Tale Of Sarna The Shield Warr...

By dram12

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Second Part of Tale Of Sarna Shield Warrior. The world has moved on. Sarna's continuing Adventure to build a... More

Now Ready
The Making
The Telling
My Thoughts
Army of Ohio
The Skirmish
Cow pens / Atlanta
The Conquerors
Stella Marie
The Ocean Blue
We Sail
The Story part two
They Arrive
The Ohio's
Atlanta - A Spy
A Spy part 2
One / The Raid
One / The Raid part 2
Mason / Kit
After Action Report
They Return
Sarna's Plan
The Journey
Tour - Meeting
The Meeting
Evening Next Morning
Atlanta - Savannah
The Attacks
Ocean Blue 21.99 - 71.69
War and Man
Camp Joy
Battle part two
Army Of Carolina
Battle Of Pelion
Columbia / Augusta
Horrel Hill
Silence at Arthurtown
Silence / 2
Mitch's Ride / The Captured
Allendale - Columbia
First United
The Tribunal - Mitch & Liz
The Trial
Baldwin Inn
Pigs To Slaughter
She Must Fall
Victory And Death
Garden City
Garden City /2
Moving Forward
You The Reader
Charles Town
Liz And The Rifle
The Confusion
Stanson's Report / The North
Seven weeks
Terrence / Plymouth
TA Sea / Santee
Battle Of Santee
Durns Folly
June / August
Second Battle Horrel Hill/ Smithfield
Army Of Ohio
Yorktown / Haivershaw
Southeastern Islands
Taft / Yorktown
Surrender Field
The Years After

The Story

16 6 18
By dram12

Jacob and Lana were the last to sit down around the fireplace. Jacob pulled out his bottle of whisky.
Sat it on the floor, Lana sat next to him. Sarna and
Ben sat in an over large easy chair. Louse sat on some pillows on the floor, Garret in a rocking chair.  Lana said before we start, I've Liza letting
the officers know we are not, to be disturbed. Unless its an all out attack.  So dear Ben when ever
you are ready.

Well the way I've been doing this is just open it
up read what ever happens to pop up. Old guy doesn't follow any order. So I'll open this and start.
Just need to read a little ahead is all. Lana propped herself in the corner of the sofa laying her legs across Jacob. He patted her thigh poured two whiskies. Handed Lana one then placed his on the table. Passed the bottle to Louse. As the bottle went around Ben started.

The Dark Time's

Well I promised So I'll talk of what I know of the
Dark Time. Most is second hand now, if I know for
fact I'll say so. Second hand stuff came from people
I know and trust. How much it has been changed
over the years. Well lets say its not certain.

First off been several Dark Time's much like the World Moving On. Been several of those events.
They could all be tied together I don't know,
Most not even the Keepers are certain.

So lets begin, we had machines that could think and do. Before you get all bunched up. Machines could
think talk do things man did. Yes now ya sayin Common don't be spinnin a yarn. Well I'm not.
They could, well best way to put it. They could sew
a button on and tie the knot when done.

You see they could do every thing a human could do.
Make decisions talk to you. Lan sakes must of been strange times.

Lana said we should stop this is talking of the Past!
We could all die for knowing this! Jacob tell Ben to
stop! Jacob nodded then said, Ben continue please.
I'll not do a thing. I believe Louse has heard this.
Maybe we all need to hear it. Go on Ben please.

Ok let me find my spot just a sec. Got it.

Well after N.O. One came a long that was the name
of the first super intelligent machine. If what I've
been told is right N.O. One named itself. No One
is what it called itself. Well I've seen pictures not
drawings things called photos. What they called A.I.
If I remember correctly it was called a computer.

Even after improvements it still called itself No One.
Now No One could talk to the other A.I. send out what they call updates. These machines took over
Mans jobs. Get this the ones that owned the companies. Well made people purchase these things.

They bought them on Time payments, they paid for the maintenance and updates. Then got paid a portion to live on. Well this new wonder supposed to make life better! Back fired! Like a cannon ball lodged in the barrel. Prices that is what things cost,
didn't go down nor stay the same. Why I was told
they kept going up!

Best way to put it, the old straight copper you could divide four ways. Now only in half. I can remember an ale was a quarter straight now its a half .
Think if it did that well beyond what you had, then kept going up. Well the first part of the half of the
World Moving on is done.

Second half starts we gots tired.

Louse stood could we stop I'd like to hear the hole
thing I need to step to the privy. Take a short break.
Ben nodded sure if no else cares. Sarna nodded yes
I'd like a break. Whispering in Bens ear remember
the pictures at the tower. Flying machines Ben,
dear me think he is speaking the truth.

