Footballer's hijabi wife

By prayerandpatience

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She had stayed unmarried a little longer than her family's liking but she was never going to settle. She was... More

1.The visitors
2.The hot mess
3.Standing up
5.The answered prayer
6. "For so long"
7.The bell rings
8.The word comes in
10.Just us
12. Tahajjud
13.Without you
14. What is wrong with you/me
15. Family
16. In my head
19.Media 1
20. Media 2
21. Progress
22. A step back
23. Daddy Youssef
24. No Tears
25. You are my sister
26. Ramadan
27. For Youssef
28. See me
29. Unexpected visit
30. Truce
31. Youssef Amin's wife
32. Alhamdulillah
33. Our Ibrahim
34.Love, Respect and veneration
35.Teach me how to Lord
36. Blame and Shame
37. I want 11
38. Secrets
39. Caught
40. Somehow married
41. Caught in the middle
42. Call him
43. Masjid Noor
44. Sharing Youssef

9.Not like any other

2.8K 192 14
By prayerandpatience

Hey guys.
Sorry for the late update. But here's a long chapter I guess. I hope you guys enjoy it and leave your comments and votes. Much appreciated.

It had been months now and finally the nikah was here. Throughout the months a lot had happened. I had gotten to know Aqsa's family better. I even got to know more about her through my mom and Maryam, they would meet from time to time and all I heard were good things MashAllah. Maryam enjoyed her company so much, I think she liked Aqsa more than me now.

I laughed.

Her brother Sayeed was quite friendly and very protective of Aqsa. We had gotten close over the months because he wanted to really know me before the nikah was finalized and Alhamdulillah it was good. We got along well and enjoyed each others company. And now it was a week to the nikah and I could only think how Aqsa was handling it.

Girls had a lot to do I guess, so I really wonder what was going on with her. Alhamdulillah I felt so positive about the marriage and everyday I prayed that Allah makes this easy for us.

I asked Allah for signs if she was the one and Alhamdulillah so clearly I saw the answers to my prayers. Every day got better for me. For my feeling towards this union. Alhamdulillah did Aqsa feel the same way?

I walked into the house with the shopping bags and Zahra was with me and the twins. My sisters were at their homes and inshAllah they'll be here on Thursday because the nikah was going to be on friday. My wedding was not like any other. All my sisters had grand weddings but I didn't want anything big. Just family and close friends and I'm glad Youssef's family wanted the same thing. They didn't have a big family anyways. Just his cousins were going to come from France from his father's side of the family and some close relatives from his mothers side. I had Aunty Yasmin, Zahra, ofcourse everyone at home, and my siblings spouses and their in laws and ofcourse some of my few friends.
Saffiyya was looking at me and I knew what she wanted to say but I just kept quiet.

'You know, I'm really disappointed in mother. She should be here helping you pack all these things, like what do we know about Marriage shoppings and all that. Alhamdulillah for Zahra's help Atleast.'

'Well maybe if your sister listened to me, I would help. She knows she's making a mistake and I won't help her make it.' Mother's voice came from no where.

Even months after, she still insisted that I was making a mistake by marrying Youssef but if this was true why was Allah opening my heart to it? Why did I feel so good planning this? Why did I not have cold feet. SubhanAllah I cried at night for Allah to show me what mother was seeing. To see the bad in Youssef if it were there but nothing. Nothing. I didn't see any bad signs, bad feelings or bad dreams SubhanAllah nothing.

I just looked at her and not saying anything. Zahra and aunty Yasmin were so helpful Alhamdulillah. Everything was well planned. Fatmah helped from time to time. Asiyah would just ask what was up but she had never offered help. She was mother's best friend so I wasn't surprised that she thought the same thing as mother.

When mother left us we shut the door to my room and we started arranging everything.

'So will you be staying with your in laws?' Zahra asked.

'No. Sayeed told me that Youssef has an apartment already and all that, we won't stay with his parents.'


Ruqqaya who had been quiet for sometime chipped in.

