Plus Ultra|Shouto Todoroki x...

By WifeOfBakugou

835K 24.9K 23K

[BEING REWRITTEN] You and your twin brother, Katsuki Bakugou, have been close your whole life. Even through y... More

Quick note!
Chapter 1|Entrance Exams|
Chapter 2|Not Alone|
Chapter 3|Trust|
Chapter 4|Day One|
Chapter 5|Infinity|
Chapter 6|Hero Suit|
Chapter 7|Heroes vs Villains|
Chapter 8|Shocking|
Chapter 9|It's My Life|
Chapter 10|Lonesome|
Chapter 11|USJ|
Chapter 12|Fear|
Chapter 13|All His Might|
Chapter 14|Hope|
Chapter 15|Friends|
Chapter 16|Peaceful|
Chapter 17|Declaration|
Chapter 18|Champion|
Chapter 19|Ten Million|
Chapter 20|Amazing|
Chapter 21|No Mercy!|
Chapter 22|Izuku VS Shouto|
Chapter 23|Physical|
Chapter 24|Semi-Finals|
Chapter 25|Versus Shouto|
Chapter 26|Names|
Chapter 27|Internships|
Chapter 28|Morning|
Chapter 29|The Field|
Chapter 30|Forever|
Chapter 31|Scared|
Halloween Special
Chapter 32|Back|
Chapter 33|Real|
Chapter 34|Liars|
Chapter 35|Gone pt.1|
Chapter 37|The Empty Room|
Chapter 38|Strange Offer|
Chapter 39|Not Okay|
Chapter 40|Taken|
Chapter 41|New Life|
Chapter 42|Purity|
Kyojin Info
Chapter 43|The Villain's Debut|
Chapter 44|The Greater Good|
Chapter 45|Not Forever|
Chapter 46|Never Over|
Chapter 46.5|Her Past|
Chapter 47|There For You|
Chapter 48|Let The Finals Begin|
While You Wait
Chapter 49|Guilty pt.1|
Chapter 50|Guilty pt.2|
Chapter 51|Expired|
Chapter 52|Almost There|
Chapter 53|Run|
Chapter 54|Not In Control|
Chapter 55|Invited|
Chapter 56|Day To Remember|
Chapter 57|Someone to Talk to|
Chapter 58|Never Leave You|
Chapter 59|Missed You|
Chapter 60|Cats and Flowers|
Chapter 61|Tranquil|
Chapter 62|Can't Sleep|
Chapter 62.5|Kat's Relationship|
Chapter 63|Pool Fun|
Chapter 64|Hold You|
Chapter 65|Pussycats|
Chapter 66|Beasts|
Im sorry!
Chapter 67|They Left Me|
Chapter 68|Night Terrors|
Chapter 69|Curry|
Chapter 70|Kota|
Chapter 71|Strong|
Villain AU Pt.1
Villain AU Pt.2
Attention readers!
Chapter 72|Another Rei|
Chapter 73|Blood|
Chapter 74|Toga|
Chapter 75|Light|
Chapter 76|Blue Bead|
Chapter 77|Tears|
Chapter 78|Not a Villain|
Chapter 79|Care For|
Chapter 80|Never Will I Ever|
Chapter 81|Not Yet|
Chapter 82|All For One|
Chapter 83|Play Time|
Chapter 84|Don't Care|
Chapter 85|Caught|
Chapter 86|Villain's Have Hearts|
Chapter 87|Protect|
Chapter 88|Okay|
Chapter 89|Parents|
Chapter 90|Only Beginning|
Chapter 91|Panicked|
Chapter 92|Opening Up|
Chapter 93|Anticipation|
Hugo Info
Chapter 94|Cuddling|
Chapter 95|Questions|
Chapter 96|Happy Birthday|
Chapter 96.5|The Cat|
Chapter 97|Alone Time|
Chapter 98|Disappointed|
Chapter 99|Moving In|
Chapter 100|Warmth in Your Tears|
Chapter 101|TDL|
Chapter 102|Bottled Up|
Chapter 103|Over Working|
Chapter 104|Soon Enough|
Chapter 105|Let's Do This|
Chapter 106|Hurry Up!|
Chapter 107|How We Are|
Chapter 108|Hard Work|
Chapter 109|Odds|
Chapter 110|Second Test|
Chapter 111|Gang Orca|
Chapter 112|Passed|
Chapter 113|Kill Her|
Chapter 114|Wasn't Her|
Chapter 115|The Voice in Your Head|
Chapter 116|Heart Ache|
Chapter 117|Pay|
Chapter 118|Rot|
Chapter 119|Too Nice|
Chapter 120|Who Can You Trust?|
Chapter 121|Without Me|
Chapter 122|Monsters|
Chapter 123|Ashamed|
Chapter 124|Gone, Once Again|
Chapter 125|You Should Be Scared|
Chapter 126|Losing It|
Chapter 127|Trying New Things|
Chapter 128|Hell of a Feeling|
Chapter 129|Always Be You|
Chapter 130|Fools|
Chapter 131|Confrontation Isn't Ideal|
Guess who's back
Chapter 131.5|Sneak Peak|
Rewritten Version!

