The Seven Deadly Sins | Prefe...

By stopbeingsohorny

93.1K 1.4K 724

| Female Reader | There is a male reader version of this book if you would feel more comfortable with he/him... More

|| You Get Closer ||
|| Your First Kiss ||
|| How You Became A Couple ||
|| Your Best Friend ||
|| Pet Names ||
|| You Get Caught Kissing ||
|| You Wear Something of Theirs ||
|| Who Secretly Likes You ||
|| They Tease You || Part. 1
|| They Tease You || Part. 2
|| They Tease You || Part. 3
|| They Find Your Special Talent ||
|| How You Met || Modern AU
|| You Get Taken by the Holy Knights || Part. 1
|| You Get Taken by the Holy Knight || Part. 2
| Zeldris Recap |
|| Their Favourite Thing About You || Physical
|| Emotional Moments ||
|| Your Pet ||
|| Your One Year Anniversary ||
|| Their Favourite Place to Kiss You ||
|| Their Favourite Thing About You || Mental
|| The A-Z's || Part. 1
|| The A - Z's || Part. 2
|| Fluffy Moments || Part 1

|| How you Met ||

11.9K 123 103
By stopbeingsohorny

Hi! Thanks so much for taking an interest in my book. I will not be using the real plot, only the characters and locations along with some real backstory of certain things. None of these characters are mine.

(Just a warning! This is an x reader, so dont be alarmed with the (Y/N) in || Meliodas || is not suited to look like you, she will in a bit <3 have a nice day!)



|| Meliodas ||

Meliodas' Pov:

I was walking alongside Elizabeth, Diane and Ban across the abandoned streets where King was supposedly hiding. The soft footsteps of our feet padded against the grass plains, only to be overpowered by Diane's stomps that marked the pastel green grass.

I could feel the soft breeze hitting my face lightly as if placing kisses across my peach face. The land was quiet... Too quiet. My ears twitched at the itching silence.

Suddenly, the sound of whirling wind circled my small ears. The scared shriek that escaped Elizabeth's small lips went almost unheard as the loud swooshing surrounded all of us.

The strong wind caused my shabby, thin clothes to stick to my body and my delicate eyelids to slam down on my teal eyes and the soft eyelashes connected to them to softly brush against the skin under my big eyes.

My footing lost its grip on the brown dirt blanketing the Earth's crust. We all tripped backwards, Elizabeth's skirt flying up revealing her skinny pale legs and plump butt cheeks, successfully being covered by the thin fabric of her pearly white panties.

The wind slowed down ever so slightly allowing my eyelids to pry open. The breath in my throat lodged itself in my windpipe, successfully causing me to choke a little as I tried to regain my pace.

There stood in the distance was a girl, with unbelievably long hair stretching to softly brush the floor - coloured in a creamy caramel colour. Her large bubblegum pink eyes held no emotion as she stalked towards us. . . Well more like floating, Her shoeless feet barely touching the damp grass.

She slowly came to a halt as she stepped in front of Ban's feet, lifting her hand flawlessly. She lifted Ban's body up to hers, his pointy nose just micrometers away from her small one. Her thin lips let out a little, hardly audible chuckle before shouting; "HARLEQUIN!"

Ban's body fell against the grass for a millisecond before he himself lifted it to charge at the small girl. But before Ban could reach her a thin recognisable, spear jabbed itself into bans leather jacket, embedding itself into his back. His dark red blood seeped into the material of his clothes, dripping down his pale skin, staining the pastel colour of the grass.

"Thank you (Y/N) for seeking out Ban. Your duty to me has ended, you may leave as you wish." The small boy said stoically. The small girl nodded before turning away.

"Wait!" My voice called surprising me and all around us. I dryly swallowed before stepping towards her slightly, "I would like to formally meet you, any friend of King's is a friend of mine." I said with a forced chuckle in hopes of lightening the atmosphere.

I ignored Ban's confused shriek and rant about the little child supposedly being King and lifted my hand out for a handshake. The shining pink eyes of hers flickered from mine to my hand before reverting to King's levitating form. Her eyes stared at him as if pleading to him for permission. I felt his golden brown eyes eye me suspiciously before sending a slight nod towards her.

Her whole face lit up with joy before her unbelievably soft hand slipped into mine. My teal eyes widened as her skin slowly reconstructed itself into a beautiful (S/C) and her previous long caramel hair shrivelled into a stunning (H/L) style, creaming itself into a (H/C) colour. Her big bubblegum eyes swirled into a gorgeous (E/C).

She shook my hand lightly, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Dragon sin of Wrath Meliodas. My name is (Y/N), I am one of few who escaped the fairy kingdom before it brought the fall to many lives situated there, " Her melodic voice said.

"Please, the pleasure is all mine princess. This is Diane and Princess Elizabeth, third born daughter to the king of Liones." I replied graciously, gesturing to the shy Elizabeth as she showed a small wave. (Y/N) waved back slightly before stepping past me to greet her formally, along with all the others. The scent of her never leaving my body region, I felt intoxicated by her and she went around the group before attaching herself to King's side once again.

'Wow . . .'

|| Diane ||

(Y/N)'s Pov:

My eldest sister Pamela and I ran through the busy streets of Liones as the sounds of explosions erupted from behind us. Her grip tightened drastically, my small hands turning purple. I tripped on the air, Pamela's fast pace surpassing my own by miles. Her almost black eyes stared ahead as her cherry red hair slowly overpowered the grip of her flimsily hair band. 

My tears were prominent by how they flowed down my glowing rosy cheeks, my raggedy long shirt clinging to my body desperately. I could hear the loud sound of clashing metal cloud my senses as the feeling of Pamela's cold hand left my own. My blood ran ice cold as I saw the familiar red strands spring into the blue sky and into the dark clouds of smoke.

My scream echoed throughout the broken down streets as my legs dragged my body towards the body of my eldest sister. Her hair was wet, the same colour of her hair staining my fingers as if I was straining out the colour.

Blood dripped off my finger tips horridly. Tears ran down my cheeks like raindrops and my body shook as if I was placed in the arctic. My whole family fitted into one person - my sister - had been ripped away from me all because of a stupid fight between Holy Knights.

"no no no no no nO NO!" I screamed as my trembling hands searched her body frantically but before I could envelope her into a hug my body was scooped up into the air. "AGH!" My voice struck the ears of my capturer as they let out a shockingly loud shriek of surprise, almost dropping me. My eyes searched the street floors, them landing on various bodies stranded bloodily on the concrete but none being my sister.