'Zahra that's a good thing yeah? I don't want to live with in laws! I hear all these horrible stories and I'm like na'ah! Boy bye.'

We laughed so hard at her comment.

'Not necessarily. I stay with my in laws and Alhamdulillah they are good people. The home is so alive and all. Feels like family.'

'Mashallah lucky lucky you. But wallahi I won't take that risk.'
We all laughed again.

I had taken my annual leave from work and Alhamdulillah I had one whole month free now, just concentrating on the wedding without pressure from work. My phone started ringing  and it was Sayeed, wow. Some negativity and a lot of positivity and love during these moments.

'Asalaam aleykum , how is the most handsome brother doing?'

'Waaleykum salaam my darling. Alhamdulillah the handsome brother is doing well today.'

'Ah.. that's amazing Alhamdulillah.'

'How are you and everything with the arrangements , someone has been dying to find out.' Sayeed laughed and I just knew that he meant Youssef.
They hang out a lot these days and they've become somewhat close. I blushed hearing about Youssef my cheeks all red and all of my sisters looked at me questioningly.

'Aqsa, lost your tongue?' Sayeed teased.

'Oh stop it. I'm just busy that's all. Everything is going on well Alhamdulillah. We are just packing and all that.'

We talked a bit and we continued unpacking our shopping bags. Zahra then had to go.

'I have to go now Aqsa. Ahmad will be home soon and I haven't prepared anything.'

'Aqsa you hear? MARITAL RESPONSIBILITIES! are you still sure?' Saffiyya teased me. This girl was crazy SubhanAllah.

'You know what, we'll drop you at your place and then we'll go eat outside. You guys are in yeah?'

'Ofcourse!' The teenagers replied.

I dropped her at her place, then we went off to have Dominos pizza. As we sat waiting for our order, Ruqqaya elbowed me.

'Aqsa, isn't that Youssef?'

My stomach dropped I was so scared now. We all turned to look in his direction. He was in a white thobe and his hair wasn't trimmed. The golden curls so evident now. He just stood holding a small paper bag as he leaned over the metal railing as he was on his phone and he seemed like he was waiting for someone. Was he still with Sayeed? They were together half an hour ago.

'The minute he turns and finds us looking at him.' Saffiyya laughed.

I laughed too. 'Okay now look away, enough.' I told them and they laughed.

'Come on it's not like we are checking your hubby out. Let's just see if he is with Sayeed. So we can see our brother and say Salaam.' Ruqqaya laughed.

As if sensing the eyes on him, Youssef looked up and his eyes met the six pair of eyes looking at him. Very awkward. He casually waved and we looked away. Just a few minutes later, we felt the movement towards us as two men made their way towards Dominos.

'Shame Shame, who lied about packing and she's here feasting.'

'Asalaam aleykum' we all said together. Youssef was just quiet not even looking at us now.

'Waaleykum salaam. Aqsa, poor Youssef will now think his wife is a liar.'

I blushed. His wife. I wanted to speak but I don't know why this happened whenever his presence was felt. I just blushed like an idiot. Now I had to speak to avoid making a fool out of myself.

'Oh please Sayeed. Don't ruin my good name now, Zahra was going home, so we dropped her and decided to come eat.'

The twins were giggling and I just wanted to hit all of them for keeping me on the spotlight like that.

'Okay you girls enjoy, we have other places to be.'
They left us and our pizza came. After eating we made our way to the parking lot.

'Aqsa, for what it's worth, Youssef seems like a nice guy.' Ruqqaya said seriously.

'It's important that you know that, you know with everything going on.' My little sisters were so mature. You'd expect these words from Fatmah and Asiyah but SubhanAllah it was the youngest ones.

'Jazakallah. You guys have been the best in these past few months.'

'You just shouldn't forget us, Ruqqaya imagine when she's married and she's like my husband this my husband that.'

I laughed. 'I'll suffocate you guys with that in sha Allah.'

