Adopted by One Direction (1D...

By Lous_Carrot

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Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be adopted by someone famous? Wouldn't it be different to be... More

Adopted by One Direction (1D FanFic)
The first kiss
Night Styles
No, you look perfect
The one and only!
Could be a guy for all we know
Mahones Girl
Fate will tell
Wake me up more often boys
He is nicer in person
Em Language
Operation Badass
Let the games began
May the odds be ever in you favor
Paybacks a Bitch
Date gone wrong
What is Sex mommy?
Suprise Suprise
Danille what?!?!
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty- Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five

Chapter Thirty

1.5K 36 10
By Lous_Carrot

*Doing the running man* We are at chapter Thirty! Whoop whoop! I want to thank every single one of you guys for commenting, reading, following (or fanning idk), and voting! I will personally dedicate a chapter to all of you in my new book, if we get this a lot of reads!! Thanks guys!


Melanie :)

P.S. Harry and Nialls girfriends are actually real people! They are very nice, and you should follow them. Once Wattpad starts to be nice to me again, maybe it will let me dedicate it to them lol. :)

- Onto the chapter -

Emily Payne

" Harry, I don't think your ever going to find the right girl." I shook my head, as he sat down on the couch.

" Its not my fault! I just can't find the right one yet.." He muttered.

" Well all the lads have girlfriends and dates for the red carpet in a few days. Come on Styles! We need to find you the perfect girl." I said, sitting beside him.

" What if I can't? You know all the one's I pick are fake, and snobby. What if I grow old and have a house full of cats?" He frowned, as I turned off the TV.

" I'm going to help you find the perfect girlfriend. She won't be snobby, or fake- No she will be perfect." I said, kissing his cheek.

" Thanks Em." He said, smiling.

" No problem."

" Emily... Can I talk to you for a second?" Danielle said, coming down the stairs. I turned around, to see she had been crying. Her makeup was running down her face.

I followed her upstairs, into her and Liam's shared room.

" What's wrong Dani?" I said, grabbing her hand as we both sat down on the bed.

" Liam is going to leave me when he hears this.." She cried, sobbing. I pulled her into a hug, as she cried it out. Once her breathing got to normal, she pulled away not looking me in the eye.

" What ever it is, Liam will never leave you Danielle. I will always be here for you, your my mother and my best friend." I smiled.

" I'm- I'm pregnant." She cried, as I sat in shock. I finally snapped out of it, hugging her again.

" That's great news Danielle! I'm so happy for you guys!" I said, truthfully.

" But- But.. Liam said he doesn't want a kid right now.. I found out just this morning, but last night Liam told me he was happy with just us.. No kid." She cried, as I didn't know what to say.

" What's going on?" Liam barged into the room, as Danielle and I looked at each other. I gave Danielle a squeeze before standing up.

" I'm going to go see Louis.." I smiled at her one last time, before shutting the door.

Liam Payne

" Really?" I asked shocked, after what Danielle told me. She nodded her head, looking down.

" Danielle don't cry love." I said, cradling her in my arms.

" B- But you said you don't want kid- Kids." She hiccupped.

" I thought I wasn't ready love. But all I know is I'll be there for you and our kid." I said, setting a hand on her stomach.

" I love you.." She smiled, wrapping her arms around me.

" I love you more Mrs. Payne." I said, pecking her lips. I might not be the best father- But I'm darn sure not leaving the love of my life, baring my unborn child.

Emily Payne

" Hey Louis.. Wake up!" I said, shaking his sleeping body. He took a pillow and put it over his head. After a few failed attempts, I left going to see Zayn.

" Hey Zayn- Woah." I barged in, as my eyes widen. He was on a Skype call with none other than Perrie Edwards.

" Em, come meet my girlfriend Perrie." He said, waving me over. I hopped onto his bed, waving.

" This is Emily? Its so nice to meet you! We will totally be best friends." She smiled, as I was jumping on then insides. Friends with Perrie! You'd think I'm used to meeting famous people, being friends with One Direction and all- But sometimes I just can't believe it.

" I can't wait either! I'm going go and leave you two alone. See you in a few days!" I waved, before shutting Zayn's door.

" Nialler! I'm going to Nados are you coming?" I hollered, walking into his room.

" Yeah meet you down stairs in five!" He yelled from inside his bathroom.

" Harry, Niall and I are going to Nados. Want to come? Maybe will meet your girl!" I wiggled my eyebrows. He hopped up immediately, tugging on his shoes and fixing his hair.

" Do you guys think Ed will be there?" I asked the two boys, walking into Nados.

" Everybody will be there. Oh and even your other favorite boy band." Harry pouted, talking about Five Seconds of Summer.

" Yes! I miss my buddies. We need to all get together soon. The last time was during your guys last tour." I said, as we at down at a booth.

Me and Niall sat across from Harry. The waitress, Ronie, greeted us.

" How may I help you?" She asked. She was very pretty, as Harry could tell. He couldn't keep his grin of his face, looking at her. She had dark brown eyes, matching her brown hair with Red dyed tips.

" Actually my friend here, Mr. hotshot needs a date to the VMA's, and by the way he is looking at you, you should be his date." I said, pointing my head slightly towards Harry, who kicked me from under the table.

" Me? Are you sure? I mean I would love to go.. But you just meant me." Ronie smiled.

" I can tell we are going to get along just fine. My name is-" I began.

" Emily Payne! Its so nice to meet you." She interrupted, shaking my hand.

" When's your shift over? Maybe Harry can take you around London." I smiled, playing matchmaker.

" He is a bit shy." I whispered, so only she heard.

" I would love to take you around here." Harry offered, as me and Niall snickered at him flirting.

" Great! I get off in.." She said, looking at the clock on the wall. " Thirty minutes. Can you wait till then?" She asked, staring at Harry.

" Of course love." He smiled, as Ronie walked away.

" She seemed more eager meeting Emily than you." Niall chuckled, lying.

" Harry is just shy." I nudged Niall. " Woah. Harry was just to shy to talk to a girl! What happen Styles?" I freaked out, as Niall and I broke into a fit of laughter.

" I liked her." I shrugged, as we ate our lunch.

" When do we meet your lady Horan?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

" Soon. Very soon. Her name is Ivana." He smiled to himself.

" Pretty name. When can I meet her?" I asked.

" Like I said- Soon." Niall smiled. I rolled my eyes. I looked over at Harry who was off in his own world.

" Harry." I said, which he didn't even hear me.

" Harry.." I said again, still no response. I smacked his head, hard.

" Ow! What the heck!" He yelled, grabbing his head.

" Me and Niall are going to go. Have fun with Ronie!" I said, grabbing Niall's arm.

" I'm still eating!" Niall pouted.

" We have food at home." I said, as we walked out.

" No.. I ate it all." He muttered.

" Ugh. We will go grocery shopping then." I shrugged, as we hopped into the car. Grocery shopping with the Nialler- Instagram picture calling my name.

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