Plus Ultra|Shouto Todoroki x...

By WifeOfBakugou

835K 24.9K 23K

[BEING REWRITTEN] You and your twin brother, Katsuki Bakugou, have been close your whole life. Even through y... More

Quick note!
Chapter 1|Entrance Exams|
Chapter 2|Not Alone|
Chapter 3|Trust|
Chapter 4|Day One|
Chapter 5|Infinity|
Chapter 6|Hero Suit|
Chapter 7|Heroes vs Villains|
Chapter 8|Shocking|
Chapter 9|It's My Life|
Chapter 10|Lonesome|
Chapter 11|USJ|
Chapter 12|Fear|
Chapter 13|All His Might|
Chapter 14|Hope|
Chapter 15|Friends|
Chapter 16|Peaceful|
Chapter 17|Declaration|
Chapter 18|Champion|
Chapter 19|Ten Million|
Chapter 20|Amazing|
Chapter 21|No Mercy!|
Chapter 22|Izuku VS Shouto|
Chapter 23|Physical|
Chapter 24|Semi-Finals|
Chapter 25|Versus Shouto|
Chapter 26|Names|
Chapter 27|Internships|
Chapter 28|Morning|
Chapter 29|The Field|
Chapter 30|Forever|
Chapter 31|Scared|
Halloween Special
Chapter 32|Back|
Chapter 33|Real|
Chapter 34|Liars|
Chapter 35|Gone pt.1|
Chapter 36|Gone pt.2|
Chapter 37|The Empty Room|
Chapter 38|Strange Offer|
Chapter 39|Not Okay|
Chapter 40|Taken|
Chapter 41|New Life|
Chapter 42|Purity|
Kyojin Info
Chapter 43|The Villain's Debut|
Chapter 44|The Greater Good|
Chapter 45|Not Forever|
Chapter 46|Never Over|
Chapter 47|There For You|
Chapter 48|Let The Finals Begin|
While You Wait
Chapter 49|Guilty pt.1|
Chapter 50|Guilty pt.2|
Chapter 51|Expired|
Chapter 52|Almost There|
Chapter 53|Run|
Chapter 54|Not In Control|
Chapter 55|Invited|
Chapter 56|Day To Remember|
Chapter 57|Someone to Talk to|
Chapter 58|Never Leave You|
Chapter 59|Missed You|
Chapter 60|Cats and Flowers|
Chapter 61|Tranquil|
Chapter 62|Can't Sleep|
Chapter 62.5|Kat's Relationship|
Chapter 63|Pool Fun|
Chapter 64|Hold You|
Chapter 65|Pussycats|
Chapter 66|Beasts|
Im sorry!
Chapter 67|They Left Me|
Chapter 68|Night Terrors|
Chapter 69|Curry|
Chapter 70|Kota|
Chapter 71|Strong|
Villain AU Pt.1
Villain AU Pt.2
Attention readers!
Chapter 72|Another Rei|
Chapter 73|Blood|
Chapter 74|Toga|
Chapter 75|Light|
Chapter 76|Blue Bead|
Chapter 77|Tears|
Chapter 78|Not a Villain|
Chapter 79|Care For|
Chapter 80|Never Will I Ever|
Chapter 81|Not Yet|
Chapter 82|All For One|
Chapter 83|Play Time|
Chapter 84|Don't Care|
Chapter 85|Caught|
Chapter 86|Villain's Have Hearts|
Chapter 87|Protect|
Chapter 88|Okay|
Chapter 89|Parents|
Chapter 90|Only Beginning|
Chapter 91|Panicked|
Chapter 92|Opening Up|
Chapter 93|Anticipation|
Hugo Info
Chapter 94|Cuddling|
Chapter 95|Questions|
Chapter 96|Happy Birthday|
Chapter 96.5|The Cat|
Chapter 97|Alone Time|
Chapter 98|Disappointed|
Chapter 99|Moving In|
Chapter 100|Warmth in Your Tears|
Chapter 101|TDL|
Chapter 102|Bottled Up|
Chapter 103|Over Working|
Chapter 104|Soon Enough|
Chapter 105|Let's Do This|
Chapter 106|Hurry Up!|
Chapter 107|How We Are|
Chapter 108|Hard Work|
Chapter 109|Odds|
Chapter 110|Second Test|
Chapter 111|Gang Orca|
Chapter 112|Passed|
Chapter 113|Kill Her|
Chapter 114|Wasn't Her|
Chapter 115|The Voice in Your Head|
Chapter 116|Heart Ache|
Chapter 117|Pay|
Chapter 118|Rot|
Chapter 119|Too Nice|
Chapter 120|Who Can You Trust?|
Chapter 121|Without Me|
Chapter 122|Monsters|
Chapter 123|Ashamed|
Chapter 124|Gone, Once Again|
Chapter 125|You Should Be Scared|
Chapter 126|Losing It|
Chapter 127|Trying New Things|
Chapter 128|Hell of a Feeling|
Chapter 129|Always Be You|
Chapter 130|Fools|
Chapter 131|Confrontation Isn't Ideal|
Guess who's back
Chapter 131.5|Sneak Peak|
Rewritten Version!

Chapter 46.5|Her Past|

4.6K 140 56
By WifeOfBakugou

Okay! So, that was all of the flashback chapters! So, if you wanted a summary of the flashback chapters+some extra important information, just keep reading this!

One For All put one of his most trustworthy underlings up for a very important task. He would have to create a weapon that the public could like and that was strong enough to defeat the number one hero, All Might.

His experiments were failing, but one day someone gave him a suggestion. This suggestion would end up having exceptional results.

On (Y/N)'s fifth birthday, after coming home and falling asleep, she was kidnapped. She woke up in a room she didn't recognize. She then met an older man named Kyojin, who she was too quick to trust.

