The Missing Pieces(A Naruto R...

By Lapeligroza

122K 5.8K 1.5K

Meet [Name] [Last Name], a young traveler. She has traveled most of her life, if not all of it. As a traveler... More

Welcome to the Leaf Village!
Start of a Frindship
First Piece of the Puzzle
Special Advice
Friend or Foe?
At Death's Door.
White Lie
Curiosity Killed The Cat
Long Gone.
Welcome To Hell
Poisoned Heart.
Living Corpse
Jumping to Conclusions
[Name] Returns
End of Friendship?
Welcome to the Team.
News About Updates
The Proposal
Deal or no Deal?
Home Sweet Home
What's This?
Heroic Act
Return to Konoha
Secret Has Been Revealed.
Offering Solutions.
Another Proposition
Love Proposal
Who Are You to Judge?
Bring It.
Strange Behavior
Unexpected Turn of Events
The Hokage
New Discovery
Love Rivals
Mussion Accomplished
Leader [Last Name].
Kabuto to the Rescue!
Special Results
[Name] Has Arrived
Sasuke's Declaration
Battlefield and New Findings
Age Estimation
Dead or Alive?
Cruel Reality
Madara's Plans
New Mission
The Search for [Name]!
Plan Complete
Restoring... Restoring Complete
Puzzle Almost Complete
Kill or be Killed
My War is Over
Puzzle Complete
Giro's Ending Part#1
Goro's Ending Part#2
Goro's Ending Part#3
Goro's Ending
Itachi's Ending Part#1
Itachi's Ending Part#2
Itachi's Ending Part#3
Itachi's Final Part
Sasuke's Ending Part 1
Sasuke's To Ending Part 2
Sasuke's Ending Part 3


458 35 7
By Lapeligroza

War, there's no time to rest. No matter how much time has passed, everyday, every hour there are wounded. The smell of iron, and the stench of death has now become common and familiar. Your people despite not having experienced healing others aside from themselves, they have adapted really quickly.

"There's a new wounded, however, it seems that his internal organs are damaged and we need to move fast. A medic ninja informed you once you finished healing a man.

With a serious nod, you head to a bucket of clean water, you wash your hands with soap. Once clean, you follow the man to see the wounded individual. 

On your way, Neji stepped in your path. "A meeting has been called and your presence is required."

Meeting? Even if it's important the life of someone is in your hands. "I will attend the meeting once I'm done." You waited a few seconds for him to move aside but he didn't so you walked around him. 

"This meeting requires all leaders, you included. It won't start without your presence." Once more, he stopped you by grabbing your arm.

"I understand but I'm not going to let this man die for a meeting. Tell them to proceed without me. " Narrowing your eyes, you tore your hand from his grip. 

"It's crucial that you attend." The man wasn't going to give up that easily, is he?

Shaking your head, you continue without saying anything else. Time is precious, many have already died and if you can save one more, then you'll do it no matter what.

Upon arrival at the bed of the injured one, your eyes widened upon seeing the wounded Shinobi. Most of his ribs were broken, rather surprised that he hasn't died just yet. It's almost the end of the day, and although tired, you know that after transferring these wounds, you'll have to take a nap to recuperate.

Looking over your shoulder, you noticed that Neji has already left. Exhaling, you beging the process knowing that it'll take a bit in order to save the man. 

By the end of the process, you are not in a great shape. Your ribs are broken and from the intense pain, organs had been destroyed. If other medic ninja had tried to save him, he would have indeed died. Hissing, you make your way to your tent as fast as you can. Once there, you have to relocate each rib in place as it began to heal. Even standing was impossible because of the pain, revenue in the dark tent, you stumbled to your bed where you sat down. 

It was agonizing, and you had to bite into a rug in order not to bite your own tongue because of the intensity of the pain. You're not sure how long but by the end of the healing process, you were left in a pile of exhausted muscles, drenched in sweat, and quite sleepy. A few gasps of air left your lips, once you were done. As planned, you were beginning to lower your body towards the bed when the voice of Neji stopped you from continuing.

"I apologize, but they cannot wait any longer." He must have been watching, that you found out as soon as your eyes landed on his troubled expression.

Huffing, you once again take a seated position before you proceed to stand up. Your movements as way to slow, so Neji walked forward and helped you stand on your feet. "Thanks, I'm exhausted."

His offers he right arm for you to take, who you do. "I hate to do this, I would have left you sleep if the meeting wasn't urgent. Shikamaru thought that it was important that you were present."

With a tired smile, you shook your head. "It's alright, I'll sleep as soon as the meeting is over."On the way to the meeting, you both remain silent. Once you arrive at the tent, you pull away and stand straight despite feeling like you'll collapse any time soon. "Thanks for the help."

"I'll wait for you here." Still that worried expression remained, rather amusing to see his usual monotone expression.

Nodding, you walk in the tent and many eyes trail to your form, some even wearing annoyed looks. They must have been waiting for you. Your eyes scanned everyone, and those important were informed to gather at the gathering tent. Messengers and those representing the leader's of the villages were required to be present. 

Restraining a yawn, you watched in front where Shikamaru and Yamato were standing. The rest of the team members weren't allowed to attend the meeting, even if Naruto showed his distaste." Please, quiet down people!" Yamato shouted with a frightening look, everyone did as told as they waited for the reason as to why they were called to the meeting.

"The group that we dispatched to investigate the suspicious activity close to the Mist Village found the one responsible for the war. However, not much is known of him. He's not even in the bingo book." Shikamaru informed, even he looked very exhausted. "We still have no name and the location he had is no longer inhabited, so we need to still keep searching."

Raising an eyebrow, you watch the male scan his tired eyes across the scrolls in front of him. "What we do know is that he must have knowledge in medical ninjutsu and he's responsible for any experiments. We suggest that you inform your leader for this is important information. We'll keep you all updated." As soon as Shikamaru was finished, he gathered his scrolls mumbled something to Yamato and they both left.

Once they were gone, the rest began to disperse. Quite honestly, that information didn't seem too important. It's a shame that that man's location is unknown. Shaking your head, you exit and meet with Neji who helped you return to your tent. As soon as you arrived and landed on your bed, you just blacked out. Neji didn't leave, he sat down on the ground and just watched you until he too fell asleep.

However, they weren't the it ones to know certain things. Far away from the battlefield, a pair of men stand watching as more of their fighters return to the battlefield. 

"She's here then." Kira mutters with a grin quite excited.

The other man narrows his eyes as he clutches his heart, but despite feeling it, he knows that's not his heart nor his body. Once he awoke, he was informed of certain unpleasant events. How could such an elite Clan just be at the brick of extinction? All because of Konoha. 

There are so many plans, and one of them is to make that village pay. However, that name, [Name] only brings hope for restoring his Clan. His onyx eyes glance at the man beside him and they narrow. This body is borrowed and made out of clay so that it keeps his features, but this man guaranteed that that woman was able to restore, no, to give him a real body. A body that has his blood, the Uchiha blood.

However, he isn't as strong as he would have hoped otherwise he would have destroyed the Leaf Village and you would have been at his reach already. 

Ah, what this this man guarantee as well? Oh yes, immortality. He knows such a thing cannot be accomplished, however, if he can have his own body that's good enough for now. Although there are only few Uchiha left, he knows that in order to get his Clan back to it's powerful place, he needs to take actions. No matter how much Kira tries to reassure him that he'll make them even more powerful, that's a lie. In order to have more powerful members... There's only one way.

He turns round and takes shelter once more. All in due time, but the sooner you're there, the sooner his plans are accomplished.

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