Rain || BTS x Child reader

By KittyBlossomCB

1.4M 59.6K 32.9K

"The rain brought me sadness, but my happiness was you." One cold rainy night, a baby was left at someones do... More

โ€ขยฐใƒป ๐•€๐•Ÿ๐•ฅ๐•ฃ๐• ๐••๐•ฆ๐•”๐•ฅ๐•š๐• ๐•Ÿ ใƒปยฐโ€ข
1| Hyung! [edited]
2| Adoration
3| I'll save you
4| Keep you safe
5| Curious
6| I miss them
7| Sick
8| Sneakily
9| Hurt in Two Ways
10| a Trip to the 'Food' Bank
11| Halloween
12| Her First Sleepover
13| Phone Call
14| Kookie's Strangeness
15| Operation: Catch the guy
16| Operation.. Gone wrong!
17| For me?
18| All Of Me
19| True Form
20| His Reason
21| Close My Eyes
22| Not Really A Secret
Extra|~ Jungkook
24| New Years' Troubles
Author's Note
25| First Class
26| Gazes
27| Crash
28| Jaemin
29| Only The Beginning
30| Him
31| As a Group
32| Fire [Part 1]
33| Mask [Part 2]
34| It Burns
35| Explanation
36| Sweets
A Big Thank You (Read pls)
37| Meeting
IM CRYING RN (Pls read!!)
Special|~ 100k!?
38| Transfer Student
39| Tears
40| The Past
41| No Control
42| After Effects
43| "Surprise, Surprise?"
44| Hurtful Truth
Author's Note
45| Friends?
Special|~ Valentine's Day
Important Author's Note
Hello Again
46| Away
47| Panic
48| On a Hunt
Author's Note About The '100k Special'
Q&A for 200k
49| Staying Over
50| Sleeping Over
Special|~ The 200k Q&A (pt. 1)
Special|~ The 200k Q&A (pt. 2)
Special|~ Yoongi's B-Day
51| Something New
Story Time!
52| A Push in the Wrong Way
53| A Little Suspicous
54| Angel
Author's Note
55| Addictive
56| His Pain
57| Bullies
58| Crimson
59| Possible
60| White Walls
61| Starve
62| Power
Thank you <3
63| Fake Smile
64| Strange
Check out these books!
65| I'll Love You Forever
66| Don't Leave Me
Holy- 500k?!
Special|~ 500k
67| Fear and Trust
68| Too Much
69| Their Disbelief
70| Can I..
71| Her Light
72| Glow
73| Happy
74| Give In
75| Contents
76| Tired
Not an Update
77| Do It
78| Spade
79| Grateful
80| Heartbeat
81| Plans
Special|~ Happy Kookie Day
82| Watch Out
83| Nothing
84| Strawberry Daze
Special|~ Spinoff
Special|~ Spinoff pt.2
Special|~ Spinoff pt.3
85| I Think It's Love
86| Something's Off
87| Red Feeling
88| Broken
89| Tricks for the Weak
90| Sudden Visit
Author's Note
91| Threat
92| A Mistake
93| The Big Reveal
A/N : A Little Something
A/N : So close!!
โ€ขโ€ข 1 MILLION Q&A โ€ขโ€ข
94| Heartfelt
95| Acceptance
96| April
A/N : Make a vote.
97| Shard
Family Photobook
A/N : Birthday Wishes
98| Odd Encounter
99| The Concert
100| The Concert (pt.2)
101| The Concert (pt.3)
102| Waking Up
103| Missing Him
104| Kiss Me
I'm sorry.
I'm back!

23| Too Close

16.5K 704 415
By KittyBlossomCB

It was raining, but not too hard as it was just light sprinkles of water trickling down your window.  It was calming in a way, rain has always brought you to sleep.  But of course it was 3 pm so sleeping was not on the list.  You still wanted to talk to Seokjin about school.  As you opened your bedroom door you weren't expecting to instantly collide with a hard chest, more pacifically Jungkook's.

"Oppa?  What is it?"  You asked, stepping back while tilting your head a bit at him.  He squinted at your face, standing still for the longest time before turning around and leaving without a single word coming out of his mouth.  "Uhh. . . Okay then?"  You stuck your head out into the hallway as you watched Jungkook enter his room and shut the door, not even looking at you.  'Weird.'  With a short and confused shrug you made your way to Seokjin's room, probably thinking he was in there at the time.  You both needed to talk.

You knocked twice before you heard footsteps. "Daddy, are you in there?" Soon the door opened revealing Seokjin in a plain white tee, looking down at you with a smile. You walked in past his figure as he shut the door behind you both.  You made your spot on his comfy bed, him sitting beside you.

"Can we talk about school now?" You spoke, watching his facial expressions as those words left your lips. You didn't know if this was a bad time to talk or—

"Actually, I was considering this a nice idea."  He spoke truthfully.

'Did he just AGREE with me?!  That's unbelibubble!!'  You stared at the man in front of you with shock and surprise written on your face, not actually believing he would agree to your idea of going to school.