Chapter 36|Gone pt.2|

6.1K 205 109
By WifeOfBakugou

(Y/N's POV)
Back to when she had just ran away...

I walked down the street with no destination in mind. I let my body move it's self. After a while, I stopped.

I looked up to see where I was. 'A mansion?' I was standing in front of a gate. The gate had a small box I could use to communicate with people inside the house.

That thing

It was night and it was raining. I was soaked, but I didn't care.

I walked over to it and pressed a button. "Hello?" I said into the speaker thing. It only took a few seconds for someone to respond. "Hello? Who is this?" asked a familiar voice.

"Shouto?!" I asked in a surprised voice. "Yes, this is Shouto. Now, who is this?" the voice asked. "It's (Y/N)," I said in a shaker voice.

"I'll be there in a second," he said. A buzzing sound came from the box and was followed by the gate opening. I walked past the gate and looked around. His...front yard(?)...was beautiful.

I heard the sound of someone running towards me. I turned to see who it was, they were looking away. They didn't realize I was right there and they ended up running into me.

"Ow...hi to you too, Shouto," I said while rubbing my head. I opened my eyes to see he was hovering above me in a "push-up" position. My face turned a deep red once I realized the position we were in.

He saw my face and calmly stood up. "What are you doing here, Bakugou," he said coldly. 'Ouch...' I sighed at him calling me by my last name. "I'm not sure," I responded.

"What do you mean?" he asked. "Well, I...I—" Just then, I finally processed everything that had just happened. "Bakugou?"

Suddenly, tears came streaming down my face and sobs escaped my mouth. He didn't seem to know what to do. "Uh..." He pulled me into a hug and rubbed circles into my back.

I buried my head into his chest. He sighed and continued to rub circles into my back. "Hey, how about we go inside and you explain everything to me then, okay?" he said in a calming voice.

I nodded my head and followed him into his huge home. "What happened?" he asked. We were standing in his grand entrance.

"A lie, a big lie that my family has been lying to me about for years. I ran away from home and just kept walking and ended up here," I said feeling better after getting it all off my chest.

"So, you need somewhere to stay?" he said while looking at my duffle bag. I nodded my head and looked at my feet. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me through a few halls.

"Don't say anything unless he asks you a question, okay?" he nonchalantly said. I nodded my head and followed him through two grand doors.

"Ah, Shouto...erm, who's this?" said the large man I recognized to be Endeavor. "This is (Y/N) Bakugou. She needs somewhere to stay," Shouto explained.

He looked at me. I was nervously twiddling my thumbs, but when he looked at me, we made eye contact. Shivers went down my spine, he scared me.

