Prinxiety One Shots

By mangomandy024

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A compilation of Prinxiety (and background Logicality) one-shots from my own brain. I am absolutely not above... More

Band Battle
Laser Tag
Mario Kart ft that one famous tumblr trope
I got tagged somehow
Im lazy we been knew
I guess I live for tumblr prompts now
This probably isn't the best time...
Only Us
If I Could Tell Him
Florist!Virgil AU
Hanahaki Disease
Sanders Sides as Stupid Things My Friends Have Said
Greaser!Virgil and Soc!Roman
Greaser!Virgil and Soc!Roman pt 2
Sanders Sides as Stupid Things My Friends Have Said pt 2
Chocolates & Rom-Coms
The Sanders Sides as Stupid Quotes from my English Class
Bartender AU
A Royal In Training
Stage Crew Crew
Got tagged again lmao
Je Parle Français, Imbécile
Huzzah a Request (finally)
Hmmm got tagged with a different thing
Fake Numbers, Frappuccinos, and Film Sets
The Sides as Stupid Quotes Pt. 3
Prank War
Math sucks. Help me?
Not a chapter
Demon AU Ask Blog
Sanders Sides as Stupid Quotes Pt. 4
Sanders Sides Headcanons
Sanders Sides as Stupid Quotes part 5
Alrighty everyone it's announcement time
Lifeguard AU
Day 1 - ETA
Day 2 - Wallow
Day 3 - Aw, Yuck
Day 4 - Salt and Pepper
Day 5 - To be, or...
Day 6 - Quantity
Day 7 - Drink
Day 8 - Bullies
Day 9 - Fall
Day 10 - Genocide
Day 11 - .docx
Day 12 - Juice
Day 13 - On Tour
Day 15 - Carbonated
Day 16 - Top of the Chart
I'm sorry y'all :(
I'm Back On My Bullshit (Real title: Perfect Storm)
Question mark??? (Plus a bonus drabble)
Dukeceit? DeeRee? Receipt? Demus?
Anna oop- its angst
Stupid Quotes: Summer Edition!
im sorry-
lotsa stuff


3.3K 113 65
By mangomandy024

Y'all I just saw Chicago front-row with my girlfriend and WHOO it was an experience! Velma Kelly W I N K E D  A T  M E. I'm dead and gay but what's new. I had a random idea for a pic so now we're here. I stan broadway AUs so much and I wish there were more tbh

Virgil's POV

I stepped off the bus at the port authority, walking quickly through the crowd of people to get where I needed to go. People in New York are out of their minds, I swear. As I stepped into the cold air on the busy street, I looked around for a taxi. I managed to call one and stepped inside.

"Just get me anywhere near Broadway, thanks."

"What show are you seeing?" I groaned. I was not in the mood for small talk.

"Chicago." He started driving as I pulled out my phone.

"You gonna meet your girlfriend there or something?" Okay, sure, broadway shows aren't something anyone, especially a guy, sees alone. Even more so with Chicago. But I was still upset about it.

"I don't have a girlfriend," I sneered. I could feel myself involuntarily glaring. The taxi driver sighed. It seemed like he had given up on talking to me. Good. I pulled out my phone and found a cast list for tonight. I scanned through it. There were some familiar names; I recognized the lady playing "Mama" Morton as someone from Waitress. (I am not into Waitress (yet) but my girlfriend had a mini freak out about it but I don't remember who it was. I wanted to mention it for no particular reason.) I looked for who was playing Billy Flynn. I don't know why exactly, but he's my favorite character. It's probably because he called Roxie a bagel. Next to the character's name, I saw the name of the man playing him tonight. It was an understudy named "Roman Prince."

The cab pulled up right in front of the theater right as I was starting to worry about being late. I stepped out after paying the driver and found the girl from the company I had bought my ticket from. She handed me my ticket, so I took it out and got in line. I hadn't brought a bag so I didn't have to worry about it getting searched. I inspected my ticket as I waited to be at the front of the line.

I looked very carefully at my seat number. I was in the first row in the center. There must have been a mistake of some kind, but it was certainly my ticket. It had my name on it. It wasn't super over-priced or anything. I wasn't going to argue, but I hoped I wouldn't get moved if there was a mistake.

