Haruhi's Twin

By MickyWolff

82.9K 2.4K 278

Yuki Fujioka is the younger twin sister of the infamous Honor student Haruhi Fujioka. Follow Yuki's life as t... More

Note Before You Read
Day Before School
Starting Today...(Part One)
The Job of a High School Host
Beware of The Physical Exams!
Attack of the Female Manager!
The Twins Fight
Sleep Over
Jungle Pool SOS
The Sun, The Sea and The Host Club
A Challenge from Lobelia Girl's Academy
A Day in the Life of the Fujioka Family!
Study Session
Honey's Three Bitter Days
Authors Note
The Photo Contest
Covering the Famous Host Club!
The Refreshing Battle in Karuizawa!
Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!
Kyoya's Reluctant Day Out!
The Photo Shoot
Lobelia Girls' Academy Strikes Back!
The Ootori Estate
Dinner with The Ootori's
Until the Day It Becomes a Pumpkin
The Party
The Gardening Club
Mori-Senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate Part one
Author Note
Mori-Senpai Has an Apprentice Candidate Part Two
Tamaki's Unwitting Depression
Kaoru and Yuki's Day in
Hirakata Park
Happy Birthday
The Letter
The Request and The Test?
Best Friend Talk
Sisterly Sunday
Money Rejection
Author Note: So Sorry!
The Host Club Declares Dissolution
This Is Our Ouran Festival
Kaoru Ending
Kyoya Ending
The 'Why Not Both' Ending
Thank You!

You Are a Host!(Part Two)

4.2K 107 9
By MickyWolff

Despite being brought into the club to be a 'maid' Yuki was told to just watch for the rest of the club period today by Kyoya. Apparently he wasn't totally confident in her skills to serve the guest right away which she understood. After she got accept by Tamaki she had learned the names of the last three guys she didn't know, Kyoya: second year, Honey and Mori both third years. Sure she was given last names but the only one she could actually remember was Tamaki's because Souh was easy. Yuki had already taken a like to Honey and the devilish twins as Tamaki called them. Even though the twos act was rather.... Foreign to her.. She could tell they were going to be fun to be around. Honey on the other hand was rather cute and innocent who loved his sweets, that it would be hard for someone not to enjoy his company. However while Haruhi was doing jobs and walking around, Yuki found herself standing near Kyoya's table where he sat alone.

"Do you not take customers Kyoya-senpai?" Yuki asked as she looked over to the older student who was typing away on his laptop. He seemed rather different from the rest of the host club which made her wonder why he was even apart of the host club.

"Most of the time no, I mostly work on the clubs finances." Kyoya told Yuki making the younger student nod as she understood. "I've seen some of your photos that you sent in with your application as well as heard the piece you played. I've been thinking about starting to sell photo books of each of the club members but all I've been getting are horrible hidden photo shots. Helping with this will help bring down your sisters debt faster." Kyoya told her while keeping his eyes on his computer. Yuki looked at him surprised when he said sister but then realized it wasn't that far fetched that he would be one of the first ones to figure it out seeing as he knew a lot about her already.

"Sure, I love taking photos. However I don't have a camera of my own. My middle school had a few cameras we could share between the club members" Yuki told him as she moved some of her hair off to the side as she turned to look back at the club. She had noticed that Tamaki seemed to be explaining or talking to Haruhi while she was thinking of something completely different from what he was saying.

"That shouldn't be a problem" Kyoya told her and that seemed to be the end of the conversation.

Once she noticed that Kyoya seemed to be finished speaking with her, Yuki left his side and walked over to her sister who had just sent Tamaki into a corner.

"Yeah you're a real hero alright!" Hikaru said as both of the twins laughed and put their arm over both of Haruhi's and Yuki's head.

"What on earth did you say Haruhi?" Yuki asked as she let out a soft laugh. After the short amount of time Yuki has watched Tamaki she could already tell he was a lot like their father. It was rather unsettling but it was much easier to call him daddy as he had requested of her soon after Yuki had joined. It was weird but she could see Haruhi and herself becoming great friends with the host club. In a way Yuki was happy that Haruhi had broken that vase or the two of them would have never joined or made many friends here at Ouran as many of the students here judged them first on their social class rather then their personalities.

"I'm sorry senpai, but your lesson did strike a small chord with me" Haruhi rubbed the back of her neck as she tried to make up for what she had said. After a short moment Tamaki stood up and seemed to regain his color before turning around.

"Really? It did? Let me teach you more my friend." Tamaki said.

"Uh oh.. Do you think if I slowly back away he won't notice me?" Yuki looked back at the closest twin who she figured out was Kaoru once he spoke up.

"I don't think so" Kaoru whispered to her with a grin before going to join his brothers side. "Boss?"

"Call me king!" Tamaki said.

"You can teach him all the basics of hosting.." Kaoru started.

