Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warr...

By dram12

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Second Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build a... More

Now Ready
The Making
The Telling
My Thoughts
Army of Ohio
The Skirmish
Cow pens / Atlanta
The Conquerors
Stella Marie
The Ocean Blue
We Sail
The Story
The Story part two
They Arrive
The Ohio's
Atlanta - A Spy
A Spy part 2
One / The Raid
One / The Raid part 2
Mason / Kit
After Action Report
They Return
Sarna's Plan
The Journey
Tour - Meeting
The Meeting
Evening Next Morning
Atlanta - Savannah
The Attacks
Ocean Blue 21.99 - 71.69
War and Man
Battle part two
Army Of Carolina
Battle Of Pelion
Columbia / Augusta
Horrel Hill
Silence at Arthurtown
Silence / 2
Mitch's Ride / The Captured
Allendale - Columbia
First United
The Tribunal - Mitch & Liz
The Trial
Baldwin Inn
Pigs To Slaughter
She Must Fall
Victory And Death
Garden City
Garden City /2
Moving Forward
You The Reader
Charles Town
Liz And The Rifle
The Confusion
Stanson's Report / The North
Seven weeks
Terrence / Plymouth
TA Sea / Santee
Battle Of Santee
Durns Folly
June / August
Second Battle Horrel Hill/ Smithfield
Army Of Ohio
Yorktown / Haivershaw
Southeastern Islands
Taft / Yorktown
Surrender Field
The Years After

Camp Joy

24 3 8
By dram12

Cow pens three days before the push. Sarna's final
stop camp joy. Forward elements of The Army of The Carolina's. Jacob and Ben attending.

Sarna climbed off Paint, Father, Ben finally our last
stop. Father how many are here? Just a company
about hundred twenty total. Ben tugged at his shirt
I've been hungry, past hour don't know if I need to
eat or not. Feel like I've put on weight. Sarna looked at him, you haven't got fat loosen the pistol
belt up silly. That shirt will be looser its bunched in the belt. You two go on, I'll fix this tie the horses

Nathan good to see you, you've met Sarna right.
Jacob its been awhile but, yes I've met her. What
brings you to camp Joy? Sarna wanted to talk to
everyone. Hitting the camps is all. Ben held out his hand I'm Ben Stanson good to meet you. Nathan Forest pleasure Sir. Well have a ten out on picket
duty rest are here. I gather those up have our talk.

Sarna smiled won't be necessary Nathan I'll talk
to those here. Then go out talk to the pickets. Have
you ate yet?  Talk to them while they eat. Well just
having cured ham and bread, bread is a little hard
coffee a wash it down. Men are inside the trench house. Nathan held the flap open little dim as you
go down, after you just about four steps down.
Sarna declined no you all go down I'll bring up the
rear. She could hear laughing and talking then quiet. Nodded at the soldiers, please continue.

I'll not interrupt your meal. Who ever is doing the serving cut me a portion. I'll sit with you eat then
we'll talk. I am Elder Sarna, we met once do ya remember that? Handing her the bread and ham.
Lets see think your name is Pete, we met believe
first night here at the pens. You were on picket duty. Yes um that's right, didn't think you would
remember that. Sarna looked around the small room. I see a few more familiar faces. Names sorry
can't remember them. Ben sat next to her, whispered least you remembered meeting him.

Sarna smiled as the talk and laughter started again. Thinking soon some of these faces will be no
more. She'll be putting them in harms way. How many will die on both sides? She watched as they rolled the tarps down over the opening the room
got dark. She heard matches, candles burned a glow filled the room, faces sat in shadows. Quiet
Sarna felt uneasy, nervous her last stop the pens
and then battle. I wanted to tell each and every one of you. She hesitated, stood then sat back down.

We've trained in the cold, snow, freezing rain together. Worked together building back the pens.
Its been a long hard winter. Soon it will be time
to take it to the enemy. Pete shouted yes and about
blame time we did! Nathan said now. Sarna stopped him. No he should voice his opinion, we
have sat, far too long lost to much time. Another
voice said no you arrived to late to do a thing.
This sitting and not fighting was no work of you.

Smiling taking a deep breathe, soon the main Armies will be moving forward to jump off take
the fight to them. When we do, I want you all to
know. We must push drive hard give them no opportunity to drive us back. Leave them nothing
behind they can use. They will most certainly counter attack. This will be a hard thing to do.