Ben nodded gave her a fast kiss, mouthing I think so.
Sarna hugged him, gotta go. Ben watched as she walked away, smiled thinking Sarna one day we'll
be free. Just us and the world. Jacob patted Lana's
thigh I need up dear lady. I really hope you are
listening. This maybe important.

Lana stood I need to step away, little fresh air
just get me if I'm not back. Jacob smiled I'll do that
walking over to Louse and Garret, just as Ben came
up. Ben looked at them, I kept quiet for fear of
breaking the Law Sarna did also. What I call
the Grand Tower in the Waste Land, had drawings
Large things that ran on tracks flying machines.
What Common is saying I believe to be truth.

Jacob took a drink, yes Common may on occasion
stretch the truth. Embellish something, never lie
if he says its as close to the truth as possible.
Then its the truth. Louse added I've heard it told
before, he is speaking the truth! Close to what I
was told. Garret shook some Louse if I get the same
story twice like this, I believe now all of what you
said. Ben stepped around swayed some, Think
I need some whisky. Soon as Sarna gets back.
Louse said I need to step away, I still haven't.
Thought we should speak first.

Lana caught Sarna as she left the privy, wait here after you come out can we speak? Before going back?
Yes Lana we can speak.
Lana stepped back out, Sarna what we are hearing
is against the Law. Just knowing can get you killed.
I know in my heart we should hear this. Just remember tell all only to speak of it when alone.
After we finish, please I wouldn't want us all killed. Never know where a Tracker maybe. 

Sarna looked at Lana Tracker? Yes dear a Tracker
Rangers that searched out the Keepers. I'll tell
of them after. Best we head back.

Sarna cuddle up close to Ben. Ben kissed the top
of her head. We ready? Garret said I believe so.

Ben looked at the page, ok then.

We gots tired of it, meaning man. Oh man just ta lets you know is referring to humans. Wanted to get that straight, for the ladies. Back on track Common.

Some of the Few that owned businesses, tried to
keep us working. Still making stuff with man and
simple machines. They were gradually forced out by
the Few that owned the big Corporations.
Mind you this is going on all over not one Land
all Lands. Ifin you didn't know theys Lands across The Ocean Blue.

Well we took those Few on lets just say we lost.
Put down, No One and The Few took to leading The World. How long the War with the Few lasted
The Keepers aren't sure. The Few in some Lands allied together to have more. No One must have
decided that.

Three Wars Lands thousands of miles away took
to killin each other. They would stop sign a Truce.
Few years later go it again.
Finally some how after it was to damn late.
How they did it Keepers don't know. No One was turned off.

Things got messy seems the World was tired of man and his stupidity arrogance. She made it cold, parts
of the world that didn't freeze up froze. Earth quakes ones well past how they measured them. Second part of the World Moving On.

Third Part of The World Moving On.
Those Few, the ones that started it all still ran the World why not sure. Guess power isn't easy to take away. Well they said fifty thousand from each state
they be fifty at the time. Like we have Thirteen Lands. Will gather up, the Best and brightest to start up the World again. They will move to a safe place and ride this out.

Get this when they was working on leaving. They destroyed aircraft, ships any thing that could help
Man get away. Yes Folks we had Machines that flew.
Wouldn't that be interesting flying machines.
The Many were stuck to ride this out.
Guess, yes they were wrong. Why we still here ain't we.

Oh I forgot when this started half the worlds population was gone. The Keepers say when this
Extinction Event finished an eighth of the world
population was left. Maybe less they aren't sure.

I must tell the Few that weren't chose died within
days after the chose left. They was Killed, things
went bad all around. Keepers say it may of took
thousands of years to recover. More Wars started
over Land. Some simple machines we could keep
working some passed the knowledge on to others.
Most knowledge of the simple machines was lost.

The machines that still worked were kept going
by some till they died off broke not able to fix.
Machines were out lawd, even those that ran them
were out laws. Only wind or water driven was allowed. One train ran for a time. Place called D.C.
Nobles kept it going well just because at one time they all met. They called it a subway, under ground.
You know the fifty states. They formed should say
tried to form the old government.

Well I rode that subway thing when I was young.
It broke soon after. What a lark something the Nobles wanted and out lawd, they have no one to fix
it. Lan sakes that is to funny. On track Common.

I know you a sayin just how did that survive this
thing killed most of the people. Hell I don't know,
the Keepers don't know. I don't think any that
could fix the machines made past what's called
the third Dark Time.

