
By LittleMissyL

450K 22.9K 8K

Moiety: One of two equal parts Never treated as an equal due to being an omega, Yoongi lives life serving ot... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
I Got Tagged
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Never have I ever...
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46 (M) (?)
Chapter 47 (M)
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54- The End
Extra- Tae's Thank You

Chapter 20

8K 382 201
By LittleMissyL

"Ring Ring*


"Namjoon, Hey- Wait, were you asleep? You sound like you just woke up?"

"Yeah I took a quick nap, I was up all night working. What's up?"

"I need to talk to you about something, meet me in the gym in about 20 mins?"

"Okay, should I be worried?"

"I don't think so, see you then"

Jungkook hung up the phone and let out a deep sigh.
I need answers...

It was day after he had scented yoongi, what a beautiful day that was. Jungkook had never felt so euphoric.

Yoongi was slowly becoming his. His smell now engulfed his beautiful mate, and yoongis sweet cherry scent perfectly complemented Jungkooks own scent.

But now his mind was in need of answers, he needed to know more about the PlumOpal pack.

Jungkook waited patiently in the gym, taking a short, brisk walk on the treadmill to keep his mind busy.
Namjoon came in a few minutes later, dressed in grey slacks and a nice cool blue button up, a tie loosely hung around his neck.
Namjoon looked tired, Jungkook almost felt guilty about waking him up until he saw that familiar dimpled smile that reassured him that it was okay.

"What's up kook?" Namjoon asked, sitting on one of the benches.

Jungkook turned off the treadmill and sat on the bench across from Namjoon, inhaling a deep breath before starting.

"I have a few questions, about the PlumOpal pack"

Namjoon visibly tensed. Ever since he arrived here a few years ago, Namjoon rarely talked about his old pack.
"W-what do you want to know?"

"Yoongi was talking to me and Eomma earlier, and he mentioned his brother"

Namjoon released a sad sigh, "Chulsoon..."

"There's so many things I need to ask Namjoon, why was yoongi treated so differently than everyone else? Why do your scouts leave for months on a time? How did Chulsoon die?" Jungkook rambled, unsure of where to start.

"Kook, breathe. I'll answer as much as I can."

Namjoon ran his hand through his hair frustratedly before taking a deep breath and facing Jungkook again.

"Yoongi was treated differently, cause he is different, that's all I can say about that-"


"Let me finish."

Jungkook wore an appalled expression. No one speaks down to him, except from his father when putting him in his place.

"Sorry kook" joon apologised, "this stuff isn't easy for me to talk about"

"It's okay, continue."

"I can't tell you more about yoongi yet, so just trust me on that matter. And about the scouts...." Namjoon trailed off, "we, we weren't normal scouts. There are parts of my past that I'm ashamed of Kook, and being in those goddamn scouts..." Namjoon clenched his fists, knuckles turning white.

"Joon, I won't push you. I just, I feel like I can't protect yoongi if I'm living in the dark"

"We didn't 'Scout' like normal packs... we ... we offered protection. Smaller packs would pay our head Alpha to give them protection. Yet, he didn't give them a choice in whether or not the wanted said protection"

Namjoon was shaking by this point, his voice wavering more and more with each word.


"We would go to those small packs, maybe only 30 members, demand payment. If there wasn't any cash.. the debt had to be paid somehow.. and people were made examples of.." Namjoon voice went quite. He hasn't spoken about the scouts to anyone asides from Chulsoon and Jim. That's it. Even Head Alpha only knows sparse details.

"I'm ashamed of it," Namjoon continued, finally meeting Jungkooks awaiting gaze, "me and Chulsoon wanted out. We had everything planned. We would get yoongis family and my family and leave. Run away, maybe head for the States. But then one day, Chulsoon went home to visit yoongi, as he always did on Sundays. Yoongi walked in with a black eye and a busted lip. He wouldn't talk or tell us what happened. Chulsoon was enraged. He went straight to the pack house and lost it with head Alpha.
Two days later, Chulsoon went missing. We searched everywhere, alpha said he ran off in anger after the yoongi incident. We found him eventually, face down in the river."

