Rain || BTS x Child reader

By KittyBlossomCB

1.4M 59.6K 32.9K

"The rain brought me sadness, but my happiness was you." One cold rainy night, a baby was left at someones do... More

โ€ขยฐใƒป ๐•€๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐• ๐••๐•ฆ๐•”๐•ฅ๐•š๐• ๐•Ÿ ใƒปยฐโ€ข
1| Hyung! [edited]
2| Adoration
3| I'll save you
4| Keep you safe
5| Curious
6| I miss them
7| Sick
8| Sneakily
9| Hurt in Two Ways
10| a Trip to the 'Food' Bank
11| Halloween
12| Her First Sleepover
13| Phone Call
14| Kookie's Strangeness
15| Operation: Catch the guy
16| Operation.. Gone wrong!
17| For me?
18| All Of Me
19| True Form
20| His Reason
21| Close My Eyes
22| Not Really A Secret
23| Too Close
Extra|~ Jungkook
24| New Years' Troubles
Author's Note
25| First Class
26| Gazes
27| Crash
28| Jaemin
30| Him
31| As a Group
32| Fire [Part 1]
33| Mask [Part 2]
34| It Burns
35| Explanation
36| Sweets
A Big Thank You (Read pls)
37| Meeting
IM CRYING RN (Pls read!!)
Special|~ 100k!?
38| Transfer Student
39| Tears
40| The Past
41| No Control
42| After Effects
43| "Surprise, Surprise?"
44| Hurtful Truth
Author's Note
45| Friends?
Special|~ Valentine's Day
Important Author's Note
Hello Again
46| Away
47| Panic
48| On a Hunt
Author's Note About The '100k Special'
Q&A for 200k
49| Staying Over
50| Sleeping Over
Special|~ The 200k Q&A (pt. 1)
Special|~ The 200k Q&A (pt. 2)
Special|~ Yoongi's B-Day
51| Something New
Story Time!
52| A Push in the Wrong Way
53| A Little Suspicous
54| Angel
Author's Note
55| Addictive
56| His Pain
57| Bullies
58| Crimson
59| Possible
60| White Walls
61| Starve
62| Power
Thank you <3
63| Fake Smile
64| Strange
Check out these books!
65| I'll Love You Forever
66| Don't Leave Me
Holy- 500k?!
Special|~ 500k
67| Fear and Trust
68| Too Much
69| Their Disbelief
70| Can I..
71| Her Light
72| Glow
73| Happy
74| Give In
75| Contents
76| Tired
Not an Update
77| Do It
78| Spade
79| Grateful
80| Heartbeat
81| Plans
Special|~ Happy Kookie Day
82| Watch Out
83| Nothing
84| Strawberry Daze
Special|~ Spinoff
Special|~ Spinoff pt.2
Special|~ Spinoff pt.3
85| I Think It's Love
86| Something's Off
87| Red Feeling
88| Broken
89| Tricks for the Weak
90| Sudden Visit
Author's Note
91| Threat
92| A Mistake
93| The Big Reveal
A/N : A Little Something
A/N : So close!!
โ€ขโ€ข 1 MILLION Q&A โ€ขโ€ข
94| Heartfelt
95| Acceptance
96| April
A/N : Make a vote.
97| Shard
Family Photobook
A/N : Birthday Wishes
98| Odd Encounter
99| The Concert
100| The Concert (pt.2)
101| The Concert (pt.3)
102| Waking Up
103| Missing Him
104| Kiss Me
I'm sorry.
I'm back!

29| Only The Beginning

12.3K 505 154
By KittyBlossomCB

It's been over a week now since you've started school.  You had already achieved some things; like making friends.  But over the past few days you've been experiencing more of the irritating ringing in your ears.  The constant thought of telling your oppas always raided your mind when you wouldn't be thinking of anything pacifically.  One day Hoseok grabbed you when you almost fell over since you were dizzy.  The dizzy spells haven't been getting any better though, they've been happening more frequently, and you wouldn't be lying if you said it scared you.

School ended for today and Kyungsoo invited you to his house, though you really didn't want to, Changjae did some really cute aegyo that made you give in to the offer.  You of course didn't forget to ask permission from Seokjin though, and surprisingly he said yes, which made you gasp at your phone screen which was what you were talking to him on.

"Yep!  I can go." you confirmed, instantly hearing a loud squeal from one of the guys which brought the ringing to your ears again.

Eric ran to your side and gripped your arm to keep you steady. "Are you alright?!" worried your friend, eyeing you all over to check for injuries.

You shook your head at him. "I'm f-fine," a small whimper made its way out of your mouth right before your legs collapsed, your body unconscious as it laid almost lifeless-looking in Eric's arms.

