Camp 002 - K.TH ✔️

By KpopRuinedMyLifeArmy

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Their relationship was treason. Risking their lives to see each other. That their names belonged to their cla... More

Chapter 1 "Beginnings"
Chapter 2 "Recruited"
Chapter 3 "That's gonna bruise."
Chapter 4 - That Dumb?
Chapter 5 - "Deal"
Chapter 6 "Come With Me."
Chapter 7 "Hidden"
Chapter 8 "Alone"
Chapter 9 "Stay"
Chapter 10 "The Boys"
Chapter 11 "She's My Girlfriend."
Chapter 12 "Stupid Taehyung-ie Pabo"
Chapter 13 "First Snow."
Chapter 14 "Remembering"
Chapter 15 "Playing Dirty."
Chapter 16 "Outsider"
Chapter 17 "Brother"
Chapter 18 "Comfort"
Chapter 19 "Questions"
Chapter 20 "Careless Boys"
Chapter 21"Fishing"
Chapter 22 "Happiness Never Lasts"
Chapter 23 "Making It About You"
Chapter 24 "Just A Memory."
Chapter 25 "I'm Sorry"
Chapter 26 "The Messenger"
Chapter 27 "Heartbeats"
Chapter 28 "Training"
Chapter 29 "Going Alone"
Chapter 30 "Pain"
Chapter 31 "Wounded."
Chapter 32 "Mistake or Fate?"
Chapter 33 "So Close.."
Chapter 34 "The Start Of The End"
Chapter 35 "The Final Breaths & Gone."
Chapter 36 "Same Yet Different Feelings"
Chapter 37 "No Longer An Omega"
Chapter 38 "Almost To You"
Chapter 39 "Reunited"
Chapter 40 "Nightmares"
Chapter 41 "What Are You Hiding From Me?"
Chapter 42 "Choose"
Chapter 43 "Your Touch"
Chapter 44 "Leaving"
Chapter 45 - Finale
Season 2 Info and Characters
(S2) Chapter 1 - A New Era
(S2) Chapter 2 - Alcohol Pain.
(S2) Chapter 3 - Sudden Regret
(S2) Chapter 4 - Moments In Paradise.
(S2) Chapter 5 - Whats Wrong Love?
(S2) Chapter 6 - Knocked Down
(S2) Chapter 7 - Goodbye
(S2) Chapter 8 - Collision Of Worlds.
(S2) Chapter 9 - Old Friends
(S2) Chapter 10 - Plans & Tutorials.
(S2) Chapter 11 - Visit
(S2) Chapter 12 - Untold Secrets.
(S2) Chapter 13 - I Care.
(S2) Chapter 14 - The Side That Hurts.
(S2) Chapter 15 - Unwanted Thoughts
(S2) Chapter 16 - Caught
(S2) Chapter 17 - Not Right
(S2) Chapter 18 - So Many Secrets
(S2) Chapter 19 - Help Me Move On
(S2) Chapter 20 - ASAP
(S2) Chapter 21 - Preparing
(S2) Chapter 22 - Mine
(S2) Chapter 23 - Help
(S2) Chapter 25 - Trouble
(S2) Chapter 26 - Taken
(S2) Chapter 27 - Missing
(S2) Chapter 28 - Star Of The Show
(S2) Chapter 29 - Beacon
(S2) Chapter 30 - Unlikely Ties
(S2) Chapter 31 - I Thought
(S2) Chapter 32 - Guilty
(S2) Chapter 33 - Escape
(S2) Chapter 34 - Revealed
(S2) Chapter 35 - Chased
(S2) Chapter 36 - Not So Different After All.
(S2) Chapter 37 - Cold
(S2) Chapter 38 - Talk
(S2) Chapter 39 - So Close To Believing
(S2) Chapter 40 - "I Can't Believe You"
(S2) Chapter 41 - No
(S2) Chapter 42 - Don't Leave, Please
(S2) Chapter 43 - Bang. Bang.
(S2) Chapter 44 - Free
(S2) Chapter 45 - She's Pregnant
(S2) Chapter 46 - Feelings
(S2) Chapter 47 - What Should I Do?
(S2) Chapter 48 - Family
(S2) Chapter 49 - Love
(S2) Chapter 50 - Sweet
(S2) Chapter 51 - Where
(S2) Chapter 52 - Secrets Revealed
(S2) Chapter 53 - Finale
Epilouge - 1
Special Chapter #1 - Taehyung
Special Chapter #2 - Jimin And Sohyun
I Purple You - A/n

