Secret Identity (completed)

By woundedbywords

217K 8.9K 4.9K

What if the random stranger you meet on Instagram turned out to be the lead singer from one of the world's bi... More

It started with a follow
The morning after
Pizza and FIFA (PIFA)
It's just a message
Sliding into DM's- 101
The art of messaging
Left on read
The Diaz Twins
Beckett to not so lone Wolfe
School, in a cool way
The girl code
Daddy Dearest
A girl can dream
Oui Oui
My, what a deep voice you have
Flying pigs, girl gangs and brothers
Quick authors note~ feel free to skip
YouTube marathon
Face to FaceTime
Girl, got no chill
Knead to Rise Up
Candy, Mandy and Brandy
I like you
I'm never drinking again
Na-Na-Na -Na-Na-Sen-NA!
To tell or not to tell....
Let the record show....
Homeward Bound
Hi Mummy, I'm home
The night before
Are you mad?
Erik, with a K
The Devil in disguise
Practice makes perfect
Lime spider
Who do I need to kill?
Wanna see the sun rise?
Wanna see the sunrise? Part 2
The orange sea...
Stop and smell the roses
You're my bi***
Jazz apples are red, Shiitake mushrooms are brown
The truth- Phase one
New phone, who dis?
The truth... is out there
I liked you
To fight or forget
The ball and the wall
Shower Power
Mission Impossible
A punch to the throat
This is how I die
Operation H

The Grand Finale

3.5K 150 136
By woundedbywords

Harri's POV

"Shhh! It's starting," she orders as the lights go down.

"Jazz, I'm trying to tell you it's all true."

"Harri, shhh! I know it's true, I'm the one who told you he was here," she replies indignantly not understanding what I am trying to say.

I take a deep breath, "no, Jazz. I'm trying to tell you that SJ is Sen—"

"--Harri, Shhh!" she says firmly as Mr Grayson walks across the stage.

I swear to god. I love Jazz but sometimes I could strangle her and bury her in a shallow grave. She's so inward thinking. How does she not get that I am trying to tell her that SJ is Senna Jager? And therefore Jackson is Jaxon?

The School Captain hands Grayson a microphone which he tests by tapping the top with his hand. It makes a dull doof doof noise as it echoes through the auditorium speakers. We all brace from the inevitable high pitched feedback which comes a moment later. I look at Jazz's face which contorts with the sound.

"Thank you for coming," he starts.

"Like we had a choice," the rude girl to my right mutters to her friends with an eye roll. They, of course, all giggle in response.

Grayson clears his throat. "Ladies and gents. Boys and girls...Today we have an extra special treat. Two of my former students asked me for a favour and you know me, I'm always willing to help a student out," he chuckles nervously. Pretty much the entire room groans, as he continues, "Well they brought with them a few friends."

The room starts to buzz with whispers. The girl next to sniggers, "it's probably some lame-ass chemistry guy. Or like a magician or something equally as dumb."

I'm nervous.  My hands are sweaty. I wipe them on my pants, before tucking them under my legs which I hope not only keeps them dry but stops me slapping her.

"Harri, it's them! It's really them. I told you they were here," Jazz whispers excitedly. Her legs jittering making the whole bench wobble.

"Yes you did, Jazz," I grunt. My mouth suddenly dry.

"Okay that's enough from me," Grayson says interrupting the chatter and the moaning. "Please welcome, Gate Thirty Four!"

There is a good ten seconds or so before anyone makes any noise. Like they're in some sort of shock while they process what has just been said. I look to the girl on my right whose mouth has dropped open. She starts to fan herself with her hands while squeaking, "oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh," over and over again.

As five figures emerge from behind the thick red curtain at the back of the stage my ears are met with screams louder than I ever thought humanly possible. I look to my left to see Jazz screaming. I look to my right to see the rude girl losing her mind. I look to the girls in front of me. They're also screaming. Some of them are hyperventilating.

I even spot Cleo amung them. Tears streaming down her face.

Me. I'm numb. I sit there. Quiet. Unmoving.

I start to panic. What is going on? What is going to happen? An hour ago I was in class professing my love for SJ over a text, which he ignored and now here he is, at my school. I can't process this. Is he here to publically humiliate me? I bet that's it. Shiitake, I think I'm going to vomit.

A voice sounds through the speakers, "hi everyone!" I think it's Rafa. Or is that Luca? I can't tell. What's the deal with twins anyway?

Cue more screams.

My breath hitches as they walk in a line to the front of the stage. I know they're all there but my eyes are glued to SJ as he struts forward. He darks curls bouncing with every step. His green eyes piercing even from this distance.

They start to sing. It's some song about bread rising. Everyone is up and dancing. Jazz is still losing her mind. So is the rude girl. I remain seated.

I glance over a Theo, Jamison and Erik with a K, who are all slapping each other on the back and laughing.

Ten minutes and a few songs later the music quietens. Everyone starts to whisper among themselves. The rude girl on my right takes the opportunity to scream, 'I LOVE YOU, SENNA!"

He smiles and looks to the ground. "I love you too," he mutters into the mic making the rude girl scream.

Sure he can say it to her, but me?... He can't even acknowledge my text. I'm done with this I decide, picking up my scarf. "Jazz, I think I'm gonna go."

She looks at me as I stand up. "Harri, you cant' go."

"I don't feel well," I explain swallowing hard to stifle the rising bile.

She grabs a hold of my top pulling me back. "One more song, H. Then I'll come with you."

"Jazz, I could never ask you to leave."

"H, just one more song..." her voice and face plead.

