Fighting Fire With Ice (COMPL...

By _Amahh

143K 14.4K 635

Highest Rankings: #3 in #citylife 31/01/2019. #17 in #nigerian 31/01/2019. BASED ON TRUE EVENTS. Desperate ti... More

Chapter 1: A Complicated Beginning
Chapter 2: The Wedding 1
Chapter 3: The Groom {Edited}
Chapter 4: The wedding 2 {Edited}
Chapter 5: Tahira Muhammad {Edited}
Chapter 6: Innocent, Naive or Foolish
Chapter 7: In the Game of Chess
Chapter 8: Issues
Chapter 9: Fighting Fire with Fire
Chapter 10: The Opening
Chapter 11: Roses are Red
Chapter 12: The Welcome Home Incident
Chapter 13: Coincidence, Confrontations
Chapter 14: Reflections
Chapter 15: Dear Diary
Chapter 16: Happy Never After
Chapter 17: The Beginning of Trials
Chapter 18: Adeline and Adilah Haasim
Chapter 19: Trading Places
Age Profile
Chapter 20: So Much More Than You're Used To
Chapter 21: So Much More Than You're Used to
Chapter 22 : Blindman's Swag
Chapter 23: Pain
Chapter 24: Lost Forever/ Lost but Found
Chapter 25: Conversations
Chapter 26: Played or Betrayed
Chapter 27: Cheated, Betrayed and played
Chapter 28: The Truth Behind the Lies
Chapter 29: I'd Rather Die
Chapter 30: Journey to the Past
Chapter 31: Control {Edited}
Chapter 32 : Destructive Misfortune {Edited}
Chapter 33: Matters Arisen {Edited}
Chapter 34: The Next Seconds {Edited}
Chapter 35: A brother like mine {Edited}
Chapter 36: Regret {Edited}
Chapter 37: Masters of Chess {Edited}
Chapter 38: Aftermath
Chapter 39: Closure
Chapter 40: Forget Old Grudges
Chapter 41 : Mistakes of the present and the Past
Chapter 42: Thoughts
Chapter 43: Face Off 1
Chapter 44: The Breakup
Chapter 45 : Growth
Chapter 46 : Enough
Chapter 47: Delivery
Chapter 48 : Babies are Bae.
Chapter 50: The End

Chapter 49: Power

2.9K 290 19
By _Amahh

Leave your data on for this one.
Power is toxic, Abdul's was growing fast, he could not wait for his father to experience it first hand. To Abdulzahir this was proving that he was now a man and taking revenge at the same time. The documents he had in his possession could not only crush his father but also send him to jail. Knowing how powerful his father was, he knew that he could weasel out of going to jail, but one thing he knew for sure was that his firm would experience a blow like none they have ever experienced before. The source is what  would discredit them most, the price of betrayal is blood.
He felt Untouchable, in KT he had leverage over powerful men, whom were loyal to his father but now have no choice but to be loyal to him. Money would not be a problem, Abdulzahir collaborated with his father's billionaire ex-client, Dr Bashir. Abdulzahir just like his father believed shortcuts were important, while his father spent most of his life for his achievements, his son was more ruthless in his approach.
"Strike the shepherd and the sheep shall scatter"

Do not attack a man unless you are 100% sure you can crush him, make sure you crush him so he can never rise up against you. What he did to Fateema was something else entirely, molesting her as a child is something Abdul's mind could not even comprehend nor forgive. He believed that particular sin alone begets blood.

This plan has been in play since the day his father forced him into law, but then there were no intention of bringing him down. That changed the day he found out his father repeatedly raped the woman he loved as a child and cheated on my mother with her when she came of age.

Power..! It's something so easily attained, when you're willing to sell your soul to the devil. In their case the son outgrew the father.

My little cute baby with sparklingly eyes, there he was nicely tucked in. I watch him so closely, such beauty in something so innocent, a sight to behold. I just can't believe i gave birth to this, it's been forty days, my mom left me with baby Abdallah and a nanny. A knock came on the door "yes?" In came Ummi and Tahira.