I squeezed my eyes shut, burying my head into my clothed arms. I let my both former and new tears soak the fabric, grief taking blanketing me like a coat. I desperately tried to bottle my emotions but in the span of just sixty seconds I had been abandoned and now I was all alone...

My head slowly lifted towards the owner of the hand that huddled me only to be met with a pair of memory-filled purple eyes. It was an absolutely stunning giant, her face held determination as she turned her head forward. Her sun kissed rosy cheeks flared as she ran through the commotion, holding me tight. It all seemingly turned around us in slow-motion.

The large lady slowly halted to a stop on the outskirts of the town. The girl slowly set me on the ground only for my legs to buckle under me. The pretty girl let out a suffocated snort as she tried to suppress her giggle. I sent her a glare, too many emotions choking me from the inside out to properly give her a response.

"Hi there! It's wonderful to meet you, I am the serpent sin of envy, Diane! I hope I didn't scare ya' too much!" She sweetly said, her smile brightening up the horrible atmosphere.

I provided her with no reply, merely staring at her with sorrow and sadness. I nodded in gratitude but nothing right now could restore the empty hole that Pamela once filled. Maybe in the future . . . But now . . . Nothing could help me.


I stared at the picture of Pamela with sadness, my eyes staring into her coal black ones hoping they would blink or glint - but no, they simply stared at me blankly. It was only a photograph after all.

It had been three months now after her passing. It was a hard three months. We lived off each other. Without her I was basically homeless, I had nothing to fall back upon and I felt completely empty.

She was my sun. And now everything was dark.

I gently lowered to my knees and pressed the bouquet of cherry red lilies onto the green grass, my eyes reading the text printed upon her tombstone.

'Here lies Pamela Kim (L/N). Age twenty-two. A loving sister and a loving friend. She will be forever missed.'

It was simple. But I couldn't think of what else to put. If I chose to write it with my heart, the tomb stone would reach the skies.

I didn't know what to do with myself anymore.

I sighed and stood again, bowing towards my sister as tears brimmed my eyes. She didn't have a funeral, I couldn't afford one so I chose to hold one by myself - say a few words and cry by her buried corpse with the absence of people and judgement.

That was just after she had passed. I had gained a little more self control over thinking about her but it still brought back memories and sadness.

"Are you alright?" A soft voice called out to me, snapping me out of my flashback-trance.

I turned towards the source with furrowed eyebrows, only to be met with the same sparkling lilac eyes that had imprinted upon my brain three months ago.

"Diane?" I asked in confusion, stepping towards the giant.

She leant down towards me with a small smile. "Hello." She greeted with a polite nod of her head. "How are you?"

"Not great." I answered simply and honestly.

"I like your voice." She grinned.


"I like your voice! You didn't speak last time, I'm glad I came back. Your voice. It's soothing." She explained whilst settling down on the grass so I didn't have to constantly crane my neck to look at her.

"Oh . . ." My lips lifted a little into a tiny smile. "Thank you."

"What's your name then?" She asked with a kind look, her aura making me feel calm and appreciated - something I hadn't felt since Pamela left.

"(Y/N)." I responded, "(Y/N) (L/N). No official title like you I'm afraid." I joked in an attempt to not seem so depressed even if it was just a blind facade to hide behind.

"(Y/N) . . . Nice to meet you."

|| Ban ||

Ban's Pov:

The smell of my parent's constant alcohol slowly left my senses as my father's rough hands slowly left my tiny body. My silver hair swung lightly forward as my puny body hit the grubby streets. My hands searched the floor rampantly as my whole body shivered from the cold night. The scorching sun buried itself in the far away houses as the cold white moon emerged from the opposite side.

I slowly dragged myself up from the dusty floor and walked round the house. My feet padded on the floor as I dragged them through the eerily quiet town. My small nose twitched at the smell of roast beef, potatoes and vegetables. 

My nose unconsciously led me through the streets and landed me at a beautiful looking house.

The windows were tinted sky blue and the perfectly formed bricks were painted in a pearly white. The roof held a light thatched roof coloured in a stunning chestnut colour. Inside was the pinpoint of my nose.

There on the wooden table was the nicely cooked beef, glistening in grease were the potatoes and nutritious carrots and broccoli soaked in contrasting gravy. I felt dribble run down my pale chin in ecstasy, yearning for such a fulfilling meal.

My hand pressed against the smooth glass, my ruby red eyes dripping in wonder but before my other hand could meet the ice cold window a deep shout caused my original one snapped off it.

A big man stood before me, a coal black beard evident on his sharp jawline and large belly protruding out of his large shirt.

"YOU PEASANT SCUM! HOW DARE YOU SET EYE ON WIFE'S COOKING!" His thick accent echoed through the village causing a stir of shouts to complain across the road. Snobby rich people. I don't even know how I got here.

"FATHER PLEASE STOP!" A squeaky voice emitted from the light from the threshold of the door. A little girl stumbled out from the light. Her (H/C) (H/L) framed her porcelain (S/C) face but nothing could distract me from her enchanting, piercing, (E/C) eyes.

My breath hitched at her sight. I was still young but I knew beauty and this was most definitely a perfect example of it.

"Get out of here (Y/N)! Let me deal with the boy . . ." The man growled, pushing away his daughter and stepping towards me.

"Father please stop!" She repeated, resisting his restraints.

"(Y/N)." He said with a dangerously low tone, clearly warning her of what would happen if she were to defy him - but she was obviously not getting the message.

"I'm-" I went to apologise in hopes of avoiding getting the girl in control but she was certainly not allowing my input.

"Zip it!" She snapped, holding up a finger to silence me and giving me a deadly side-eye.

"Father." She battled, she had to be the same age as me but she had far more courage. "I want to talk to him." She asked with a voice that seemed to only work with the big man.

He let out a scoff and pushed passed her, bumping her shoulder but allowing her to come to me. She hopped down the steps leading up to her front door and stood in front of me, her (E/C) eyes staring at me - awaiting something.

"I-" I started but was once again interrupted, she was rather rude for someone so young.

"What are you doing out here?" She asked with narrowed eyes, crossing her arms and popping her hip out just like Mother did when she scolded me.

"Wandering." I mumbled, shifting my gaze to my shuffling feet and hugging my feeble body in the process.

"You shouldn't be out here. The people in this neighbourhood don't like folk like you." She said with pursed lips, although it was obvious she didn't feel the same way by the look of her soft sight and furrowed (worried) eyebrows.

"Sorry." I murmured with a pout, not wanting to look at her but also not able to keep my eyes away from her intoxicating orbs.

"(Y/N), nice to meet you I guess." She offered her hand.

"My name is (Y/N)?" I responded in confusion.