Jungkook sat frozen. His initial anger from hearing about his hurt mate was soon replaced with shock.

"Namjoon, im so sorry yous went through that" Jungkook didn't know what else to say.

"I left eventually, came here for Jin. Never looked back. My poor cousin was left alone, because of me being a coward." Namjoon hung his head low.
Jungkook took a moment to wrap his head around everything, it's was only then did he realise his hyung shaking.

"I was so scared kook, chu was my best friend. My fellow knight. He was so young... what if I was next..?"

Jungkook stared at his friend. Ever since he arrived Namjoon quickly was loved in the pack. He was so helpful and kind, not to mention how smart he was, soon earning his position on the Alphas council.

"That's okay. Of course you were scared, I would have been too. I understand you leaving that pack. You were desperate for love joon, and I can understand that after receiving it here, that you'd never turn back. No man in his right mind would." Jungkook stood and placed his hand on Namjoons shoulder.
The latter in turn raised his head to meet Jungkook.

"I'm sorry, I tried to protect him..."!the broken alpha croaks.

Jungkook simply responded, "I know"
And those two simple words made it okay.
Maybe Namjoon could finally open up, and begin to forgive himself.
After he did one thing first

After a moment of silence, and Namjoon had calmed down a bit, Namjoon began to chuckle.

"Something funny?" Jungkook quirked a brow.

"Just remembered something..."

Jungkook turned in his seat, gesturing for Namjoon to continue.

"When we were pups, me, Chulsoon and Yoongi always hung out together on Sundays, that was the day yoongi visited home, and we would play kings and knights" joon laughed at how simple life was back then, "Yoongi was the prince, trapped in the tower, me and Chu were the brave knights that saved him."

Jungkook smiled, imagining a small yoongi, wearing a plastic crown, playing the part of a trapped prince.

"One day we were playing, me and Chu had just saved his majesty and we celebrated, when yoongi suddenly declared he was no longer a prince, and that he wanted to be a king. I of course laughed as the stupid kid I was, and told him he couldn't be a king without a mate. Chu in turn got flustered, stating that he'd be the judge of any mate that came near his dear brother. All the while yoongis sitting in the background trying to find a solution, when suddenly he yelled at the top of his lungs, "Fine if I can't be a king, I'll be a queen!""

Namjoon and Jungkook laughed at the cute actions of a young yoongi, yet a small hint of sadness wavered the happy setting.
Where is that confident happy pup now?

"I just found it funny, cause now he will be a queen." Namjoon turned to face Jungkook, who wore a face of shock, "I haven't been there for yoongi, but now I am. And I can see you're a worthy mate. Chulsoon would have liked you. Take care of Yoongi."

Jungkook blushes, smiling brightly, "I will"


"Tae please, I beg, I plead, STOP TICKLING ME!" Yoongi screamed from his position on the couch.

Both omegas were gathered in the living room, some drama playing on the tv. They both watched for a while before Taehyung accidentally grazed yoongis side when reaching for the remote, discovering just how ticklish he was.

"Fine, I give thee mercy" Tae vowed from his seat, raising his hands in defeat.

"Evil, evil Hyung!" Yoongi teases, throwing a small pillow at Taes head, hitting right on the target.
As a result Tae fell from the couch, clutching to the side dramatically.

"Scar! Brother! Help me!" Tae recited one of his favourite Disney films.

"Scar? What're you saying I'm Yoongi!" Yoongi tilted his head to the side.

Tae hit the ground, instantly shooting a gobsmacked glare at yoongi.

"What?" Yoongi asked, not knowing what caused the look of disbelief on Taes face.

"You.. you've seen the lion king before right?" Tae sits up straight, leaning forward in anticipation.

"No, I wasn't allowed to watch movies back at the pack, and when I visited home I spent time playing board games with my family." Yoongi smiled.

"Wh- But- how- DISNEY?! How have you survived poor child?!" Tae dramatically stands and cradles yoongis face.

"Tae, you're being weird again" yoongi squeaked from his squished cheeks.

