Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warr...

By dram12

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Second Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build a... More

Now Ready
The Making
The Telling
My Thoughts
Army of Ohio
The Skirmish
Cow pens / Atlanta
The Conquerors
Stella Marie
The Ocean Blue
We Sail
The Story
The Story part two
They Arrive
The Ohio's
Atlanta - A Spy
A Spy part 2
One / The Raid
One / The Raid part 2
Mason / Kit
After Action Report
They Return
Sarna's Plan
The Journey
Tour - Meeting
The Meeting
Evening Next Morning
Atlanta - Savannah
The Attacks
Ocean Blue 21.99 - 71.69
War and Man
Camp Joy
Battle part two
Army Of Carolina
Battle Of Pelion
Horrel Hill
Silence at Arthurtown
Silence / 2
Mitch's Ride / The Captured
Allendale - Columbia
First United
The Tribunal - Mitch & Liz
The Trial
Baldwin Inn
Pigs To Slaughter
She Must Fall
Victory And Death
Garden City
Garden City /2
Moving Forward
You The Reader
Charles Town
Liz And The Rifle
The Confusion
Stanson's Report / The North
Seven weeks
Terrence / Plymouth
TA Sea / Santee
Battle Of Santee
Durns Folly
June / August
Second Battle Horrel Hill/ Smithfield
Army Of Ohio
Yorktown / Haivershaw
Southeastern Islands
Taft / Yorktown
Surrender Field
The Years After

Columbia / Augusta

24 3 12
By dram12

Woodford Carolina, Jacob met up with the rest of First Corp and Third Corp. Barton any word on Second Corp and the rest of Third? No Sir should be about Sumter by now I figure. That's my figuring also, Orangeburg is our Rally point. Let's hope they made the turn, with no problems.
Think only thing that saved our behinds was the assault on Columbia proper, Jacob. Fourth and Fifth did their jobs. Barton, I'm going to check our rear, you have the Collum. Yes, Sir by your leave Jacob.

                             Eastover Carolina
                              Second & Third
Eastover The  Republics counter-attack, of  Columbia, Second Corp Army of Carolina.
General Glenn Commanding. Third Corp General Walton Commanding. Battle of Horrel Hill.

One thing, I can say, Walton, they a well-formed Army. Might pretty watching them move. Glenn, they can fight, like mad-men, I'm telling you. Best get your Corp out a here. The Third watch you all's back. Be along shortly, won't do more than rear guard. I'd swing right try and get around them.
Don't like it, think you're right. I'll wheel right hold just long enough, to make sure we weren't seen.

Walton, I can leave a couple Batteries of Artillery.
Head out Glenn, no need, most of the Third fought these sons a bucks from Wilmington to the pens.
We'll be fine, I'm not proposing an attack. Take care, Walton, see ya at Orangeburg, if not sooner.
Oh, I'll leave Kit, might want to warn Mac and Jones. Get moving, you send Kit with word!

Walton watched as Glenn swung right, and out of his sight. You hear that Mitch? Yeah, what is that noise? Sir look! What, the hell? I see it! Mitch, how in hell, those things moving! No horses pulling it!
Cannon sitting on a steel carriage! Mitch, you catch up with Kit! Tell him, what you saw. Warn Mac and Jones. Yes, Sir what an oddity. Anything else? Horrel Hill, that's where they're headed, give the
best view to counter-attack from. Yes, Sir!
Jumping on his horse, bye your leave! Mitch tell them least two corp! I hear you, Sir two corp!

Walton thought some, could swing come from they're rear, attack slow them down some. Best not, orders say, to keep moving. They've been informed. Prepare to move, Major time is a wasting. Orangeburg Major! Yes, Sir, forward!

                        Battle at Horrel Hill

Horrel Hill Army of Carolina's second fight in a day.
What are these strange Oddities, Walton and Mitch seen? Kit is en route to inform Fourth and Fifth Corp. Mitch follows with more information.

Kit slid to a stop nearly falling off his horse, what?
Form of oddity is that? Noisy smells like nasty oil burning smokes. Wheels riding in some kind of belt maybe? Damn large cannon in a dome? Four of them four! Kit I'm thinking we best git! Hold on now let's make sure, they ain't more these things.
Besides this is a might important James. Kit spun on his back pulling pistol. Damn Fool, Mitch! Ya about got shot! Don't be a sneaking up on us!
Kit, gots more info! Get down fool, mights be seen!

Mitch kneeled next to them, damn more those oddities. General sent me ta tell ya, we seen five of those earlier. Thinks theys a movin towards Horrel Hill. Kit nodded makes sense ta me, think maybe ya should ride with us. One more feel might better in a fight. Mitch smiled, been aching to gits into some action. Sat watched those things pass by. Kit smiled, we ain't achin to gits in a fight.
Gots ta get to the Generals warns them, then fight.

