortable but still I felt the need to fill it. Fumbling with the radio I switched on the music and let the sweet music fill the car.

"Do you sing? " I asked the question that popped up in my head last night.

"Not a great singer. But I like to sing. "
He winked while singing along with the chorus.

"Your mother's voice is great. Last night.. it helped. " I mumbled the last part, staring out.

He didn't reply understanding my hesitation in referring last night.

However I caught his smile in the reflection of the window and smiled myself.

"Advik when will we reach? "

"You have asked the same question 5 minutes ago. I never thought you to be an impatient one. "

"I am not! It's just I am not familiar with these roads and I don't like to wait much. " I was sure my statement was valid.

"Isn't that what normal people call impatience? " I could hear the teasing in his voice.

"Maybe." I said in a 'whatever'- tone

"Now, don't be grumpy. We will reach there soon. " He was pacifying me as if I was a child.

"Just give me a time! " I was getting bored and somehow all the excitement to meet his family was not helping my case.

"Oho! So you can actually throw a tantrum. OK baba we will reach in 10."

"Good. " I ignored his comment on my tantrum throwing skill.

"It's actually good. " He added after a while .

"What? " I frowned in confusion.

"Your tantrum! "

I rolled my eyes at his persuasive nature. The guy won't leave it without teasing me.

"What is so good about it? " I decided to play along with him.

"Now I know you really consider me as your friend. " He stated with a smile.

This man is confusing!

I stared at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You are comfortable enough to throw a tantrum. So... " He shrugged his shoulders and threw me wink.

I couldn't help but laugh at his logic.
"You and your silly logic. "

"Hey! It isn't silly. Think about it!"

I stared at him for a while, "I called it silly because you are already my friend. You have rescued me time and time again. "

I couldn't help but smile softly, remembering his caring attitude since our first meeting.

To my utter surprise I was not able to find the same smile on his face. Rather it seemed to me as if he was angry.

Now what did I do?

I recollected my words and didn't find anything out of line by the "definition" of our friendship.

"Advik.... "

He just hummed in response with his full focus on the road ahead. I confirmed my doubt.

Some thing is wrong!

"What happened? " I enquired.

"Nothing. "

"Don't act like a drama queen and tell me what is wrong. What did I do? "

He turned to his left and silently stared at me for a while.

After a while he shifted his focus back on the road with a shrug.
"You won't understand. "

"What? What I won't understand? "


Is that so? I will definitely make you spill the beans.

"Now don't stare. I know I am handsome." He tried to cool but I could say he was still disturbed.

"Then tell me. "

"It's nothing Sria. Leave it. "

I knew I was getting somewhere as he got more annoyed and finally he gave up.

"OK! You just don't count what you do for your closed ones. Right? "
I nodded slightly understanding what was going on in his head.

"So don't feel so...grateful..towards me too. " He was fumbling with his words.

"I didn't mean it like that Advik. You are amazing! Not just an amazing friend but an amazing human too. " I recalled how deeply involved he's in the centre. He was not just playing the part of a lawyer there. He was an all in all.

"Seriously?!Praises won't get you anywhere miss. " He was back to his normal cool attitude.

"Maybe! But today it seems like I am full of praises for you. " His lips curved up in amusement. "Some times I even call you a Prince Charming rescuing the Damsel in distress aka me. "

"Are you high or something? " He genuinely looked surprised at my antics. I knew I was acting out of character with him. But this how I am once I am comfortable enough with someone.

I won't use brain filters with them.

And at this moment somehow Advik Anand found a spot in the list of those handful of people with whom I could be myself, without any of the pretense.

"No! I am just in a good mood. "

Somehow the last nights call has bridged a lot of distance between us, emotionally. We could feel it in the air between us. We could feel a vibe of familiarity surrounding us.

He is my friend!

Someone I trust. Someone I could lean back on.

We took a turn from the highway and drove through a narrow road.

I was highly excited to see his family. I felt they were all really genuine people in the little interaction that I had with them.

I was lost in my thoughts when Advik pulled up. I glanced out to see the vacation home.

It was a beautiful 2 storeyed place. It was a typical farmhouse if you could categorize them. However it is rather small compared to the mansion that Anands own in Chandigarh.

I observed my surroundings as I stepped out of the car. Soon Adhvik joined me after parking the car near two others in a sort of makeshift car parking.

"This is Vrinda's family's right? "

He nodded. "Both our families are together on vacation. We had it often when we were children. It's been long time. So we planned sort of family bonding before the wedding.

I smiled. "That's cool. "

Then I hesitated.

"What now? " Adhvik voiced in his no nonsense attitude.