"What are yous doing?"
"If Jungkook sees you Tae, you'll be next on his hit list"

Jimin and hoseok both laugh from where they stood in the doorway.

"Yoongis never seen a Disney movie!" Tae screams bloody murder.

Both alphas stare with shock, "Wait, seriously?!"

"I never watched movies back home! It's not weird okay!" Yoongi huffed, feeling embarrassed at all the shocked stares.
What's so great about these Disney movies anyways?

"You know what this mean right?" Jimin asks, now clapping his hands excitedly.

"Movie marathon!" Hoseok cheers, bouncing around in his spot.

"A Disney movie marathon! I'll make snacks! You two go to the Basement and set it all up!" Tae beams before running towards the kitchen.

Yoongi however, froze at the mention of a basement.

"B-basement?" He croaked nervously.

"Yeah, it's like all renovated. There big soft couches and large TVs. All the movies and stuff are down there, cmon!" Jimin excitedly grabbed yoongis hands and pulled him down to the basement.

Once down there yoongi was amazed.
So cool!
The room was painted dark red, in the corner was a small kitchen like area with a fridge, sink and microwave. There was a pool table and dart boards on one side of the room, and on the other was a large cabinet filled to the brim with dvd and game cases. Beside it hung a large flatscreen surrounded by big dark sofas.

"It's awesome right?!" Hoseok cheered before jumping over the couch, landing comfortably in the corner.

"I'll pick the movie!" Jimin ran to the cabinet and browsed the choices.

Yoongi walked quietly to the sofa, sinking deeply into its soft comfort. He decided to make conversation to avoid the awkward silence.

"Can I ask a question?" He tilted his head to the side, as he does when curious.

"Go ahead!"

"I've never seen you two apart, if you weren't both alphas I'd near guess you two were mates! Why is that?"

Both alphas shared a look before turning their attention to yoongi.

"It's.. hard to explain yoongi.." hoseok started.

"None of your business okay, it doesn't matter" Jimin states quite harshly before continuing to rummage through the shelves.

Tae returned with many snacks and Jimin soon put on a film.
Yoongi was confused by jimins hostility, yet didn't question it.
Instead he decided to focus on the movie playing in front of him.
A pretty girl with short black hair and a blue and yellow dress dances across her cottage, cleaning with a bunch of animals.
Yoongi was confused by the scenes but enjoyed them nonetheless, especially the pretty music that accompanied it.

After the first movie, they continue to watch one with singing lions, another about two dogs falling in love, some movie about a girl who fell down a rabbit hole and then a cute film with an adorable deer.
The rabbit in that movie reminded yoongi of Jungkook.

Somewhere during the last film, yoongi fell asleep.

Hoseok noticed first and decided to move the young omega to his room.
He carried yoongi bridal style up the stairs and to his room, lightly tucking the small pup in bed.

"I know he didn't mean anything by it" Jimin stated from the bedroom door, scaring hoseok in the process, "it's just that it's still a touchy subject, and I don't necessarily trust this stranger with that information."

"I understand chim, but you gotta trust him eventually. Sooner or later he'll become our Luna. Look at him," hoseok mover slightly to give visibility to Jimin, "he's still just a pup, what harm can he do? And from what I've heard, he's been through a thing or two. Maybe you should open up just a little"

Hoseok patted jimins back lightly before leaving the room.

Jimin studies yoongi one last time before closing the door,

"Goodnight little pup"

Okay, so, a bit of a longer chapter!
Most of this is like, kinda filler material (?)
Anyways, hope you all enjoyed!

So if you follow me you may have seen my message board but basically, thank you all very much for 3k reads
And I'm planning on doing a Q&A
So give your questions to the characters below.








Other (specify what character you're asking: eg: Luna jaeeun or head Alpha etc)

Author (me) ☺️

As soon as I get enough questions I will post again, and I will post this at the same time I post the next chapter, so even if you don't like these kinds of things, you can still read forward

Also feel free to message me questions and tell me if you want to be anonymous or tagged or whatever 😅

See you next time!

Word count : 2145


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