Stuck in a Love Triangle (COM...

By kristin_valerie

116K 1.6K 224

(COMPLETED BUT IN EDITING))) Ashley Bales gets kicked out and has to move in with her best friend, Andrea Rod... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38

Chapter 1

14.7K 116 13
By kristin_valerie

(A/N to see what I picture Ashley as, look at the picture on the side :)

and also, this book is IN EDITING. the first chapters of the book aren't my greatest, PLEASE keep reading, commenting, and voting!!!!)


It's been 12 years since my mom died.

I never talked much about her to anyone.

My dad, he was in so much sorrow with her death he became a druggie and alcoholic. I try to rarely spend time in the house when he's home. Its hard to avoid him though.

If I as much as cough when he's talking, he'll beat me.

but dont worry though.

this isnt some stupid sob story.

I woke up to The Script playing softly.

Today I had to fix the house since my dad was coming home from his "vacation".

I slipped into my black baggy sweatpants and my tight pink tank top.

I turned on my radio to full blast and started vaccuming.

I always sang, i wasn't a terrible singer but I had stage fright...badly.

I was in the middle of singing Somebody I Used To Know when the music shut off..

I silently thought:

'but you didn't have to cut me off' since they had cut off the music.

and started laughing to myself

"hello?" i called out of the kitchen as i turned off my vaccum.

"ASHLEY WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU? AND WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING" I heard my dad yell.. I froze. Shit. He was already home..

" the kitchen.." I stuttered walking into the corner.

"WHY IS THE HOUSE NOT CLEAN YET?!" He yelled stomping into the kitchen with anger clearly written across his face.

"I..I was just cleaning it, sir" I said.

Yes I just said dad made me call him sir.

kind of weird.

but if i didnt, I would get punished.


"GET OUT. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE. RIGHT NOW. I CANT EVEN LOOK OUT YOU." He yelled slapping me across my face.

i froze.

he unstrapped his belt and rose it in the air.


not the belt.

before I could move, I felt the end of the belt crashing down onto my side.

I slowly nodded holding my cheek and stomach where he just hit.

It hurt terribly but I couldn't give him the satisfy of seeing me cry.

Damn it was stinging massively.

I ran past him upstairs and started throwing all my clothes in a duffel bag.

I pulled my hair into a messy bun, not really caring how I looked.

and threw my duffle bag over my shoulder and ran downstairs.

my dad was gulping down his beer.

"bye dad...." I whispered so he couldnt hear

Apperantly he did hear, his head flipped up staring at me.

"WHAT ARE YOU STARING AT..LEAVE NOW!" he shouted throwing the beer bottle at my head, but I ducked, missing it by a few cenemeters.

but still getting hit with peices of glass.

I ran outside faster than I ever had run.

I pulled out my iPhone and dialed my best friend, Andrea's number.

"Hey Andrea? Can you come pick me up? Long story I'll explain when you get here" i said holding in my tears. she was here in less than 20 minutes.

"hey Andrea" i said pulling her into a hug as i walked into the passengers seat.

"whats up? whats on your cheek? dont tell me..." she asked worried as she started the engine.

"well kicked out..and" I whispered.


"well......I was kinda hoping I could stay with you until I find a flat for myself?" I stated, but it sounded more like a question.

"babe, I would love that..but you remember! I'm staying with Niall and his band..I can ask him if they can spare you a room?" she asked, I shook my head no.

I pulled up my shirt to show Andrea my bruise.

she gasped.

she swerved the car a little.

"ash, you need to stay with me. you have to im not letting you go back. ever" she whispered touching it lightly before returning her gaze back to the road.

I was forced to nodd.

My best friend, Nick, was OBSESSED with One Direction.

but I wasnt really a fan.

I was more into the script, and ed sheeran.

but I had known Niall for quite a while, I mean him and Andrea were practically brother and sister but I had never met anyone from the band..

questions about them flew through my head.

where they going to hate me...?

what if they kick me out just like my dad....?

what if they ask about my scratches on my arms?

I knew this was going to be hard...

so this was going to be interesting..



I groaned and turned around from my comfortable position on the coach to see a beautiful blond haired girl standing awkwardly next to Andrea and Niall.

"who is she?" Zayn asked walking towards her.

"this is Ashley and she will be staying with us until she gets her own place. okay?" Andrea asked slipping her arm on Ashleys shoulder.

"hello love, I'm Harry" I said sticking my arm out to shake her hand that she politely took as I shot her a wink.

but there was something on her arm...

scratches? cuts? dod she cut herself?

she saw me staring and pulled away, looking over to the other boys who introduced themselves.

"would you like me to give you a tour of the house?" I asked grabbing her dufflebag.

she said a little 'mhm' and nodded.

I showed her the whole house and then I showed her her room which was ironically across from my room.

"so.. whats that on your arm?" i asked feeling like it was the right time to ask.

"uh..cuts" she said pulling her suitcase from my hand "im tired, good night harry"

and then she went to go to sleep.


i was going to get to the bottom of that..

but for now

having a beautiful girl sleeping across my room for who knows how long?

this was going to be....


differently interesting....


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