I smiled "finally"
Tahira gasped "Zainab!!! why are you leaving your stomach like this, where is your corset?"
"Oh God Tee I'm so tired, it hurts"
She eyed me "where is it?"
"Closet" i replied unwillingly
She opened my closet and out with the corset "stand up please" she begged nicely
"Really i just took it off, can't it just stay off a bit?"
"Ok! I'm not playing with you, get up, now. You look like a pig really and we need to get your body back to before-baby glory."
I pushed my mouth pouting "liked it better when we weren't friends"
"Yeah I'm sure, up please" i stood up, she put it around my waist, she must have strapped it to the last button because i felt the pain sharp "ouch Tee, it's too tight"
"Yeah well, the tighter the better" she replied.

Ummi, now cradling Abdallah said "he looks like Abdulzahir more, the nose especially"
Neither i nor Tahira wanted to indulge her, so we both ignored her.
When the waist trainer was buckled on, I sat back down, which only made the pain worse. "God! being a woman is so hard" I complained
"Speak for yourself, while some of us have been single for ages others are cashing 2 mill checks from exes" Ummi replied while shooting a teasing glance at Tahira. Tahira opened her eyes and slightly shook her head, obviously trying to shut Ummi up. I looked from Tee to Ummitarh and then it hit me "wait, what?" I asked curiously
"Nothing, she's crazy" Tahira replied and took a seat next to me "listen we need to talk about your next course of action"

"Does it involve detail of how someone got 2 million?"
"Nope" she shook her head
"Then I don't wanna hear it, Ummi spill"
"A certain handsome guy gave his ex a parting gift of a blank check and she cashed in 2 million" my mouth dropped open, dumbfounded i looked back at Tahira, she stood up and squeezed Ummi's mouth "shegen bakin da ba zai iya shiru ba"
Ummi moved away with Abdallah still in her arms "lemme jor"

"Ok wait, I'm quite slow but lets see if i got this right. So Abdulmaleek gave you a blank check and you cashed 2 million? And he just let you keep it?"

She sighed and just looked away without replying. "Did you sleep with him again?" Perplexed, I heard myself blurt out and immediately regret it
"WoowwwW!!!" She huffed and head for the door, i stood up fast to stop her
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that, I'm sorry Tee"
Before I could stop her she was gone. Ummi began to clap "and to think you just got on speaking terms, you're just something else you know that?"
"I didn't mean it like that" i replied defensively "go get her please"  i begged
"No!" Ummi casually replied and dropped Abdallah back in his cradle and also left. I sat on the bed alone, why did i say that? I mean honestly it just seem like a lot of money to come out of your ex for nothing and frankly it wasn't supposed to come out. A few hours later I got dressed and decided to go to her house and apologize.
The car parked outside the gate looked familiar, Teemah's? I wasn't sure but there was someone in the driver's seat, a man or boy, i wasn't sure.
The gate was opened for us and my driver drove into the compound and parked, i came out with my baby and baby bag hanging over my shoulders. Mallam Talle greeted me "Hajiya Zainab sannu da zuwa"
"In Shaa Allah mallam Talle Hajjin nan za'a yi da mu"
"Bi'izinillah, an sauka lafiya?"
"Toh Allah ya raya"
"Amin, tana sama ne?"
"Eh tana nan" he assured me.
The kitchen and the parlor was empty, mommy is probably not home and daddy was probably not even in kd. I went straight to her room and knocked "shigo, waye?" She asked
I didn't reply but rather went straight in. My eyes landed on my worst enemy sitting comfortably on my best friend's bed. She looked like she's been through hell, she looks slimmer than i was before i got pregnant.

Tahira was sitting by the mirror which was my favorite spot in her room. I saw the car, why did i come in. Anyway now that I'm here .. i looked away from her to Tahira "can we talk"
"So you can insult me some more? Nope I don't think so" she replied coldly
"An sauka lafiya Zainab?" Teemah said to me. I didn't know what to say to her, looking at her now she looked very harmless. But how could i ever forget. I ignored her "Tee please"
She looked at me for a moment and then she stood up and opened the door and gestured for me to go out of the room. When i did she followed me closing the door behind her, we walked towards the staircase and we stopped " I didn't mean it like that Tahira, it wasn't judgement i promise."

