You're my...

By darcyjog

474K 25.1K 5.5K

After years of Yo telling his dad that he should get married again, his dad finally has found someone that ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 67
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Thank You
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Chapter 80
Chapter 81
Chapter 82
Bonus Chapter 1
Bonus Chapter 2
Bonus Chapter 3
Bonus Chapter 4
Thank You

Chapter 28

6.5K 308 43
By darcyjog

A/N:  Here is another chapter and I hope you enjoy it. 


I still can't believe what I just found out. My baby Yo is actually Beam's step-brother. One of the wealthiest people in the country. I already knew that Beam's step-father is one of the most powerful men in the country, but this is too much. Well, this isn't going to change how I see Yo or how I feel about Yo but I'm just surprised.

Since we were all headed back to Yo's dorm room, I wasn't going to have him riding in a different car. I wanted him to be sitting next to me so now we are in Beam's car with Forth driving while Yo and I are sitting in the back. Shane has Kit and Ming with him in his car.

Forth asks over his shoulder, "N'Yo, now that we aren't are your house and your dad isn't close, be honest. Are you happy that my baby Beam is your step-brother?"

Beam quickly turns in his seat to look at Yo while I pull him a little tighter against me. Yo smiles and happily replies, "Yes. I'm happy that my brother is P'Beam. Just think, someday P'Forth, you may be my brother-in-law."

Beam quickly scolds, "Hey, N'Yo! Aren't you moving us a little fast there? We haven't even been dating a month and you have already started to imply that Ai'Forth and I are going to be married. Let's just slow down and I'm going to enjoy dating first before I rush off to get married. Plus, I have a hard time believing in marriage after watching my mother go through that nasty divorce."

I hate it when Beam talks like this. Just because his mother has had a bad experience doesn't mean that he will have a bad marriage too. After watching Forth and Beam suffer for a year because Beam refused to admit that he likes Forth, I don't think Forth is going to let Beam get away from him that easily. I'm pretty sure that Forth will try to make Beam happy for the rest of his life.

I sternly say, "Ai'Beam, you need to get that silly idea out of your head that just because your mother had a failed marriage that everyone else will have one too. I don't plan on having my marriage fail when I get to that point and I don't think that Ai'Forth is planning on having a failed marriage either. I have to agree with my baby. I think that you and Ai'Forth will end up getting married someday. The two of you are very much in love with each other and Ai'Forth had to chase you for an entire year before you finally realized that you loved him too. So, stop letting one little thing taint your idea for everyone else, including yourself."

Forth quickly adds, "Baby, I think your mother is really happy now and I don't see her going through what she went through before. I know that you were hurt by her divorce but look on the bright side. Her first marriage brought you into this world and I would be lost without you here." Forth reaches over and gently grabs Beam's hand and pulls it up to his mouth. He then tenderly kisses the back of Beam's hand.

Yo softly giggles as he tries not to ruin the moment for Forth and Beam. When Forth finally let's go of Beam's hand, Yo softly adds, "My parents were extremely happy until mom passed away. Even when her illness was getting bad, my dad always smiled when he saw my mom. I know he was hurting just like I was to watch her slip away and there wasn't anything that he could do to stop it, but he was also so happy that he had another day with her."

Beam hesitantly says, "N'Yo, your dad told me a couple weeks ago that he is going to try and get your relationship back to where it was. Are you wanting that too?"

Yo looks a little concerned as he looks down at his hands in his lap. He softly mumbles, "I don't know. I don't want to ruin anything that he has now either, so what I want isn't important."

Wait. How could my baby be thinking that? Of course, what he wants is important. I can see that years of not communicating between Yo and his dad has left a huge gap that needs to be closed for my baby to start healing. I can't stand to see Yo continue to hurt because of this.

I slowly say, "Baby, your dad is looking out for you even now. I have something that I need to tell you before you hear it from someone else and your dad is going to help me resolve it." I take a deep breath and I continue. "Baby remember when your dad said that he is going to help me with my problem with my father?"

Yo slowly nods his head yes.

Okay, I hope he doesn't freak out over this and that I can keep him calm. I really didn't want to have to tell him this, but I don't want him to find out accidentally from someone else. Plus, I need to show Yo that his dad is still trying to protect Yo.

"Well, when Ai'Beam, Ai'Kit and I were talking with Ai'Beam's mother and your dad earlier, I told them that I have been upset this week because my father is trying to force me to do something that would help his hospital and boost our social status. Now, don't panic when I tell you this, but my father is trying to force me into an arranged marriage to get what he wants regardless of what I want. Your dad announced in front of everyone that he is going to help stop my father."

Yo quickly sits up and just looks at me with shock and fear in his eyes. Oh, please don't think something silly. I just got Yo and I'm not going to let him go. Plus, we have so many things that I want to do with him and I hope Yo feels the same way.

As Yo is thinking, his face slowly gets a puzzled look and he slowly asks, "When my dad referred to if he can't stop it that he will have someone else instead, was he referring to me? Was he telling you that if he can't stop your father from going ahead with the arranged marriage that he will have me be the person that you will marry instead of whoever your father is currently trying to marry you off to?"