Ruqqaya rolled her eyes, ' we'll have to stop hanging out with her. When Asiyah got married all we could hear was Mansoor this Mansoor that, it was really boring.'

'That will be my revenge on you two.'

I woke up today as a happy person, Alhamdulillah the day was finally here. Yesterday I did my henna, waxing and facials. Today was the day and I didn't expect to wake up to this. The twins, Zahra, my sisters, Aunty Yasmin all were here with roses, baloons and chocolates cupcakes for the bride. Amal was recording SubhanAllah could she even, I laughed.

'It's your wedding day!' They all screamed together. It was a happy atmosphere in my cold room and they all jumped on my bed with me.

'Let's enjoy these sweet cupcakes.'

'All of you are looking beautiful and the bride has to eat cupcakes with her morning face.'

'Oh please habibty, you know that you are beautiful.' Aunty Yasmin said.
We sat there eating cupcakes and tea it was so beautiful. Mother, wasn't here. SubhanAllah even today? How was she feeling? That everyone was here except her? Anyways, I was happy that's all that matters. After the beautiful arrangement. I made my way to the bathroom to have a shower. I walked out with my robe to find Aunty Yasmin here, she looked so much like my mother SubhanAllah.

'Aqsa, here are your things for the nikah, the stylist and the make up artist will be here soon, we are all downstairs making sure the decorations and the catering is in place.'

'Okay. Thank you so much aunty Yasmin.' I was overwhelmed with feelings. She has been so helpful to me I can't even explain how much.

'Don't cry now habibty, it's a happy day.' She hugged me.

I cried in her embrace that felt so motherly. She patted my back softly as she urged me not to cry.
'You deserve everything beautiful my dear and By Allah's will your wedding will be beautiful in sha Allah, no one can ruin what Allah planned.'

'Thank you so much Aunty, May Allah reward you with goodness.' I said in between tears.

'We talked about this day so much with your mother. She was so excited about this experience but Allah knows best.'

I nodded. She then kissed my cheeks and left the room. So i just sat there waiting for the stylists. It was almost noon and they would come after dhuhr prayer to finalize the nikah.

The stylists were finally here and all my sisters were in the room now looking at the work being done on me. My dress was burgundy and gold it was beautiful, I loved it so much. Even the stylist commented on it. Alhamdulillah. My hair was done into thicker curls Ofcourse I'd wear a hijab now and in the walima tonight but it had to be beautifully done. The make up was light also, nothing heavy but it was clearly visible, and lastly my dress was on now.

'The most beautiful bride Mashallah. You look so beautiful.' Zahra commented wholeheartedly.

'Aqsa, you look so lovely. I did a lot of works on brides but MashAllah I must say you look simply gorgeous than most.'

'Ay ay my sister raising the bar so high!' Saffiya commented.

'You look beautiful.' Other compliments came from my sisters.

The stylists were packing their stuff but they'd stay because of the walima work later. Unexpectedly mother walked in.

'Can some of you go downstairs and make sure everything is going smooth. My head is almost exploding.' I almost smiled.

' You look beautiful Aqsa.' She said. I didn't even expect that.

'Thank you mother.'

'Be ready, the groom and all will be arriving soon.'
After we had all prayed. I went downstairs to mothers room to wait for the groom. I then heard mother and Asiyah speak.

' I really don't like this marrying strangers and all. But I'm tired of talking some sense into this girl. Let her learn the hard way.' I made dhikr whenever I heard such negative things. I didn't want to give into the negativity and ruin my day.

'And much more to a nobody. I don't know what's wrong with her, I even asked Mansoor if she knew the guy and he was like why is your father marrying Aqsa to a nobody. A lot of rich people wanted to marry Aqsa.'

We then heard that the men had arrived and that the nikah in the masjid was done. So they came to get my nikkah signature now. I was now in the majlis and my father, Sayeed, Zayn, Youssef's father and Youssef came in with the Kadhi and I signed the papers Alhamdulillah everything went smooth and we exchanged rings. He sealed the ring exchange with a forehead kiss and I blushed so much everyone was laughing. The first touch was something I had pictured, I was scared but Alhamdulillah his confidence helped.

