Saved (A Harry Styles Fanfict...

By grxngehxrry

89.1K 1.9K 285

"Harry", I say in the darkness. "Hmm?", he responds. "Earlier when you asked me why I was still here after al... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 (The End)

Chapter 12

2.6K 61 8
By grxngehxrry

***Harry's POV***

Fuck. What have I done? I slam my fist into the banister. A few people turn around and glance at me. She's not ready for that. I didn't want to take it to far I..Ellie walks over to me, interrupting my thoughts and places her hand on my shoulder. I pull away.
"What's wrong with you?", Ellie murmurs. I've just seen this girl naked, messing around with one of my best mates. I really don't feel like speaking to her. "Hello?", she questions. I tighten my jaw. "She'll be fine. I was just messing with her. But I mean, she kind of deserved it. She embarrass..", Ellie starts. "Shut up!", I yell at her. She takes a step away.
For god sake. "Sorry", I whisper, glancing at her. I unclench my jaw and take a deep breath. Her eyebrows knit together. "Why are you so upset? Is is because I made fun of your boner?", she laughs. My face heats. Since when do I fucking blush? I swallow hard. "Kidding", she giggles at my red cheeks.
I sit down on the bottom step. She follows. Why won't she just leave? "Leah wouldn't let me talk about you. Every time I would mention you she would get upset", Ellie says suddenly. What? She pushes her hair behind her ear. "What are you talking about?", I ask firmly. She squints at me, " You're not really how I imagined you. Looks, yeah. Personality, no", she says, ignoring my question.
"Ellie?", I hear Louis' voice from the top of the stairs. Her cheeks redden slightly and she looks up. "Bye Harry", Ellie says and begins to walk up the stairs.
Why wouldn't Leah talk about me? My head starts to throb. I want to go after her but it won't matter. She'll refuse. I need a drink. Drinks.
I stand up and walk to the kitchen. There is a half empty bottle of whiskey sitting on the counter. I pick it up and take the lid off. I take a swig. It burns going down but it cools my insides.
My headache slowly subsides, with every sip.

***Leah's POV***

I sit in my car for a good hour. I open the windows to let the cool air in. Who am I waiting for? Harry? Ellie? Neither will show. I don't want them to..
I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Everything will be okay. Harry and I will be fine. I'm fine. Ellie will get over herself. We'll talk about this tomorrow.
I open my eyes and start the car. I just want to go home. I want to sleep.
I pull out and drive away.


When I pull into my driveway I'm confused. There is a red truck parked there. I squint my eyes, trying to recognize it. I don't. My dad's car isn't here. Maybe he got a new car?
I get out of my car and walk over to the truck. The windows are slightly tinted. I walk closer. My heart starts to race. I'm not sure why.
I start to look in the window, when a man's head pops up. I scream and nearly fall over. The car door opens. "Sorry, sorry. I didn't mean to frighten you", a voice says. I regain my footing and turn towards the voice.
It's the man who was with Harry that night. I think his name is Zayn. I clear my throat. Why the hell is he here? "I'm fine", I murmur.
He's wearing a beanie and a black leather jacket. I didn't really get a good look at him that night. He's gorgeous. I push away that thought. "What are you doing here?", I ask. He tilts his head. "You are Leah. Correct?", he squints at me. "Um..yes", I answer.
"Do you know where Harry is?", he questions. He doesn't need to answer my question. He's looking for Harry. That's why he's here. "I think he's at a party", I say to him. Harry could have already left that party for all I know.
"He isn't answering his phone. I really need to speak to him", Zayn says. I tighten my hands into fists. Why does he need to speak to him? Why isn't Harry picking up his phone? How does Zayn know where I live? There are so many questions.
I reach for my phone. "I'll try to call him", I say to Zayn. He nods and leans against his truck. I dial Harry's number.
It goes straight to voicemail. His phone must have died. I look back at Zayn. I really don't feel like dealing with this right now. I sigh.
"Can you take me to that party? Or give me an address?", Zayn questions suddenly. I don't know the address. I know how to get there but.. Shit. I'm going to have to drive back to that fucking party with a person I don't even know. Now I'm pissed at Harry.
"I'll take you", I whisper. This better be important. I can't say no to Zayn though. "Can we just take your car. You can drive me back here after", he smiles. Wow okay. More shit for me do tonight. I don't smile back. I walk to my car and get back in. Zayn follows.
"Sorry for the inconvenience", he says, leaning his head back. "It's fine", I say. I've said that a lot tonight.