"Ah, you're from the sports festival, aren't you?" Endeavor asked with a smirk on his face. I nervously nodded my head in response.

"Alright, she can stay. Can you give me your home number? I'll contact your parents and assure them that you're alright," he said in a raspy voice. I nodded my head and gave him the number to my home phone.

"Thank you...Endeavor," I politely said. "Of course. Alright, Shouto show her to the guest room," he said in a calm, but cold voice similar to Shouto's. "Yes, father," Shouto responded, his voice laced with venom.

Shouto walked out of the room, you following behind him. "Thank you so much, Shouto," I nervously said. "No problem," he said, once again, in a cold tone.

"Shouto, what's your problem? Why do you hate me?!" I was tired of him suddenly hating me. "I don't hate you," he calmly responded.

I growled a bit before saying in a louder and angrier voice,"Okay, then, what the hell is your problem?!" He turned around to look me dead in the eye.

"Look, I'm just..."

"You're just what?!"

"Why him?!"


"MIDORIYA! Why Midoriya?!"


"Why did you pick him?!"

I furrowed my brows. "Pick him? What do you mean?! He told me he liked me and I told him I liked him back! Then, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes! What are you upset about?! YOU DON'T LIKE ME SO IT SHOULDN'T MATTER!" I yelled.


"I'm not some god damn trophy. Also, it's not my god damn fault he told me before you did," I coldly responded. He turned back around and kept walking. I followed him until we reached two doors.

"The one on the right wall is my room, the one on the left wall is your room," he said before walking into his room. I sighed and walked into mine.

Time skip to the next day

I woke up, the sun shined into my face. I groaned and stood up from the unfamiliar bed to check the time. I turned my phone on to check the time. 'HOLY SH*T, I'M GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!'

"Hurry up! We're leaving in three minutes with or without you," Shouto yelled. I growled and shuffled through my duffle bag.

"Uniform, put on, take off pajamas. Brush teeth," I quickly mumbled as I dug through my duffle bag. Everything was quickly done the way I would normally do it. I grabbed a random book. "Swap with backpack in bedroom," I whispered.

My backpack that was full of all my school supplies appeared in my hand. I threw it onto my back and ran out my room. "TWO MINUTES! HAH!" I yelled in Shouto's face.

"Jeez, it sounded like you were getting attacked in there. Besides your hair isn't brushed," he responded. I reached into my backpack and took out a pencil. "Pencil, turn into hairbrush," I whispered. Just as I said, the pencil turned into a hairbrush. "Brush my hair," I calmly said.

The brush began to brush my hair on its own. It was moving on it's own. I smirked at Shouto, but he just walked off.

I followed him into a fancy car where we sat awkwardly next to each other. " was your sleep?" I nervously asked. No response. "Okie dokie..." I awkwardly mumbled. He just continued to stare out the window.

The rest of the ride was silent, nothing except deafening silence. "We're here," he calmly said before stepping out the car.

I followed him out the car and to the front gate of UA. I saw Katsuki not too far ahead of us, so I hid. 'Crap. He's gonna be so mad when he sees me.'

He eventually had left my sight. Suddenly, I felt something begin to come up my throat. 'Oh shit.' I ran to the bathrooms as fast as I could, throwing open a stall door. I then vomited my guts out into the toilet.

This had lasted a while. I kept throwing up, gagging even after there was nothing left in my stomach. While I was vomiting, the bell had rung. 'Great.'

It had finally stopped. I used my quirk to clean myself and the stall up. I then walked out the bathroom and towards the classroom. I took out a pencil from my backpack and turned it into a breath mint.

I slid the door to my classroom open. "Sorry I'm late," I said. The whole class stared at me as if they had just saw a ghost.

Heyo! Sorry for not updating for a while! I'll be able to update more often soon, I promise! Anyways, I love you all SOOO much! Thank you for reading! I'd appreciate it if you'd vote, comment, and follow! Byyyeee!

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