Ameortentia - Collection of O...

By SlytherinPrincess002

693K 9.9K 3.4K

A collection of One-shots: Fremione Dramione FredxHermionexGeorge Theomione Linny Deamus Cedmione ect... More

Mistletoe (Fremione)
Filthy Little Mud-Blood (Dramione)
Coming Out (Linny)
Pissing off the Old Toad (George x Lee)
Marry me? (Fremione)
Caught (Scorose)
Am I? I am. (Oliver x Percy)
"Make me, Potter." (Scorbus)
Back To You (Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger)
His Girl (GeorgexHermione)
Defying Fate (Hermione/Adrian Pucey)
Half Off (Fred/Hermione/George)
Guilty (Draco×Ginny)
Imprint? (Hermione/Paul Lahote)(Harry Potter/Twilight Crossover)
Tame Me (Hermione×Charlie)
Gryffindor at Heart (Blaise Zabini × Hermione Granger)
Dauntless (Hermione × Fred)
Friends Dont (Hermione × Ginny)
Let Me Down Slowly (Ron x Lavender)
Thank you, Next (Hermione x Pansy)
First Dance of Many (Fremione)
Secret Love (George x Hermione)
End Up With You (Theomione)
Traitor (Theodore Nott and Hermione Granger)(Part 2)
The Martyrs (Theomione Part Three)
I Dare You
Broken (Fred x Hermione)
Do You See Them Too? (Oliver and Percy)
Changes (Lee x George)
Unbreakable (Deamus)
Sleepovers (Lee x Hermione)
The Cure
Love Lies
Broom Sticks and Bookworms (Oliver x Hermione)
Teasing (BlaisexHermione)
Bravery and Loyalty
Hermione Granger and The Goblet of Fire
Ravenclaw Tower Romance (Hugo Weasley & Daisy Dursley)
The Weasley Eight
She's So Gone (Cedric/Ginny/Oliver)
Running Away From The Past (HermionexCharlie)
Facing the Consequences
Fire and Ice (Scorose)
Kryptonite (GeorgexHermione)
Fist Bumping (Jily)
Misfit (Scorlily)
Aftermath (Vikmione)
Demons in... Lust? No, Love.
The Weasley/Granger War of '95
Dragons (Hermione×OC Muggle Boy)
The Executioner
Interdimensional (Thresh and Hermione)
Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not? (Seth Clearwater & Hermione Granger)
Taken with Her (Hermione Granger×George Weasley)
Real or Not Real?
In Another World
In Another World
The Forest and The Ocean (HGxGW HGxFW)
Demetrius Harrison Nott
Evans Sisters
His Mate (Young Remus LupinxHermione Granger)
Hermione Roses and Lily Flowers
Snakes in the Lions Den
Stolen (MiltiShip)
Dirty Blood
Reunion of Sorts (Spencer ReidxHermione Granger)
Color (Soulmate AU)
True Loves Curse
Teach Me
Good Girls
The Wrong Weasley
The Young McCarty (Time Warp - Hermione x Paul Lahote)
Part One: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Two: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
Part Three: What Makes A Man (Trigger Warning)
The Beaters Girl (OC/GW)
The Wrong Ginger (HGxFW) (NBC)
Dear Fred,
Hey, Freddie
His Name (Soulmate AU)
Venom (Smut)(GWxHGxFW)x(CW) (HGxFW)(Modern Muggle AU)
Mudbloods (Hermione Granger x Carl Gallagher AU) (Part One, Years 1-3)
Lupin (Chapter One Draft) (OCxRAB)
Lost in Battle
My My I Think We Have A Spy (OCxRemus Lupin)
Spin the Wheel
Life Debt (Hermione x Marcus)


8.6K 144 55
By SlytherinPrincess002


"You're joking Perce! You actually are joking Perce... I don't think I've heard you joke since you were -,"

The air explodes around us, everyone thrown in a different direction, by the time I'm back on my feet, I spot him. He's laying beneath a pile of rubble, the wall had collapsed on top of him.

