The Missing Pieces(A Naruto R...

By Lapeligroza

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Meet [Name] [Last Name], a young traveler. She has traveled most of her life, if not all of it. As a traveler... More

Welcome to the Leaf Village!
Start of a Frindship
First Piece of the Puzzle
Special Advice
Friend or Foe?
At Death's Door.
White Lie
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Long Gone.
Welcome To Hell
Poisoned Heart.
Living Corpse
Jumping to Conclusions
[Name] Returns
End of Friendship?
Welcome to the Team.
News About Updates
The Proposal
Deal or no Deal?
Home Sweet Home
What's This?
Heroic Act
Return to Konoha
Secret Has Been Revealed.
Offering Solutions.
Another Proposition
Love Proposal
Who Are You to Judge?
Bring It.
Strange Behavior
Unexpected Turn of Events
The Hokage
New Discovery
Love Rivals
Mussion Accomplished
Leader [Last Name].
Kabuto to the Rescue!
Special Results
[Name] Has Arrived
Sasuke's Declaration
Battlefield and New Findings
Age Estimation
Dead or Alive?
Cruel Reality
Madara's Plans
New Mission
The Search for [Name]!
Plan Complete
Restoring... Restoring Complete
Puzzle Almost Complete
Kill or be Killed
My War is Over
Giro's Ending Part#1
Goro's Ending Part#2
Goro's Ending Part#3
Goro's Ending
Itachi's Ending Part#1
Itachi's Ending Part#2
Itachi's Ending Part#3
Itachi's Final Part
Sasuke's Ending Part 1
Sasuke's To Ending Part 2
Sasuke's Ending Part 3

Puzzle Complete

503 23 0
By Lapeligroza

The end or War and a new era of peace should bring joy and happiness to the world, then why did the two Kages still gathered to discuss about a certain topic that to some may not be too pleasant. Naruto is a very positive person that can be serious when the time requires him to do so, but Gaara, there is rarely any sort of emotion decorating his face so why was he frowning deeply?

But…Should they really be joyous? The trio of Uchihas were defeated, they had been declared dead when they were defeated. Time was taken for the preparations that were made to return the bodies of those who lost their bodies in war to their families. Even now, there is still a lot more, but a couple of days earlier, it was informed that the bodies of these three people were missing.

“How can we be sure that they are completely dead?!” The blond Kage questioned in rage as he rose to his feet and passed back and forth as Kage remained seated but followed the moments of his friend.

The genius, standing at Sasuke’s side sighed in annoyance. They had the same discussion yesterday. “It was declared that way Naruto, you saw it yourself, they are dead.” A small voice tugged at his brain telling him that he should analyze other theories but he decided to listen to facts.

“I don’t know…What if they are alive and they have her?” Perhaps it was innocent what the male offered but it was enough to anger Sakura and Temari who had been present.

“Are you even listening to what you are saying?” Finally, having enough, the pink haired woman stepped forward with a scowl. “They are dead, and [Name] had her own reasons to leave. Why can’t you accept that?” She looked around noticing that she needed for everyone to come to reason. “No, why can’t you all accept her choice and let her live her live? She’ll come to us when she is ready.” She would have left, if it weren’t for the fact that these males, everyone still possessed deep wounds that still need to be healed, and yet they still decided to prioritize these topics before their wellbeing? Growling lowly, she turned away from the others knowing that none of what she said would change their minds.

“But we never found Kira’s body!” Once more, Naruto interjected unwilling to accept that you would choose to leave them all and without even saying goodbye. “We don’t leave our comrades behind,” his eyes shifted to Sasuke before he continued, “and if it is necessary, we’ll drag her back even by force.”

Temari’s eyes trailed back to Shikamaru then back to her brother. For a moment her eyes softened, her brother might not voice his feelings but there had been several times when she spotted that longing. She knew why, she knew who was responsible for his misery. “This is outrageous, did you look at the chaos she created when she used her attack? I doubt he had the opportunity to escape. Besides, we just had a war and all you care about is a woman, a woman who knew that you cared for her and yet, she left.”

Sadly, there was more to what happened and it had to be voiced. “The news have traveled throughout villages, her attack not only did it destroy a portion of the enemy but also a small portion of our Ninja. Although the council decided not to act, the villagers won’t take it too kindly if she returned.” The pony-tailed haired male announced with a grave tone.

“Even if that is the case, the amount of the enemy killed outgrows the number of our Ninja. Thanks to that attack, deaths were prevented.” This time the silent Uchiha uttered, knowing that he had to say something.

That was enough to upset the pink haired girl as her eyes glanced at the male, with a defeated sigh, she completely turned around and left the room. After she left, the room was left with silence and nothing was discussed any further. So, by the end of the day, Gaara retired to his hotel room accompanied with his sister.

“What do you plan to do now?” The woman questioned as she made sure that the Kazekage was secured before she too retired to her own room.