"No that's my name idiot." She said with a frown but still with a lift of the corner of her lips in amusement.

"Oh." I let out a quick, quiet laugh. "Ban . . . That's my name."

"Yeah, I got that." She joked with a giggle, my heart beating faster at her melodic laugh.

~Years Later~

Meliodas and I walked round the streets looking for some bare necessities for the tavern. Meliodas was blabbering about Elizabeth but the words all went through one to the other. But as I passed round a stall a pair of big (E/C) halted my steps. The air in my windpipe froze in surprise.

Those eyes...

"(Y/N)!" My voice spoke by itself, taking me and everyone else around me by surprise.

"Ban-" Meliodas went but I ignored him as I pushed past and walked up towards the girl I have such fond memories of.

We grew closer in the short time of our lives in that puny town. But then I left and she was gone from my life entirely. I soon forgot about her, my brain bombarded with other problems that replaced her against my will.

But nothing could ever take those eyes away from me.

She had grown much taller than her child height, but I had grown much higher than her, towering over her largely - she seemed unfazed however by the mass difference.

"Ban." She sighed simply, a gorgeous smile gracing her pretty lips.

I was in awe of her mature beauty. "(Y/N) . . ." I repeated with my own toothy smile, grateful that she thought of me as no stranger.

I expected to be greeted with either confusion or love, I prepared myself for both outcomes. But; "What the hell man!? Where the fuck did you go?! You just left me!" She complained with a screwed up face, pushing my chest with every sentence and emphasis.

"I-" Just like old times, an interruption.

"I missed you." She pouted before wrapping her small arms around me, squeezing my waist tightly and shoving her face into my exposed chest.

I was suddenly incredibly red and hot. My childhood little crush had suddenly emerged back and I was not greeting it with open arms.

I pushed that aside and smiled; "I missed you too."

|| King ||

(Y/N)'s Pov:

The sound of my footsteps echoed around the solid brick walls of the maze. The cold silence circled my hearing, my soft combat boots padding against the rocky flooring. My eyes kept focused on the route ahead.

My sensitive ears could hear the shouts of the starting match in the inner maze. I had not yet found the exit to the middle but I could feel the vibrations on the floor getting heavier on my soles - indicating I was getting closer even if it was slow.

My skin grew goosebumps at the cold air as my (E/C) eyes sought for an opening that could lead me anywhere near to my required destination. But before I could go any further, a large green plant-like specimen struck the floor from the sky, effectively tumbling me to the ground. The thorns it held in its thick skin pierced the ground like knives, merely missing my small frame on the floor.

I blinked rapidly (trying to gain focus on the attacking creature) as the tail-looking began to recoil back into the misty sky where it disappeared behind the various walls of the maze before it struck the ground once again.

Its aim was perfect as a colossal thorn was aimed right at my small head, If I had not balled up into a crouch - my brains would have been splattered all over the dusty floor.

As it was about to pull back to it's main body I managed to clutch a hand round the giant green thorn to which it led to me being thrown up high into the air and zooming through the skies. I couldn't suppress my laugh as I saw the top of the maze. The sight of the sky this high up gave the chills of excitement that I yearned to feel so much at this time in my life.

My hand grew tight as I was pulled over the several walls of the maze towards the centre. I got dragged out behind a pair of multi-coloured wings. I landed silently on the pillar holding the small male and large blue creature, seemingly unnoticed by the distracted people at the floor below.

I slowly and silently disintegrated my combat boots, the ash slowly creating a swirl tattoo to circle round my arm, leaving me bare foot. My soft skin touched the cold concrete causing slight shivers to crawl up my spine.

The small male began shouting to the crowd below about some stuff that I refused to hear. I breathed in a gulp of air before ,almost inaudible, whispered; "Ghost..."

I felt my whole body become as light as the oxygen we all breathed in. I felt my feet levitate centimetres off the ground and my light clothes continue to turn to steam and be replaced by a creamy flowing robe that could be perceived as a warlock's uniform.

It looked similar to the material of satin but it in-fact was not a material at all but a visual stigma to the eye. I was actually naked seeing as I was invisible so clothing would give my presence away immediately but for magical beings who were able to break the dimension between physical and spiritual worlds, the costume of a mystical wizard/witch really did put some theatrical fun into the mix.

My skin dulled to a colour that was almost lifeless to further prove my transfer from physical life; in medical terms I was technically dead - hence my words; "Ghost." 

I levitated down the front of the pillar, unseen by anyone listening to the fairy atop of the stone. I landed ever so slightly next a tall well-built man, dressed in a white shirt and green vest. I believed him to be the Fox sin of Greed, Ban as well as the small boy next to him as the Dragon sin of Wrath, Meliodas. They both stood watching the multi-coloured winged male as he spoke, both eerily silent.

I observed the two men curiously. I knew both of them very well, not personally but certainly to the extent that I knew of their history and past with Liones; a kingdom I had only visited once. I never really knew what side I was on - theirs or the Holy Knight's but the scandal was widespread among Britannia so I knew of the conflict well.

I had no opinion on the matter but now that I see them, I found myself thinking back to the rumour. Odd thoughts I suppose.

I tilted my head curiously at them as their eyes showed determination to whatever the 'fairy' was saying, which I still paid no attention to (although I probably should've seeing as it would've given me some useful background information).

I slowly moved along to see a stoic face, golden eyes being shielded by a pair of delicate glasses, a mop of magenta hair framing the man's face nicely. He wore fairly feminine clothes, showing off his thin physique. I believed him as the Goat sin of Lust, Gowther.

I quickly swivelled round him, my eyes falling onto a floating tiny little boy. His toffee coloured hair lay flat on his head as his golden brown eyes gleamed with fear, determination, pity, strength, sadness, kindness. They were all shining out of his eyes with a bright light, most likely only being seen by myself.

At first I assumed he was a friend or comrade of the Seven Deadly Sins but soon pinpointed it to be King, Sin of Sloth. He looked much different to the posters.

I breathed out silently ready to walk away before I was teleported onto one of the pillars. I felt my body gain it's weight once again and my flesh regain its natural warmth and colour. The tattoos that once painted my arms in the form of ancient symbols had been absorbed into the air and replaced my warlock robe with the outfit I wore previously.

The sound of endless trotting sounded beside me, revealing itself to be a solid pink pig circling itself endlessly. It let out squeaks of scare and worry causing my eyebrows to furrow in confusion.

"What's going on?" I asked with a tilted head - but the pig refused to give me an answer.

"Who are you?" A soft voice called out from the other side of the large pillar.

I turned my gaze from the weird pig to the source of the voice, my (E/C) eyes meeting a very large giant who had an equally confused expression on her face as mine and the same small boy I was previously standing next to - King.