The drive there is awkward as hell. Neither one of us says anything. Zayn looks at his phone constantly.
I pull onto the road where the party is. "You could've said Louis' house", Zayn laughs. Really? I roll my eyes. "Sorry", he whispers. Harry better be here.
I squint my eyes at something in front of me. Someone's laying on the side of the road..I slam on the brakes. "What the..", Zayn starts. I rip the door open and run out towards him.
He's flipped over so his face is in the dirt. Oh god. I put my hands over my mouth. Tears stream down my face. I hear another car door slam.
I touch his back carefully. God please no. His eyes are closed. I turn to see Zayn running towards me. "Shit", he curses. He moves to my side. "I'm going to flip him over Leah", he whispers in my ear.
I'm gasping for air. Zayn flips him over and puts his ear to his chest. His face is pale. "Wake up Harry!", I shout and shake his shoulders. "Stop", Zayn yells at me. "He's alive. Okay? Stop", he breathes. I gasp for air.
I grab his hand and squeeze. His hand is freezing. "C'mon let's get him into the car", Zayn puts his hand on my shoulder. I nod frantically.
Harry squeezes my hand. "Wait Zayn", I plead. "Harry?", I wipe his curls off of his forehead. His eyes flutter open. He coughs.
"What are you doing here Leah?", he slurs. I swallow hard. "You already left silly", he smiles, dimples showing. I wrap my arms around him and pull him up towards me. He doesn't hold himself up. His head hangs limply in my arms. He's completely intoxicated.
"He may have alcohol poisoning. We need to get him to a hospital", Zayn tells me. I look at him. Harry turns his head away from me. "I uh", Harry starts. He throws up. I jerk my hand away. Zayn helps him sit up.
Harry pukes for a good minute. I look away but keep my hand on his back, moving it in circles. "Let's get him in the car", Zayn says. Harry's bigger than Zayn, he's going to need help. "I can walk", Harry slurs. He pulls his legs closer to him. "No Harry you can't", I tell him. If I wasn't so terrified right now, I would be furious at him.
"Grab his upper body. Can you do that?", Zayn asks me. I move so I can wrap my arms under Harry's. "Yeah", I reply. Zayn slides his hands under Harry's lower back. "Okay lift", Zayn says. I lift Harry up. We walk to the car. The back door is closed. "Shit", Zayn curses.
I twist my body and stick my shoe under the door handle. I pull my leg back and the door opens. "That's talent", Zayn laughs. I force a smile.
I tighten my grip on Harry and step backwards into my car. Zayn pushes Harry in. I sit and and pull Harry towards me. His head falls in my lap. Zayn closes the back door. He slides into the driver's seat.
"I'm a good driver don't worry", Zayn jokes. He starts the car and begins to drive.
"Harry how much did you drink?", I ask, wiping dirt off of his cheek. "You'll be angry", he laughs. "Do you even remember?" I frown at him. "A little of everything", he slurs. His breathing is irregular. Zayn makes a noise. His eyes meet mine in the rear view mirror. I look back down at Harry. Why would he do that?
"See you're mad", Harry smirks. I swallow hard. "I'm not feeling great", Harry sighs. He's going to throw up. "Zayn stop the car!", I yell. Zayn hits the brakes. I open the side door and pull Harry to where is head sticks out. He throws up. Zayn sighs.
The sight of vomit makes me sick. I look away. Harry hits my arm, telling me he's done. I turn him over and pull him back in. He isn't completely limp anymore so I don't have to lift his full body weight. I close the door and Zayn begins to drive again.
Harry makes a disgusted face. "That's the second time I've thrown up in front of my girlfriend", Harry laughs. My heart skips a beat at the word "girlfriend".


Zayn pulls into the "Emergency" section of the hospital and parks the car. He steps out and opens the back door for me. I get out then Zayn pulls Harry out. Harry stands for a second, until his knees buckle under him. Zayn catches him.
He puts Harry's arm around his shoulder. I copy his actions. We begin to walk towards the entrance. Harry shuffles his feet slowly.
We walk through the sliding doors. The nurse at the front desk looks up. "What seems to be the problem", she asks in a squeaky voice.
"We think he's got alcohol poisoning", Zayn responds. She runs her eyes over Harry's pale body. The waiting room is nearly empty. "Come with me", she says.
We walk with her. She opens up a curtain. "One moment".Harry laughs when she says this. "One moment? I could die in one moment", Harry shakes his head. "Don't say that", I tell him sternly.
A woman and a man then rip the curtain open. "Can you get on the bed?", the woman asks Harry. He nods. Zayn and I help him on. He curls into a ball. "Could the two of you wait in the waiting room?" the man asks Zayn and I. I look at Harry curled up on the bed. "A nurse will give you some information to fill out", the woman says.
"Please take care of him", I look at her. Her smiles drops. She looks concerned. "Of course", she says.
Zayn grabs my wrist and pulls be out of the curtained room.
"I'll go talk to a nurse about what happened and I'll fill out the paper work. You go rest", Zayn says, pointing to a chair. "Thank you", I say to him. I walk to the waiting room and sit down, leaning my head against the wall.
If Zayn didn't come to my house we wouldn't have found Harry. I close my eyes tight, pushing the thought away.