The red hair male stopped before his room, and just stared at the door in silence calculating his own thoughts. “If you are referring to her, there is nothing that I can do about it. As the Kazekage, it is my duty to make sure that all the bodies of those that lost their lives in the battlefield are returned to their home, their families. Even then, there is still the topic of Madara, we must be alert always. There were also so many casualties, so much to do before I can do something about it.” Slowly, his hand reached for the handle of the door and twisted it slowly. “Once that is over, then I can think of what to do.”

For a moment Temari watched her brother, and that rage resting in her beating heart banished for a moment as she watched her brother and memories flashed before her eyes. She remembered quite clearly when the two of you spent time together, even if it was work related, Gaara seemed happy and at peace. “Gaara, wait.” When the leader started to open the door wider to enter, she shouted without realizing it. Clearing her throat, she glanced to the side when the male turned around to face his sister. “I know that you think only for the wellbeing of our Village, and there is nothing wrong with it. But,” glancing at the ground with a glare, she continued, “you are as human as I am. I know she makes you happy, just make sure that once you finish whatever it is finished, find her.” With that, she headed to her own room leaving a big eyed red haired male.

Perhaps that was what he needed to hear, with a small smile on his face, he finally entered his room. His choice had been made from the very start, but now, now that had changed.

In a hospital bed, Kakashi laid unable to leave the hospital for the time being. All he had to entertain himself were books, and his own thoughts that at times prevented him from reading. Seating at his side on a chair rested his friend and rival, Might Guy. Said male, was of course in hospital as well, but most of the time, walked to Kakashi’s room. “This is a waste of my youthfulness.” The extravagant male groaned in defeat and pain as he moved slightly. His eyes trailed to his friend, noticing that thoughtful look on his face. “What’s up with you now?”

A moment passed without a word, before Kakashi decided to voice his thoughts. “Naruto came the other day, he said that Madara’s body, along with the other two were gone. He believes that they are probably alive.”

A serious expression replaced the annoyed on Might Guy. “Heh, is that so? That’s hard to believe, we all saw their condition, it would be impossible for them to be alive.”

“Even if that is true, it’s rather strange that their bodies were gone, and only their bodies.” Rubbing his face, Kakashi turned to his right side and threw his legs over the bed to take a seat.

“Then, I suppose we should be cautious, we never know. Though, even if the battle didn’t take place in the village, there were so many deaths that we will need time to recuperate. Besides, as soon as Madara was defeated, his so-called soldiers fled as soon as possible.” Trembling slightly, Might Guy rose to his feet and approached the window. It was a sunny day, such a waste.

“I know.” Then once more, the gray-haired male shut his lips tightly as he glared at the floor.

Upon the silence, Might Guy turned around and noticed the hunched form of his friend. A long sigh left his lips. “You’re worried about her, aren’t you?” Finally, he interrogated the other male, receiving no answer. “I’m sure she’ll return, but once she does, you better make a move, or I’ll will.” Jokingly, he knew that it was best to leave Kakashi and his thoughts alone.

Maybe…Maybe you’ll return one day and…Only time will tell. With that in mind, he decided to take a nap, because those negative thoughts were not going to do him any good.

These people were not the only ones affected by the past events, no, as Goro, Neji’s, Kiba’s team made decided to just take the day to rest and recuperate, their usually liveness was gone.

TenTen, oh, the girl was too devastated of the news. “I can’t believe it.” She muttered to herself, as she glanced at her broken arm. “They could be alive, and…” With a frown, she shook her head. "We're vulnerable at the moment and if they attacked, we won't be able to defend our village."

"I doubt that would be the case. Their bodies were in terrible condition, and we all were present when Sakura made sure that they were indeed dead." Neji offered his input on the subject.

TenTen's gaze turned to Goro, who had not spoken since the war ended. "Are you alright?" She asked, even though the male had a few patches here and there, he wasn't injured as the rest. 

Said male took a deep breath as he uncrossed his arms and frowned."I understand about your concern for your village but as it was confirmed, we should not concider the probability that they are indeed alive." For a few minutes he hesitated as glared at the ground in thought. "I am concerned about [Name], I know she is more than capable of protecting herself but we, no, I simply cannot abandon her." Curling his fingers to form fists, he raised his gaze to look at all the group. "I understand your position about being unable to search for her, but I am not going to stand here and do nothing." Hissing, he started to walk away. "I should have left a few days ago." With nothing else to say, he was gone while the others simply watched him go.

“I’m really worried too. Even there was a trail of footprints coming out of that devastated area, we know she was injured. From the information that was gathered, she had wounds. According to Kabuto, something must had happened. Her wounds didn’t heal, otherwise there shouldn’t have been any blood. And it was hers, we caught her scent.” Rubbing his hand on Akamaru’s fur, Kiba mentioned. He had been one of the people to search for your body, only to find none.

With a firm nod, Neji decided to take part of the discussion. “I wonder why she would leave in such a state, immediate attention would have been provided.”

“That’s the issue.” As if TenTen thought, she knew the reason why. “She probably didn’t want to feel like a burden, so she left.”

