Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warr...

By dram12

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Second Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build a... More

Now Ready
The Making
The Telling
My Thoughts
Army of Ohio
The Skirmish
Cow pens / Atlanta
The Conquerors
Stella Marie
The Ocean Blue
We Sail
The Story
The Story part two
They Arrive
The Ohio's
Atlanta - A Spy
A Spy part 2
One / The Raid
Mason / Kit
After Action Report
They Return
Sarna's Plan
The Journey
Tour - Meeting
The Meeting
Evening Next Morning
Atlanta - Savannah
The Attacks
Ocean Blue 21.99 - 71.69
War and Man
Camp Joy
Battle part two
Army Of Carolina
Battle Of Pelion
Columbia / Augusta
Horrel Hill
Silence at Arthurtown
Silence / 2
Mitch's Ride / The Captured
Allendale - Columbia
First United
The Tribunal - Mitch & Liz
The Trial
Baldwin Inn
Pigs To Slaughter
She Must Fall
Victory And Death
Garden City
Garden City /2
Moving Forward
You The Reader
Charles Town
Liz And The Rifle
The Confusion
Stanson's Report / The North
Seven weeks
Terrence / Plymouth
TA Sea / Santee
Battle Of Santee
Durns Folly
June / August
Second Battle Horrel Hill/ Smithfield
Army Of Ohio
Yorktown / Haivershaw
Southeastern Islands
Taft / Yorktown
Surrender Field
The Years After

One / The Raid part 2

12 3 9
By dram12

The meeting finished Sarna sat a cross from Ben
she did that purposely. To make Ben lean over the
table to give her the bracelet. So all could see.
She was getting worried he had changed his mind.
Ben sat like a bump on a log. Lana spoke to get
Ben moving, supper is a special one tonight Turkey
all. Kicking Ben under the table. Best be hungry.

Louse said Turkey I love it, almost as good as duck.
Thought I smelled it cooking earlier. Why the special meal? That got Bens attention, reaching in
his pocket. Sarna I don't know why I'm nervous,
we spoke of this today. I'm offering this bracelet
as my love for you. Would you be my wife one with me? Sarna couldn't help but giggle some,
Yes! Ben I'll be your wife! Ben placed it on her wrist. All were quiet Jacob stood my daughter now
leaves me to be one! May they prosper and have
many children! Lana poured glasses of wine,
yes may they be happy a long time. Louse said
Ben never thought I'd see it one of us getting
tied up! Garret laughed never see me do that!

Jena said I new they would couldn't help but
see it, I'm so happy you two! Sarna said Liza thank you. All she helped me with picking out something
to wear. Lana said and its lovely dear. New you
would look nice.
Jena said something went on and you didn't tell
your cousin. Sarna looked at her figured you New.
I did dear I did, New you could work it out. Besides
I had work to do. Lana said the meal is served.
I need to announce this to the Army. I'll be back
start without me please.

Lana took her sword and wooden hand shield
with her. Hitting the sword against the wood,
shouting all pass the word Sarna and Ben are one!
Hitting the wood again, a Ranger and Shield are one! May they prosper! She heard many shout may
they prosper have many children!

To White Rock

Jacob hugged Sarna I'll return in a week at most.
With supplies, I'll try to hurt them some too.
Give me two days. Let that Mason go. Mounting
his horse, we're ready all take care bye your leave.
Louse move them out if you please. Louse looked
over at Jacob its well planned for not knowing
much about the condition of the warehouse.
I've sailed into worse things, this should be easy.

Jacob patted his holster this here forty five will
help make it that way. Louse laughed and we have
six mines, not four a rude awakening for them.

Louse a did send a Ranger I trust to Rockford
just encase, see if they could get what we need.
The Raid just to get Sarna a win of some kind.
Get those Nobles behind us. Less loss this way too.

Louse looked back at the collum figured as much.
Jacob we do need something to kick start them.
Last rider came in had no word of Bama just how
bad it is. Think Atlanta fell? It did just like Savannah did. We aren't reacting fast enough,
Louse we move to slow. Been thinking how the lines are. Quick thrust into Atlanta might pull
them off some to attack towards Raleigh I think
that is the key. Take it we can push further east south and north. My thinking Charlotte will have
to come first. We have a huge pocket they left open. It maybe a tramp so this is speculation for

Louse eased forward some, that pocket does worry
me some. Why such a huge gap? Why I know wouldn't leave an opening like that. From our patrols long and short range. Seems like from
if you are correct from Atlanta to Charlotte over to
Petersburg and Baltimore in the Virginia's.
I feel like its a hand open ready to close us in.

