My Happy Ending [MIA]

Autorstwa Haruki0w0

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"We met by pure chance, she seemed to lived an interesting life and I was drawn to her by first chat. When we... Więcej

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Autorstwa Haruki0w0

[May 2, 2022]

Lauren had been.. Well she wasn't suspecting bad things, she hoped it wasn't bad at least.

Her girlfriend had been sneaking somewhere with her older sister, claiming to be going to their family's beach house and she often sent pictures as proof but you know how a gut feeling just twists so bad that you start to doubt?

She knew Camila wasn't capable of cheating on her, they were both too deep with each other to even consider screwing up. Plus it wasn't Camila's character.

But if you looked at it in another perspective..

Damn it she just wanted to know.

Lauren shook her head and tried to focus on whatever the hell Dinah was telling her. Something about a horse..?

"Lauren! Are you listening to me??" The Polynesian snapped her fingers to gain the model's attention.

"Ah-, yeah?"

Dinah glared at her, "Then what was I talking about?"


The answer was correct but Dinah knew the girl wasn't listening to her, "What's up with you? Dry spell?"

She was smacked by a fry, "No bitch. I was just wondering."


Lauren looked around them for a moment before lowering her voice, "Camila and Demi are up to something."

Dinah followed her lead and practically shoved her chin on the table, "And why is that?"

They were both sitting at the new deep fried place just a bit close from Camila's apartment. The girl was out with Demi once again and she sent pictures of them with a few kids she said they were teaching how to swim.

"Well.. It's just that she never actually says you know? Um..  I trust her but uh.."

This is where Lauren was branded as a 'guy', she was as incoherent as Dinah in figuring their girlfriends out. She was just lucky to be more sensitive to Camila's feelings.

Poor Normani.

"It's just that she's always been so busy going somewhere with Demi and I've always wondered why she doesn't invite me but then I remembered she didn't invite you or Selena so it kinda comforts me as well, no offense-"

Dinah had already muted the green eyed girl's rambling and texted her bestfriend.

CheeChee🦁: ur gf is developing trust issues

Chancho🍑: nah she isn't

CheeChee🦁: she is.

CheeChee🦁: watch, she might think you're comitting pseudo-incest

Chancho🍑: ewwww

Chancho🍑: lol why aren't u questioning what I'm doing tho.

CheeChee🦁: cuz I'm waiting for u to spill urself

CheeChee🦁: ik u ain't cheating in some club up Vegas

Chancho🍑: what if I was?

CheeChee🦁: like u can

Chancho🍑: wanna bet?

CheeChee🦁: u losing Lauren is the worst bet u can place on the table

Chancho🍑: yeh I was kidding

Chancho🍑: actually we've been moving stuff and fixing a house and shit

CheeChee🦁: for who??

Chancho🍑: mine duh


Chancho🍑: cuz I needed Lauren to think it was just sisterly stuff

Chancho🍑: u r my sister but like, she'll suspect something's off if I invite u but like not her

Chancho🍑:ugh she affected me

Chancho🍑: anyway ur a nice distraction

CheeChee🦁: can i see it thooo??

Chancho🍑: yeh sure

Chancho🍑: we're close to finishing anyway, we just had some guys repaint an entire floor upstairs

Chancho🍑: I was wondering if I should like reserve u a room incase mani breaks up with u.

CheeChee🦁: okay so serious..

CheeChee🦁: do u think we'll ever break up?

Chancho🍑: u and me? Nah u already signed that contract with me remember?

CheeChee🦁: god

CheeChee🦁: me and mani

Chancho🍑: dunno

CheeChee🦁: oh C'mon!

Chancho🍑: i really don't know

Chancho🍑: i don't wanna hurt or offend either of u

CheeChee🦁: I'm a grown woman Walz

Chancho🍑: who r u kidding?

CheeChee🦁: I am!

Chancho🍑: Well..

Chancho🍑: honestly I don't think mani is thinking of settling down anytime soon

Chancho🍑: which is ya know, normal for women at their middle 20's

Chancho🍑: ik u wanna live with her and shit

Chancho🍑: u'll prolly freak her out

CheeChee🦁: well I'm not gonna ask her to move in with me

Chancho🍑: yeah even tho u already hid half of her closet in ur spare room

CheeChee🦁: fine whatever

CheeChee🦁: I just think she's the one ya know?

Chancho🍑: ur anxiety is showing

CheeChee🦁: ughhhhh

CheeChee🦁: imma visit you later. I gotta control this before I scare her away

Chancho🍑: Lauren's probably mad at u rn, ur not listening to her rambling aren't u?

Dinah looked up and saw the girl chewing on a fry with a huge pout. What a baby.

CheeChee🦁: send me a pic of u

Chancho🍑: i gotchu

Chancho🍑: my boobs look bigger so 💁

Dinah laughed and poked Lauren with a fork until she looked up from her pouting.

