Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warr...

By dram12

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Second Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build a... More

Now Ready
The Making
The Telling
My Thoughts
Army of Ohio
The Skirmish
Cow pens / Atlanta
The Conquerors
Stella Marie
The Ocean Blue
We Sail
The Story
The Story part two
They Arrive
The Ohio's
Atlanta - A Spy
A Spy part 2
One / The Raid
One / The Raid part 2
Mason / Kit
After Action Report
They Return
Sarna's Plan
Tour - Meeting
The Meeting
Evening Next Morning
Atlanta - Savannah
The Attacks
Ocean Blue 21.99 - 71.69
War and Man
Camp Joy
Battle part two
Army Of Carolina
Battle Of Pelion
Columbia / Augusta
Horrel Hill
Silence at Arthurtown
Silence / 2
Mitch's Ride / The Captured
Allendale - Columbia
First United
The Tribunal - Mitch & Liz
The Trial
Baldwin Inn
Pigs To Slaughter
She Must Fall
Victory And Death
Garden City
Garden City /2
Moving Forward
You The Reader
Charles Town
Liz And The Rifle
The Confusion
Stanson's Report / The North
Seven weeks
Terrence / Plymouth
TA Sea / Santee
Battle Of Santee
Durns Folly
June / August
Second Battle Horrel Hill/ Smithfield
Army Of Ohio
Yorktown / Haivershaw
Southeastern Islands
Taft / Yorktown
Surrender Field
The Years After

The Journey

14 3 15
By dram12

Sarna hugged her Father by your leave Father.
All I'll see you on my return. Good day to all
mounting Paint. Ben looked down from his horse
see you all in about two weeks, bye your leave. Norm nodded we are off, see you on our return.
Sarna shouted give the troops the day off! Resume training tomorrow! They wished them safe journey. To keep a low profile, they only traveled
with two other Rangers, Norm didn't like to travel
with more than two any way. He felt it a waste of manpower. Ben smoked his pipe, feels good to get
away from the pens. Hate being cooped up. Norm
what do you think of the Carolina's?

Rather nice the people are friendly, not near as cold as home. Mind you its not warm by any means. Just warmer, be about ten to twenty degrees colder. I do miss home, though my own bed most. Sarna laughed yes my own bed, the surf
Missy all my friends. Missy didn't leave nor the Blacksmith. I worry for them. Ben tapped the spent
tobacco out. Sense you all mentioned things you
miss, I miss this the moving the people. Sarna I can
deal with that. Just lets get this over, we all need our lives back. We need to start ours Sarna.

Norm lowered his head, wind is a little harsh.
I'm ready to quit for the day. If no argument.
Ben nodded I'm about ready we stop just a mile or
two up the road here. Nice little town with an Inn.
Blairsville. Stay the night Station in town get the
latest info. Sarna said can we leave before day break. Don't need a lot of fuss over us, best stay
low not draw attention to us. Norm said I agree
we should leave early.

Day four
Elberta Bama

Sarna smiled it was best we stopped arriving late
into the night. Picket may of panicked and shot one
off us. Still make it before midday. Ben stretched
took a drink of coffee I'm about ready if you all are? Norm put his hat on when ready lot warmer
here. Even slept good for sleeping on the ground.
Sarna smiled and waved at those that shouted Sarna! Look its Sarna! She shouted back I've no
time to talk, have a great day!

Sarna looked around these people think I'm some
kind of hero or something? Why I've done nothing.
Norm laughed nothing? You've done more than
any one person. They have heard of you know
what you've done. Sarna the people need one like
you now. You dear are the leader of the cause.

I just hope I live up to them, not let them down.
Ben we can't fail we fail all not just my home, is
lost. Norm I'm keeping Bold, my plan I'll pitch another first. Bold can be done during this one
in two parts. Ben helped between us we came up
with something that should work. Norm said Bold
was good, nothing wrong with it. Just remember
you need a fast victory right off. I'll get York to
commit, for Wisconsin to give more even if its
just weapons and ammo. You need a victory, the
rest will follow. Ben looked at Norm then Sarna
we never thought what of west of us. California
it would take awhile for word to get to us. Could
they of been attacked? Could they be getting ready
to push us two ways?

Sarna tapped her pistol let them try, if I were them
my next move. Would be southern Missasip, Biloxi
or Grand Bay Bama not Orleans to big. We need to
know what is going on in the Gulf. Norm said we
asked for reports on that. So we might have some
the merchant ships is all we have. We did also ask
for a Navy. That may take time, more than we have.