Jacob nodded yes it worries me too, Can't do much
now we all know about it. That is the next nut to
crack. Figure best stop for the day. Making good
time. Next cross road just past it good place to camp. No fires cold food tonight no coffee fires
in the morning pass that on Louse. Fifty fifty
on guard, four hour shifts move before daylight.
Say four should do it.

Louse nodded I'll pass it on, little rum after supper
Jacob? Yes Louse that sounds good. Oh have them feed and water the horses before they break for the evening. Consider it done bye your leave.

The Raid

Louse pointing at the town lay out, see that small
building I marked dry goods. That's where the
mine entrance is. Then pointing at the building.
from the trees. You take your men head to Columbia leave the mines on both bridges that
cross the Broad river. If it's to dangerous Louse if
it looks to hard. Find two other good targets.
They are barracked on the other side of the river.
The bridges if possible.

Louse smiled the bridges then I'll do my best
Jacob, I'll head out now, I'll tell Cap Lawton
to make some good noise for us north of Columbia.
On the other side of the river. Jacob said good luck
Louse and tell Lawton the same. See you after.

Jacob looked out over the town it never seemed
so big before. Just starting to get dark, his men
are ready Rangers all he trusted. To do the job
how many would he loose tonight. Come on
Lawton its close real close to time. I should
hear your hell raising by now. I'll have to go
soon he whispered we may have to move in
five minutes. It went down the line. The explosion
echoed in the hills. Lawton set of his barrel of
powder. Jacob didn't say a word horse galloped
towards the mine.

No firing unless they were fired on. They made the mine No problems. Jacob flung the door open,
hurry straight through the back door. Leads to
the mine. Grab what you can load the horses fast!

Towns people started showing the Mayor shouted
you need help we can load some wagons!
Jacob shouted yes! Load wagons hitch teams to them first! Send some one to watch out for the enemy! Jacob looked at the Mayor any soldiers
close by man? None all in Columbia Ranger best
send the wagons out first. Sent out someone already to keep an eye out. Another explosion the Mayor ducked some mercy where is that coming
from? Jacob smiled no time get to loading.
Hurry lets be out in an hour no more!

Lawton shouted boys we gots them a coming at
us! Fire the carriage guns boys! Six ten gauge shot
guns mounted on carriages fired sending buck and ball into the charging line. The two carriages bounced after firing. The line kept coming again
they fired bodies dropped men stumbled. Shouts
and screams of pain filled the air. Flashing muzzles made the dark seem like light for an instant. Cracks and bangs smoke hung in the air like fog. Lawton struggle to see into the smoke and
darkness. Quiet he thought the scary type. He heard a brrrr rap, rap rap, brrr rap rap! Cracks and pops going by his head. His men falling, green and red bouncing in the air! He saw a massive stream of fire shoot out with each brrrr rap rap!

Fire at that Damn flame boys! Don't stop till it
stops! They fired kept firing another brrrr rap rap rap! Lawton yelled we best git boys! Fire and retreat damn fire and retreat! This ain't healthy
Fall back! Lawton lit his last barrel of powder rolled it down the hill towards that thing. I'll blow
you all ta pieces! Running as he felt the heat and
the blast push him, three hard thuds he could hear
and feel got him. Oh Damn not today no now!
Blame foolish thing ta as he fell.

Cap! He felt something tugging and pulling him.
Cap they be two of those things! Cap got git! Come
on Cap. Brrrr rap brrrrr rap! Damnation sorry Cap! Hate ta leave ya! Brrrrr rap rap rap!

Mount up boys Cap is a goner! Make for the rally
point! Stay together best ya can!

Louse in Columbia second bridge.

Last one fellas lets git I'll set the charge a going.
Louse pulled the first pen he heard the snap pulled
the second snap again then the third no snap.
Damn no time have to go. Running towards His horse he heard  bam bam bam. Mounting up smiling that's the first one! Riding hard he could
hear shots firing then two loud booms.
Short fuse don't look back men ride hard rally
point! Louse could hear gun fire behind him.
Not close his mines must of worked.

Army warehouse

Jacob sent the wagons off and the men with the
thirty pack horses. Then sent out the rest but ten
men to act as rear guard stay put for thirty minutes. Then come hard checking as they ride.
Jacob stayed with the ten waiting in the trees.
He tied up the towns people to make the enemy
think they had no part. No need for those trapped
behind to be harmed more than they have.

The men became worried, even Jacob was near it.
When finally the thirty minutes was up. They headed west first not following the route in,
Stony hill then the swing north to the rally point
at Enoree. For two days at least the three Troops and Jacobs detachment would be separated.
Jacob didn't like this point but it kept his
Forces from being taken over least a few could get
back If not all. Morning of the second day he allowed a fire for coffee and warming some bread
and salt pork. They needed both. Jacob felt the cold
set back in as he sipped his coffee and worked out
his route. He mumbled the pens in two days.

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