(S2) Chapter 24 - Remember

286 9 5
By KpopRuinedMyLifeArmy

The door slammed shut behind you. Your body freezes as your eyes desperately try to adjust to the dark surroundings.

It was so quiet, only the sound of your breath could be heard.

And his.

Your surroundings change and come into focus as details suddenly become clearer.

A pair of sharp brown eyes stared straight into yours. Air was stolen from your lungs, your body frozen to the single spot when you managed to stand.

Seconds, minutes passed before either of you moved, until you managed to catch your breath.

It was so difficult, it is difficult..

You can't look into his eyes the same anymore, his face only showed evil and pain to you.

You were terrified of him.

"Why are you here?" Ice coated your fingers, your body becomes restless, desperately wishing to disappear.

"Your friends are worried about you, that's why I'm here." A flat tone escapes

His eyes only leave yours, his fingers clenched his shirt. As if restraining himself.

"You should leave." Your eyes catch a pained expression that claimed him for a moment.

"I know I should-" you take a deep breath. "But I won't."

He glares into your eyes, Automatically making your body strain in fear. Your hand reaching behind you for the pepper spray that rose gave you for emergency's.

"I know you're terrified. I can feel it. And I'm sorry you have to feel that way around me. So if you would mind. Please get out. If the others are so worried they should come inside themselves."

"No." He inhales sharply at your word.

"You have to explain to me."

"Explain to you what?"

"Explain to me what makes you like this."


The door to the practice room was open, my body walking inside followed by a hollow Sohyun.

My eyes sharpen when none of the members notice me, all in a circle doing stretches.

Knock. Knock.

All heads snap towards my hand that was in a fist next to the beaten wall.

"Well well, isn't it the promised boy?" Jimin giggles. Standing up followed by the others.

Jimin stands on his toes to ruffle my hair. I let out a blow of breath, an annoyed yet embarrassed one.

"Aw, he's getting all embarrassed!"

"So I'm assuming she loved the decor? No wonder, we worked our behinds off for it." Yoongi bites out. Crossing his arms and his tongue scrapes the inside of his left cheek.

"I owe you a lot, she really loved it." I smile, my eyes radiating.

"It's the thought that counts Taehyung. As long as she liked it you don't owe us anything."

"What?!" Yoongi howls in terror when Jin smacks his shoulder.

"Behave little one." Yoongi looks away, annoyed.

Jungkooks eyes narrow, carefully looking at me then at the girl beside me.

And her eyes were looking at me.

"Promised?" She whispers, almost looking destroyed. As if I shoved a sword through her heart.

"I know, I can't believe he got "promised" before me." Hobi chuckles, before dancing himself away for he radio.

Jungkook suddenly grips her arm, pulling her away from us and out into the hall, where I couldn't see them.

Where are they going?


-3 Days Ago-

I lay on her bed, my arms wrapped around my new lion cub, my eyes examining each move she makes, her hair as it moves along her shoulders when she moves. Her breaths and her cheers of happiness when she finished painting a part of the model.

I lay here, waiting for her to offer me something to do.

But the other half of me is laying here in thought.

That boy, Jaebum right?

I know him. I've seen him before..

I just don't remember..


"Is this all? You told us you would supply for a week. Not 3 moons!"

"Look, this is what you got. You're lucky that you even got this much. You know how much my camp regulates!"