"But he's not going to get very fair with the ladies if he doesn't look the part you know?" Hikaru finished as the two of them walked in front of Haruhi. Yuki stepped off to the side a little and held her hand over her mouth as she tried to keep her laugh from escaping. They were going to turn Haruhi into a host and she was gonna have to flirt with girls. Could this day get any better? "He's not exactly host club material but maybe if we took off his glasses, it'll help" Hikaru said as he took off Haruhi's classes and seemed to be stunned into silence as well as Kaoru. Yuki wasn't really surprised, after all her twin was always the more attractive one between the two of them. Sure she got the boobs but Haruhi got most of the looks or so Yuki thought anyways. Tamaki seemed to be the next person to join the group as he pushed Hikaru and Kaoru off to the side to get a look at Haruhi without her glasses. He seemed to have the same affect as the twins did but he got over it faster.

snap "Hikaru Kaoru!" Tamaki seemed to be ordering them to do something but Yuki didn't understand but the twins did.

"Got it!" They said together before grabbing a hold of Haruhi and pulling her into a back room which Yuki could only guess was some kind of staging room.

"Kyoys my hairstylist!" Tamaki pointed over at Kyoya who pulled out a phone and started to call someone. Next Tamaki turned to Mori. "Mori- Senpai go to the eye doctor and get him some contacts" Mori didn't even nod before running out of the music room.

"What about me, Tama-chan?" Honey popped up excited to help out with fixing up Haruhi however his dreams were about to be crushed.

"Honey-senpai. " Tamaki seemed to be thinking about what he could do.

"Yes sir!" Honey nodded excitedly.

"You... Go have some cake."

Honey and Usa-chan went to a far table alone moping about Honey was unable to help. Yuki frowned before going over and joining the third year and his stuffed bunny for cake while the others worked on Haruhi. Honey seemed very happy that he didn't have to eat cake alone, despite the fact that there were still girls in the club. The girls seemed to spend their time talking to each other while the host members were in the back helping Haruhi look like a gentleman. It surprised her really, she thought there would be more of an uproar as the girls main entertainment was now gone.

"Yuki Honey-senpai!" the twins called them into the back room. Yuki followed after Honey and stood between the twins as they waited for Haruhi to walk out of the changing room. On the way into the room, Yuki couldn't help but noticed that all the girls were gone meaning it was probably the end of the host club.

"Aren't you done changing yet?" Tamaki asked.

"Are you sure it's okay for me to keep this uniform?" Haruhi asked as she slid the curtain open and stepped out still fiddling with the jacket.

"Cute! You're as pretty as a girl! Adorable!" Tamaki fawned over Haruhi while Yuki walked over to her sister and looked at her with a smile before giving her a thumbs up.

"Looking good!" Yuki gave her sister a closed eyed smile. The rest of the host club seemed to be throwing compliments at her as well but Yuki wasn't really listening as she remembered something. The uniforms cost 300,000 yen... Which just added more onto their debt making her sweat drop for a moment before she was brought back to reality by Kyoya speaking.

"Who knows? Maybe he'll draw in some customers" Kyoya said making Yuki look over at him. She was sure he knew that Haruhi was a girl so he was really going to let a female be a male host? Hm this was going to turn out interesting and Yuki couldn't wait to see how it turned out.

"You know that's just what I was thinking" Tamaki popped in making Yuki roll her eyes, 'sure you did Tamaki sure you did.' "Our errand boy is moving up the ranks! Starting today you are an official member of the host club! I will personally train you to be a first-rate host. If you can get 100 customers to request your service, we will completely forget about your 8 million yen debt."

"A host?" Haruhi mumbled unable to believe what she had gotten her self into. Depsite Haruhi not being excited, Yuki couldn't wait in till tomorrow to see what awaited for them.

***The next day***

Haruhi is also now open for business

While Haruhi was now sitting at a table with three girls, Yuki was dressed in the maid outfit that the twin had pulled out of no way yesterday. Although the skirt was now a little bit longer which she had a good idea that it was Tamaki's doing as he insisted that Yuki also wore black tights so that she wouldn't be 'showing to much skin'. It didn't really bother her as there was only 6 males in the host club anyways and she was pretty sure Honey was to innocent to think like that anyways and Kyoya always had his face in his book or laptop to even notice. But Yuki did as she was told and wore the outfit how Tamaki wanted her to as he was after all the person who had allowed her to stay in the host club to help out Haruhi even after she was made a host. The brunette was serving the twins table when she heard her twin yell out for Mori-senpai making her turn and watch as Mori had grabbed Haruhi out of Tamaki's arms and held her in the air for a moment.

"Mori-senpai, you didn't have to go that fair. Come on, little one, let daddy give you a big hug!" Tamaki said as he held up his hands. Yuki walked over and giggled at the two of them, only to get pulled into a spinning hug from Tamaki much like Haruhi had been trapped in. Although the difference here was Yuki didn't mind the hug as she was very affectionate and enjoyed being at the host club unlike Haruhi. However when she was getting hugged she noticed that one of Tamaki's girls seemed to be glaring heatedly over at Haruhi. "See Yuki loves daddy!" Yuki giggled and wiggled away from him.