"He's married Zainab, exactly how low do you perceive me?"
"I know, i know, it's just a lot to come out from a man that you're not married to"
"So you just assume I'm now a prostitute, who gets paid for services, I understand perfectly"
"No!" I insisted "I'm actually impressed and i guess to some degree I just envy you"
"How Zainab? Please explain to me how?"
"That he loved you that much, he didn't have to leave it to you but it shows what you're worth to him and i wish i could feel that from someone"
Her face was frowned but still she said nothing back "all I'm trying to say is I'm sorry" I added, she rolled her eyes and looked away "and I'm not even going to rant about you being friends with my enemy anymore"
She looked back at me "she's not your enemy, but she's definitely your husbands, you should hear what she has to say, come" She suggested walking back to her room, she opened the door waiting for me. I stood for a while wondering where this road would take me, straight to hell or to salvation. "Zainab" she called waiting for me. And then finally i decided to see for myself.

Tahira said to Teemah "tell her what you told me"
Teemah stood up "she might not believe it coming from me, I'll let you tell her"
"It doesn't matter you are still the source of the story, if she doesn't want to believe it, she wont" Tahira argued
"It's better hearing from a friendly source, still. The only thing i will say is this, I'm coming for him. If you try to get involved you'll only get hurt, do yourself a favor Zainab, stay away"

My eyes pop out in disbelief, the audacity!!! I actually thought i was getting an apology, one I wasn't even going to accept. I scoffed and looked at Tahira "really? Tee???"

"I'm sorry Zainab, for everything." Teemah added, a little too late. Then she walks out.

Before i could abuse Tahira from her great grandparents parents to her parents, she said "He attacked her, nearly killed her, kept her in the hospital for 6 months. I begged her to take the matter to court but she refused saying he owned the courts, she won't see reason, Zainab.."

"If she comes near my family.."
"Are you even listening, Abdulzahir is a psychopath.." she shoot Zainab "you need to leave him now before he does the same to you"
I pushed her away "why should i believe her" I yelled.
"Why would she lie Zainab, you better than anyone know how they were. It's like he's got you under a spell"

"What do you want me to do Tahira, he wont divorce me" She just watched me, i could see the disbelief in her eyes.

It was 12am and he was still not back yet, i locked both the living room door and the kitchen, Talatu my mom's maid who is now my nanny was already sleeping in my room on a mattress. Abdallah was also fast asleep. I heard him drive in, minutes later he tried to open the door with his keys but couldn't because it was completely locked from inside. He knocked for a while and then i heard my phone ringing. I picked up "hello?"
"Zee bude mun kofa mana"
"Karfe goma sha biyu? Sai dai ka koma inda ka fito wallahi" I replied in anger
"Keh?.." he replied surprised evident from his voice "kina hauka ne? Ki bude min kofa nace"
"Daga yau Abdulzahir, nobody comes into my house after 11pm" with that I hung up and turned off my phone. I don't care how psychotic he is, enough is enough.

Well since Talatu was sleeping in my room with the baby, I went straight to his room, deciding to spend the night there. It'll be nice to have some peace and quiet away from crying Abdallah for a while. There's milk if he wakes up hungry, Talatu knows what to do.

I turned on his TV, passed 12, I was wide awake, I flipped through some channels and settled on Universal channel, the series NCIS was on. After a while still not sleepy, I wondered why I didn't hear him drive out. I turn on my phone only to find a voice note message from my mother in-law, you know the one MTN sends when the phone finish ringing and you don't hangup immediately and then a message from Benazir reading "call me ASAP"

I dialed her number immediately, she picked up after a few rings "hello Zainab, is my brother home?"
"Erm no, What happened?"
"Baba has been arrested"
"What?" I sat up straight before I choke on my own saliva, the owner of a big law-firm arrested, someone as powerful as Usman Kamir Daura. Impossible "Benazir wasa kike yi?"
"Why? For what?"
"You should ask my brother, he faxed documents which were presented as evidence that landed him there, Incriminating charges, I just didn't want you to hear it somewhere else, it'll be all over the news soon."
"Toh Allah ya shirye Abdulzahir, mahaifinkan ma baka bari ba"
"Wallahi yana hauka, daddy ya taba, saboda ya fara samun was kananan kudi, da kunnuwan wasu kananan mutane, I will never allow this, sooner or later I will come for him, when the time comes Zainab don't take it personal" she raved and then she hung up.