"No-No-No, Fred! No!"

Percy is calling out to his brother, who looks to be dead underneath all that rubble, in that moment, I can't think about anything but getting Fred Weasley out from under that wall. "Hermione! We've got to go!" Ron yells at me, refusing to look in Freds direction. "Take Neville and go!" I yell at him as I shove him and Neville off in the other direction. Running over to Fred, I drop to my knees and begin feeling his neck for a pulse, ignoring Percy's sobs. "GO GET GEORGE! IVE GOT A PULSE, THIS WALL NEEDS MOVED NOW." I scream at Percy after I locate a faint pulse on Fred. His brother waists no time jumping to his feet and sprinting off down the corridor, returning seconds later with George and Charlie. "MOVE THE ROCKS!" I scream at them, not caring that George was in shock, or that Charlie was staring at the hot tears rolling down my cheeks.

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU ALL, MOVE THE ROCKS OR ELSE I CANT HELP HIM." I scream again, tears choking my voice as all three brothers are frozen to their spot. "HERMIONE!" Oliver Wood calls to me as he runs towards us, apparently he and a few others heard my distressed screams because Lee Jordan and Katie Bell are hot on his heels. "MOVE THE ROCKS, ITS FRED!" I shout for the third time, Oliver and Lee exchange a panicked look before the two of them begin moving the rubble; Katie looks at George and slaps him across the face. "George! Help them!" She exclaims, pushing the twin to his knees. It's as if Katie Bell is Merlin herself as George snaps out of his trance and begins throwing rocks off his brother, Charlie and Percy quickly following the others lead. It takes only about a minute for the five boys to have Fred's body pulled from the rubble, his brothers hardly able to breathe as they lay him on the ground in-front of me.

"Charlie! Take George and Percy and find Colin Creevey; and anyone else who's a fourth year or younger and get them the hell out of here! Oliver, Lee! I need you two to stand guard while I work on Fred. Katie... I need you to run as fast as you can and tell the rest of the Weasleys everything is fine, bring me back a bag of healing potions though, whatever you can get your hands on. MOVE, NOW!" I shout at them, Watching as Charlie has to physically drag George away from Fred, and as Katie takes off like her life depends on it for the great hall. Oliver and Lee are on their feet instantly, both of them soon Dueling Blaise Zabini and Theodore Nott, neither of the latter mentioned boys had noticed Fred and I because of the way Oliver had angled his body. My voice comes out clear, panicked, but, clear as I begin casting healing charms, causing the two death eaters to falter for a moment. "WHO'S HURT?" Nott calls out, blocking a Stupefy that Lee sent his way. Oliver begins to respond when I see Crabbe and Goyle quickly running to aid their fellow Slytherins.

Grabbing Oliver I pull him down next to Fred and tell him to keep casting a steady flow of healing charms, once I'm sure Oliver has it down, I'm on my feet; my wand aimed at the quick approaching goons. "ALARTE ASCENDARE!" I shout, watching the two boys be sent flying straight up into the air, not giving them time to land I shoot off another spell; "BOMBARDA MAXIMA!" The air around the two boys explodes, sending one flying out a window and the other crashing to the ground in front of me. I don't give Goyle a chance to raise his wand as I cast the final spell of this duel. "DELETRIUS!" Oliver, Nott, Lee, And Zabini watch as Goyle crumbles into nothing. The remaining two Slytherins share a look before dropping their wands and sliding them to Lee. "We're not the smartest blokes, but we know better than to take on Granger." Zabini says, sitting on the ground and pulling Nott with him.