Fourth and Final Dark Time. Well they is one more
its called The Finishing. It is part of the Forth Dark

The Fifty fell apart. You see border wars some parts
of the world lay in waste. Land unfit to farm.
People pushed into more fertile ground. States fought over borders better land to farm. The Government of the Fifty soon went forty then twenty.
At twenty they stopped for a spell. Last one wasn't
finished up till well my late teens. We became the
Thirteen Lands separate but united.

The Ohio's sealed them selves off. The Waste Land
helped with that plus the border wars. Well ya see
most Kentuc and all of once was Tensee are the Waste Land. Kentuc started it with Ohio and lost
Indian did the same lost. Michgan tried well lets
say The Ohio's gots an Army like non other.

Pen didn't mess with her, they kept to themselves
they got absorbed by York, that one I was in on.
Lan sakes. I talk about that early on in here.
On track Common stay on track.

Well some how they gots together the Nobles
they said always been against the Law to know
the Past. We know they is Keepers. Those must
die. Well The Ohio's kept some machines and such
running people could fix some and such. They
don't no more, the finishing took care of that.

They sent Trackers out some to kill the ones still
alive that new about machines from the Past and
the Keepers. Dark Time's lan sakes Rangers patrolled one another's Land Ohio's seal it self
off. United but separate, sure we were separate
come on. How did this come about with out at least
Twelve agreeing.

Well lets talk Tracker I know they are real. Ya see
Norm was chose to be one. Before ya start sayin bull
shit get all bunched up. Hate to say it was a Tracker,
not agreeing at all with not knowing the Past.

This part I know is the truth its been verified by myself. This is fact all. Norm was given a list of Keepers. To kill not by looking at the facts doing judgement Just kill them. He gave me this list when I took Jacob on his first ride. I still have it, so I knows
the names. I'll mention two of them. Bartholomew Taft, from the Ohio's, Robert W. Stanson, Missasip.

Those two I know no harm will come to them nor
the families. They are well protected. Norm didn't
kill a one of them. He told so to my face. That Stanson feller he maybe that Privateer. The Ohio one
well his daughter, she had Norm junior.
That is fact now! Hard Fact I know for sure!

I met her and the boy, well full grown man. How many Keepers were killed not sure. My friend Norm
done right! I don't care what you may think!
Norm did right. Now Jacob far as I know doesn't
know this. Jacob if ya hear tell of this or read it.

Your Pa said you was adopted, Ifin any this got
out to save from being held responsible. If his actions were ever found out. You grew to be a fine
Ranger. Ifin I had a son I'd want him to be just
like you. That Family you have dear me grand they
are. Somethin I should pass on. Those chosen will
come back after a time. That was the plan. Believe me if you want. This is the truth best I know it.
Next time hell I don't know. That's it for now.

Ben closed the book, he sat quiet the rest did too.
Sarna looked at her Father. Jacob smiled and shrugged. They didn't speak amazed at the last
few words Ben had spoke. Louse broke the silence
I did not put two and two together. If Bill did he
didn't tell me. Jacob this was only passed between
the Keepers. We know death to all if spoken.

Jacob Sarna your Father Grand Father is almost a
Myth a Legend. All the remaining Keepers know
of him. How he never killed any on the list.
He came back only to protect those he didn't kill.
Fell in love and stayed in the Carolina's. Not knowing what happened to his son or its  Mother.

He gave up so much to protect the ones he loved.
That is why he is a Legend. I shall now give on my
word of honor, I'll stay fight and protect Sarna the
best I can Jacob you also. All that I have I pledge
will go towards defeat of the Invaders.

Jacob stood Sarna all we must never speak of this
only when alone and together all of us. Ben keep
the book hid well. Its not late I think if others
want tell a story or talk we should. Give us time
to unwind some. First a break I'd like some cheese maybe a sausage and an ale. Sarna nodded break
get some food say in ten minutes we return Lana
wanted to tell one. Lana smiled yes I'd like to tell
one. Food does sound good.

Well this is going to be rather long. I'll break it
here do a part two. I hope this has tied the story
together up to this point. I felt Common in his
laid back talk would best explain it all. Louse I felt
was a little to lets say, to classy to bring out
The World Moving On. Let me know, if you
Louse should of done this. I felt when he told Garret
it was flat but that is Louse. Questions feel free to PM me or in the comments. How to Bring the Invaders
into the story who they are. Was a little harder than
expected. Felt it should of been sooner. Hey if I kept
you reading think it worked out fine.

Thanks all for reading voting and commenting.

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