"I- Uh..." He was undeniably cute, I couldn't kid myself. I felt myself getting just a little nervous at the sight of a "famous" person who was also very handsome at that. "(Y/N), that's my name..."

"You don't sound so sure!" The giant giggled (I soon figured out that she was Diane, Serpent Sin of Envy), obviously trying to lighten the mood.

I kept quiet as they both introduced themselves, as well as the pig next to me - who's name was Hawk.

We played a dangerous game. We had to battle for our lives and I knew there was no way I was going to give up my life upon a mere accident - but I was also sure that I was not going to allow innocent people lose theirs on behalf of mine.

"I hope we meet again," I lightly smile with a polite head bow.

"Huh?" Diane said with a cute tilt of her head.

"What do you mean?" King followed, stepping towards me.

I simply waved goodbye before muttering; "Dimension shift." Where I was teleported away to another dimension where everything was the same but there was only one little change.

I found myself landing in the same spot but there was no maze, and no pillars, just me in a barren desert. I walked home before returning back to my original reality, to which I hoped to meet the Sins once again.

|| Gowther ||

(Y/N)'s Pov:

I was walking round the village when I was met with the sight of a tall, white haired girl passing out papers and calling out to the busy streets about a new tavern that had miraculously appeared atop a large green hill that I was sure had not been there just a few days ago.

She was wearing a very revealing outfit attracting the attention of almost every male in the vicinity, although causing controversy between a few married couples. I also spotted an extremely large and tall, brown haired woman just next her.

"Giant.." I whispered unconsciously as she batted eyes at the crowd whilst screaming about the tavern. Her loud volume caught me by surprise.

Now that was definitely what grabbed my attention.

She must have been doing a great job seeing as I found myself walking forward - graciously and politely taking a poster from the small girl and tucking it in my cloak pocket. She sent me a stunning smile before continuing to walk around the crowd to carry on giving them out.

~A few hours later~

I rolled up my baggy jacket sleeves and pulled my oversized hood over my hair, hiding my (E/C) eyes and creating a dark shadow over them. I stuck my small hands into my baggy trousers and kicked the tavern door open.

I was greeted with the sight of many men drinking and singing drunkenly around the bar. I chuckled lightly at the sight but before I could step forward, the giant girl from earlier greeted me however she looked much smaller now. Her big purple eyes glimmered in the light as her big sweet smile managed to etch one of my own onto my face.

She led me to a free table while she happily skipped around listing the food items along with a list of specials. I ordered a pint of ale and a meat pie as I was slightly peckish and I'm always hungry.

"Okay! Thank you sir! It'll be ready, right away!" She exclaimed with a wide, toothy smile.

"Wait- No, I'm not a-" But before I could tell her my gender she had left. I sigh exasperatedly as she got swallowed into the crowd of drunken lads.

I waited for my food as I lay my head in my arms that were clothes in the baggy jacket.

"Hello! Thank you for waiting," A stoic voice said from beside me, I lifted my head to be greeted by a pair of beautiful golden eyes. There stood a... man?

He wore the same uniform as both the girls at the front of the tavern advertising, but the indication that he was male was his extremely flat chest with little defining of his muscles (although they were still there). Even with the absence of breasts, the pretty pink crop-top fit him beautifully.

The purple neck tie lay on his chest neatly and the short skirt showed off his thin legs nicely, arguably better than the women who wore it.

I quickly thanked him while slightly lifting my hood so I was able to bow politely at him. As he placed the food down our eyes met for a split second. Although they were absolutely enchanting I thought nothing of it. Seeing as I live in quite an over-populated town which also attracts quite a lot of tourists, it's not unusual for people to meet eyes, they are everywhere so I spent no extra thoughts on the prettiness of them.

But the waiter before me seemed to freeze, I could hear his breathing suddenly become unsteady and low, deep enough for me to actively hear him. His right eye twitched ever-so-slightly as his left hand slammed onto his pink clothed chest as if he was grabbing at his heart.

"Um... Are you alright?" I quietly asked in worry, his eyes flickered towards me before he threw his whole body onto me and caused me to topple out of the chair. I couldn't control the strangled shriek that escaped my mouth.

The unknown waiter man lay huddled above me as he stared into my soul with a look in his eyes that I would never be able to really understand.

I let out a silent choke, my body falling into a state of panic.

|| Merlin ||

(Third-Person)'s POV:

Blue painted skies, free of clouds to leave room for the bright sunshine. It was a lovely day and everyone at the Boar Hat tavern agreed with it so. The windows were wide open so the sounds of nature sang through to the jolly customers and the air was fresh with content and calmness for all those who worked at the tavern. All waiters and waitresses happily wore smiles on their faces rather than forcing it and the chef was naturally dancing behind the bar, moving with the smell of his delicious cooking rather than grudgingly stomping round in a stressed-like manner.

The atmosphere was perfect to say the least and that was the most prominent factor as to why it was such a good business day for the Boar Hat.

"Here you go, Sirs." The Princess grinned as she placed a tray offering cups of Vanya Ale on a table of customers, Diane coming up behind her and placed a large assortment of snacks.

"Have a lovely day!" The two waitresses said in sync with breathtaking smiles before bowing gratefully and walking away together with a slight hop in their step.

A lovely day in deed for them as a large tip was certain to come their way for such beautiful behaviour.

"Ban-" The one waiter (who still wore the woman's uniform) called as he read out a list of menu items that he had just picked up from a table - to which Ban began to make and cook with a quick melodic rhythm.

This system ran all through the day and into the early night as the tavern just began to close up. Although they would usually stay open till the late hours of the evening - today they had opened much earlier meaning the staff had been working all the day with little breaks due to the heavy load of service they received from the nearby village.

It was just six-o'clock as they began to shuffle the last few people out of the darkened bar, accepting all the money and times sent their way before the tavern was cleared from strangers officially. Today was a long day but the majority of the Sins (and friends) would say that it was worth it. With the amount of money they had received from this day alone, they would not have to work for at least two weeks (as long as they didn't treat themselves everyday).

As Gowther bid the last lady out of the tavern (accepting a last few pennies of cash for himself), the staff sank down into the various seats with sighs and sweats.

"It has been a long day..." Elizabeth sighed as she leant against Diane with closed eyes, allowing herself to sink into the brunette's hold tiredly.

A blanket of silence fell upon the group as they got lost in their thoughts, falling into a comfortable quiet void of sleepiness and relaxation. But this only lasted for a few minutes as a knock of noise sliced their content like a hot knife through butter.