It was like the whole world was ganging up against him. But who will do that to his own father, Abdulzahir!!! I never understood why he went completely against his father all at once. Barr. Kamir did not even attend Abdallah's naming, or so i was told. It had to be true because he only called me over the phone to congratulate me and advice me. My mother and sister in law on the other hand came for the naming.
'Nobody gives you power, you take it'  Abdulzahir's words echoed in my ears.
Talatu woke around 7am to opened the door knowing that Zainab's house help always comes in early to cook breakfast. Abdulzahir stormed in immediately after she opened the door, he didn't even wait to hear her greet him, he just went straight to his room.
When he opened the door to his surprise he saw Zainab comfortably sleeping on his bed where she hasn't slept in ages.

Surprise! surprise! his wife was in his bed, something felt sad to him about that. "Zainab" he called. There was a chill in the room from the AC that was still on, she moved between the sheets and the blanket, changing her position. He moved closer to the bed "Zainab?" She opened her eyes turning to see who was trying hard to wake her. The view wasn't clear, she was still waking up apparently slower than usual because she slept so late.
She sat up "Abdulzahir, ya kake tashi na sassafe haka?"
He was amazed at how fast she was getting used to addressing him in anyway she felt appropriate "you locked me out? Made me sleep in the car? Kina hauka?"
She closed her mouth covering the big yawn that came without caution and then she scratched her messed up unplaited hair. Abdulzahir was waiting for an answer but nothing came "keh! ba magana nake miki ba?"

"Wai sai kayi ta ce min 'keh' ni er ka ce?" She replied asking.
"What?!" He exclaimed, the audacity to talk to him the way she now wants to make a habit. "Zainab be very careful"
She rolled her eyes without looking at him "don't let yourself be intimidated" she heard a little voice tell her.

"Why did you lock me out?"
"Because i can't have Abdallah growing up to think coming home late is a good thing. Nobody gets in or out of my house after 11pm and .." there she stopped, suddenly, for he gave her a look threatening and venomous that the words caught in her throat. Zainab began to feel nervous, as much as she wanted to fight, she wondered if her ice was hard and cold enough to extinguish this particular fire, she was afraid of being assaulted, again. Her heart raced and in such a short time her nerves were up.

She stood up to excuse herself to the bathroom before anything terrifying happens. He caught her with his left hand, he clenched to her arm so hard she could feel him squeezing her bones. It was like reflex, the pain of his previous assault rushed through her mind and without thinking she reached for a lap holder by the side of the bed and smashed it on his head.

He immediately let her go, she moved away to the door, it took him a few seconds to regain himself. He touched the side of his head where it was wet and painful and he looked to where she was now standing, she looked back at him "Zainab ba za ta yarda da wannan rainin wayon ba kuma" she said with her emotions now controlled.

Abdulzahir was completely dumbfounded, he was not sure what his next move should be, should i beat the hell out of her and show her who is boss? He thought to himself something in his head rang in the negative. The mischievous look on her face made his thought to reinvent, he wiped slowly the blood that ran down the side of his head to the side of his cheeks.

"I heard what you did to Baba, I can no longer live with a mad man, therefore soon we will pack everything i came with to this house and leave. I'll be staying with my mother, duk randa ka shirya sai ka aiko min da takardar saki."

She leaped over the side of the bed, took an envelop and gave it to him "Tahira was able to get these from Teemah, i was suppose to leverage my freedom with it"

He was reluctant, he took the envelope and tore the opening. Impossible. Only Teemah could have gotten those documents.

"So you have been stealing from him, and then somehow you managed to get him arrested" she clapped

He wiped his face, the things Teemah knew could destroy him, but he never thought she would come at him. She was the only one left in the world who could destroy him. Knowing Teemah he knew that wasn't even a first blow, this was just to inform him she was coming for him.