Ben nodded yes unless Bill has more planned than
he is saying. Smell it the salt Ocean Sarna! Yes Ben
home just like home. Hold! Hold on now! Well,now
truth be known. You're real by gosh! By golly!
You are Sarna that one must be Ben pointing at Ben. Noble good to see ya. Back so soon? Norm
smiled good to see you Sargent that corn whisky
we shared was good. The others passed through
yesterday about this time sir. Guess they be waiting on you. Sarna Ben you two give them what
for now! We sat on our ass far to long! Sarna laughed yes we have, we'll get them. Give a damn fine go at it! Sarna we damn sure will! Best let ya go bye your leave all. Sarna said no bye yours.
Norm laughed Sargent we must get together share
another whisky, talk awhile. Ya know how ta find
me Sir! Love to.

Sarna and Ben stopped Norm turned, never seen
a true fort have you? Himyar you seen was just an
oversized castle. Sarna smiled this place is meant
to take a beating. Ben nodded then some and then more.

Plan for Fort Morgan drew circa 1817, picture below Fort Morgan as it appears now. Fort Morgan
sits at the point into the entrance of Mobile Bay.

Norm said well we go over to the Fort Commanders residence check in. See what time the meeting starts tomorrow. They should have a tent set up to stay at. Sarna smiled here, dear I'm
worried now. What if I get angry blow this? Norm
said you must convey what you want done, I'll be
pulling for you and in the room. Ben will be along side you. Be yourself speak your mind. Above all,
don't let those old Generals push you. Stay on your
point, I'll try and help. Ben grabbed his and Srana's
saddle bags, Corporal make sure these horses are taken care of. Made a long ride need them to make
it back now. Yes Sir I'll make sure. General is waiting. Just knock his aid is inside. Norm said
thank you. The door opened before he knocked.
Norm good to see you, this must be Sarna and Ben.
Good to see you General yes Sarna and Ben. So
tell me when does this meeting start tomorrow?
Nine Norm close to it, depends on the Nobles.
Bill Stanson is here, tent next to the one you all
have, a Mister Owens is with him was an Invader
Stanson trusts him. Might want to talk to that Owens. Sarna listen don't let those Generals scare
you known Stanson holds you in high regard.
I'll try and hear you out, keep them quiet till
after your thoughts. Now know you three probably want a rest before see the Fort Proper
welcome. Get some coffee what ever come back
about half hour, we'll check out the Fort.

Sarna sat down least we have chairs stove is going
make some coffee Ben you make better than I do.
Norm sat mm better than a horse. Ben said I've got
it started let it do its thing for least five minutes.
Don't rush it. I'm going to see if Old Bill is in.
Ben said Bill Stanson you in? Why is that Ben?
Come in Lad come in! Got a friend you should meet. Ben! This is Captain Owens Invader Navy.
We call it Navy of The Republic, good to meet you
Ben. If Bill likes you, then you can't be all bad.
Sarna and a Noble from the Ohio's is here with me.

Bill looked at Ben could it be Norm Parson? Yes its
Norm, you met him? Why yes he next door is he?
Sure is Sarna also. Owens grab the rum, time to
meet old friends. Stanson ran in Norm you fool,
Sarna so good ta see you all. Norm Mister Owens.
Owens Norm and that be Sarna. Norm said pleased
Sarna nodded yes nice meeting you. Thank you both nice to meet you also. I have news you three!
Old Bill, is in the Navy Admiral at that! Four ships
sit in the Bay not new used converted iron plates not near as thick a plates as the Stella.
They'll do sent word to Lucas about it. Just got word from him. Finished up the Constellation
she is the Stella's sister ship. The Huntress is being
clad now she is an older ship. So I'll have to newer
Ships five older. That I can do some damage with.

Norm shook Bills hand congrats Sarna you have that Navy. Owens we have a tour to take, can we
talk after? Yes I've an idea I'd like to put forward.
Good we have questions to ask. Stanson said go on
take the tour its worth the time. We'll be waiting,
I'll have grits and shrimp ready in cheese and wine sauce. Think you'll like it. Dine with us talk over a meal and good rum. Time for a touch now?

Ben said sure, I'd like a drink. Norm always time,
no hurry. Sarna waved it off I'll just finish my coffee, rum I'll need food before.

Yes short well that happens. Thanks for reading
vote comment if you please.

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