
By jessiicaaa

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Sophie Winters is your average 16-year-old until her old neighbour moves back next door and takes her for a r... More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
Chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty six
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two
chapter forty three
chapter forty four
chapter forty five
chapter forty six
chapter forty seven
chapter forty eight
chapter forty nine
chapter fifty
chapter fifty one
chapter fifty two
chapter fifty three
chapter fifty four
chapter fifty five
chapter fifty six
chapter fifty eight
chapter fifty nine
chapter sixty
chapter sixty one
chapter sixty two
chapter sixty three
chapter sixty four
chapter sixty five
chapter sixty six
chapter sixty seven
chapter sixty eight
chapter sixty nine
chapter seventy
chapter seventy one
chapter seventy two
chapter seventy three
chapter seventy four
chapter seventy five
chapter seventy six
chapter seventy seven
chapter seventy eight
chapter seventy nine
chapter eighty
chapter eighty one
chapter eighty two
chapter eighty three
chapter eighty four
chapter eighty five
chapter eighty six
chapter eighty seven
chapter eighty eight
chapter eighty nine
chapter ninety
chapter ninety one
chapter ninety two
chapter ninety three
chapter ninety four
chapter ninety five
chapter ninety six
chapter ninety seven

chapter fifty seven

3.4K 96 22
By jessiicaaa

Another two weeks had passed since Niall and I had made up, I was Niall Horans girlfriend, and the news about it spread like wild fire. First it was a few people in school, mainly my group of friends, and nialls group and some in my brothers. But then people spotted us, walking to class together, they'd seen Niall, pressing me against lockers and kissing me, they'd spotted us after school, and soon enough the whole school knew.

I had gone from being a spot on the pavement, to a 300ft building, id been put on the map, people suddenly knew my name, or knew I was Niall Horan's girlfriend.

It was strange without a doubt, but I ignored it. My mother still doesn't approve in the slightest. I feel awful every time Niall runs in to her when he's around or is picking me up, the tensions she gives off is enough to send anyone running, but despite her disapproval she's getting on with it, accepting it, which I think my father had a huge part to play in.

I could go in to detail about everyone, my brother, Louis, Danielle, but there was no point, they were all supportive.

Louis had started dating the girl he brought to the bonfire, and I fully approve, he seems to be infatuated with her, not one conversation have we had where he hasn't mentioned her name.


"You have all the dates wrong" I laughed as Niall rolled his eyes crossing out the last sentence he wrote, we were sat down the back of the field during lunch, I had been sitting with my normal friends too, but most days Niall and I sat together on our own, I enjoyed that more.

"But if the people didn't revolt against the king then, then how did they do it at all?" Niall stressed running his hands through his hair as I sat up on my knees waddling over in front of him calming him down.

"That doesn't matter, you just need to remember 1789, okay?" I whispered, pulling his hand .away from his hair and holding it in mine. Niall looked at me worriedly as he nodded, it was rare to see Niall so stressed about one exam.

"Niall" Rhiannon and one of her friends Ryan came strolling over to us as Niall looked up raising an eyebrow.

"What?" Niall groaned as I glanced between him and Rhiannon. She smiled sitting down in front of us, as Ryan lingered behind, I didn't like Ryan, he was the one at Zayn's party who had all the weed, he always looked shifty and angry, I don't think we'd ever even had a real conversation.

"We're all going out tonight, to get something to eat, and you're coming okay?" Rhiannon smiled. I did like Rhiannon, she was so sweet and welcoming which isn't what you would think first looking at her and her black hair and fishnet tights.

"No fuck off." Niall laughed as she groaned rolling her eyes turning to me in an attempt to keep her plans alive.

"Sophie you'll come wont you?" Rhiannon pleaded as I glanced from her to Niall before nodding. Just because Niall wasn't going didn't mean I couldn't, as I said Rhiannon was nice, and so were some of her friends, so I didn't see why I couldn't extend my small circle.

Rhiannon grinned, before smirking evily at Niall as she walked away, with silent Ryan following close behind.

"You're pure trouble" Niall sighed as I looked to him smirking. "Why would you even want to go?" He asked, sounded exasperated as I shrugged annoying him further.

"Why don't you want to go?" I asked back knowing a large proportion of the answer would involve Harry being there.

Harry and I were still friends, but Niall had had a fight with him shortly after the bonfire, about having his arms around me, and the whole night, which I totally agreed with, but since then things between Harry and I had been a little tense.