'Mabrook Aqsa.' My father hugged me. Then my brothers, my father in law too. The man of the hour now stood waiting for his chance. I was so shy. Aunty Yasmin was there in the majlis with me and my sisters.
Everyone was congratulating me now, my cheeks were paining from all the smiling.

'Okay, now can we leave the newlyweds?' Sayeed said. My stomach dropped at the thought of being left alone with Youssef for the first time. Everyone made their way out. Ready to go feasting.

Youssef looked so good in his white thobe and the black and gold bisht. A plain white shemagh and the black igal. He looked so good like someone who would actually make it to a magazine cover, I wanted to laugh but all I did was blush as he walked closer to me.

'Asalaam aleykum Aqsa.' He says in his husky voice.

'Waaleykum salaam.' I said in a low voice and I could feel that he wanted to laugh at my shyness and my evident uneasiness.

'I don't bite.' He joked.

'Ha!' I said twitching my lips. He stood infront of me as his physique towered over me.

'You look beautiful Mashallah.'

'Thank you, you too!' I said not looking at him.

'Beautiful?' He asked as he chuckled.

I laughed shyly. 'Umm. You look good, I meant.'

'And how do you know that, you haven't even looked at me.' He said jokingly.

Oh you don't know anything Youssef, I know every detail I laugh inwardly.

He was so confident, but who wouldn't be, with all that height. His body radiated confidence and I wished it was contagious. But it was the opposite. I felt like it took all of mine.

I smiled, not finding the confidence to look at him. He just laughed again and stood there looking at me and i felt like I was annoying him with my stupidity.

I wanted to talk to him but I was so shy. So I gathered myself to look at him and oh those beautiful green eyes looked into mine. His eyes were intense and he wore such a beautiful smile.

'Now you can tell me if I look good.'
I laughed at his joke.

He came and took a sit next to me and I froze. The closeness was something new to me. Especially knowing that now, he was my husband and there were no boundaries. I didn't know what to expect.
He reached out for my hand and he just sat there holding my hand and looking at our hands intertwined.

'I hope that you are as happy as I am Aqsa.'

'Alhamdulillah I am.' He smiled again. He kissed my hand then stood.

'In sha Allah I will see you later.'

After enjoying the Walima and everything with family. It was very nice. I met Youssef's cousins and his family. It was very fun. I was glad we kept it simple. I could see my sisters feasting and the kids run around the yard. Plucking out the roses and all.

Everyone would come and say good things and bring gifts as I sat there. Now, I was tired and I couldn't wait to go and sleep. But when I realized that I wouldn't be sleeping on my own bed tonight, I had second thoughts.
Did I really want this wedding to end.

My sisters came and started making jokes when they realized I was laughing on my own.

'Really Aqsa, you are day dreaming on your wedding.' Nasrah teased.

'Shut up you guys.'
They all laughed.

'Well Father has gone to sleep and people are already leaving. Apparently, Your husband is waiting for you outside.'

'Oh!!' I said. Noor then came to me, my now mother in law.

'Aqsa, Your wedding was so beautiful Mashallah my daughter. Everyone seems to have enjoyed.'

'Alhamdulillah. Thank you Umm Youssef.'

'Umm Youssef will you take her with you to her husband because he's waiting and she is avoiding him.' Nasrah joked again.
My mother in law laughed.

We all stood up and everyone was hugging me goodbye. My things were already at my new home since Wednesday Alhamdulillah now, only I wasn't home. After hugging everyone goodbye I walked to the entrance where I saw my brothers and my father who stood with Youssef waiting for me.

'Here comes the beautiful bride.' Zayn announced. I hugged all of them and I made my way to Youssef's car ready to start a new life with him. Ready to start the journey of perfecting half of my deen.

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