Langst one shots

By Elliahrose

555K 16.5K 7.7K

Lot's of Langst, and some Klance plz read! More

March Blues
Greatest fears
The very Blue paladin
Too Loud; Part 1
New story!!
Too loud; Part 2
Too loud; Part 3
Truth Fruit
His fault
Truth Fruit Part 2
Stop! (please)
The Curse
The curse part 2
Maybe I just like you!
The seer
The cuts
Suicide hotline AU
The cuts Part 2
The Curse part 3
The omega's cries
Group Chat
Gender swap
The truth
Soulmate AU
Oops (an accidental confession)
The orb
Too Loud; Prologue
Truth or Dare
Coming home
Water is the fiercest element
Exhaustion killed the cat
A petal for your troubles
My boyfriends (are deadly assassins)
Strange Magic Part 1
Strange Magic Part 2
Strange Magic Part 3
The boy of the stars
A trip down memory lane part 1
Hey nerds
A trip down memory lane part 2
A trip down memory lane part 3
Insecurities and cuddles? Yes please.
Wings AU
Regret is the strongest love song
Strange magic part 4
Regret is the strongest love song part 2
A mute paladin
Reasons why Shiro doesn't like me
I got tagged
The garrison trio
Homesick Part 2
Yo...another book? Whhhy!
Hi guys...guess who's not dead
The dark hallways
What am I good for?
There, amongst the rubble, lies a gem
The last words...
Weed...a character study
Self-Harm...a character study
Umm i got tagged again so thats a thing
Hah. Tagged again
Do you like Iron Dad? Because oh Boy, do I have a story for you!
You know what time it is... Anybody like Harry Potter?

The New Lance

5.4K 205 203
By Elliahrose

Credit for the idea goes to @CateyCool thanks for the idea :)

Also, unrelated but I felt the need to share this story. I recently had oral surgery and I was given a shit ton of drugs. So when I get home from the surgery all I wanna do is sleep, so I, at some point, take off my pants to sleep more comfortably and my mom comes in and takes one look at me and goes;

"Why aren't you wearing pants?"

To which my high ass replies without hesitation: 

"Pants are for pussies. And I eat pussies."

This is what happens when doctors give me drugs. 

"Alright team, time for another team bonding exercise," Allura said with a large smile. The paladins groaned and leaned back against the wall. "Oh come now! This one is to help us understand your personalities better."

Allura held up a box of vials containing purple liquid in them. 

Hunk raised his hand sheepishly. "Uh...Allura," he said. "Is that safe?"

"Of course, I had it tested to become compatible with your human anatomy." Allura said. "This serum is a very special serum. It designed to make personalities that you try to keep secrets from your team become your dominant trait."

Lance lifted his head at that. 



Gently with a chainsaw.

He cannot do this activity. He needs to find a way to get out of this. Perhaps he can fake an injury. Lance took a deep breath before throwing himself onto the ground. The loud thud sounded even louder against the silence. 

"LANCE!" Shiro cried. "Are you okay? Why'd you do that?"

"Uh...sorry...I don't think I the training," Lance said, holding his ankle as though he was in pain.

Allura scoffed. "Nonsense. If it truly hurts you can simply sit down." 

"But I...okay..." Lance sighed. He sat down in the chair provided for him curtesy of Coran and mentally prepared himself for what was going to happen. 

"Perfect. Now, who'd like to go first?" Allura clapped her hands together. No one answered. "Oh come on, it won't hurt you." 

Shiro reluctantly raised his hand. 

"Wonderful! Come now, Shiro." Allura motioned for Shiro to come forward. He slowly took a sip of the drink and the team watched with surprise as their fearless leader became anxious. 

"Now Shiro, what do you think?" Allura asked.

Shiro shrugged, locking his arms behind his back and toeing the floor. "I'm not sure. I think it's fine...but it's okay if you don't think the same."

"Awww Shiro is such a sweetheart!" Lance cooed from his seat. Shiro blushed and looked down. 

"Now, who'd like to go next?" Allura asked. "Hunk?"

"Uh..sure." Hunk said. He took the drink and smiled. "I feel the same."

"I'm glad you aren't keeping that many secrets from the team," Allura smiled. Hunk nodded in acknowledgment. "Pidge?"

"Yeah, yeah," Pidge mumbled. "I'm coming." She took a large gulp of the drink and suddenly everything was different. 

Pidge changed her posture from that of a boys to that of a girly stance. Her hip jutted out and she placed her hand on it, and smiled dazzlingly. "Hey peeps," she smiled. 

Everyone's jaw dropped. "Pidge?" Keith asked cautiously. "Are you feeling alright?"

"Totally!" Pidge smiled. But I kind of want to get out of these clothes. Anyone know where my dresses are?"

"So it looks like Pidge was hiding her feminine side from the team." Allura concluded.

"Aww Pidgey," Lance called. "You don't have to hide from us." 

Pidge blushed and walked quickly to where Hunk and Shiro were standing, keeping her head down. 

"Keith? Your turn." Allura said. Keith grumbled about what a waste of time this was before he snatched the bottle out of Allura's hand and chugged it. 

Keith's face lit up in the cutest grin. He giggled before jumping up and down with excitement. The team (mostly Lance) stared in shock as their resident hothead was reduced to a ball of energy fluff. 

"Hey guys! This is so much fun! We should do this more often! I love you guys!"

"Aw we love you too!" Hunk called. Keith grinned even wider and ran up to Hunk, snuggling deep into the giants warm arms. 

"Alright Lance, all that's left is you. After you take your drink we're going to sit down and get to know our other selves." Allura said. Lance felt a pit in his stomach. He really really didn't want to do this. 

" know I'm starting to feel a little sick, maybe I shouldn't--"

"Ah ah ah," Shiro scolded. He was still quite shy, but he was firm enough to show that he meant business. Lance sighed in defeat. 

"Fine just...just don't overreact k?" Lance asked. They looked at Lance in confusion before Lance took a sip of the liquid.

Instantly the goofy smile on Lance's face disappeared, and his eyes lost the light as he looked at the ground with an emotionless, empty face. The team was shocked at the drastic change. 

"Lance?" Hunk asked. "Are you okay?"

Lance let out a bitter laugh. "Me? Okay? When am I ever okay?"

"What are you talking about there, buddy?" Hunk asked, starting to get concerned. 

"Hunk, buddy, bro bro, when are suicidal people okay?" Lance said with fake smile.

The noise in the room was gone. Everyone stared at Lance with horrified shock. Lance was suicidal? What?!

"Lance.." Shiro said softly, walking up to Lance almost like he was an injured animal. "Lance what are you talking about buddy?"

"I'm suicidal," Lance shrugged. "It's fine. Don't worry about it."

"Don't worry about it?!" Keith cried. "But Lance this is serious!!"

"Not really," Lance smiled sadly. "I mean, if I die you can just replace me. It's all good." 

"Lance this isn't okay!" Pidge cried. "Are you..hurting yourself?"

"What do you think?" Lance said dryly. Pidge swallowed the dry lump in her throat. 

"Okay..Okay well we can fix this." Pidge said. "We can--"

"Pidge don't you get it?" Lance asked sharply. "You can't fix me! There's nothing to fix! I'm fine!"

"Being depressed isn't fine!" she snapped.

"Well I've lived this long." Lance sighed. 

"Lance please, we can help you."

"Sorry, don't need fixing." Lance insisted, running out the room quickly, leaving the team behind in horrified shock. 

And as they watched as the new Lance left, they wondered if anything could be done to save their friend and family?

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