"Because they're all giant dicks and twats, and you shouldn't be around people like that" Niall grumped obviously annoyed by my persistence.

"I hang around with you don't I" I teased as he glanced up at me from the grass shooting me a challenging look.

"That's different, you're my girlfriend, you're stuck" Niall smirked as I shook my head laughing.

"Well either way, I'm going tonight, with or without" I smirked back getting up and slinging my bag over my shoulder before starting to walk over to my friends.

"Wait" I heard Niall yell as I spun around to him raising an eyebrow. "I'll pick you up at six" Niall sighed as I grinned, he shook his head hiding a smile before walking over to his own friends, leaving me to go to my own for the remainder of lunch.


"I was early because I like spending the extra time with you" Niall smirked as he leant against the car with me pulled in to his chest. We were in the car park of the restaurant Rhiannon had given us directions to. In truth, Niall had been an hour early and insisted we left as soon as he arrived. So now we were waiting for his friends in the car park of a busy restaurant.

"Right" I hummed as Niall tightened his grip on my waist pulling me even closer to him as he opened up his grey coat, wrapping it around my body, enclosing it around me, so that I was wrapped up in Niall, enveloped by his coat as heat from his chest radiated off on to me.

"You know I don't lie, not to you Sophie-May" I laughed at Nialls response before glancing up at him and pressing my lips against his.

"Don't do that" Niall mumbled against the kiss as his hand moved to my head before kissing me back slowly, his lip ring added to the chill of the winter evening, pressed against my lip as Niall kissed me carefully, his tongue dancing with mine as one of his hands dropped to my hip before two bright lights shone over us causing us to pull apart.

Niall groaned pulling apart as he rolled his eyes at his friends laughing in the car in front of us, shining their car lights at us.

"This is why I'd rather spend time with you on my own." Niall groaned as I laughed walking towards the restaurant before Niall caught up with me wrapping his arm around my waist protectively before walking us over to the table.

Rhiannon, Harry, Zayn, Chloe and three other people crowded on to the table moments later, smirking at Niall and I before ordering a round of drinks, all alcoholic. I wasn't sure how they got served in a public place, I mean, I know they didn't look 16 and 17, but I was sure people had more sense.

I definitely looked 16, if not younger, which made me suspicious when the waiter provided me with an alcoholic drink too.

I looked over to Niall as he shoved his drink aside discreetly as the rest downed theirs.

"Niall?" I whispered quietly as he glanced over at me before nodding and taking my drink putting it next to his.

We ordered food which came quickly as everyone ate, and rather unpleasantly talked, mostly with their mouths full.

Zayn turned to me, a mouth full of chips as he smiled. "So you're like part of the gang now" He laughed, as I backed up slightly, determined not to get hit in the face by any flying piece of chewed up food.

"She wouldn't want to be part of our gang, she thinks shes too good for us" Chloe spat as I looked over to her across the table, shaking my head.

I didn't actually think that, we were different, for sure, but I wasn't better than them, not in any way.

"Fuck off Chloe" Niall spat back as I felt his hand rest on my thigh gently, reassuringly.

"I think Sophie fits in pretty well, get her inked up a bit and you'll never know the difference" Harry laughed, staring at me warmly, something that hadn't occurred since the bonfire.

"No way is she getting a tattoo" Niall laughed, at the same time giving Harry a steady look as I turned to him raising my eyebrows amusedly. I was enjoying this, apart from Chloe's attempt to ruin it, I was enjoying the gentle banter that was happening.

"Am I not?" I asked as he shook his head as if it were obvious. "I don't know Niall, I might get a lower back tattoo" I laughed as I watched his eyes widen.

"A tramp stamp" Rhiannon giggled, already on her third drink of the night as she sat, almost melted in to Ryan. I presumed a tramp stamp was a lower back tattoo, although I didn't really see the connection.

Chloe sat moodily for the remainder of the night, which, as bad as it sounds, I quite enjoyed, it was like she hated seeing me smile, or witnessing me making her friends smile, and I still wasn't sure what she had against me.

"we were going to the field, you guys up for that?" Rhiannon asked as we walked through the car park. It was already 10pm, and I knew I was pushing my luck staying out but something told me I should, I couldn't live so planned and safe, I was fed up with it.

"Nah, I've got to get Sophie home" Niall mumbled disappointedly as I made the decision, turning to him and shaking my head.

"I'll go." I whispered as Niall looked at me confused. I nodded. "I'll go" I repeated as Niall continued to stare at me.

