Winx Club - Flora's in Danger...

By SuchALittleReader

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//Sequel to Winx Club - Flora's in Trouble! After yet another battle against the Wizards of the Black Circle... More

| Winx Club - Flora's in Danger! |
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 (I)
Chapter 40 (II)
| Epilogue |

Chapter 6

1.4K 41 5
By SuchALittleReader

Stella POV

"I'm bored," I groaned, leaning so far back in my chair that my hair was touching the ground, twisting my back in uncomfortable positions.

We had been "studying" some of Miss Faragonda's ancient textbook things for over an hour. I insisted many times that we do something else -anything else- but the girls argued that we had to be prepared for emergencies. My brain had automatically switched off from the girls' conversations around me, can you actually die of boredom? I think I might die of boredom right now. Is time slowing down? Am I-

"Stella!" Aisha waves her hand in my face, "you alive?"

"I think so," I groan, sitting up properly and rubbing my tired eyes, the girls all look up and giggle.

"Alright, alright," Bloom claps her hands together twice and all the magical books close themselves and drop to the floor, "let's do something else."

"Yay!" I cried, jumping up from my seat, "can we do stuff with our powers?"

"Sure, why not?" Musa shrugs, her response causing all the others to nod in agreement. We all leave our room and make the way to the fountain outside the school.

We spot the Pixies splashing each other with the flowing water, not quite standing in it but just enough for them to reach over and get their hands in, to then turn around and shake their wet hands at the pixie next to them. We all start to giggle and the pixies finally notice us.

"Come play with us!" Amore giggles, motioning us over with her tiny hands.

"Well, I suppose spending some time with the pixies can't hurt," Musa shrugs.

As if on cue, our pets come running towards us, jumping up on our legs to get our attention. We all laugh and agree to chill for a while. Everything finally felt right. We actually had the time to sit around and do what we wanted for once. No urgent business, no important meetings with the teachers at Alfea.

I could get used to this, I thought, leaning back on the base of the fountain and sighing in relief.

Brandon POV

"-and that's the end of our tour," Saladin clasps his hands together and smiles, "take as long as you need to prepare. Whenever you're ready to go, let me know."

We all nod as thank the professor as he turns and walks away, leaving us in the centre of a very busy control room. I can't believe we're actually here, I thought, glancing around the busy room. For a trip to Omega, everyone seemed calm. That settled me, they must know what they're doing. What am I saying, they've done this before, they're smart and powerful people who have clearly been chosen to do this for a reason. Of course they know what they're doing.

We had suits on, almost like spacesuits, but instead they were clear and fitted to the shape of our clothes. They were protected with magic, meaning they were very difficult to damage or destroy. We also had helmets, which weren't clear but silver and fitted all the way around our heads which we hadn't yet put on. The entire facility was heavily guarded, it took almost an hour for us to get in. We got "access passes" which we kept in our suits for if we ever came back.

So, that's it I guess. When do we go in? I thought, looking around the room, but didn't say anything yet. The guys were busy talking, excited about our mission.

I look over, and see Saladin in a seemingly serious conversation with one of the workers. By her outfit, and her badge which had a different outline to the rest, she seemed to be in charge, or one of the people in charge. I nudge a few of the guys and eventually we are all looking. Saladin catches us staring and visibly sighs, saying something to the worker and comes over to us.

"There's something I have to tell you," he lowers his head slightly and sighs again, "I'm not sure we can go through with this."

"What?" We all say, confused, before falling silent.

He shakes his head, "I can't believe I'm saying this but, I don't think we're prepared. This facility is missing a few workers, not a dangerous amount but they don't want to take any chances. Apparently one of the missing workers was one of their best. Usually they only send in one or two people but with you all they don't want to take risks. It is Omega after all."

"No way! There must be something we can do! We have to go, Saladin, everyone is in danger. We have no time to lose," I shake my head, slightly angry at the thought of a delay in our mission.

"It's took so long for us to prepare for this, too. Surely it would take at least another week. We might not have that time," Riven folds his arms.

"I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to do. They are trying to find extra workers but this is very advanced technology," Saladin frowns.

We all pause and look at each other. Then to Timmy. Then back to each other.

"Timmy-" Sky pauses before looking at him and then to Saladin, "-are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"Well, it's a possibility but I'd need to see how everything works before helping out," Timmy shrugs.

"That's a brilliant idea!" The Professor snaps his fingers, "wait here!"

He then makes his way back over to the female worker we saw a few moments ago and begins to talk to her and the two of them look over at us. Timmy is eventually called over and we all follow. A few of the workers speak to Timmy, and I kind of tune out from the conversation, unable to understand whatever they're talking about.

"Are you sure about this, Timmy?" Our Professor asks.

"Yes," Timmy nods, pushing up his glasses, "I am only a backup in case anything goes wrong but I can help out with the programming, too. Believe it or not I specialise in portals."

"Okay, that's good," Sky nods, "come on guys, let's get ready."

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