"I gotta get back to work" Yuki said before quickly slipping away from the group and going to find more tea cups to fill.

The next few moments were fine and peaceful until she noticed that her sister seemed to run out of the room. After excusing herself, Yuki ran after her sister who she found looking out a window. Yuki didn't make it to her in time as Haruhi turned and started running down the hall. The younger twin stopped at the window and looked down to see the school pond and noticed that there were objects floating in it. It only took her a second to realise that it had been Haruhi's bag making her take off after her sister, only to find the same girl that was giving Haruhi a heated glare. Blinking a few times, Yuki finally realised that she was looking down at the pond where Haruhi now was.

"You threw my s..brothers bag in the pond didn't you?" Yuki asked walking up to the girl. She turned around to see who caught her only to calm down once she realised who was talking to her.

"You have no proof" She sneered making Yuki grind her teeth. It was true, it was her word against this rich brats and she knew who everyone was going to believe.

"Just because you're jealous of him for stealing Tamaki's attention away from you doesn't give you the.." Yuki started but a loud Smack that filled the hall silenced her quickly. Yuki's hand flew up to her now red cheek and looked at the girl in shock. She didn't actually think this girl would get violent.

After a moment of standing there and glaring at one another, the girl moved past her and made her way back towards the host club while Yuki went to the nearest rest room. The brunette didn't want to make a scene and if she went back with a still red cheek she knew that at least Tamaki would ask questions about it, and that was the last thing she wanted. While in the bathroom, Yuki washed her face before looking up into the mirror only to notice a small cut where the girl had slapped her. The girl must have been wearing a ring or one of her nails had pcaught her cheek but it had already stopped bleeding which made Yuki happy. Yuki was in the bathroom for a good 10 to 15 minutes before her cheek finally went back to its normal pale color, leaving the small cut on her right cheek the only evidence of being slapped.

"That's the best it's going to get" Yuki whispered to herself as she took once last look in the mirror before turning and leaving the bathroom. The brunette was almost to the host club when she heard a woman scream making her take off running towards the music room. Yuki made it into the room just as the twins had dumped water over Haruhi and the girl that threw her sisters bag into the pond. The younger twin rushed over and helped her sister stand up and fawned over her to make sure she was okay and not hurt.

"What happened to your cheek?" Haruhi asked ignoring Yuki's questions and fussing. Yuki paled but the subject quickly changed as Tamaki had told off the girl making her run off out of the host club then turn towards the Fujioka twins.

"Now how should I punish you? After all this is your fault. Your quota is not 1000!" Tamaki said pointing over at Haruhi.

"1000?" Haruhi seemed to be to shocked to even think at the moment. Kyoya walked over to them and handed Haruhi a bag which made Yuki look into it only to see the female uniform. She giggled softly before looking at the two ginger twins who had a smirk on their faces.

"Sorry but it's better then a wet one, right?" Kyoya said as he pushed his glasses up on his nose making Yuki cover her mouth to keep a laugh in. She didn't know who knew at this point but she knew that Kyoya and the twins did at least. She couldn't wait to see Tamaki's reaction to Haruhi being a girl.

"Thanks I'm going to go change" Haruhi said before Haruhi and Yuki walked into the back room. Yuki knew it was the end of the club so she changed out of her maid uniform and back into her uniform. She walked out just as Tamaki was outside of Haruhi's changing room with a blank look.

"Tamaki?" Yuki asked poking him in the arm making him turn and grab her shoulders.

"Did you know Haruhi was a girl?!" Tamaki asked. Yuki sweat dropped as she looked at Tamaki. 'Was he serious asking if I knew if my own sibling was a girl?' Yuki blinked at him a few times hoping that he would realise how stupid his question was but he only shook her again and asked again "did you?"

"Of course I knew Tamaki-senpai" Yuki giggled after a moment. He was probably just in shock. "She is my sister after all. I think it would be weird if I didn't know." she joked before joining the twins who rested their arms on her shoulders. Just as she joined the twins, Haruhi walked out of the changing room fixing the collar of the dress.

"Wow Haruhi you can really pull off that dress!" Yuki smiled as she bounced over to her sister and smiled at her brightly. "I would never be able to pull that off!"

"I'm sure you could" Yuki looked over to where she heard the comment from to noticed that Hikaru seemed to be looking anywhere else then her making her smile. Yuki looked back over to Haruhi when she heard her sister speak up.

"I suppose getting fawned over by a bunch of girls won't be that bad." Haruhi said to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.

"How are you gonna pull it off?" Yuki asked even though she knew that if anyone could, Haruhi could.

"I know! I'll just call everyone dude and bro from now on" Haruhi said making the two sisters laugh and Tamaki seem to flip out.

"Those are no words for a lady!!!" Tamaki shouted.

'I can't wait to see what happens next'

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