“Do you think he’ll find her?” Kiba scowled. “When we found the trail, we were going to set out and find her, but the other Kages refused such a request.” Anger bubbling in his being, he remembered that memory like it was yesterday. “As much as I want to go there myself, I can’t. I...I really wish I could find her.” As always, the topic turned out to be about you or the war, and every time your name was mentioned, he felt like his hands were being tied. Shaking his head, he left the small group. Even if you had left, he isn’t just going to give up just yet. Oh, no, not giving up.

“This is ridiculous.” TenTen announced but when her eyes landed on Neji, her eyes softened. “Are you alright?” Why she asked, she knew about the connection the male had with you and it was since that day that you saved him.

Said male, furrowed his eyes. “She offered me a new life, even if now I am able to search for her, I do not intend on forgetting about her. Even if she left on her own will, I know she will need us.”

More like you need her. The woman wanted to say, but refrained from doing so. “Then, don’t give up just yet. Maybe you both were meant to be, who knows.” Having enough for the day, she too got up from her seat, she left.

“There is a reason why she saved me.” Why else would his heart tear apart when the realization of you leaving for good hit it? Oh now, he is not just going to stay there and watch you get away from him. 

On his way, Neji noticed Iruka, Kabuto and Itachi talking and even if that sight was strange, he had enough talking today.

As for Iruka, although a troubled expression were present on his face, he tried to offer a kind smile. "Hello Kabuto, how have you been?" Why had he decided to come? There were several reasons why, like the amount of orphans arriving to the orphanage. It bothered him because he remembered too well what it was like to lose his parents at such a young age. 

Said male frowned. "I am doing quite alright. But I suppose I know why you came here."Kabuto glanced back at the orphanage, noticing the kids placing around and then he turned back to the teacher. "The amount of orphans that  I we received since  a the war tripped the original amount  I of kids that we had. However, Naruto made sure to provide for their needs, so there should not be any problem." Shutting his eyes, he thought for a few moments. "Some of the older ones have already decided to enter the academy next year."

As a teacher, he should be proud to hear such a thing but...Why should he? This kids will grow up and be surrounded by death. That is a future that he did not want for them. However, there's not much that he can do. "I see." Glaring down at the ground, he remained silent.

"As for her, which I am sure that's another reason why you are here, I cannot for certain say her condition." The gray haired male announced, already feeling his own heart squish in agony unable to act. As the one in charge of the orphanage, he couldn't just abandoned those kids who needed him. As much as he desired to be selfish and find you himself, he knew he couldn't at the moment. 

Upon hearing that information, Iruka's eyes widened in worry as his beating organ attempted to get out of his chest. "What?" In a worried tone he asked, he had been to busy to gather information about what was going on and only just a few things were told to him.

“It appears that Kira must have done something to her. The amount of blood left only proves that she was injured, and those wounds were not being healed. Which is something to be worried about." Finally he confessed his own worries.

“So no one is going to do anything about it?” Finally, Iruka questioned irritated that such a thing would take place.

Taking a deep breath, Kabuto shook his head. "Things are still chaotic and as a Hokage, Naruto must prioritize the village."

Rage crossed those dark eyes of Iruka thinking of what you might be facing. For an instant, he felt useless for not being able to act and do something to keep you safe. 

A few shouts were heard, so Kabuto glanced at the teacher knowing his pain. "I'm sorry, I shod get back in side." And he was gone.

Sadly with nothing else to do, Iruka walked away back to his home. He had planned to go and see Kakashi at the hospital, but being in such a state, no matter how much he acted, he knew Kakashi would seem through it. Besides, Kakashi shouldn't be in any different mood, thoughts should be crossing his mind as well, what good would it be for the two of them? Shaking his head as a hand grasped the place where he heart is located, he turned around and returning back home.

What happened to Itachi? He had been one of the most heavily injured people. He's a strong and powerful opponent, but so was Izuna.

Staying in his home, if he could call it as such since that was the one place where he once murdered his family. It bothered him, and it still does, but at he laid on his bed, he wondered about what Sasuke told him. It was nonsense to think that Madara and the other two might be alive. For another movement, your phase crossed his mind and then Madara.

Letting out a curse as his heart rate increase, he decided to take that as a possibility. If that was indeed true, that would only put you in more danger. Although Sasuke told him about his plans, he would not allow him to just throw away the Village's forgiveness. No, once he could move, he'll leave and search for you no matter how long it took. Even if he had been sleeping, drowsiness overtook him and within minutes he unconscious.


As for you, almost three week passed, and as if it was destined, you woke up just when you were going to be thrown out of the hospital. But as soon as you woke up, your wounds started to heal leaving the medical staff stunned.

Within minutes, you didn't even ask about where you were or how you got there, you simply gathered your stuff and left the place. The last thing you wanted was to leave any more evidence about your location. 

Where would you go? Everywhere, you did not intend to stay in one place, that would only lead to attachments and more suffering. You'll miss your friends, but if you were willing to sacrifice your happiness if it meant no more pain and suffering for them. Why? Because as you traveled, you managed to hear that there were people still looking for you, and that only meant trouble if they ever caught you.

With that thought, you dissapeared in an endless journey.

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