Pushing aside Oliver, I put my ear next to Freds lips and listen carefully, hearing rattling in his windpipe, my eyes open wide. Pointing my wand at his mouth I cast what I hope will bring him to, "Anapeno!" No sooner does the spell leave my lips than does Fred Weasley gulp in a massive breath of air, his eyes flying open along with it. "Granger?" His voice is rough, like he's been gargling gravel... and I guess he has. "Don't move, Fred. Your legs broken and I'm almost positive you've got at least four cracked ribs and a concussion." I say, my fingers running through his hair as Alicia Spinnet rounds the corner, carrying a bag of medical supplies. "GRAYBACK GOT KATIE! I CAME AS FAST AS I COULD." She shouts, skidding to a stop next to me and taking in the broken Fred. "Lee and Alicia, you two go and help the others, Oliver... stay here with me and keep an eye on those two." I command, my eyes drifting to the Slytherin boys who are looking at Fred with wide eyes. I notice one of them is wearing an Umbitch tee shirt that the twins had sold last year, apparently he was a fan.

"Do you two see what happens when children are forced into war?" I snarl at them as Nott crawls over towards me, Oliver's wand following his movements. "Let me help; I was trained as a medic for the Dark Lord... I can have him walking in less that five minuets." Nott says, reaching for the bag Alicia had just dropped off. "Fine, Zabini, you wanna be useful? Take this and go find the Weasley family. Tell them Hermione sent you and she's in the third floor corridor... tell them Fred injures are bad but he'll live. Take Oliver with you." I hand Blaise Zabini the necklace that Ron had gotten me for my last birthday and watch as he and Oliver disappear down the corridor. "One wrong move, and I'll blast you out that window, Nott." I growl at the Slytherin as Fred winces in pain beneath him.

"I must be in heaven, because all I see is an Angel." A joking voice teases from below me, looking down I see Fred smirking up at me. Instead of laughing at him, I burst into tears startling both Fred and Nott. No one else speaks until Nott finally announces Fred's fine now, "He'll be a little sore, but, He's not dead." Once Fred gets to his feet, I can't help but to slap him. "How dare you scare me like that... you... you... horrible trickster! I thought you were dead, all because you laughed at a bloody joke instead of watching what you were doing I cou-," I'm cut off before I can finish my lecture, Freds lips firmly planted on mine. "I love you too, Granger." He says with a laugh as he pulls away. "Prat." I glare at him for a moment before I give Nott instructions on how to escape the castle. "Follow me." I tell Fred as soon as Nott is out of sight. We make it down two flights of stairs before I see it... Ron's dead, laying in the corridor next to the body of a mangled Katie Bell... guess Grayback got him too.

Fred and I reach the great hall in time to see Bellatrix Lestrange shoot a killing curse at Ginny.

"What will happen to your children when I've killed you? When mummy's gone, the same way as Freddie."

It happens before anyone realizes what's coming. "Not my daughter you bitch." Molly growls before ending the deranged witches life. "Freddie isn't dead, I'm right here." Fred calls out to his family, the lot of them freezing in shock. "We've had no word on you since Katie..." it hits me then, Oliver and Blaise never made it back. Without a word to Fred I take off back in the direction we came from, not realizing he was following me until I finally come across Blaise and Oliver, the pair of them locked in a Duel with Mr and Mrs Malfoy. "RELASHIO!" I shout, watching as both the Malfoys drop their wands. Neither of them bother to pick them up when they take notice of Fred and I, Instead they run off into the castle, both of them yelling for Draco.

*Time Skip; End of Battle*

The war is over, We won. Both sides suffered tremendously, the Weasley family lost both Ron and Percy Weasley, each of whom died trying to protect others. It was a gift from Merlin that Fred survived, had I not stopped when I did, he wouldn't have. "Granger!" A voice calls out to me from behind, I know already it's Fred calling for me; his voice is still gruff from the dust and rubble I had cleared from his throat. "Yes?" I turn to face him, but am met with a searing hot set of lips on my own. "War makes you realize things you didn't before, especially the things right in front of you. I owe you my life, and I'll spend the rest of my life fiercely trying to repay you for that." Fred whispers when he pulls away for a moment, connecting our lips again a second later. I've gotta say... I could get used to this.

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