"I don't give two sh*ts about your camp! I'm giving you supplies for a weeks worth of food! Not for only three moons!"

I clench my fist, Jimin and Yoongi seemed equally annoyed as me.

The angry words echoed through the walls, to us in the main room. Waiting for namjoon to finish this deal.

But it seems it isn't getting finished today.

Suddenly the door opens, revealing a slim yet average height boy, a plain benie covering his hair.

I suddenly want to yell.

But Yoongi was about to beat me to it before Jimin gripped the olders wrist.

"Next week, bring the correct amount or the deal is cancelled. Don't make me get your camp involved."

"Or us." Yoongi snapped.

"I'm not afraid of you, besides, your whole food situation rely's on me right? So you wouldn't dare rid the hand that feeds you."

"Mhm, yeah. See you next week Jaebum."


"That a**hat!" Hobi growls, appearing from around the corner along with my little brother.

"We can't just let him go! You didn't pay him did you!?"


"Why did you let him go with no punishment? He can't just do this to us!"

"I know-"

Namjoon sighs, rubbing his temples. Beginning to walk away from all of us.

When Yoongi stood up, namjoon turned back to all of us.

"I'm going to work out a plan. I'm sure it will be a good enough punishment. We will execute it in a few moons."



Oh, it's you.

I remember you.

My breath catches itself. My eyes close, of course she lied to me.

Forget it.

My hand mindlessly reaches for my pocket, feeling a bump in one of my pockets.

I've got this so long ago, that day when I ditched her. And I've never had the opportunity to ask.

I'm sorry, I knew she was upset about that.

But maybe soon, we can make this relationship better.

If I can officially call her mine.

I can only imagine this ring on your finger.

Maybe I'm rushing this.

But I've never felt so entangled with someone before.

Maybe I can call it fate, a twisted fate. But we've been through so much together, it only makes me yearn for her more.

But would she reject me?

1 Year ago - On the Island

I'm crying

I'm sobbing.

I forgot her

How could I have forgotten my sister?

"Jin- are you-" she freezes, my hand shakes, my body is on fire.

"You lied to me!" I show her the picture, the one that we took on our trip.

"You his this from me for years! You made me forget who I was!" I scream, I'm yelling with my body, words aren't enough to describe the despair I felt. Her body seems to untangle in front of me.

"Where did you get that?"

"Does it matter?! How could you have done this to me! All this time I never knew I had a sister! All this time I never knew that I was someone before!"

"Jin, please-"

"I'm assuming I've never met you before the crash too? What else have you lied to me about!"

I walk away from her, my eyes trained on the photo, remembering so many memories that I've forgotten.

"Is she alive?" I whimper

"I- I don't know." She whispers defeated.

"Why? Why did you never tell me?"

"I thought, it was for the best. If she didn't make it- then you wouldn't have to live with the pain."

"And me being your boyfriend was for your selfish needs?!"

She walks up to me, turning me around and kisses my lips. Desperately trying to activate something that was never there. I push her off me, my body shivering.

"Who decided for you to play god in my life! Why was it your choice to never let me remember! She is my little sister! She relied on me! And now she's gone, I was gone! And it's ALL YOUR FAULT."

She's crying

She's begging

She pleading for me to forgive her.

But it seems we didn't have time.

When our cabins catch on fire, flaming arrows hit the trees and plants around us.

A group of people begin too run towards us, yelling at the top of their lungs.


I take one last glance towards Luna, her face plastered on so many emotions.

"Good luck saving your home Nova, because this isn't mine anymore."

I start to run.

She screams for me.

But I don't look back.


Back with another "okay??" Chapter?

I honestly don't know if these chapters are good or bad. But there's only so many words I can use to write how I want things to go.

So I'm going to ask what you're favorite fanfiction of BTS is, if you have one.


That's all, thank you guys! I love you!

Cover by TheDarkWinterRose

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