"Code blue. Code blue", a loudspeaker blares. I jolt awake. Oh god. I've seen medical shows and "code blue" means someone on the floor is dying. Doctors run towards the curtained rooms. I cover my face. Please no.
"It's not him, Leah", someone whispers in my ear. I look to see Zayn sitting beside me. He's right, the doctor's are running past Harry's room. I take a deep breath.
I feel guilty for thinking this but I'm glad it's someone else. Zayn awkwardly squeezes my hand, before placing it back into his lap.
"How long have I been asleep?", I question. "About two hours", Zayn replies. "Do you know what they did to Harry? How is he?", I ask, looking up at him.
"He's fine Leah but..", he starts. But? "But what?", I pride. Zayn signs, "He had to get his stomach pumped. We got him here just on time". My heart beat accelerates. Oh my god. I drop my face into my hands. "There still running some tests but he's stable. That's all they've told me", Zayn assures me.
I want to see him. I'm absolutely terrified but I'm so furious at Harry for doing this. Why was he drinking that much in the first place? God only knows what else he did.
The woman from earlier steps out of Harry's room. I stand up. She starts to walk towards us but I meet her halfway. "He's okay right?", I look at her. Zayn trails behind me. Her eyes are wide.
"Why don't we sit. I have to ask you a few things", she says to me. I hold my breath. "He's okay", she smiles.
We walk back to the chairs we were previously sitting in. "He's sleeping right now. You can see him in a bit but first I need to tell you everything that is going on", she sighs and puts her hand on my knee. I take a deep breath and then exhale.
"Okay so first things first. He had alcohol poisoning", she looks at me to make sure I'm okay. Zayn sits silently. I nod and she continues. "We had to pump his stomach. He consumed an extreme amount of alcohol", she sighs. I swallow hard. "He's doing better now but he's going to have to stay about 24 hours for observation", she states.
I look over at Zayn. He looks completely bewildered, wondering how he got himself into this.
"He's very lucky. You two brought him here just on time", she smiles weakly. "He was having some trouble breathing so we gave him some oxygen. His breathing is starting to stabilize", she continues.
This is all so much to take in. So much has happened between Harry and I in this last month.
"There is one more thing I need to tell you", she looks at her feet. Oh god. "We ran some tests. One was a drug test", she pauses.
Zayn tenses beside me. "There is patient privacy in play here, but you look like his girlfriend", she points to me. "And you look like his best friend", she points to Zayn.
"I..", Zayn and I both say at the same time. We don't say anything else.
"We found benzoylmethylecgonine in his system", she sighs. What the hell is that? Zayn sighs. "Cocaine", he whispers.
My heart drops to my stomach. I clench my jaw together. He said he was done with it. He lied to me.
The doctor makes a face. "We also found cannabis. Or marijuana", she tightens her jaw. Oh god Harry.
"I wanted to tell you this because with the amount of alcohol he consumed and the drugs he inhaled..he was asking to die", she swallows. "I may be wrong but I wanted you to know", she sighs. "Would he kill himself? Do we need to check him into physiatrics?", she questions. What? Is she insane?
"No of course not!", I yell in her face. She backs away slightly. Zayn places his hand on my shoulder. I shake him off.
I can't believe she just asked me that. I'm furious. "What gives you the right to say something so fu..", I start. "Miss, I said I could be wrong, I just wanted you to know. I'm sorry I've upset you", she starts to walk away. I take a step towards her. It feels like someone else is possessing my body.
"Leah stop it!", Zayn grabs my face. I widen my eyes and he drops his hands. I fall onto my knees and begin to cry.
How could Harry do this? Zayn pats my back, trying to bring me comfort. "C'mon lets just sit and wait for him to wake up", he tells me. "We'll figure out what to do when that happens", he sighs and pulls me back to my feet.