"Is she okay!"

"Should we call he parents?"

"Does she live with her brother?"

"I thought she had more then one, what?"

"Guys calm down, she's waking up,"

Your eyes slowly fluttered open, the sudden light invading your vision made you groan and close your eyelids for a brief moment.

"Are you okay [Y/n]?  What happened back there!" a concerned and utterly worried Changjae sorta shouted, making you cover your ears since his voice was unusually loud.

"Dude!!" Kyungsoo interrupted, looking mad. "Please tone your voice down!  Jeez,"

What happened?

"What. .  What happened?  I don't. .  I don't remember. . ?" you mumbled, squinting your eyes in the direction of the blinding light above on the ceiling.

"You don't?" Changjae then turned to Kyungsoo, whispering quietly but somehow, you could hear them clearly?  What? "What's up with her?  Should we call her fami—"

"NO!" you abruptly shouted, clearing your throat when you seen all their shocked and confused expressions. "I-I mean no, don't call my family."

Kyungsoo, Eric and Changjae all shared a look, one you couldn't read yet it worried you. "What?" you questioned, sitting up on what you noticed to be a couch.

"Nothing." Kyungsoo shrugged, turning around to grab something before coming towards your form, passing you a bottle of water.  You thanked him with a small smile.

Then your phone suddenly dinged, notifying you of a new message.  All three boys left the room saying they'll give you some time alone.


I guess stage one has already started my dear.


What the?  Who is this?


A shame you don't remember that sweet old lady yesterday.


You're her!? How did you get my number?


I have my ways dear.

The flashback from yesterday came quick to your mind, a short one at that.


You were getting one of your dizzy spells again, and sadly you weren't in a safe spot to stop and recollect yourself.  So with all the energy you could muster at that moment, you stumbled down the empty hallway of your school, your hand dragging along the wall to sorta keep you up.

"Oh, dear!  Are you okay?" shouted a voice full of worry.  You looked up to the owner to see a gentle-looking old lady who looked to be in her late 70's.

With a huff, you pushed yourself up again, smiling at the woman. "Don't worry, I-I'm fine."

"No, no.  Here, let me help you,"


How did she get your number!  That's what creeped you out.


What's with the stage one thing?  What's that about?


I can't tell you yet darling, but beware, things will be strange and confusing.  Trust me though, you'll be fine. This is only the beginning.


Hey!  Wait!

With a huff of annoyance, you threw your phone to the other side of the couch. 

What was that woman talking about!  She's confusing and. . scaring me. .

Your eyes drooped closed and soon enough you fell back into dream land.

You safely made it home. Kyungsoo's dad happily taking you back, and with him, tagged along your friends who hugged you goodbye as you turned and entered the quiet apartment.

Strange, it's really quiet.

You tried to switch a light on but literally you were blind at this state. You're not like them, being able to see so perfectly in the darkness while the dark had always brought fear to you, as it did now.

I can't see. . Where is everyone?

Shuffling could be heard from what you thought was your right, so you instinctively moved to your left, crouching down in a corner carefully. You brought your knees up to your chest, hugging them close in fear as you held back tears. You couldn't help but feel pathetic. A fourteen year old girl crying because she's scared of the darkness. You could clearly picture a certain someone *cough* Kyungsoo *cough* laughing at you because of it.

"[Y/n]? Why are you crying on the floor?" a deep voice asked, and by the sound of it you suspected it was Taehyung.

You looked up to where you thought he was as you tried to wipe your eyes quickly, faking a smile. "Me? Crying? Nah," you lied, covering it up with a fake laugh while inside you tried to calm yourself down.

"I'm not stupid." he pointed out.  You could feel his gaze on you even though you still couldn't see anything. You decided that since Taehyung could see through you anyway, you would tell him your secret.

"I'm. . . scared. . of the dark." you muttered ever so quietly.  Sometimes you wished you could see through the pitch blackness so it wasn't so scary.

"The dark isn't so bad. I used to be scared of the light," he confessed, his voice seeming embarrassed or shy.

"The light? Because of what you are?" you questioned curiously.

"Sorta. I've always been. . in the darkness, so it was home to me. One day I seen the light for the first time, it was so bright. I can remember how I thought I was blind for awhile and how I cried stupidly." he shyly laughed.

"Huh. You're a wimp."

"A wimp!? I'll have you know that I'm very strong and brave!" he retorted, suddenly laying his hand on your shoulder, making you flinch but soon relax.

You chuckled lightly. "Yeah right."

— A/N —
Sorry that nothing happened much in this one. I really tried.
Have a nice day/night.

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