Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warr...

By dram12

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Second Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build a... More

Now Ready
The Making
The Telling
My Thoughts
Army of Ohio
The Skirmish
Cow pens / Atlanta
The Conquerors
Stella Marie
The Ocean Blue
We Sail
The Story
The Story part two
They Arrive
The Ohio's
Atlanta - A Spy
A Spy part 2
One / The Raid
One / The Raid part 2
Mason / Kit
After Action Report
They Return
Sarna's Plan
The Journey
Tour - Meeting
The Meeting
Evening Next Morning
Atlanta - Savannah
The Attacks
Ocean Blue 21.99 - 71.69
War and Man
Camp Joy
Battle part two
Army Of Carolina
Battle Of Pelion
Columbia / Augusta
Horrel Hill
Silence at Arthurtown
Silence / 2
Mitch's Ride / The Captured
Allendale - Columbia
First United
The Tribunal - Mitch & Liz
The Trial
Baldwin Inn
Pigs To Slaughter
She Must Fall
Victory And Death
Garden City
Garden City /2
Moving Forward
You The Reader
Charles Town
Liz And The Rifle
The Confusion
Stanson's Report / The North
Seven weeks
Terrence / Plymouth
TA Sea / Santee
Battle Of Santee
Durns Folly
June / August
Second Battle Horrel Hill/ Smithfield
Army Of Ohio
Yorktown / Haivershaw
Southeastern Islands
Taft / Yorktown
Surrender Field
The Years After


17 3 8
By dram12

Bill hugged Lucas good ta see ya brother. The ships
ready? Of course brother, I added something you
should find interesting. Bill laughed what that be?
Lucas smiled the Huntress. What about her, the second true built clad ship. I've added new style breech loaders. Not the lift open breech a screw type seal. Faster easier to load Bill. Two twenty pound guns five inch bore on a turret.  Bill the gun
is inside an iron turret. The deck guns are all breech loaders four inch twelve pounders. All rifled! Bill six Martins upper deck six below deck.
Sixteen pounders lower gun deck. The best for last
Bill! I've made a steam drive for her!

Lucas have you gone mad! They will kill us both!
No brother its hid well it vents through the forge
vent. No paddle wheels like we proposed on its
release two propellers. Turn under the water. I've tested it, it works perfect! No wind you can attack
at will in a harbor. She is a fine ship Bill.

Only people that know about steam power are you
and the few who work at the shop on Marsh Island. Bill I've trained four others on how it works, trusted family members of those on the Island. Only need two, so you'll you'll have two extra. The Huntress is ready the others are ready.
The Stella is fitted out, you are ready to go out
after them brother! Bill paced some looked at Lucas where is the Huntress? I've got her hid out
at Goat Island. No time to rest Lucas have Web gather hundred men up special mission. Be ready
to leave in an hour. All ships leave tomorrow.
I'll be taking out the Huntress in an hour.
Oh and Lucas you maybe getting a captured machine gun soon. Complements of Sarna.

Lucas smiled a real machine gun, why what fun I'll
have! Bill when, when will it arrive? Maybe a month not sure. Get me to Goat Island I'll get Web
and I'm off. Where is Meyers and Busard? The Stella. Good have Web here in two hours I'll have
the Huntress ready to leave one hundred our best
men. Lucas get Web now! Time is wasting!

Bill the crew is waiting they can leave when you arrive. You can do this in an hour. I'll give Web
an hour. Two will be fine.

Stella you lovely lady, Mister Busard Meyers!
Make ready we are off Goat Island. Busard the Stella shall be yours. Mister Meyer you'll be going
with Web attack few places in Savannah. I'll explain later. Busard smiled I'll take good care of
the Stella sir. Meyers nodded can't wait to hear
what I'm doing Sir. Ya both we've Fleet! We take the war ta them! When ready Busard!

                           The Return Trip

Sarna looked over at Burns as Jackson headed towards Atlanta. General I want to add something
I didn't put into my plans. I'll show you if you
don't mind. Should get us Savannah faster.
Burns nodded Sarna I was thinking Walson needs
more to take Savannah. Yes my added part, from
Columbus south pointing as planned the second
after Walson starts, push that part of the line into
Savannah. Have them charge bypass encircle them
at key strong points along the way. This all works
If Savannah falls. They must try and pull troops
south to defend Savannah. For the North push to
work. So this isn't a ploy, you really want Savannah? Yes for the rest to work she must fall.
I'll make sure its done, I best head back. Norm
take care Ben you too. May luck and good weather
and our Armies prevail. Bye your leave Sarna.
Bye yours General good ride. Sarna looked up,
lets move far as we can today. Norm smiled till
I'm to tired to ride. Ben nodded clicked said git up
horse, Sarna we'll go till we about fall these horses.

           Sarna's new ordered push from Columbus
                South to Savannah.

                            Fort Morgan

Walson put his Executive Officer in charge. The troops from Fort Gaines arrived Mcree and Pickens
would meet them at Dothan. Walson walked Morgan one more time, James don't let her fall.
I'll not let that happen Sir, I'll die before she falls
Sir. Good luck Sir you are best for the job Jeb.

Lets hope so, I have the most important part I
believe in this little idea of hers. I trust her plan.
Well thought out, its on me to make it happen.
James I best be off,get my command moving.
Jeb it has been a pleasure under your command.
Good luck. James lets hope its on our side the next
few rounds least till the end. Right you are Jeb bye
your leave Sir. James bye yours now I'm off.

                                   The Huntress

Bill waited for Web to arrive, Busard we shall split
up our Fleet. You take half head towards Norfolk
in the Virginia's. Attack everything north. Then
work your way down. I'll start at Savannah move north. Busard you have Charge now mind Ya don't
let any one try and take it away. I'm headed to Savannah you go to Mobile hold till I get to ya we
will decide on what ships go where. Meyers see about Web if you please. Oh and Meyers check on my personal belongings. Yes Sir, on the way.

Busard now that young Meyers is gone, I'll tell you
your true mission, a few ships of steel were spotted a drift near the southern Isles just east
of the Wetlands. Check around those Isles. Then
head north to where I says. Not that I don't trust
Meyers, just what I'm sending him to do. Well
could get him captured. Un telling what they may
do to him to get him to talk. Busard nodded not a word Sir. I'll get back to the Stella best be getting
her supplied. Busard in a few days at best.

Meyers Web good ta see ya, you get the men Web?
Yes Sir hundred two Sir, they wouldn't take no as
an answer Sir. Extra two hands is a good thing.
Yes Web you trust them is all we need. Sit you two
Web get the rum off the shelf first man. Now this
is your job, I'm dropping you south of Savannah.
You are to attack targets in and round the city.
When the real attack starts you make sure to hinder any way you can. The defence of the city.
Your second night attack the ships just the way we
did at Charles Town. Attack it again last night in
February. That way she'll be ready for my little game plan later. Sir how soon after will you attack?  Meyers that you won't need ta know.
You two you may not come back captured killed.
The less ya know, better off the rest are.

Meyers nodded understood Sir, I'll not talk Sir
not even what I know. I'm sure you'll try not to
Lad, just who knows what they may do. Web
you take over if Meyers is killed. Meyers you train
him on those new mines you built. Raise up your
tankards Lads drink ta swift and clean hell raising!

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