I think I fell back asleep because Zayn's voice startles me. "Leah, a nurse just told me he's awake. He's asking for you", Zayn forces a smile.
I run my hands through my hair. I don't know if I want to see Harry right now. I'm so happy he's okay but I'm furious and I feel betrayed.
I look at the clock in the corner of the room. It's nearly 4am. I turn to Zayn. "Why were you looking for him earlier?", I question. Zayn shifts uncomfortably. "I'll tell you about that later. Okay?", he whispers. "Whatever", I reply sarcastically.
I don't want to be rude to Zayn. If he didn't come looking for Harry..there might not be a Harry anymore. I swallow hard and stand up.
A nurse walks me to his room and rips the curtain open. I gasp then cover my mouth.
Harry's got a breathing tube in his nose and an IV in his arm. There are all sorts of machines hooked up to him. His color is slightly starting to return but he looks..sick.
His eyes open and he looks at me. The nurse nods her head and leaves the room.
I pull a chair from the corner of the room up to the side of his bed and sit down. I take a deep breath.
"Harry..", I start. He reaches for my hand. "Harry why would you..", I try again. Tears fall down my cheeks. Harry squints at me. "I'm sorry", he says horsely.
I let go of his hand and he frowns. "You could have died Harry! Is that what you wanted to accomplish?", I yell.
His eyebrows knit together. "What? No. No it's not. I'm sorry I..", he starts. "Stop Harry! God dammit stop saying you're sorry. That's all you ever say!", I yell again. He sighs.
I feel bad yelling at him like this but it's his own fault. He got himself into this situation.
"I thought I could trust you Harry..", I whimper, wiping tears out of my eyes. "You can Leah", he whispers. "No Harry I obviously can't", I point to the machines around him.
"Leah.. I didn't know what I was doing. I was disoriented", he clenches his jaw. "Why were you so disoriented Harry? Oh right, because you nearly drank yourself to death", I respond sarcastically. "How did you even end up face down on the side of the road? I fucking thought you were dead Harry!", I scream.
A nurse opens the curtain. "Is everything okay here?", she questions cautiously. "Yes", Harry and I reply at the same time. She nods and steps out.
I glance back at Harry. I know I shouldn't be upsetting him like this. He's not completely okay yet. I'm just so angry.
"Leah..", Harry starts horsely. I think they put a tube down your throat to pump your stomach. That's why he's horse.
"What Harry? What could you possibly say to make me feel any better?", I squeak. I'm desperately trying to stop crying but I can't.
He sits up and grabs my face, taking me by surprise. "What..", I start. He roughly presses his lips to mine. I try to pull away, but his hands remain on my face, pulling me towards him.
He kisses me hard, leaving me completely breathless. I don't want to fight it. I kiss him back. I'm so angry at him, but in this moment all the bad thoughts are gone.
He moves his hands into my hair, pulling me closer so he's lying back down. I place my hands on the bed and stand up.
Things then start to get a little to heated in my opinion, so I pull away. I rest my forehead against his. My cheeks flame and I'm out of breath. He smiles weakly.
Mixed emotions. That's what I constantly feel around Harry. I stand up completely, pulling my face away from his. I run my hands over my face. I'm still crying.
"Come here", Harry whispers and pats the bed. He scoots over, wanting me to join him. I consider walking away but change my mind.
I slide my shoes off and get into the bed with him. I'm afraid to touch him. I don't want to mess with any of the wires or tubes connected to him.
"It's okay to touch me", Harry says, reading my mind. I lay my head down beside his and curl up next to him. "I'm sorry Leah..", Harry whispers into my hair. I clench my jaw and try to stay calm.
"Please stop saying that Harry. Stop", I say sternly, trying to keep my voice down. He sighs. "I started to drink to get my mind off of hurting you..and all I did was hurt you even more", he chokes.
"I really thought I could trust you..", I whisper. He runs his thumb under my eye, wiping away tears. "You can".
I sigh into his arm. I don't know what to say anymore. "Leah I don't want to hurt you anymore", he whispers. "I won't hurt you anymore", he sighs. He's already told me this once before. Does he really expect me to be fine with all of this so easily? Yes I kissed him but I shouldn't have. I'm not okay. I can lie and say I am but I'm not.
This hurts a lot. I honestly haven't felt this much pain since my mom died. I feel betrayed.
He pushes my hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead softly. He holds his lips there.
I look up at him. There are two sides of this boy. Why can't there only be this one?
He suddenly reaches his hand up to his face and rips the oxygen tube out if his nose. I sit up. "Harry what are you doing?", I reach for it. He pushes my hand away.
"That shit was annoying the hell out of me", he laughs. I can't help but giggle. I try to turn my face away from him but he puts his hand on my cheek. "How have we already been through this much shit?", he asks me, smiling a bit.
I want to correct him by saying "you" but I keep my mouth shut. I'm not the one causing problems. "I don't know", I say instead.
"I also want to take this fucking gown off. It's itchy", he smiles. He's trying to make me laugh. I shake my head at him, trying to hold back a smile.
"I see that", he pushes his finger into my cheek. "Stop Harry", I giggle, pushing his hand away. His facial expression changes.
"You should probably leave me and not turn back", he whispers. My heart drops. "But I can't let you do that. I'm to selfish", he runs his finger down my face. I swallow hard. I wouldn't do that. I can't do that. No matter how angry I am.
"We can get through this", he wraps his arms around me, carefully, trying not to pull out his IV. I lean my head against his chest. "I really hope so", I whisper to him.
"Why don't you go get some sleep", Harry sighs into my hair. He runs his foot over my leg. "I'm good here", I say, surprising myself.


Okay so I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! I'm going to try to update as soon as I can. I have some good ideas haha. Don't forget to vote and comment! xx

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