The Missing Pieces(A Naruto R...

By Lapeligroza

122K 5.8K 1.5K

Meet [Name] [Last Name], a young traveler. She has traveled most of her life, if not all of it. As a traveler... More

Welcome to the Leaf Village!
Start of a Frindship
First Piece of the Puzzle
Special Advice
Friend or Foe?
At Death's Door.
White Lie
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Long Gone.
Welcome To Hell
Poisoned Heart.
Living Corpse
Jumping to Conclusions
[Name] Returns
End of Friendship?
Welcome to the Team.
News About Updates
The Proposal
Deal or no Deal?
Home Sweet Home
What's This?
Heroic Act
Return to Konoha
Secret Has Been Revealed.
Offering Solutions.
Another Proposition
Love Proposal
Who Are You to Judge?
Bring It.
Strange Behavior
Unexpected Turn of Events
The Hokage
New Discovery
Love Rivals
Mussion Accomplished
Leader [Last Name].
Kabuto to the Rescue!
Special Results
[Name] Has Arrived
Sasuke's Declaration
Battlefield and New Findings
Age Estimation
Dead or Alive?
Cruel Reality
Madara's Plans
New Mission
The Search for [Name]!
Plan Complete
Restoring... Restoring Complete
Kill or be Killed
My War is Over
Puzzle Complete
Giro's Ending Part#1
Goro's Ending Part#2
Goro's Ending Part#3
Goro's Ending
Itachi's Ending Part#1
Itachi's Ending Part#2
Itachi's Ending Part#3
Itachi's Final Part
Sasuke's Ending Part 1
Sasuke's To Ending Part 2
Sasuke's Ending Part 3

Puzzle Almost Complete

305 26 7
By Lapeligroza

Important Announcement: Thank you guys for your unconditional support! I am happy (yet sad) to announce that this story will be complete soon. I only have a couple of chapters to do and the endings, then it will be finally complete! 


When was the last time that the feeling of dread, confusion, fear and anger washed over your body at the same time? You can’t remember. It had been a few hours since you arrived at the Mansion, and although Izuna had provided with the usual medicine, they did nothing for the new memories to go away, nor for the head ache.

Laying in your bed with your eyes shut, you remained in a curled position as new and old memories crashed together making your mind go crazy not knowing what was real and what wasn’t. Every single body trembled as your hands squished your head as if that would help.

Memories, every single one plagued your mind. They were so contradictory, why did these new memories made your so-called enemies like your friends? If you believed them to be your enemies, then why do you see yourself forgiving them? If you had been a spy, then why do you remember all those great memories that you had with them? Why did you see yourself willingly fighting along with them? Why? The worse of all isn’t the fact that you can remember them, no, it is the fact that as you keep remembering these new memories, your heart and somehow, your brain saw them as real.

But you are not sure what is the worse part because the memories that you had with Izuna, Madara, and Kira when you were younger didn’t feel real at all. Then, once there was nothing else to be restored, images no longer invaded your mind leaving that head ache just a soft throbbing.

Uncurling your limbs, you sat down and took a few seconds to calm down, but you didn’t calm down. What flooded your heart was anger pushing adrenaline to push through your veins and automatically making your body to rise. Then they rushed forward, urging your hands to open the door, which you did but so powerfully that it was almost ripped from its hinges.  When there were no more obstacles blocking your path, you could barely register how fast you were going, it must have been fast since in an instant you were in front of Madara’s office, you did the same with the door.

Izuna, Madara, Obito and even Kira seemed rather shocked to see such a threatening look on your face but more so at your stance. You were standing there just holding the knob of the door, but you looked intimidating with that straight and determined pose. “[Name], you’re better.” Izuna rose to his feet from his seat and made his way to you, only to be shoved against the wall as soon as he was close.

“Oh, I am better.” Your voice sounded so full of rage, but what caught him of guard was the rage in your eyes. “What the hell did you do to me?” Izuna’s eyes glanced at the others, and although you had a strong hold on the collar of his clothing, he made no attempts of doing anything to remove himself from that position. “So, these memories are real?” That rage flickered away as a betrayed one replaced it. Letting go of Izuna, you looked at the ground furrowing your eyebrows.

“Huh. So, you managed to finally recover those memories? I thought that administrating you with the dose would be enough but I was mistaken.” The scientist muttered to himself as he rubbed his chin.

That rage returned as soon as those words left his lips, your eyes snapped at him as began to shake with rage. Kira’s eyes began to widen as bits of chakra began to seep through your body. “I’m going to fucking kill you, you’re the one who placed those memories in my head.”

As rage and betrayal convinced that medicine that Kabuto administered to control it, it wasn’t enough to stop you from destroying this damn place. Usually you’ll have to take a pill to be able to use your chakra in this way but the rage and betrayal was enough, no, it had a bigger result. “How could you.” Those words were directed towards Madara, Izuna, and Obito. Because even you knew that false memories were given to you, that didn’t hurt as much as the ones that you knew you had created with them. Even if you had those false ones and know they mean nothing to you, you made new one with them where you accepted them. How could you play with your feelings in such a way? They showed you that they cared for you, so their feelings were false as well? But then why did Izuna look so hurt? Why did Madara do nothing to stop you if he truly intended to use you. And why did Obito seem worried, for once showing emotion other than that monotone expression?

Tears rolled down your cheeks, whether they were from anger of the betrayal, you refused to investigate that emotion.

“Damn it! We must flee, we can’t stay here!” Kira warned the others.

“We can’t…Madara…” Izuna refused to move from his spot, but once Madara nodded, Obito made sure to transfer him closer to the oldest brother.

You shook in your spot as you lowered your head, the chakra increased alarming them that it was time to leave. Once they did, you let your heart to drown in the poison making you lose your control. Everything began to be consumed, spreading and once it ate the mansion, it began to spread around. Those residing in the village began to flee upon the danger, as your rage ate away your control, everything around was eaten away as well until nothing of the village was left but ashes.

Moments, that was all it took for you to remain in your spot, the last standing. In your heart was emptied from any emotion, leaving it empty. Without even looking around, you fled, with only a goal in mind. End the war, but, you would not join any forces, not for now at least. What you planned is to end it, but after it, if you survived, you’ll disappear. You love your friends, you do, but as you fled, you couldn’t lie to your heart. The memories that you created with Madara, Izuna, and Obito were enough to make you doubt what you would do with them once you had to face them. Whatever the outcome is, you’ll leave, you had caused too much pain to others and you cannot bare to do the same any more. Time will pass, new people will rise wanting to conquer the world. You cannot bear the thought of being used again, and hurting those you love more.

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