I walked into the theater and they directed me to my seat. I was dead center in the front row. Oh my god. I wouldn't be able to see anyone's feet, but I would deal for being so close to the cast. I looked through the playbill I was given. I looked through the pictures of the cast. Suddenly, I remembered about Roman Prince. Towards the bottom of the list, there was a small picture of him. I nearly fainted on the spot. A very hot guy was playing my very favorite character. I put my playbill in my lap and waited for the show to start.

Once the house was filled, the lights dimmed. The long, black curtain was lifted, revealing a large stage, set up like stairs, that the orchestra sat on. The orchestra was shown the whole time. I thought that was really cool. They started playing the opening theme for All That Jazz. Suddenly, Velma Kelly rose from a platform on the stage. She started singing and was suddenly surrounded by people wearing practically nothing. My gay ass didn't care much for all the women wearing basically lingerie, and I was even having a hard time appreciating all the guys who were very muscular under see-through shirts.

The musical went on with no space between the first three songs, and I sat impatiently waiting for All I Care About. Sure, the show was impressive, but I couldn't be bothered right now. I had shifted into a one-track mind the second I saw Roman Prince's photo.

Finally, the conductor announced the song as the murderers started chanting his name.

"We. Want. Billy. Where. Is. Billy. B. I. Double L Y. We're. All his." I found myself accidentally whisper-chanting with them, until there he was. He walked up the stairs on the stage, seemingly appearing from nowhere. He was wearing a suit and honestly, the only thing that kept me from fainting was the need to hear his voice.

"I don't care about expensive things, cashmere coats, diamond rings. No no, not me. All I care about is love!" Jesus christ! I'm in love! His voice was deep and beautiful and I could listen to him sing for hours. He walked to the edge of the stage as he kept singing. He was right in front of me! I thought for sure I was going to pass out. Then he looked. Right. At me. A n d t h e n h e w i n k e d a t m e. That is what I call a near-death experience. I think my face was literally glowing.

I was so excited to see this show. But I couldn't register anything when he wasn't on stage and hell, I couldn't when he was, either. If you asked me for a plot summary of the show, I would just say "Roman Prince" and collapse.

During the bows, Billy ran to the front of the stage again. He blew kisses into the audience, then blew one directly at me. K. O. Jesus Christ. I hadn't planned on doing cast autographs, but now I had to. I pulled some money out as the lights went up. As I left the theater, painstakingly slowly, I worried about what I would say. I couldn't just call him Roman, I had never met him. I got in the line by the door after handing someone my money. I grabbed my playbill for him to sign. (I did not do cast signing and I never have so I have no idea how this works and I'm just making stuff up tbh ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)

I walked into the crowd of people and cast members. I saw the girl I recognized as the one who played Roxie, and she looked up from what she was signing. She looked at me and gasped.

"Roman! It's that cute boy you wouldn't shut up about backstage!" She yelled this very loudly and people turned to look. I tried to put up my hood to hide. But then there he was. Roman Prince. He had practically run from across the room. I immediately panicked. Should I hand him my playbill? Should I shake his hand? What do I do??

"Hey, sorry about her. All she ever does is belt so she doesn't know how to be quiet." I laughed a bit and he smiled. I finally managed to speak a bit.

"I- uh- hi. I'm Virgil." Well, at least I got my name out.

"Roman." He shot me a disarming smile and I forgot how to speak again. I just handed him my playbill. He laughed and took it, flipping to the cast page.

And then he wrote. Down. His. Number. Was I dreaming? I had to be.

"Call me sometime. I almost never have free time but you can come and see the show any time you like, and the second I get a day off, you'll be the first person to know. And he winked again. I was about to die. I just smiled and nodded really enthusiastically before running out without anyone else's autograph. 

You better believe I punched that number into my phone as soon as possible.

Yo this turned out crappy I know but I just got a bucket of my own bottled up emotions dumped on me last night and I kinda don't want to think about Chicago for a little while. Oh well. On a (somehow) happier note, I've started yandere!Virgil part 3 so once I actually want to write again I'll put that up so it shouldn't be too long of a wait.

Cheers, queers! 💖💜💙

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