Poetic Justice

By chaymaraj

116K 6.4K 10.2K

An Omeeka Story More



1.9K 141 196
By chaymaraj

Los Angeles, California

Meek walked out of the classroom, carrying his backpack and his laptop tucked under his arm. He rapped along to LL Cool J as the music blasted through his beats. Feeling someone tap him on his shoulder, he turned around seeing Isa. He cut his music off and put his beats around his neck.


"Can we talk?" She asked.

Meek looked around. "Nah. I don't think my girl would like that."

"Just for a few minutes, please? I want to give you a proper apology."

"Maaaan.. a few minutes. That's all."

She nodded and grabbed his wrist, pulling him to the food court. They sat down and Isa sighed.

"First, I want to apologize for lying to your girlfriend. I should have told her the truth, but I was only trying to save you because you were drunk that night. I know you meant no harm.. you were under the influence," she said.

He nodded as she continued.

"I also want to apologize for the way I reacted after she attacked me. I know that I'm not your girl and I shouldn't have expected you to save me or anything. Finally, I just want to say that I'm sorry I got you into this mess. I'm really friendly, but I can't really help myself. I'm new here, I'm kind of scared. I don't know anybody, so it's hard for me."

"You good. I forgive you for it all."

She looked at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, for real. No hard feelings."

"Great! Thank you, Meek. I don't want to keep you too long, but I do want to repay you for that time you got me lunch. It's hot out here, so how about I buy drinks?"

Meek nodded. "That's cool."

"What would you like?"

"A sprite is cool."

She nodded and got up. Meek pulled out his phone, scrolling through his Instagram. He posted a recent photo of Nicki in the mirror. He captioned it with a black heart and locked his phone as Isa came back minutes later.

"Here you go," she said, handing him the cup of sprite.

He took a sip and looked at it weirdly.

"This shit taste weird."

"Oh it's um.. raspberry sprite. They were out of regular," she said.

He nodded and continued drinking it while Isa watched him. She slowly sipped her own drink and then watched as Meek got up, throwing his empty cup away.

"Shit.." he said.

"You okay?"

He nodded. "Yeah. Everything just started moving fast as shit. I gotta lay down or something."

"I'll take you home. Come on."

His eyes started getting really low as Isa helped him up. She walked him to her dorm room and they went inside. Meek laid across her bed as she closed her door, then started taking her shirt off.

"Meek. Take your stuff off. It's hot."

Meek started taking his stuff off, laughing a little. Isa smirked and watched his boxers drop. Biting her lip, she pulled him closer.

Los Angeles, California

"Do you like it out here?" Nicki asked Bey.

"Yes. It's so different from Houston, but I really like it. Plus, as long as Jay is here with me, everything is fine," she said.

Nicki smiled. "That's how I feel with Meek. No matter how bad things are, if he's with me, everything is fine."

"Y'all just seem so in love. It's amazing."

"Yeah, it is. I wonder if he's made it home yet."

They continued talking before Nicki left. She went home and got in the shower, waiting on Meek. After about half an hour, she called him. Getting no answer, she got worried and decided to get dressed and go on campus.

After asking around, Nicki found Isa's dorm and room number. She quickly found it and banged on the door. Hearing moaning from the other side, she knocked harder. The moaned died down and soon the door opened a little.

Isa stood there, wrapped in a sheet and her hair was a mess. She looked at Nicki and her eyes widened a little. Nicki shoved the door open and saw Meek laying on the bed, stroking himself.


She jumped on Meek, punching him in his face until she saw blood. He tried to move her, but she was going crazy. Isa yanked Nicki off of Meek, by her hair. Nicki started beating her ass until her face was bloody and she fell. Nicki stomped her in her throat twice and picked up a flower vase, smashing it over Meek's head.

"We're done!" She yelled at Meek, who was unconscious as well as Isa.

Walking out, she slammed the door and went back to her car. She got inside and started driving off. She pulled up to the apartment and went in, going up to their apartment. Going inside, she immediately started packing her things, taking trips to her car to put everything away. Once she had packed every single thing that belonged to her, she got in her car and started driving off.

Houston, Texas

"Nikaaa!" Caiah smiled.

"Hi, I missed you!" She said, picking him up, kissing his cheek. "I have a gift for you."

His eyes widened. "Really? What is it?"

"Go to tell Mommy I'm here and I'll get your gift out of my car."

He nodded and ran off, while Nicki got the gift out of her car. She went inside just as Caiah and Carol came downstairs.

"Hi, Mommy," Nicki smiled.

They hugged and Caiah opened his gift. It was an Xbox One with five games.

"I know you're getting into video games and stuff, so I got you that. I hope you like it."

"I love it! Thank you, Nika!"

He hugged her and ran off.

"What brings you? You didn't call beforehand."

"Can I talk to you about something?" Nicki sighed.

Carol nodded and they sat down. "Of course. What's going on?"

"I really thought he was the one.."

"Huh? Did you guys break up?"

Nicki nodded. "Yes. He cheated. I'm done with him, but Mommy... it hurts so bad."

She started crying and Carol sighed, pulling her into a hug. She rubbed her back and kissed the top of Nicki's head.

"Don't cry. I know it hurts and that you were deeply in love with him, but if he cheated, he doesn't know your worth. You're strong and beautiful. This setback right here will not be your downfall, you hear me? There's plenty of men out there."

"I know, but I don't want anybody else."

Carol wiped Nicki's tears and sighed.

"Listen to me, Onika. You're 17. You have many more years to live and to learn. Maybe it's a sign that the relationship was moving too fast. I don't know, but there are plenty of men out there who would die to have your heart. Trust me. That isn't going to be the last relationship. You shouldn't allow it to be."

Nicki nodded and wiped her face.

"I understand."

"Good. Now put your car in the garage because I know you have all of your things in there."

Nicki nodded and got up, walking out.


chay 🍍

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