"You don't ask for power, you take it. Remember? You told me that. I want you to let me go"

"Saki Abdulzahir, free me"
"I don't know what you think those documents are but.."
"Lets skip the part where you think I'm stupid, your license will be revoked for this and Baba will be interested to know how you stole from him.. speaking of, you got your own father arrested?"
"It's none of your business"
"You're right, it's not. What is my business is my freedom"
"I will never divorce you Zainab, much less now that you've mothered my child. See I believe parents need to stick together to give their children the best upbringing" he tore the documents "and this? doesn't scare me"

"Oh I'm sure, because being able to practice as a lawyer doesn't matter to you ye.."
Before her sentence could land "I don't care what you think you have, i am not divorcing you for any reason" he yelled

She trembled to the sound of his voice "why not? You've made it clear you'll never love me"

"Have you ever wondered why i didn't divorce you when Baba insisted, think about it, it was the perfect excuse. I married you for sports, and for that I'm sorry. It was hard to love you especially when I've loved another all my life and you weren't exactly making it easy..but then, i took you in my arms and i saw how you struggled to survive in that labour room. I wished i could take the pain away"

She moved instinctively away as he tried to come closer, She picked up the next object close to her as a defensive measure.

"That's not necessary I won't hurt you, lets start over please"

"Kaiii!!!! No! Inaahhh! Never! Habawa Abdulzahir, ai an dade ana ruwa kasa na shanyewa, I really just can't stand you"

"Zainab listen.."

"No! You listen... I loved yo.." as the words tailed off, her eyes got wet. "I tried, I just don't love you anymore, i only want to give Abdallah the best and you are not it." Her tear were screaming the opposite, she knew she had a long way to go.
"you don't want to divorce me, fine, but wallahi if you ever put your hands on me again i will kill you. I promise you. From now on i will fight your fire with ice, hard cold ice that'll extinguish your wickedness."

She wiped her tears "My husband the emissary to the devil himself, Tahira still has copies of these somewhere, do not make me use them" she threatened before walking out of the room.

His heart felt heavy, never had he wanted to feel this, never had wanted to admit it to himself but he loved Zainab, it was her unspecial way of not being different, common as most would call it, a typical arewa girl who grew without a mother to teach her how to be a wife, it was her patient nature that kept her with him through all the humiliation, and mostly is what she went through to deliver Abdallah. He couldn't let her go, he had no bone in him that could do that. He took a shower and got himself sparkling clean, the moment she started to stand up for herself she became more... appealing to him. On his way out he checked on Abdallah.
It was already 10pm, Abdulzahir left the office in a rush, he wanted to sleep in the comfort of his own bed tonight, hopefully he will go home and still have his wife. He was driving on a normal speed, from nowhere a car crashed into his from his side (left) his car swerved, out of control. His body hit the hood of the car, his bones, muscles joints and organs a like felt like they were being crumbled.

An incoming car tried and avoided his, another car came from the front of Abdulzahir's car and smashed into his. His head hit the windshield hard. His car was pushed off the road, the was a rush of pain. The cars that crushed him drove away. He screamed glued to his wrecked car. Screaming at his wheels, screaming for help.

Cars passing stopped, people came to help.

The hospital kept him heavily sedated, he had multiple fractures and a broken ankle which would likely keep him down for a long while. The door to his ward room opened, the neck brace wasn't allowing him to turn but he heard the clatter of heels approaching his bed. "Hello sweetness" the sedatives were very heavy but her voice could never be misplaced.

She stood just were his eyes could reach her, her face was a bit blurry, his eyelids flicker for a clearer view.

"I hoped you loved my little surprise, you know i always aim to please. Look at you, poor thing, you can't move a muscle...does it hurt?" She hard pressed on his thighs where his leg was hanging. He groaned hoping he could sink into the bed to avoid the pain. "I thought as much" she said looking please.

"Blood for blood Abdulzahir, remember? You should have finished me off.. but now? Now my love this is strike one, I will wait till you start to recover and then we go for strike 2, then I'll bring you down from that high horse, this power you think you have will be short live." she laughed hard ".. they say the devil wear heels, I'll show you exactly how"

She leaned forward to his ears and whispered the rest "and when you are finally physically healed and you think you can come at me, I'll take strike 3. I'll take everything you hold so dear, your money? your son?"
With his face contorted, he let out a long groan. A tear cracked down his cheeks, he wished he could cry at least she would see his pain but he couldn't. The pain was all over his fractured body.

She moved her lips from his ear and kissed his very dry lips after which she pulled away

"I don't fight fire with ice Abdulzahir, I fight fire with fire. Whenever you tried to blame it on anyone, remember, you did this, not me, you."
He watched her fade away into the dark, dark of the cold night where he was alone, alone with his pain and his regrets ..
"Abdallah" he whispered through his cracked lips.

One more Chapter to go. 💃🏽

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