When she saw her girlfriend's photo on Dinah's phone, her pout was gone and immediately it was replaced by a big smile.

"You were talking to her?" She asked excitedly, already sending the photo to her own phone.

"Wait, who's that behind her??" Lauren squinted her eyes and then stood up. She had her phone pressed against her ear and all Dinah could hear was that, 'With a man.'

"Seems like she got me out of trouble.."

[May 10,2022]

Selena was busying herself by memorising the rooms of the huge ass house her ex had bought.

"Why the hell did you buy a house this huge if it's only you and Lauren living in it?"

Demi chuckled from the couch and had herself a slipper thrown at her from the kitchen, "Shut up! It's pretty and you're aware of that!"

"I see you and I ain't buying your ass." Selena muttered.

She just didn't get why they were moving so fast. Some couples were together for 10 years and that's just when they decided to marry each other. And maybe it was just living together, but it was basically the same thing just without the title.

A year and Camila had already bought private land and a house that was already fully paid. She was also looking at cars for both her and Lauren.

"What the fuck?"

She scratched her head in frustration. Truth was, the Latina wasn't still over the fact Camila had gone through a relapse. She was still mad at Lauren for it, even though she knew Camila couldn't actually control her condition. But it needed triggering and Lauren was the only answer.

She sat beside Demi who was also deep in thought.

Ugh.. They needed a break.

Work was just demanding, even if you loved it, sometimes it could get into your head and being a workaholic wasn't one of her favorite qualities. She grew up around Demi and Camila who loved to feel thrill with their lives, they chased adrenaline and they loved risks.

Demi was naturally like that but Camila loved to do it for the sake of feeling alive. Camila ran after danger, she wanted to feel pain and she had like hanging by a cliff with just a finger.

She was so much unstable back then.

Selena crossed her arms and felt herself pouting. It just wasn't fair, she had been there for the girl for the longest time. But she never stopped Camila from risking things.

But maybe soulmates really did exist and Lauren was just Camila's.

"When should I surprise Lauren with this?"

Camila entered the room with a tray full of barbequed bananas. Selena was quick to her feet to help incase her ex tripped.

Demi took one as soon as she placed the tray on the table and popped it into her mouth, "Maybe her birthday?"

Camila followed, "So like in a month."

They all looked up at the ceiling at the same time, a habit they picked up from Camila.

"I feel like I'm.. special when I'm with her." The girl started. "She told me normal was boring."

Okay maybe they picked up the habit because they hated feeling emotional. If you don't see the eyes, you don't tear up.

"I.. want to keep her with me forever. I want her to marry me and I want her to be there until I retire from music. She's my muse now, it doesn't matter if we broke up. Lauren's always going to be the subject of every lyric I write."

Demi looked down and massaged her neck, avoiding looking at Camila, "So you were actually serious when you said you wanted to get pregnant and shit?"

Selena's head snapped so fast she actually experienced a whiplash, she groaned as Camila rushed to her side and massaged her neck for her. "I'm not gonna get pregnant, jeez.."

"You plan to have children with her?? You're  25 years old!" Selena exclaimed with a moan. She really couldn't stop that one since Camila was massaging her. The girl was good with her hands.

"And when do you plan to have children Gomez? You and my sister are both 30! Gah!" She teased.

Selena rolled her eyes as Demi turned red. It wasn't a secret that both of them sucked at dating, let alone find a guy committed enough to marry and give them children.

"Wait are you gonna do the sperm donor and stuff? Is Lauren gonna carry it?" Selena asked curiously.

Camila nodded, "It might inherit my condition soo.. "

Her older sister scowled, "It's not genetic!"

"I'm not risking it. Besides there are plenty of guys that could be my twin. Cuban-Mexican, brown eyes and dark thick hair. At least to have a degree in arts or medicine. Since ya know, I'm so smart."

The three laughed. It was ironic how Camila had picked a medical degree at first because she thought it would be a great distraction, she got triggered so much by the logical way the psychological department worked that she dropped out.

Well at least music was there to save her.

"Do you think Lauren would carry it?" Demi asked.

Camila sighed and began to take two slices at a time, "I really want her to, even if I'm adopted, I just want to have a kid that's at least from Lauren. Incase you know.. Something happened to her, i still have Carlos or Mikeala." i love these names so much.

"You know she's never leaving, especially if she ever birthed a child with you." Selena dreaded this.

"Or worse.. She'll take the kid away from me because I'm so fucked up." Camila calmly replied.

"She loves you." Demi stated.

Selena quickly nodded and confirmed it, "She lives with you in that cave of yours and she'll still live with you when you bring her to this castle."

They saw Camila sigh and do her breathing exercises.

"Lauren's gonna freak when she sees this house."

They didn't care if the other woman would throw a truck at this house, they were relieved to see Camila calm and steady.

"She better not, one day it's gonna be filled with little latinos and latinas and i don't think there's enough rooms for your carnal desires to have them all." Demi commented casually.

