Average Joe (2018)

By caleb_stepp2018

31.7K 2.4K 770

Norman Knight is a teenager with a plan: live a normal life. A challenging task when your mom is a supervilla... More

Bonus Chapter
What Was Supposed to Happen?
Merry Christmas!


311 36 6
By caleb_stepp2018

Sabrina sighed.

"So, we're doing this, huh?"

Sabrina broke through the cuffs as if they were plastic, and suddenly the officer was on his back, writhing in pain, as Sabrina twisted his arm back. The other officers stepped back, drawing their guns.

"Let the officer go!" One shouted. Sabrina complied and let the young man fall to the ground. Some of the officers began to point their guns at the teens. Sabrina's heart dropped.

"They aren't involved in this," she grunted. "So point your guns away from the children, or you are going to regret it... deeply."

"Sabrina Miller," the lead officer said. "You are under arrest for conspiracy to commit murder, theft of the federal government, murder..."

"Yeah, yeah, and a whole slew of other crap. I'll come in... but when I want to. I have some unfinished business to take care of."

"Open fire!" the lead officer screamed.

Tori yelped. Darwin began to sweat, and Cora placed her hands on them to teleport. Then, the windows burst inward and a flurry of fog and snow whirled inside, bringing everyone's sight to a total whiteout. The temperature dropped twenty degrees and Sabrina began to float gently above the officers.

"Go!" Sabrina yelled to the teens. Cora teleported without thinking and suddenly, the teens were in the clock tower.

"Where are we?" Darwin asked.

"The clocktower," Cora said. "This is where me, and..." She looked down. "Norman and Bryan worked."

"Where's Miss Miller?" Tori asked.

"Must be back at her apartment where we left her," Cora answered. Darwin frowned.

"Should we go back?"

"I don't think so. She looked like she was holding her own when we left."

Tori sat down and her eyes began to water. Cora looked at her and Tori looked away.

"Hey," Cora addressed her. "Everything's going to be okay."

"How?" Tori sobbed. "You guys didn't... see the Chronicle the way I saw him. And now he's got control of a corporation that controls New York. What are we going to do?" Cora and Darwin remained silent and Tori continued to sob.


Back in the apartment, more officers stormed in to find the entire penthouse flooded with snow and ice, and four officers lay face down on the ground, unconscious.

"Great," one of the officers sighed. He pressed the button on his radio. "Central, be advised, Sabrina Miller has escaped custody and is somewhere in the city. I repeat..."

On the roof, Sabrina Miller donned her suit and flew off the building and into the sky. She would turn herself in. That was the right thing to do, and now the only thing she could think of is Norman, and the example she must set for him... that is if he's still... Sabrina stopped herself. She wouldn't allow her mind to go there. Until someone told her otherwise, her son was alive.

So, this was it. Sabrina would turn herself in. But first, she had a few things to take care of. Mainly, Norman and Ted. She needed to find them, ASAP. Sabrina changed her course in the sky and headed for where she knew Ted would be - Shadow Global.


When Tori's sobs finally quieted, Darwin shook his head.

"No," he said. "We ain't doing this." He looked at Cora and Tori. "It's like Norman said; we can handle ourselves, we've proved that now. We're not just going to sit here and wait for Norman and Bryan to get killed." Cora looked at him.

"What are you suggesting?" Darwin's expression was dark.

"We bring the fight to him. We kill the Chronicle before he kills anyone else."

"How?" Tori asked. Darwin sighed.

"I don't know." Cora smiled.

"I guess we'll have to do what Norman always did." The teens looked at her. "Make it up as we go."

Once the plan was decided, the three got to work. Cora searched Bryan's old lockboxes and found the grenades she was looking for. After helping Tori and Darwin fit them all into Cora's truck that was still outside, Cora found some more batons and gave them to the teens. Tori held the baton awkwardly, but firmly. She was ready for this. Darwin swung his a few times like a baseball player admiring the heft of a bat.

"Let's do this," Cora said.

Darwin found over two dozen beer bottles in a dumpster behind the clock tower. With them, he made almost twenty Molotov cocktails. After loading them in the truck, the teens drove into the city... towards Shadow Global.


Sabrina reached Shadow Global in minutes. She crashed through the glass and into a place that was once Helena Robson's office. When her feet touched the floor, she gagged. There was a dry musty stench in the room. The floor was slick with blood and Helena Robson's headless body lay there, a stream of cherry-red blood coursing down her expensive Gucci pantsuit.

"Mathew!" She called. "Where are you, you coward? Come out and face me!"

Sabrina cringed at herself. Her first attempt at being a good guy and she already sounded like Ted.

Footsteps sounded in the darkness and Sabrina steeled herself. The figure stepped out from the darkness and Sabrina felt cold inside.


Ted's mask was gone, but he still wore the red armor that Sabrina was always kind of attracted to, even if she never admitted it. His eyes were dead. His fists were clenched.

"My Mom," his gruff voice spoke low. "My brother. And now, my son... all gone." Sabrina's heart dropped.

"He's alive, Ted." Sabrina found her voice cracking with tears. "He has to be, okay? He's fine..."

"He's dead," Ted argued. "Everdale shot him twice, Sabrina. Then drained him... I saw it. And it's all your fault."

Sabrina couldn't process the words from his mouth. No, no, that can't... that can't be...


"It's all..." His skin began to glow with heat. "Your fault!" His fists and arms erupted into flame. Sabrina noticed something on his exposed neck... black spider web-like marks, crawling up his neck to behind his skull.

"Ted," Sabrina urged. "You're under Everdale's control. Slow down, okay? Breathe."

"I don't want to slow down!" He yelled.

Sabrina flew to the side, as he threw a fire bolt at her.


Darwin thanked whatever god there was that when they arrived at Shadow Global, police reinforcements had not arrived. They pulled up to the lobby and got out.

"Are you guys ready for this?" Cora asked. They both nodded, but hesitantly. If this worked, it would hopefully draw out the Chronicle and they could take him down before he harmed anyone else.

Darwin pulled out a lighter and began to light some of the Molotov cocktails before throwing them through the shattered glass and into the lobby. Cora grabbed a grenade, released the clip, and tossed it, the sound of the explosion satisfying her ears. Soon, all three teens were throwing grenades and Molotov cocktails, hoping to draw the Chronicle out. 

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