She wasn't the only one. Three other children her age were also taken from their families and so was a boy a few years older than her. The other children feared Kyojin because he had shown them his true colors, but he was always more careful with (Y/N).

From then on, her life ran completely one a schedule. This schedule only changed when Kyojin would inject her with a (F/C) liquid that first developed her quirk. After she developed her quirk, the liquid would enhance her quirk, making her stronger. This would make her incredibly weak for about a day before working though.

The other three children had been injected with the same liquid when they first arrived, but it didn't exactly work on them. Instead, they developed weaker, but still useful quirks. (Y/N) on the other hand developed an extremely powerful quirk, Manipulation.

(Y/N) hated getting injected with the liquid, but she continued to trust Kyojin. He would "help out" with her homesickness, but he still couldn't stop her from missing her family.

When Kyojin decided (Y/N) was strong enough, he sent her on her first mission. The mission was minor and no one knew much of it. So, it didn't count a debut.

In the mission, (Y/N) was to kill some business men who were actually human traffickers, but she had to let one survive so they could spread the word.

(Y/N) and the other four children formed a group of villains called "The Five Lies". Each having an alias based on five concepts that society believed, but were lies, especially in Kyojin's eyes. (Kyojin wanted to be poetic.)

(Y/N) Bakugou: Purity - The most deadly of the group.
Her quirk: Manipulation
She had complete control over anything without free will.

Rika Jiyung: Beauty - Had more of a supportive role. Always had the more minor missions if she went alone. She definitely was the weakest of the group.
Her quirk: Flying
She can just fly.

Rei (Last name unknown): Love - This title was personal to Kyojin. Rei normally accompanied Rika due to her lack of strength and his ability to morph into a bird and fly with her.
His quirk: Morphing
He can morph into any animal he wants as long as the animal wasn't extinct when he developed his quirk or he can have some of their body parts. For example, he can still be in his human form, but have a wolf tail.

Hugo Jones: Truth - This alias came from Kyojin's trust issues. Hugo came along with you during your missions.
His quirk: Force Field
He can huge force fields, but he has to understand the dimensions of it.

Jake Kihara: Destiny - Once again, an alias from some of Kyojin's internal issues. Even with his incredibly sweet nature, he was totally bad*ss.
His quirk: Lazers
He can shoot lazers out of any part of his body.

When Kyojin decided they were strong enough, he sent (Y/N), Hugo, Jake, and Rika onto their debut missions. (Y/N)'s mission was the grandest of them all.

She ended up killing hundreds of people, including a famous business man. She was extremely against this, but Kyojin once again manipulated her naive mind.

From then on, "The Five Lies" would go out completing missions. Each mission brought more and more guilt to (Y/N). Each mission chipping away at her sanity.

Often, (Y/N) would try fighting back, but this ended up being useless. Once Kyojin managed to get her back, she would be locked in her room for a week or two. It was around this time that she saw her room as less of a bedroom and more of a prison cell.

Her friends, Rei and Hugo, noticed this. They loved her and wanted the best for her, even if it meant they'd have to make a sacrifice. In the end, that's what they did. They actually got Jake and Rika in on it somehow.

Rika, Jake, and Hugo trapped Kyojin and anyone else who worked on the serums inside the building while Rei lit it on fire. Hawks was aware of their plan and had actually grown to like the (H/C) haired girl, so he made sure she didn't run into the fire.

The police surprisingly let her off the hook after she was question by a living lie detector, but she would continue to be under close watch for the rest of her life.

She then was reunited with her family, but had a hard time being happy. Kyojin was the only thing stopping her from going into an extremely depressed state, but he was now dead, so everything he had done to her mind had vanished.

(Y/N) began to suffer from extreme depression and PTSD. She felt like she wasn't safe anywhere. She was eventually put into a psychiatric ward.

Nothing seemed to be helping at all. She was often unresponsive and even when she was, she only talked to her family.

(Y/N) one day finally had enough. She snuck up to the roof right after someone went to go check up on her. This way, she'd have more time, but she had forgotten that her family would visit everyday, but hadn't visited her that day yet.

When (Y/N)'s family went to visit her, she wasn't in her room, so the hospital staff and her family started searching the hospital to find her, but Katsuki already had an idea. He ran up to the roof as quickly as he could and found her about to jump.

He tried stopping her, but she still jumped. (Y/N) survived, but her parents were furious and took her out of the psychiatric ward, deciding to find a different way.

Therapy hadn't been helping much and (Y/N) was completely against hypnotherapy. One day, something different was suggested. They would erase all her memories of the past year, but it would mean her parents would have to monitor her social interaction. This was because the mind erase could be easily undone by a few triggers.

You agreed with the suggestion and eventually got all your memories of the past year erased. You were finally free of your past, but you weren't allowed to build a future. They kept you at home, never allowing you to leave without them.

Somethings I wanted you to notice about her past:

(Y/N) kept on using her quirk without getting exhausted. This meant that maybe her quirk is actually stronger than she thought.

Who the black haired young man (maybe teenager) from chapter 38 was.

The brown haired teenager seemed to just disappear.

Hawks cared about (Y/N), which was part of the reason why he offered her an internship. The other part being she was incredibly strong, but he had a few things to teach her.

(In this story) Part of the reason Katsuki was always so angry around this time was that his sister had been kidnapped.

(Y/N) was always strong, even when she came off as weak. Back in her past and in her present.

Heyo! That finally concludes all the flashback chapters! I'm sorry if this seems all over the place or more like a ramble.

Thank you for reading! I'd appreciate it if you'd vote, comment, and follow! I love you all SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much! BYYYEEEEEE!

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