I smile at Yo's cute expression. "Yes, baby. If your dad can't stop my father, then he is going to protect your happiness by having me marry you."

Forth chuckles, "Well, now look who is moving fast to the marriage thing. You haven't even been dating a full week and your dad is trying to protect your relationship with Ai'Pha. I have to say that marriage is a little over the top to protect your relationship and your happiness, but I guess it is one way."

Beam quickly protests, "Baby, you don't know what Ai'Pha's father is like. He doesn't care about Ai'Pha's feelings or even his happiness. His father is only concerned about what will improve his hospital and social standing. I guess this girl is supposed to be from an influential family and we think that she is the one that got her father to approach Ai'Pha's father about the marriage. However, seeing that the marriage would benefit him greatly, he is now pushing Ai'Pha to do the marriage. N'Yo's dad better move fast or it may be too late."

Yo quickly screams, "What! Too late! No!"

I cut Yo off before he can say or think anything else. "Baby, I won't let my father marry me off to just anyone. He can try all he wants but I have to agree to it first. I won't sign any documents or go through any ceremony unless I want to. Now, your dad is also helping, and I think he has enough power to get this whole mess stopped before it goes any further."

This is breaking my heart. Yo's eyes are filling with tears, and I just want to hug Yo and tell him that everything is going to be all right.

As I tightly hug Yo trying to calm him down, Forth's stern voice drowns out Yo's whimpers. "N'Yo, don't worry. Between your dad and I would assume Ai'Beam's mother and N'Ming's parents, Ai'Pha's father doesn't have a chance to do anything stupid. Do you honestly thing that N'Ming is not going to tell his parents first that you finally have a boyfriend and that you care for him deeply but that the boyfriend's father is trying to marry him off to someone just for business purposes. Are you forgetting that N'Ming's parents think of you as their second son? Now stop this crying. It is going to put a damper on the fact that you found your brother."

I gently kiss the top of Yo's head and whisper, "Ai'Forth is right. There are too many people that are going to prevent this stupid marriage from happening, so don't worry. Let's have fun tonight. Okay. I guess we will have to have our movie night another night. Finding your brother is more important."

I want to tell Yo that I really want to throw everyone out of his room later, so we can still have our movie night, but I know how important finding his brother is to Beam and I'm not going to rain on his parade just so I can selfishly have Yo to myself tonight.

Once everyone arrives to Yo's dorm room, the festivities begin. Yo first fills Ming in on my arranged marriage thing and Ming nearly tries to tackle me, but Forth and Beam stop him. Forth quickly explains that Yo is going to need his parents help, along with Yo's dad and hopefully Beam's mother, to stop this stupid plan. Ming immediately changes his mood and pulls out his phone. Before anyone can ask him what he is doing, he is talking to his dad and explaining to him about Yo, about me, about the fact that we are boyfriends and then about my stupid father's plan to marry me off to benefit his hospital and to improve his social standing. As soon as Ming is done explaining everything, he frantically holds his phone away from his ear and I don't understand what is going on. However, everything becomes clear when Ming's dad screams, "What is Mr. Kongthanin trying to do to my baby Wayo?!?! Who the hell does he think he is?!?! THERE IS NO WAY THAT THAT IS EVER GOING TO HAPPEN!!!!"

Ming and Yo chuckle, as Ming tentatively asks, "Are you done yelling now dad?"

I now completely understand what he was doing. However, it appears that Beam and Kit are just as startled as I was to hear Ming's dad's tantrum. Well, Kit you better get used to it because if you get what you want, that is your future father-in-law that is screaming his lungs out.

Once Ming gets confirmation that his dad is done screaming, he continues his conversation with his dad. At one point, Ming chuckles and looks at me. Without taking the phone away from his face, Ming states, "Dad wants to meet you. I have been told that I'm to bring you to our house this weekend, so mom and dad can have a friendly conversation with you."

Yo quickly shouts, "Uncle! I'm coming too. I'm not going to let you be mean to my boyfriend. P'Pha is really nice to me, Uncle."

Ming chuckles and says, "Dad, did you hear Yo?" Ming nods his head to Yo to let him know that his dad heard the whole thing.

Well, I guess my plans for this weekend just changed. I guess we will be going to Ming's house to meet his parents. Before I can say anything else, Yo quickly asks, "Hey, can the rest of you come too. I want to introduce all my friends to Ming's family who is like my second family. Please."

Shane pouts, "So, what does that make my family? Are we like your third family?"

Yo smiles innocently and nods his head yes. "Well, if you have to name it something then to be technically correct, yes. Shane, your family would be my third family since I was friends with Ming before I met you and your family. Sorry."

Shane playfully smiles and continues to tease Yoabout numbering his families. Beam getsin on the fun and the playful banter continues on and only stops when someoneneeds a beer. By the time Ming is offthe phone, everyone is part of the fun and I can't be happier. I wish this will never end. Can we stay just like this for a longtime? We are all happy and laughing andenjoying the fun that we are having. 

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