   What Walton and Mitch saw now Kit and James.

Kit looked at them mount up! Let's ride! Kit thought, damn we a hurtin nine those thins. Hows we gonna stop those thins? Mitch leaned forward as his horse got up to a full run. Kit shouted Arthurtown, is where they are attacking this side!
Only about twenty-minute ride! Kit jumped off his horse, soldier I needs to see General Mac! Shouting over cannon fire. Farmhouse second floor! Kit shouted thankya. Kit and the other two followed, Kit burst in, where's General Mac! Kit Generals upstairs, why ya here? No time as they ran up the stairs. General Mac! In here, front room. That you Kit? Yesum, Sir, gots important report. Spit it out, Kit.

Sir enemy movement looks like they a headin towards Horrel Hill Sir. I'm lost here, Sir. Strange Sir. They a travlin oddly Sir don't know how ta explain it. Kit, come out with it, don't have all day if it's important! Well, Sir, I'll draws it. Do that, then Kit. Time is wasting. Kit drew it out, Sir looks like this placing it on the desk. It makes a racket and smokes somethin terrible like.

                          Kit's drawing of the tank

Made of Iron or some kinda steel Sir, has a cannon what looks like one of those machine guns also. Steel or Iron Kit, you sure of this? Yesum positive Sir, no horses pulling it. Can't explain how it moves. I seen four General. Mitch broke in five back at Eastover General along with Infantry, Second and Third Corp moved on Sir, no contact.

Horrel Hill, Kit you three, take a Company mounted Infantry and one flying Battery. Head to Horrel Hill. Send back a runner if they are there.
I'll send a Division see if we can't stop them. Here handing him his orders. Think First mounted a do, Second flying Kit. Good luck. Mitch looked at the General, Sir need ta tell ya least two corp with those oddities, Sir. Two Corp very well, now git moving! Orderly! Yes Sir. Get General Jones for me.
Put a rush on it. Yes Sir.

Mac pounded the table, damn it made of steel or iron. With a cannon. Just how in hell we going to stop those? Moves on its own, how does it do that?
Why have the damn cannons stopped firing? Captain! Why in hell have those cannons stopped firing? Sir! They need to cool, getting too hot to fire! Cool them in stages Captain! Sir, we will after this cool down! Fine! Where is General Jones?
I sent for him ten minutes ago! Sir, I regret to inform you, the General is dead Sir. Who in hell are you? I don't know you! Sargent Mann Sir, runner Second Field Artillery. How Sargent, how did he die? Sir, a Parrot gun blew up an iron bar took his head off Sir. Who has command?

Major Carson Sir, he is fine Artilleryman Sir. Very well get him, Sargent, now if you please. Yes Sir.

Mac poured a whisky sat down, boom boom, good they've started back up. Placing his finger on the map, Horrel Hill. Damn fine position, probably see the whole damn valley. Nine of those what evers.
Looking down on us, plus two corp of infantry.
Damn what a mess, taking a drink, think maybe I need a miracle big time. General, you wanted to see me? Major Carson, right? Yes, Sir, nice to meet you, Sir wish it was under better circumstance Sir.

Yes understood sit Major, like a whisky? No, Sir don't drink Sir. Well, handing him the drawing this is what Kit saw and Walton, made of steel or iron.
Moves on its own. How many of these things Sir?
Nine far as we know could be more. Sir, we investigating? Yes, Kit and one company of mounted infantry and a battery flying Artillery.

Let's hope we can defeat those things, Sir, if you think someone else should have command I'll take no offense at all. Why I would of have just sent out a new Commander, job is yours just wanted to meet you is all. Now get back to kicking they ass Major. Yes Sir and they haven't even returned fire, Sir. Think those oddities at Horrel Hill will try that Major. Two days is all we have to do, two days Major we pull out of here. Bye your leave Sir. Oh and Major good luck, new command and all. Put a star on that hat General. Um, a yes! Yes, Sir!

                    Horrel Hill Kit's Patrol

Kit low crawled up a slight rise just behind the oddities, Mitch following. Kit pulled his field glasses out, infantry to the front nothin protecting the rear. Mitch, you count nine? I don't see one of those oddities. Eight is all I see, no Kit far left in the trees. See it? There you are, why ain't they makin noise? Damn, they gots machine guns. Let's move back to the patrol. Mitch, we'll watch these thins. You git back tell the General, what we got here.

Yesum Kit, I'll git soon as we gets back. Mitch climbed on his horse, Kit what we need to fight these oddities? So I can tell the General what's we needs. Kit looked off, um not sure Mitch, Martin gun be nice, maybe a Division and more cannon.