This may endanger our friends caught behind the lines. We take what food stores they have and we need. Burn the rest! We shall prevail or die fighting. They've said they'll put me and my Officers. Impale us on pikes for all to see. If you
see these things don't stop! Drive push on!
We do this for our homes! Elder what's impale mean? Ben looked at him, well soldier they shove
a stake into you then stand it up. For all to see.

Damn what the, they think that a stop us! They gots some learnin to do. Sarna stood yes they do
some real learning to do. That's all I have, Nathan
I'll take Pete he can show where the pickets are.
Sure will you be staying the night? Sure its only
two hour ride back. Think we need the rest. Before our return home. Well Pete show me the way. Ben
hugged her, now I won't apologise Sarna. She laughed non needed Ben I'll see you and father later. So Pete you have a girl some where you worried about?

Well no, none I can think of. I transferred to the Army of Carolina because that's my original home.
My family moved to Missasip way, try and get a job
with the Coffee Plantations. Well that didn't work out. I became a Privateer, Old Bill asked for volunteers. Figured I'd defend my old home, Sarna
don't want to be forward an all. You are a brave Shield Warrior, made it all the way up to the Ohio's. You could of just gave up stayed had a normal life least ways for awhile. Why did ya come
back? Sarna stopped grabbed Pete held his arm.
Pete I couldn't just give up sit leave my family friends to die. Look at you. You are here to fight,
why wouldn't I want to fight. Pete we are all the same people. United these Thirteen Lands must Unite to stay that way. I just hope I have as much fortitude to keep going as you did. Sarna pulled him in close whispered in his ear, Pete you will
we all will. Pete felt a little flushed thinking I'm glad it's dark she can't see my red face. Sarna think
I needed that little whisper, I just get to wondering
sometimes can we win this. Will I be able to keep going. Now I've fought a lot Ocean battles, took a lot of ships with my crew mates. That kind of fight is different, can't explain it just different. I fear this fight coming I truly do. Sarna nodded we all do Pete, I may more than you. Well just the top this hill is the picket, they've been out here for about five days. So they might be a bit grouchy, just letting ya know.

Sarna slipped as she climbed the hill, Pete lend a hand I've slipped need something to hold on to.
Pete reached out steadied her as she climbed up.
Thank you Pete. Sorry forgot how slippery it is.
Glad ta help. Fellas its Pete got a visitor, coming in now! Come on we heard ya! Sarna looked around
found a place to sit. Well would say men I see four
Shield so all good evening well its into night.

I'm Sarna if you don't recognize me, I don't see any
familiar faces here. This is my last stop I wanted to
see as many of you as I could. Me and Pete here were talking about fear the coming battles and such. Yes I have fears will my decisions be right.
Will my plans work, how many on both sides will
die. Elder we Shields worry and fear, no need to tell us you worry we all do. We Soldiers do to, good to know the Command is human. Lets just take the
fight to them, get this over. Sarna smiled one thing
we will do things that may put our friends and families in danger. This I want all to know, we will
take what stored grain and dried meats needed for our Armies and burn the rest. We must not leave a thing our enemies might need if they counter attack. This was a hard decision but needed.

I'll not take more of your time, I know you have a rotation  for sleep and such. Till we meet again bye your leave. Few said no bye yours Sarna.
As they entered the camp Sarna stopped shook Pete's hand, thank you Pete if I don't see you in
the morning good luck to you. Yes Sarna good luck to you. We'll win this I just know it. Bye your leave.
Sarna smiled bye yours.

As they rode off Sarna couldn't help but look back.
The sun just breaking the horizon, how many Ben,
Father will we not see again? How many will be no more? The thought chills me, positive thoughts it
will be, I hope for the better good. Ben looked back
then nodded, I regret to say possibly all of them.
Don't dwell on it my dear Sarna. We do what we must as they do. Daughter to do nothing is a far greater bad, than to fight back. To worry is a good thing. To let it hinder your judgement or decisions
is far greater crime. You'll do what is needed. This
will be a hard long fight. You've been given a job
even the most oldest experienced person would have a hard time. You have a good Command element. Use them well, trust your judgement instincts. These Armies will follow lead them they'll fight till they have no means to. Then keep
going hand to hand if need be. Sarna stood in the stirrups well then let's just do this. Go hard fast!
Let it play itself out.

Well another short part. Few things to think about
  Sarna showed her troops worry and her decision to burn food stores and such. Your opinion was that right as a leader? Let me know your votes comments are aways welcome. Thanks for reading.

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