Ban let out a frustrated groan. Diane threw her head back in annoyance. Gowther simply stared at the door. King paid no attention whatsoever. Meliodas stepped towards the knock wearily. And everyone else either continued to think tiredly or look at the source of the noise in confusion.

"Excuse me?" A soft voice called out as the tavern door was subtly pushed open to reveal a pair of (E/C) eyes looking at the staff expectantly. They popped their head past the threshold slowly, obviously extremely careful of their movements and words. "Is- Um- Is this where the Seven Deadly Sins are?" They stuttered, their gaze falling to the floor nervously as their feet shuffled.

"No. Go away." Ban grunted as he lifted his head from his muscled arms and his ruby reds staring straight into theirs with a glint of malice.

"Ban!" Diane hissed as she slowly lifted herself from her seat next to Elizabeth - who was also observing the scene intensely - and stepping towards the stranger hesitantly.

"Who wants to know?" Meliodas said with a narrowed gaze as he took the biggest step towards the door, his hand reaching behind his back and gripped at the broken sword used for symbolic purposes solely.

"Me?" The stranger said in confusion, anxiously stepping further into the inside to reveal more of their physique to the people inside.

Now what was seen was soft (S/C) skin that glowed in the gentle candle light and pretty (H/C) that was pulled up into a messy bun atop their head. They wore a simple set of black trousers and a white shirt similar to the Captain's.

"And who exactly are you?" Meliodas continued after having taken in the person's appearance.

"I- Um... I can't-" They began to panic, this was obvious by the quick increase of fidgeting and crack in their voice.

"Hey... It's okay, don't worry, we're not going to hurt you..." Elizabeth quickly assured, lifting herself from her chair and walking over to the slightly shorter stranger. She made no effort to physically comfort the person but emotionally she was present.

The stranger took a loud deep breath before pressing their hand on the door and opening it for everyone to see - now it was seen fully that a female was standing at their "home". Tear stains were dried on her cheeks and her eyes seemed to hold more fear than prey to it's predator.

"Who are you?" Diane asked in worry after seeing the state the poor girl was in.

"I'm- uh- (Y/N)... That's my name..." She stated awkwardly, allowing Diane to pull her into the tavern and take a seat. "I- I need your help- Please..."

"Nope- Not happening. Goodbye." Ban rudely interrupted as he glared at (Y/N) with no remorse of his actions.

"But-" She tried to reason, she was desperate for help.

"I said no." He snapped. "We have better things to worry about, girl."

"Better things than the Ten Commandments?" She frowned, her body beginning to tremble at the mention of the horrid name.

A heavy silence fell across the Sins, tension thickening with every passing second as her words settled into their brains. (Y/N) gulped harshly as she examined the faces of those before her, regretting every word that escaped her fine lips. Her fingers continuously folded over one another as panic and self-consciousness spread through her veins like wildfire.

"What did you just say?" The blonde Captain muttered through clenched teeth, staring at the (H/C) girl with fire in his eyes.

The look frightened (Y/N) to no end, her body pleading for her to retreat but she came here for a reason and she needed help no matter how horrible it was; "The Ten Commandments... They've taken my family... Please... They sent me here to spy on you all and if I don't they're going to kill my family... I can't-" She began to choke on her own words as her heart churned at the thoughts of her dearest loved ones falling to the pits of hell.

"I will save your family (Y/N)." Meliodas pledged as he knelt down before her, taking her hands in his and staring into her eyes, sharing his sincerity with her.

"Thank you... Thank you so much," She cried out as tears trickled down her cheeks, relief swarming her nerves.

"Let's get you freshened up okay?" Elizabeth sweetly said as she carefully guided (Y/N) out of the tavern.

~A Few Minutes Later~

"What brings you here, Elizabeth?" A tender voice called out as they emerged from the darkness - shocking the strange girl with her beauty.

A curvy lady approached the Princess and the (H/C) with a smirk, eyeing both the shorter girls with a raised eyebrow. Her plump lips were a vibrant pink, the colour giving her a sexy aura. Her hair was fine and thin, painted in a dark midnight black that reached only her shoulders. Her body was on full display for all the world to see. A tight cloak that barely covered her breasts and a pair of small matching panties.

(Y/N) had never questioned her sexuality but right now the confusion was skyrocketing.

'Oh boy...' She thought as she gawked at the sensual woman in front of her.

"This (Y/N), Merlin." Elizabeth introduced as she pushed the shy girl towards the mage. "She just needs some treatment."

"I'm not a doctor, you know." Merlin smiled cheekily but still gladly accepting (Y/N) to sit on one of the stools located in her laboratory.

"Oh- I-" The delicate princess stuttered with wide eyes, her cheeks flushing red in embarrassment.

"Don't worry." The mage silenced Elizabeth, "I'm sure I can spare a little time."

"Thank you." (Y/N) muttered nicely, her eyes never leaving the cobblestone floor however.

"(Y/N), was it?"

"Oh- Um, yeah." The said girl answered, nervousness wracking up her body with every word.

"I see. My name is Merlin, pleasure."

|| Elizabeth ||

(Y/N)'s POV:

The day was very pretty overall. The skies were clear and blue, the sun shining and creating a positive aura - people's problems weren't so harsh today because of the pure simplicity of the weather and the happy atmosphere it brought along with it.

The kingdom of Liones was bustling with energy, the weekend had finally come so citizens were roaming the streets and markets to spend their free days care-freely with no interruption of daily chores or stress.

Although the day was light and cherished for those of the less fortunate in Liones, the people gifted with luxury were feeling quite the opposite - the positive aura was not enough to lift the terrible news for the royal family.

"W-What?!" Elizabeth shrieked as her pretty blue eyes grew wide and astonished, the icy orbs filling with increasing anger. "How could you ask me of that?!"

"Lizzie-" Veronica began in an attempt to console the youngest princess, but it was no use.

"Father! This is cruel!" The white-haired girl protested, rushing towards the king on the bed with a begging expression. "Please don't make me..."

"Elizabeth, this is necessary for the future of this kingdom." He answered gruffly, sparing no sympathy.

"I refuse to do it!" Elizabeth spat as she went to run out of the bedroom, but was stopped by Veronica desperately trying to restrain the youngest girl from objecting.

"Marrying King Arthur will secure Liones an ally! Liones has suffered too much and this will give us ultimate defence!"

"No! I will not marry someone I don't love - especially someone I don't know!" She shouted. She was hardly ever angry, so now it was bubbling to an unbearable boil that she could not keep inside anymore - it spilled out in words and curses that impacted the Liones family greatly, but changed nothing of their opinion.