Camila's eyes brightened at the visual. At first she wanted two kids, a girl and a boy but now she wondered if Lauren was capable of birthing a whole softball team.

Selena shook her head and excused herself to the kitchen, she felt sorry for Lauren at times like these. She was in the dark about Camila's crazy ideas.

She actually felt more sorry for herself rather than at Lauren.

She opened her phone and went to her notes, she had also picked up another habit from Camila. Writing song lyrics in your phone's notes.

She started to hum and the played the instrumental she had came up for the song in process. Softy she sang,

Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

It ain't me

Definitely not her. She was replaced now, but she smiled and tried to ignored the heavy pulsing of her chest. Maybe she should make a fun beat to this one, just to make it less depressing.

I had a dream
We were back to seventeen
Summer nights and The Libertines
Never growing up
I'll take with me
The Polaroids and the memories
But you know I'm gonna leave
Behind the worst of us

Back to seventeen when they were young and dumb and naive. But it felt real. It was real. Unfortunately it was only real for her.

Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

It ain't me, no, no
It ain't me, no, no
It ain't me, no, no
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
It ain't me

She didn't know but she had started to tap her hand on the table, carrying a good beat for the song. She also didn't know Camila was watching her from behind.

No, I don't wanna know
Where you been or where you're goin'
But I know I won't be home
And you'll be on your own

Was she ever considered home?

Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
Who's gonna rock you when the sun won't let you sleep?
Who's waking up to drive you home when you're drunk and all alone?
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?

It ain't me, no, no
It ain't me, no, no
It ain't me, no, no
Who's gonna walk you through the dark side of the morning?
It ain't me

She finished the song with a sad smile. Maybe releasing this soon was possible.

She didn't notice Camila walking away.

Both of them carrying heavy hearts.

[May 20, 2020]

It was possibly it was because they were dating or it was because they've been spending so much time together now, that Lauren immediately knew when her girlfriend was troubled.

She was proud of that one simply fact. That she could see  Camila was nervous despite everyone else seeing a completely calm and confident woman.

She snuggled closer and pressed her lips on Camila's earlobe, nipping at it tenderly. "What's wrong baby?"

Camila didn't take her eyes off the movie they were watching, "It's Selena. Something's off with her, you don't have to worry about it though."

Another thing Lauren was proud about was how Camila had started to reveal her insecurities and problems more and more to her.

"Regarding what? Is it like an ex thing between the two of you or like family problems?" Lauren asked with concern.

She and Selena were decent to say the least, they acknowledged each other as one of Camila's ex-lover and the other as the current one. They never hung out (which was understandable, a popstar's schedule is hectic) and they were never left alone together so besides being playful and cunning like Camila, Lauren knew next to nothing  about the woman.

"It's like an ex thing I guess although I don't think she wants me to know she's worrying over it. We're both alike in hating confrontations, we bottle up our feelings and it all comes pouring out at our songs."

Lauren watched her girlfriend struggle, she wanted to help but she had no right to interfere, "Are you guys fighting?"

"No, it's just unresolved tension." Camila replied.

She didn't expect for her old lover?- well Selena and her were like fuck buddies at the most. The older girl met her through Demi, the two were friends who acted on the same show since they were 5. They properly hung out when she was 16 and then it was when they were 17 did anything actually happen. At first, Selena would drink her broken heart to the brink and then vent out to Camila. She didn't even think of romantic or sexual feelings at the time. But when she learned the younger Latina's preference because of Demi's loud mouth. It was there everything changed.

It was partly her fault she guessed, she had the right to refuse, or back away. But she didn't. She was still young and she hated strangers, she wasn't about to date just anyone. She wasn't normal. So when Selena offered her a purely no strings attached relationship, she agreed.

Eventually, at the second year of Camila's career, their affairs stopped. It was always on and off, Justin who was Selena's first love and everything often came back on his knees.

"Oh god.." Camila didn't expect for Selena to catch feelings.

Lauren sighed along and cuddled Camila loosely, she believed they could work it out.

You just can't cut old strings very easily when they've been replaced by steel overtime.



Lately our idols have been off the radar quite a lot. A close source has said that Lauren had not gone back to Miami since last year and has been living with Camila until now.

They've been posting cute domestic pictures on each other's instagrams and it also seems Camila's album is soon close to finishing!  She teased us with a photo of Lauren that was b&w. Perhaps Lauren is the name of her new album ;).

Also childhood friend Selena Gomez has been repeatedly spotted with another child hood friend Demi Lovato, new ship anyone?

Follow us and we'll update you on the latest!


I'm so tirrreeeed. I haven't slept in like 2 days. Insomnia isn't even helpful now.

Prolly gonna mix Norminah drama and Delena drama into this from now on 🤔

lol i wasn't gonna upload because I'm close to finishing the next one but I'm so giddy rm. Idk why.

Next chapter you should expect like 4-5 hours later alongside with chapter 4 of "YBAB".

I love useless drama now.

Czytaj Dalej

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