Winx Club - Flora's in Danger...

By SuchALittleReader

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//Sequel to Winx Club - Flora's in Trouble! After yet another battle against the Wizards of the Black Circle... More

| Winx Club - Flora's in Danger! |
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (I)
Chapter 40 (II)
| Epilogue |

Chapter 28

795 23 13
By SuchALittleReader

Stella POV

"Double Eclipse!" I yell, my shield appearing in front of me to shield myself from Ogron's magic. I knew better to use attack spells against him in particular.

Flora was right, they are weaker than usual. They can't take us down as easily, but they're still strong. I don't know how much longer I can hold out.

"Where are Flora and Roxy?" Bloom asks, before being toppled over by another of Gantlos' sound waves.

"I'll call them-" Tecna replies and Aisha and I jump in front of her to protect her while she makes the call.

Gantlos calls Ogron's name before giving him a nod, "I've found her."

"Yes, Fairy, let's see who can get to them first," Ogron chuckles darkly before the four disappear again.

"No!" Aisha cries, "they were just distracting us so that Gantlos could find Flora and Roxy!"

Gantlos' power to see visions of where people were was starting to really get on my nerves. Ogron could absorb magic so we could only use few attack spells, Anagan was way too fast for any of us to keep up with and Duman could morph and change into anyone or anything he liked, meaning the girls and I couldn't fully trust each other. Each of them were difficult to fight in their own way and it was absolutely irritating.

"-yeah, uh-huh-" Tecna mumbles on her phone, one finger in her other ear to hear Roxy or Flora - whoever was on the phone - a bit better.

My toes wiggled impatiently in my shoes but I remained silent, distracting Tecna will only make her take longer so I just have to be patient.

I internally scoffed, who am I kidding, when am I ever patient?

"Do you know where they are?" I ask.

Bloom looks over Tecna's shoulder at her phone and nods, "I know where that street is, let's go."

"Winx, Zoomix!"

We quickly teleport to a dim alleyway, how many allies are in this town?

We quickly spot Roxy and Flora crouched in front of a large container of some sort to try and stay hidden.

"Guys! We need to go! Like, now!" Bloom calls in a hushed whisper, which causes Roxy to have an anxious look on her face.

"We will, I just- need to finish this," her hands slightly tremble as she experiments with rays of her magic and the necklace. Tecna and Bloom crouch down beside her and Flora in an effort to help and the rest of us (Musa, Aisha and I) keep a lookout for the Wizards.

Or, we were supposed to.

In true Wizards' style, the three of us are knocked off of our feet and I feel my back collide with a wall. It takes me a moment to recover, but by then I see that Flora is struggling in the arms of Anagan.

"Let her go!" I yell, but end up just drawing more attention to myself than intended, as Duman begins stalking towards me, changing into a large, black wolf, letting out a low growl.

I nearly called out to Roxy before realising that this was good- all four Wizards were distracted, although I wasn't sure where Gantlos and Ogron were.

I shuffle backwards, but my back hits something hard. It wasn't a wall, that's where they went.

"Let's finish 'em off, boss," Gantlos sneers from behind me and I jump away from him.

"Not a chance!" Aisha kicks out her leg and a ball of magic flies towards Gantlos' face who immediately dodges it. Aisha lets out a frustrated growl.

Suddenly the world goes completely dark. A loud noise that I can't describe appears, and I know the Wizards have opened the Black Circle, but it was much different this time. I feel a sharp pain in my head and feel myself collapse onto my side.

I couldn't open my eyes because of the darkness but I could hear the cries of Musa and Aisha, too. I shot out my hand blindly, attempting to do some sort of spell but every time I did the pain would just intensify. My mouth wouldn't open to call the names of Flora, Roxy, or anyone who could help.

The whole town was in a trance and we were knocked down and helpless.

But the pain suddenly stopped.

I still heard a ringing in my ears, but my eyes opened quickly. Roxy was standing over us all with a worried expression, "I'm so sorry! I was trying so hard to get the necklace to work but then they did that thing with the Black Circle-"

Roxy lets out a squeal as we all jump up, tackling her to the ground in a group hug and I laugh loudly, "you saved us!"

"Oh- uh- thanks?" She fixes her hair a little and her cheeks turn a darker shade of pink.

Bloom helps her up, "I've never been so happy to see-"

She stops.


"Where is it? This is the right place, right?" I scratch my head in confusion.

"Definitely," Musa nods, "if you really think about it you can kind of see it."

Aisha makes strange shapes with her hands, as though she was measuring the landscape like an artist, and tilts her head, "yeah, I guess so."

"The school's really gone, huh?" Bloom sighs.

"Are they gone or just hidden in this same spot?" Flora asks, directed mainly to Roxy.

"I think they're camouflaged with a protective barrier a couple of miles that way," Roxy points to her right, "but I'm not exactly sure how we're gonna get to them! Miss Faragonda cut all magical ties with us and the outside world, and she's basically only relying on these "leaders" of the Magic Dimension that I've never heard of! She won't know that the Wizards are back!"

"She must have- no, she definitely  knew there was a huge chance that this was going to happen so she must have some sort of plan. She's just trying to protect the school and the students," Flora stares in the direction that Roxy previously pointed in.

"All I know is that Headmistress Faragonda has a plan for everything," I shrug, "this is too confusing for me to think deep into."

"Let's just avoid magic, though, I know it's not proven completely that that's how we were found but it rules out the option," Tecna suggests and we all nod.

"Yeah, but what are we going to do?" Roxy frowns.

"Well, we can't go to Pixie Village or Alfea because if the magic thing is true we will put them all in danger. Besides, that's what they  would expect us to do," Aisha rolls her eyes.

"What about Red Fountain?" I suggest, "I know the guys aren't there but we can-"

"Stella!" Bloom laughs, interrupting me.


She grabs my shoulders, "that's a great idea!"

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