"Elizabeth! Will you stop being so selfish!" The King bellowed, glaring at his adoptive daughter in disappointment.

"Father... I love you... But I cannot believe you are forcing me to this marriage..." The princess sighed in sadness, gulping down her rage in hopes of keeping the beloved strings of her family attached. She couldn't bare the thought of her family hating her even at the expense of her love life, they were all she had and right now the Seven Deadly Sins were off without her... She was left behind and this was all she had.

"Elizabeth... We need this. If we do not marry you off to Camelot, Liones and our people will suffer the consequences of attackers and enemies. This is the best decision for this kingdom." He reasoned.


"What have I gotten myself into?" Arthur groaned as he lay down on his throne, his posture not matching a typical Kings'.

"I don't know what to tell you brother, you've got yourself a fiancé!" (Y/N) giggled as she rolled on the floor like a child. She was only a few years younger than Arthur but she acted as if she were a toddler at moments like this. "Why did you even agree?"

"I don't know! I was tired and wasn't really paying attention! Elizabeth is nice though... Right?" He asked hopefully, looking into (Y/N)'s (E/C) eyes in a puppy-like way.

"I don't know, haven't met her." (Y/N) said simply with a shrug as she lay in a starfish position on the blood red carpet staring up at the chandelier above the two royals.

"That's not helping." Arthur cried as he buried his face in his hands.

"Well what do you want me to do? Marry her for you?" She joked, then proceeding to laugh way too loudly at her own stupid joke.

"Yes please..." He grumbled as he slowly rolled onto the floor next to his sister in misery, levels becoming low and useless.

"It was a joke." She assured with a light smile.

"I wish it wasn't."

"Maybe in another life when she likes women." (Y/N) snorted dreamily, she had seen pictures of Princess Elizabeth and admittedly she was incredibly pretty.

"Maybe she does! I bet she does! And then you can marry her instead! And-"

"Will you shut up! This is your problem not mine, I'm sure she doesn't want to marry your ugly face anyway so you can have a terrible marriage with affairs and stuff! This could be made perfect!" (Y/N) exclaimed, her hands gesturing dramatically into the air as if she were a child experiencing stargazing for the first time.

"I am not ugly." Arthur pouted.

"Say that to your forced fiancé." She laughed, smacking her brother's chest and proceeding to roll over with evil natural snorts.


The halls of Camelot castle were usually empty seeing as the only royal family living there were King Arthur and his sister Princess (Y/N), and they did not care for servants' assistance as they were much more independent than the typical royal. But today they were full of maids and butlers from all over Britannia, preparing for the meeting of King Arthur and Princess Elizabeth - God only knows what the actual wedding would look like.

This would be an occasion long talked about throughout generations to come as it was an alliance made between two major nations.

The palace was much cleaner than it had been for many generations, fit for an upper class family like the Liones'. The chandeliers sparkled and the halls had the aroma of lavender and orange. The silk curtains were pulled from the windows and allowed the midday sunlight rays shine through the large pane windows of the corridors.

The throne room was the most made up of course, a room designed for the presence of a king; The King of Camelot in particular, which would soon be shared with soon-to-be Queen Elizabeth of Camelot.

Although the throne room was easily the most fancy and the most worked on, it was quiet and dull, and only Princess (Y/N) stood inside with pursed lips as she examined her home looking so differently. She was not meant to be in there, she was meant to be up in her room and would come down once the Liones family were fully acquainted and comfortable with Arthur and were willing to meet his family - i.e. his sister.

This was purely because of (Y/N)'s general stereotype to be rather immature which was certainly not untrue, but a little undermining for someone who could easily chop your head off with only a swipe of the hand. She never really minded but at times like these she did prefer to be treated as if she were at the same level as her brother and not just his silly sister who was not nearly as important as him. She was only given this role because Arthur was born first, if she were to have been born first then she would have all the attention and admiration - and even have the luxury of marrying the pretty princess.

But (Y/N) couldn't help but feel bad for Princess Elizabeth, her brother had it bad enough but at least he would still rule his kingdom and have the same privileges as any other day, Elizabeth would now be just a Queen taken from her home and placed in a foreign land with no authority over her husband as he was there first. Yes, she had it better than most, but she had it much worse in circumstances that were not considered by those less fortunate.

So while (Y/N) twirled in the throne room where she was not meant to be, King Bartra Liones, Princess Margaret, Princess Veronica and Princess Elizabeth Liones all stepped out of the carriage and onto the royal carpet laid upon the entrance steps and up the stairs to the main doors where King Arthur stood with the head butler.

"Ah hello Arthur! My my, haven't you grown! I haven't seen you since you were this small-" He proceeded to gesture a short height, "and you've grown into such a handsome young man! Perfectly suited for my lovely Elizabeth!" The King gushed. There was an awkward laughter before Arthur led the Liones family into Camelot castle where they walked to the throne room and the "happy" conversations would begin.

Thankfully, (Y/N) had escaped before she would be seen being an idiot before the Liones family but she didn't travel far, stopping at only the kitchens where she stayed for another two hours, scoffing various cakes and sweets, waiting to be summoned and make an awful first impression.

And she was right, she did make a bad first impression. Because as she shoved the third cake in her mouth to see how many she could fit in there, the kitchen door swung open to reveal the Third Princess of Liones, Elizabeth with a shocked and mildly amused expression on her face.

"Oh I'm sorry! I thought this was the bathroom!" She apologised, bowing deeply to show her respect (and also to hide her smile).

"I'th's o-h uh 'eht-" (Y/N) tried to direct even though she had three cakes in her mouth.

"I'm sorry-" Elizabeth giggled, pressing a hand to her lips in an attempt to restrain her laughter.

The Camelot princess tried to swallow down the (whole) cakes but ended up semi-choking as half-chewed sponge slowly slid down her throat making her gag but not quite bring it back up. Elizabeth took the liberty of filling a glass with water and assisting (Y/N) in drinking it.

"I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) gasped as the last of the cake crumbs was washed down her digestive system and allowing her to speak. "This is so embarrassing-" She began as humiliation flooded through her veins.

"No no it's fine, please I don't mind. I needed some entertainment really, this day has been too long and you gave me a real laugh." She said with a cute smile.

"I- Uh, thank you! No that makes no sense, you're welcome! Wait-" (Y/N) was off on a tangent, but this made Elizabeth only smile more.

"Elizabeth-" She began to introduce herself before (Y/N)'s awkward self chose to intervene with no real purpose in mind.

"I know! Seeing as you're marrying my brother and all..." She chuckled, diverting her gaze to the floor where she glared at it for her own stupid social mistakes.