"What about your mum?" Niall whispered bending down so his mouth was beside my ear as I looked up at him raising an eyebrow suspiciously.

"When have you ever cared what my mum thought?" I laughed quietly as Niall's group of friends started to walk in the direction of the supposed field.

"Very true" Niall chuckled as he discreetly laced his fingers with mine. We walked a bit behind the group to the field, staying on our own.

The field, literally was a field, vast and open, empty, no benches or parks, just a dark deserted field, that was attached to several other fields, lined by tall hedges. It was fair to say I was completely out of my comfort zone as I brought myself closer to Niall, which he sensed as he removed his hand from mine and instead wrapped it around my waist pulling me in to him.

They sat in a huddle, and immediately pulled cigarettes and lighters out of their pockets, passing them around to the group as the flames from the various lighters gave a glow to the area.

I sat hesitantly in between nialls legs as he kept his arms fashioned tightly around the front of me in a protective state. He took the lighter and pack of cigarettes and handed them on to the girl sitting next to us without taking one. Despite the situation, I felt safe with Niall, like he could protect me with his gentle touch.

It was reassuring to know that Nialls displays of public affection, although very discreet, had increased largely since the beginning, when he would refuse to even speak to me in public, let alone virtually pull me in to his lap and keep his arms around me to let everyone know that I was his.

It proved he wasn't embarrassed anymore, or perhaps that he just didn't care, I would accept either of them.

The smell of weed lingered in the air as I shuffled back against Niall, refusing to get inhaled in the cloud of smoke.

The group were talking about things I had no knowledge of, using words id never come across, I didn't like it, feeling so out, on my own. I know Niall knew what they were saying, even if he stayed out of the conversation, but I was out here, in the middle of the ocean trying to stay afloat.

It was when ryan leaned across to me, his breath laced with a disgusting mixture of cheap alcohol and smoke, when I really did feel like I was drowning. It was when he pushed the joint in to my hand nodding his head, I held it in my fingers not knowing what to do as Rhiannon and Harry watched, careful to see what I'd do, how badly I'd mess up, how much of a laughing stock or entertainer id become.

"You smoke it" Ryan laughed as he grabbed my wrist pushing it up towards my mouth, I pushed my head back as I felt Nialls hand grab my wrist pulling it away from Ryan and taking the joint and chucking it behind him.

"She isn't smoking that shit" Niall said through gritted teeth as he pulled me back towards him which I allowed easily. I watched as Ryan rolled his eyes through the dark.

"She's got to try it someday, why not with experts" He laughed pulling out a pack and starting to roll another.

"No she fucking doesn't" Niall said getting angry as I looked up to him silently pleading him to calm down.

"Well you didn't have to throw it you dick, you should know how expensive it is" Ryan grumbled as another boy with black hair nodded, backing him up, as he took a swig of brown liquid in an unlabelled bottle.

"Face it sophie" Ryan laughed leaning forward again closer to my face. This was the most he'd ever spoken to me, and I was glad it wasn't a regular occurrence. "We could teach you a lot if you'd let us" He slurred resting a hand on my knee as I jerked back, standing up.

I didn't want to cause a scene, I wanted to fade in to the background, but at the same time, I didn't want ryan's dirty hands touching me, in any sense. I knew Niall agreed as he swore at Ryan, before standing up and wrapping his arm around me and pulling me out of the field.

"You don't belong with those fuck ups" Niall mumbled angrily as his hand dropped to mine holding it tightly as we walked back to the restaurant to get the car. I stayed quiet, I knew better than to cross Niall when he was angry. "I shouldn't of fucking taken you, I should of just brought you home." He sighed as he got in the car.

"Niall its okay, nothing happened" I whispered, attempting to calm him as I swivelled around in my seat.

"That must have been pretty scary for you" He laughed quietly as I shrugged looking down at the seat. It was scary, it was overwhelming. I wanted to know where their parents were, what they thought their children were doing every night, when they didn't come home, or when they did, smelling of weed and alcohol, or looking like they hadn't slept in two days. I wanted to know how their parents coped, did they not feel anything for the child they'd carried for nine months? Taken care of for 16 or more years? Did they not feel the slightest bit of concern for their little girl or boy?

"I promise I'll look after you more" Niall whispered, making me feel instantly like a little girl, that had gotten herself in to some sort of trouble, but at the same time it made me feel safe, warm inside at the fact Niall wanted to take care of me, and keep me safe.

A/N hi guys so I start college tomorrow which is hella scary but writing might be a bit slow because obvious college comes first haha, but yeah I love you all!

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