I was surprised that he noticed my sudden mood change.

"I.. I don't want to intrude or something."

I spoke clearly waiting for his reprimanding.

Rather he sighed.

"All of them are excited to see you. You made an impression on all of them. So you better get a move. "

He took a few steps ahead and I easily fell in step with him knowing I won't turn back even if given a chance.
"I was actually surprised. It's quite a feet to get my whole family to agree on something. You did it. " He was helping me to handle the awkwardness as we stepped in the living room through the open door.

I could barely notice the interior of the house in my excited state. I was little nervous too about my intrusion. However there was something familiar about the house. It had a homely feel.

I would say, a feminine touch without offending anyone or stereotyping.;)

"Mom we are here! "

Adhvik called out.

I was only expecting his mother to step in when his whole family rushed into the living.

Before I could greet anyone I felt someone tugging my hands. I smiled knowing who could it be. The little munchkins greeted me with the brightest of smiles as I leaned down on my knees.

"Hello! " Their smiles were contagious.

"Hey Kriya! Krish!" They gave me a quick hug and started giving me details about their trip.

"Alright kids. Let her sit first and you can go out and play." I heard Ananya's voice.

"But mom...OK!"

I should ask her to teach me to make those eyes so that maybe I can scare away Adi if she irritates me too much. But then maybe its a mom's thing.

Soon I was guided to a sofa and the family took seats surrounding me. I got introduced to Vrinda's family too.

"Yesterday when Adhvik said you are in Mumbai too. I suggested it would be good to meet you. I never realised my son would make it happen so soon." Mrs. Anand spoke.

"Actually he kind of kidnapped me. He didnt tell me he was taking me to meet his family otherwise I would have bought some gifts or some thing." I added sheepishly.

"Its ok. You dont have to anyways."

I gave a faint smile. I had my dinner with them.It was a lively affair. With all the tensions going on in my life it was a much needed break.

They didn't let me feel like an outsider. The kids tailed behind me for a while till their mother called out for their bed time.

It was getting late and it was more than an hour drive to my home. I hugged Mrs.Anand as I said my farewells. We didn't get to talk much but like her son her eyes were reading me and in a weird way soothing me.

I sat in the passenger seat as Adhvik drove me to my place. I gave him my address.

The drive was silent. The wind rushing through the open windows hummed in our ears.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I saw him nod but he didn't reply.

I could feel my eyes welling up and I dont want to cry. Not now.

I hoped he wouldn't realize my condition. The darkness surrounding gave me a good escape. Even if he see he would think it was faint lights playing trick on him and not the tears.

I dont want to break down.

"Sria, Are you OK?"

I could only hum. He might have sensed something since he slowed down the car.

I cleared my throat. "It's already late.Just drive! I am fine...I will be!"

He gave me a confused look and resumed driving.

"What happened?" His voice was gentle.

"It seems like I was on a vacation and had to get back to life."

"So bad?"

"It isn't. Not as much as my tears would say.I..." I couldnt find the right words to say.

"It's ok. You dont have to say anything you dont want to."

I couldnt help but smile faintly.

"But right now I want to. But I can't...I dont know whats happening..There is so much going on..I am..."

His face was concerned but he didn't interrupt me.

"Adhvik, my mom is in hospital! She met with an accident two weeks ago. She is critical. I don't know what to do."

I let it out. I didn't tell him everything but atleast I began somewhere.

He parked the car to the side and turned towards me.


I cleared my throat.

"You don't have to tell me anything Adhvik. I wanted you to know what is going on. I know you have many questions and you won't ask them but I promise I will tell you everything, one day!"

I wiped my tears.

He took hold of my hands and gave me a gentle squeeze before he resumed driving.

The next few days I was fully switched between the house and the hospital. In between I would update Adi about the situation and would text Adhvik too. I had informed centre too stating the real reason as I wanted to extend my leave. All were supportive. Also I did my best to manage my family.

Mom was showing progress compared to her condition few days back.

She was conscious for a whole day, yeaterday. Kunal gave my presence the whole credit. However I felt it was because of his love and care. Even my dad called me once to ask about her. They might not be together anymore. But at some point of time they loved each other and I am sure they will care for each other till the very last.

At times it gets too overwhelming but I had to do this. I don't want to run away time and time again. This is my chance to set things right and I am not going to let it go.

And I hope she will come home soon.

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So I am back after a long break.I hope you guys haven't forgotten Sria and Adhvik!

But trust me I have been working on this for a while now. I could'nt just get it to the end.

Please do let me know how you find this. And let me tell you the story will be going a little fast paced from now on!

With love,


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