"Oh, so you must be Princess (Y/N). Pleasure to meet you." Elizabeth grinned, feeling much more welcome by (Y/N)'s presence than Arthur's forced one.

"Likewise." (Y/N) laughed, feeling a little more at ease with her new relative.

|| Helbram ||

(Y/N)'s Pov:

I walked the land of the white forest silently. My feet slightly squelched against the dewed grass. The smell of the early morning nature hitting my nostrils beautifully, it was a nice feeling of content.

The taste of smokey mist surpassed my strawberry lips and entered my even lungs. My eyes searched the fog that closed the area, looking for nothing in particular but something had caught my eyes.

A piece of transparent material fluttered lightly in the far distance. A stripe of vibrant blue striking the beautiful material. Before I could step a foot forward it disappeared into the bark of one of the tall trees, making me question whether it was really there or just my crazy imagination.

I shook my head lightly before stepping forward once again, walking to no location in particular. The sound of my bare feet against the damp silver-white grass circled the silent area. But as I was about to continue, the soft sound of a thud on the floor halted my footsteps, alerting my ever sense.

The pitter-patter of unknown footsteps echoed around the never ending forest, matching mine from minutes ago. The noise bounced off the various trees that littered the various making it very hard to properly pinpoint where it originated from.

"Hello?" I said quietly, fearfully but it was still audible to anyone in the vicinity. 

"Well hello," A melodic voice sounded from around me. I couldn't decipher from what direction it was sounding from causing nervousness to build up in the pit of my stomach.

"W-Who are you?" I timidly asked, afraid to somehow anger the creature hidden in the foggy mists.

"My name is Helbram, pleasure to be in your presence." They flirtatiously replied, the voice getting louder as it drew closer. "What's your name sweetheart,"

"(Y/N)" I bluntly replied as my head whipped in circles. "Where are you?" I frustratingly muttered to myself as I continued to circle round like a madman.

The wings that grew from my back created a whirl of air to circle around me. I felt my fear subside at the sight of the pure white feathers of my wings. I knew if the situation became too dangerous I could protect myself.

"I'm right here dear." The voice sounded from right behind me.

A strangled shriek sounded from the depth of my oesophagus and spun right around to meet a pair of narrow golden iris'. I fell backwards like a grasshopper, landing in the newly dewed grass causing my shirt as trousers to be soaked with the cold liquid.

"Well that's a little rude," The strange man remarked as he leant over me slightly, looking me up and down like a piece of rubbish.

I was finally able to get a good look at him. He had droopy pastel green hair and piercing golden eyes. He wore a deep green jacket-like tunic with a surprisingly formal sunset orange flowery bow. He also had a pair of semi-tight black trousers which also sported a pair of matching boots.

But what was most astonishing about his presentation was a pair of beautiful translucent wings, striped of various shades of blue highlighting the whole piece at the bottom.

I felt like I had met someone like me, although not perfectly alike - we both had wings.

"W-What do you want?" I stuttered at his intense gaze, crawling subtly away from him.

"Oh nothing really, but a stunning little human like you shouldn't be running around in a place like this." He sneered, "What are you? Six or something?"

"Six?!" I exclaimed in shock, "I am twenty for your information" I sassed at him as his face twisted in disgust.

"Doesn't seem like it, too puny." He gestured with his hands, walking away from me with a weird facial expression.

"Well that's your opinion. Rather look six than ninty-six," I replied with a mocking smile as I pulled myself up from the damp ground.

We both stared each other down with narrowed eyes and harsh gazes as if trying to intimidate one another - although both of us failed seeing as neither of us felt that we were the beta in this scenario.

"Whatever. Well I will be going now." He muttered, looking me up and down once again causing my arms to immediately cross over my chest.

I rolled my eyes but couldn't help but let the corners of my lips tilt upwards. I waved lightly at the boy I had just met and secretly hoped we would meet again, it was nice to finally have some company in this horrid life.

Being alone suddenly wasn't content and peaceful - it was in fact (ironically) lonely.

And just like that, he disappeared into the mists of the forest.

|| Zeldris ||

(Third-Person)'s POV:

The Wolf Sin of Distraction was a myth that rotated throughout the curious lands of Britannia, being brought up once again every few years by the inquisitive readers, the tales about her written in many books over the thousands of years.

She was rumoured to be vicious and cruel, neglecting and abandoning her own race to die.

She was rumoured to be serial and psychotic, leaving her family and friends behind on her own pleasure and well being.

They could not be more wrong.


The hyper girl skipped happily, her bare feet padding against the damp and bumpy rock. The blonde Captain followed behind her with a smile as he admired the girl's carefree persona, both exiting the large cave.

Her chestnut coloured tail wagged side-to-side in excitement, her raised fluffy ears darting to any source of sound that happened to pass her.

Both her and Meliodas both walked towards the only source of light at the end of the tunnel, walking silently as (Y/N) giggled loudly while she turned round giddily.

"That was fun!" She cheered, "Can't wait to do that again!"

"Fight a giant purple blob?" The Captain chuckled at the Sin.

"Exactly! She seemed cool!" (Y/N) gushed.

"She tried to kill you," Meliodas replied, raising a brow at the odd girl.

"Everyone's got their problems." (Y/N) shrugged as they stepped out into the light, both Sins' eyes squinted.

(Y/N) laughed happily as she kissed Diane on the cheek, poking her in the side cheekily before running round to Jenna's side and twirling round like an excited toddler.

Jenna was slightly taller than the Inu hybrid, her aqua eyes watching (Y/N) with amusement.

As Jenna allowed the enormous jellybean-like gem crack the tensions among the Sins began to rise to unbearable levels. The darkness sank into Meliodas' skin as he absorbed the power, allowing him to regain his strength to the capacity of before the rebellion.

The Wolf Sin laughed as she watched his face darken, her large (E/C) eyes seeing right through his act. While everyone held their breaths, (Y/N) bounced on the balls of her feet in anticipation.

"Hey Merlin! Think you could send me over to The Ten Commandments?" The Captain asked abruptly, a few gasps going round the group of friends.

"Well it's not that I can't, but-" She replied, her voice masked slightly seeing as she was still a mere magical image from her sacred treasure.

"Are you serious? You can't just waltz into enemy territory! It's suicidal!" Gilthunder objected, leaning forward slightly in the process, his serious voice evident in his tone.

"You can do it though, right?" Meliodas asked, ignoring The Holy Knight's comment.

"Indeed, but keep in mind, once I teleport you, there will be a slight delay before you can be teleported back here. In other words Captain, you must survive for more than ten seconds on your own. If an attempt is made any sooner, you will be reduced to a lump of meat. Still want to go?" The mage informed.