Seokjin smiled yet again and held your hand in his, rubbing circles in your palm.  "I see you're growing up, and thinking on this for awhile made me come to the conclusion that it would be good for you to experience school.  Real school.  You could make friends, but please make sure you choose good ones,"  He chuckled lightly before continuing.  "Everyone needs a little break from each other, and you attending a school you can actually walk around in. . .  If it means you'll be happy, then I'm happy.  So I'll get you into school as soon as possible, is that alright sweetie?"

You were dumbfounded.

Mouth dropped, eyes wide, Seokjin laughed at your current state, not being able to help himself.  You were genuinely shocked.  "So that means I can make friends?!"  You jumped up and smiled, instantly wrapping your arms around Seokjin's neck, hugging his form tightly as he hit you lightly as a sign to let go.  He chuckled and nodded towards you, watching in happiness as you smiling brightly.  "I am!  I am!  I'm going to school!!!"

Seokjin got you into a nearby school but you couldn't go until the weekend was over.  School for you would start on Monday, and of course your excitement travelled around the house to each and every person except Jungkook.  He seems bothered by something, but you genuinely don't know what.

"Kookie-oppa, can we play some video games?"

Ever since your, um, cycle started, Taehyung has been helping you like the good brother he was.  Getting you whatever you wanted or needed, and even giving hugs when you asked.  He (along with everyone else) didn't seem at all bothered by, well, whatever scent you give off.  Jungkook was the most of your concerns as he would barely talk to you or look at you.  It worried you badly at his state.

"Oppa~  Are you in there?  I'm bor—"

Your words were cut off when you were suddenly pulled into the room that belonged to Jungkook, the door you were knocking on a couple seconds ago was now shut and even locked behind you.  "Uh hello there,"  You mumbled quietly, quite confused or more less a little freaked out even.

Jungkook was breathing heavily as he stared into your eyes, his dark ones boring holes into yours as you took a moment to step back, not breaking the eye contact going on here.  "Oppa are you alright?"  'You're stupid!' is what you would say to yourself if you could even know what was bothering him.  Jungkook just stared at you, worrying and even scaring you.

"Don't."  Was all he said and suddenly you were laying on the floor, him on top of you with those dark red eyes of his.  All realization came down upon you at the wrong time, watching and laughing as you called yourself stupid in your thoughts.  You struggled under his weight, squirming when he inched closer to your face.

You screamed, but he quickly covered your mouth.  This is when you came to notice that he didn't have any self-control.  This was not your Kookie-oppa, this was someone else.

"Oppa!!  Get off me!  Snap out of it!"  Jungkook grabbed your wrists tightly and suddenly you were against a wall, your breath caught in your throat as your head banged against the hard surface behind it.  You winced when you felt pain in both your wrists, Jungkook's hands wrapping dangerously tight around them.

He only smirked, leaning into your neck as you started to squirm even more now under his grip.  Jungkook was scary when he wasn't in control, and of course you knew you did not like it one bit.  You haven't been bitten in two years, and you hated the feeling, even thinking about it made your skin itchy.  Thinking back to when they all saved you, you could only remember the rage on their faces when they seen your weak and tortured form sitting helplessly in that wooden chair with your hands tied harshly in rope.  Even more rage clouded their vision when they seen all the countless bite marks making their home on your once soft and untouched skin.  All those memories brought you fear and pain.

But Jungkook wasn't doing this purposely.  He wasn't in control of himself.  His vampire side got the best of him and all this happened because you simply wanted to play some video games with him.

You were harshly snapped out of your thoughts when some strong arms pulled you away from the almost growling Jungkook.  Your vision was blurry but when your sight came back all you could see in front of you was Yoongi and Hoseok holding back Jungkook.  He really scared you, but you kept having to remind yourself that your Kookie was better then this, that this was not him.

"Sweetie?  Sweetie?  Can you hear me?  Are you okay?"  When you turned your gaze to the left, you took in the worried sight of Seokjin holding your face in his hands.  "Did he hurt you?  Let me see,"  Your face was pushed gently to the side so Seokjin could get a better view of your neck.  "Phew. .  nothing happened!"

Jungkook, who was still being held back, looked a lot less scary from before.  He almost looked calm, but you couldn't really say that because his red eyes still bore holes into you.

Seokjin pointed to the two still holding the half-blood back.  "Yoongi, Hoseok, take him please."  Was all the eldest said before all three were out of the room, leaving just you and Seokjin alone.

"Sweetie. . .  I know this is gonna be difficult for us and for you, but leave Jungkookie alone, okay?  He's not safe to be around with you smelling so. .  Just— Just stay away from him until that's over alright?  Understand me?"  You only nodded, your face still in his hands.  He let go of you before smiling like nothing ever happened and left the room, leaving you to think to yourself about everything that just occurred.

— A/N —
Surprise!!!!  I just want to say that this was fun to write!  Hehe

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