Yesum I'll tell him, bye your leave Sir. Kit thought a moment, James set the Infantry up along that rise. Tell them to be quiet. That's our best way to attack them. Kit we can't take them on, to damn many of them. Plus those oddities, we gots no chance. If we have ta James we will attack till we can't fight. James smiled figured you'd say that can't beat them without fightin now, cans we.
Kit couldn't hold in the laugh nope sure can't.
James nodded I'll move up the Infantry.

Kit sat hands on his chin what the hell, we gonna do? No way we can beats them. Kit ya done gots yourself in deep water. Ya can't swim. Well gets that Artillery Captain sees what he think. Kit climbed on his horse, rode over to James gonna talk to that Artillery Captain have him take a look see. You have command. Yesum Kit, I've got it.

Kit healed his horse, rode the three hundred yards in no time. Cap like ya to take a look see, wonderin if you can place some cannon on those oddities.
Ifin you don't mind Sir. Kit those orders you carry say you are charge, thanks for asking not ordering.
Let's take a good look. Let's those thins scare me.

                      Second and Third Corp

General Corporal Mitchel reports. Mitch relax, so they at Horrel Hill? Yesum Sir nine those oddities and about two corp Sir. Kit would like a Martin gun more cannon and a Division Sir. Mitch you sure two corp that's big over twenty thousand men. Well, maybe a Division Sir. A Leastways with
those oddities sir, rest may have took other positions. Tell Kit I can spare two more companies mounted infantry, can't give him any cannon or Martin guns. I'll get you some hand grenades, two carriage guns. Mitch, you lead them to Kit tell him I said take out the oddities, try and keep from a huge fight. Mitch smiled, Sir ifin anyone can do that Kit can those infantry, probably wouldn't know. Captain get Mitch what's on this list, want him moving in less than a half hour. Yes, Sir, come on Mitch. Yesum behind ya Cap.

                                   Horrel Hill 
                              Tank detachment

Sir, just why are we here? Waste of fuel Sir. Sargent in the morning we move on the enemy.
We lead that Infantry plus the ones we left down the slope to our front. We have to counter this attack before it gets out of hand. Sir our fuel is half a tank at best. We don't have much in reserve. Where is our fuel? Sargent,  in route it is on a Carrier. Let's just hope we don't run out. Be sitting ducks. Sargent the lack of enthusiasm you have, best be put away. We are soldiers we do as told.
Yes Sir understood Sir. Any watch tonight Sir?
No, let them rest tonight. Don't think they even know we are up here. Send word tell the infantry the same. Yes, Sir, um Sir think we should at least have a watch. Sargent do as told! Yes, Sir, on it.

                                 Kit's Patrol

Kit I make it two thousand yards from here, cant do much. Out of range, besides don't even know if I can put a dent in those things. I move closer we'll be heard. Kit nodded figured as much Cap how close and where ya gotta be? Closer the better thousand yards or less, anywhere in our view.
Don't think um well, we can get that close or any closer. Cap, you can head on back think it over some. Gettin late, waiting on more troops. Sent Mitch back over an hour ago. I'll think it some might have an idea. Want to run it by the men first.
Do that Cap, let's me know soon as ya can.

Damn near dark, where is Mitch at? Think maybe they got him Kit? No, Mitch is a good Ranger wouldn't let that happen. James check the rise. 
Looks like that Cap is coming back. Yesum Kit, on it. Kit thought it over talked with the men, might get one gun close enough in the dark push it by hand. Take about ten men plus another twelve to carry the ammo and powder. Give us maybe nine shots. Kit smiled figure you can do it quietly?
We think so. I can give you another ten or so help with ammo and such. Might just do that, my options are slim about now. Kit look think that's who you are waiting on, has couple officers with him. Yeah sure is Mitch where you been? Sorry took a bit longer, got some grenades a carriage gun two Kit two companies of Infantry. These two are Captain Marx and Dublin. Good evening Kit they both said. Marx, Dublin one company bottom off the rise, the other back with the Artillery. I've got well we've got an idea. For an attack get your men placed. We'll talk on it.

Kit finished up explaining the attack if it goes south. I am telling you those machine guns will cut us up faster than you can wink. If it goes south Cap just fire your cannon fast as ya can. Don't care who is front of ya, just fire. Remember those with grenades have ta get them inside those oddities.
Gots ta be quiet like mice gots it? We start moving slow like about eleven, they should be out less men up by then. We've got a few hours rest up, go in three.    

Best place to finish up this part, getting a little long.
Vote comment, hope you enjoyed the chapter.

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