"Yeah let's do it!" Meliodas declared.

"Very well then."

"Hey! Hold on!" Gilthunder objected once again, his worry plastered onto his features, "Why don't you take a little more time before you-"

"I'm only going over there to say hello." Meliodas stated with an evil giggle, "besides, I'll be taking (Y/N) with me."

"REALLY?!" The Wolf Sin shrieked, her eyes blowing wide in shock and glee.

"Yep, she's almost as powerful as me, even after getting all my power back." He informed, everyone turning towards the jumpy girl with shock, almost all thinking she had a power level that could match Hawk's due to her 'messing around' like personality. Even though she was in the Seven Deadly Sins, she had never been seen using such a power like Meliodas'.

"YAY!" She cheered, running over to The Captain, embracing him tightly.

As soon as the words left her lips, both her and The Captain had disappeared completely to those around them, with their feet landing on a grey, ragged ground.

Everyone of The Ten Commandments stared at the two with shock washed over their usually stern features, all eyes staring at their old companion before staring at the female stranger standing next to him.

"Sup!" The Captain greeted, his eyes sparkling with excitement as (Y/N) was hardly able to stop herself from laughing and jumping round in joy - she was half dog after all.

She spun and hopped around Meliodas to stop herself from leaping up to the enemies. Adrenaline pumped through her veins and there was no way to stop it, she was just so happy.

"Meliodas." The black haired male sternly stated, stepping closer to the two. But before anyone was able to say anything, nor ask about the obviously eager girl, a loud shriek from the red armoured demon halted all their vocal cords.

"WAIT!" He shouted, glaring at the Sin with anger (not knowing (Y/N) was a sin).

His long feet stabbed into the soil ground as he stared at the two, his frame so high that both (Y/N) and Meliodas had to lift their heads to see him, the demon's eyes glowing a neon green.

"Nobody here lifts a finger..." He said maliciously, "That's the prey I failed to kill... I'll make sure they die this time." He snarled.

Just as the words escaped his lips/helmet, Meliodas' fist had already clashed with the metal, knocking the demon backwards to a stumbling frenzy. The Captain leapt into the air, his hand crashing down onto the demon's head and bashing it into the floor to create a large crater in the stone.

"Go Captain go!" (Y/N) cheered, ignoring the odd look from one of the commandments - everyone else's focus on their old friend and current friend.

"Huh... Seems you're a little different from our last fight." Galand stated before swinging his head up, The Captain jumping into the air once again to avoid any approaching attack.

The red armoured demon then proceeded to - seemingly - aimlessly swing his long spear at the constantly moving blonde, furious to kill him once and for all, doing this all with a loud and determined battle cry.

Ashy grey smoke blasted and flew into the air as constant crashing and clanging sounded throughout the Commandment's "home", the other Commandments dodging the flying debris.

"Just got a little more power that's all." Meliodas said, a hint of cheekiness laced in his tone - to this, Galand growled lowly.

Galand hastily slammed his head into Meliodas' in attempt of injury, however, this was obviously unsuccessful as The Captain proceeded to punch and kick at the staggering demon.

Meliodas landed a final punch onto the red armoured demon, the conflicted being thrown across the ground with a groan, Meliodas standing tall in front of his work.

The Captain slowly stalked towards the fallen demon, his face fallen serious and his eyes fell dull, the tension rising and rising by the second as the Inu continued to quietly cheer the Captain on and attempt to retrain her want for beating the shit out of the demon much like her idol had just done.

However, as Meliodas continued to walk towards his opponent, the said being rose from the ground, almost smiling at the Captain, slight groans and sigh escaped his "mouth".

"Now that's more like it!" He said, "this is how it should be! Or things will get dull."

Meliodas kept silent, his hand reaching back and swiftly sliding his sacred treasure out of its pocket, the slicing sound causing a chill to run down (Y/N) spine, her eyes following her Captain's every move.

Ashy grey smoke blasted and flew into the air as constant crashing and clanging sounded throughout the Commandment's "home", the other Commandments dodging the flying debris.

"Just got a little more power that's all." Meliodas said, a hint of cheekiness laced in his tone - to this, Galand growled lowly.

Galand hastily slammed his head into Meliodas' in attempt of injury, however, this was obviously unsuccessful as The Captain proceeded to punch and kick at the staggering demon.

Meliodas landed a final punch onto the red armoured demon, the conflicted being thrown across the ground with a groan, Meliodas standing tall in front of his work.

The Captain slowly stalked towards the fallen demon, his face fallen serious and his eyes fell dull, the tension rising and rising by the second as the Inu continued to quietly cheer the Captain on and attempt to retrain her want for beating the shit out of the demon much like her idol had just done.

However, as Meliodas continued to walk towards his opponent, the said being rose from the ground, almost smiling at the Captain, slight groans and sigh escaped his "mouth".

"Now that's more like it!" He said, "this is how it should be! Or things will get dull."

Meliodas kept silent, his hand reaching back and swiftly sliding his sacred treasure out of its pocket, the slicing sound causing a chill to run down (Y/N) spine, her eyes following her Captain's every move.

"Ah yes." Meliodas smiled, glancing at his fellow Inu with a slight smirk, (Y/N) almost leaping into the air with joy. "(Y/N) has joined us."

"Hello!" The (H/C) finally said, her left hand waving repeatedly as her smile brightened the gloomy setting. "I'm (Y/N)! Nice- I mean not nice- " She corrected with a laugh at her own antics, "to meet you!"

The Ten Commandments watched her with curious expressions, all inquisitively confused by her optimistic and happy aura when she was stood in front of and in the home of ten very very powerful demons.

"I told you, there's nothing to talk about." Zeldris growled at his brother, unable to keep his eyesight away from the beautiful girl but his statement aimed at his elder brother.

"Oh this isn't talk." Meliodas answered, "this is a warning."

Zeldris' pearly white teeth clenched as a furious and frustrated growl crawled up his throat, both himself and Fraudrin (disguised as Dreyfus) leapt at The Captain, both their faces holding enraged expressions.

Meliodas shrugged with a high pitched 'hm' in response as both him and (Y/N) vanished into thin air, landing upon the damp grass of where they previously stood before travelling.

"Awe... I wanted to talk some more..." The (E/C) eyed hybrid pouted, her arms crossing.

"Sometime you're a little too friendly, (Y/N)." Merlin stated, her voice holding a hint of amusement at the childish Sin.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." The inu answered with a raised brow and cross of the arms.



Thank you for reading! I really hope you enjoyed, feel free to provide some feedback on my writing so I can improve!

Have a lovely day~ <3

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