I'm about to argue but I hear SJ's voice over the mic again. The crowd hush as they hang on every word.

He stands still in the centre of the stage. The theatre club shine the spotlight on him. "You know sometimes when you meet a person and you can be your most truest self with them? No pretending. Just pure unfiltered you. Well in this industry that doesn't happen much," he speaks, his eyes searching the crowd until he finds mine.

I fall back down onto the bench. Any oxygen I had left leaves my lungs. "But when it does it's magical. And you want to hold on to it for as long as you can. And this song is about just that. You guys are the first to hear this... we hope you like it."

Jax takes over, "this is our new song, Unguarded."

"Omg, I bet this is about that girl. The one from his tweets," Jazz screams in my ear as the music starts. I barely register her words as SJ starts singing.

We meet late one night neither knowing who we were

It started with a 'hey', neither knowing how our lives would change

"IT DEFS ABOUT HER. SHE'S SO LUCKY!" Jazz screams, before looking at me. "Harri, are you okay? You look like you're going to barf."

I don't know. Am I okay? I'm screaming on the inside, but on the outside, all I can manage is a nod. Too scared that if I open my mouth I'll regret it.

Between the screams I manage to catch a few words that tell me the song is our story.

Mad as hatters we stayed up all night

We stayed up all night and watched the sunrise

"He's so sweet, Harri. I literally can't with him," she sighs tears welling in her eyes as Jax takes over the lead vocals.

Laughs over strippers, shiitake and Jazz Apples

Like the fruit, only a lot sweeter

She's good at mini golf

But I still beat her

Her mouth drops. "Did he just?... Jazz Apples? Shiitakes and Mini golf?"

I nod. "Jazz, Senna is--" I stutter as SJ walks down the steps of the stage. His eyes never once leaving mine.

"Jazz Apples?" she repeats as it suddenly all hits her. "FUDGE ME!"

I don't answer. I'm busy trying not to vomit, or die. Whichever comes first.

"That means Jackson is... OH MY FRUIT LOOPING SHIITAKE." She falls back onto the bench.


SJ takes the lead again. My breath quickens as he keeps moving in my direction. The crowd parting to make room for him. The girl to my right is now completely silent as she sees for the first time his eyes looking straight into mine.

With you, I am unguarded

With you, I am defenceless

With you, I am me

With you

I am free

He stops in front of me and I feel hundreds of eyes on us. Including Cleo's, who judging by her expression, looks to be trying to murder me with her mind.

With you

I am me

The music stops and I just look at him taking in the last few minutes."Harri, say something," he whispers, now standing directly in front of me.

"You left me on read," is all I can muster.

"I couldn't risk you knowing that I was here," he justifies.

"You left me on read," I repeat. My voice cracking. I poured my heart out to him and he left me on read.

There is a commotion behind SJ and see Theo pushing people out of the way as he makes his way towards us. He throws his arms in the air, "Harri?" I shoot him a glance. Tears in my eyes. "Need me to..."

I put my hand up in resistance, "Theo, it's okay. I've got this."

"Harri. I left you on read because I wanted to say it to your face," SJ interjects.

I cross my hands over my chest. "SJ I can't play these games anymore," I admit. Unable to hold the tears any longer.

"Harri, I'm not playing any games. What's is going to take for you to see that..." his voice breaks. He swallows hard, his Adam's apple bouncing. "What's it going to take for you to see that I love you!"

"SJ you can stop pretending," I mumble between tears.

His hands fall to his side. "Who is pretending?"

"You..." I say wiping the tears from my cheek with the back of my hand.

He places the mic down on the bench and cups my face in his hands. I look away not wanting to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. "Harri look at me."


"Harri, please." I look back at him. "Harri Harlow, I, Senna Jager, love you!"

"You do?" I ask. Wanting more than anything to believe his words.

He doesn't answer. Well not with words anyway. Instead, he kisses me. Instantly dissolving the ache I'd been carrying for days. Melting away my anger. And softening my resolve until I kiss him back.

"I love you too," I breathe into his mouth.

I feel his mouth curve into a smile. "How could you not?" he whispers.

I feel Jazz tap me on the shoulder. "Umm I don't mean to interupt, but..."

I look around the room. So much for keeping a low profile. Everyone in the room is starring us. A few are clapping and cheering. Most are shocked.

Except for Cleo and the rude girl who both look defeated. Which is a similar look to the expression that Erik with K is wearing. I feel myself start to shake nervously. I hate this attention.

Meanwhile, Theo looks both grossed out and proud. I send him an appreciative smile and feel like things are finally starting to fall into place as SJ pulls me under his arm and kisses me reassuringly on the head as if feeling my apprehension. "I've got you, my Queen."

He looks towards the stage where the rest of the band stand. "Umm, Jazz. I think there is someone who wants to meet you," I encourage gesturing to Jax who stands to the right, hands in his pocket. The biggest smile on his face.

It takes her a moment or two to register what I've said before she bounds down the aisle and onto the stage. Her blonde hair flopping with every step and her bangles chiming as she jump tackles Jax causing them to both fall to the ground in laughter.

Mr Grayson takes this as his cue to walk back out on to the stage. "And that concludes today's special assembly. Everyone head back to class."

Everyone, including me, groans. I grab onto SJ tighter, not ready to let go yet. "Let's join them, Babe," he says with a smile.

"I told you not to call me that, Babe," I smile as we make our way down the steps.

We pass Cleo who is ranting to her friends about how it's not fair that both Jazz and I have found our happy endings. SJ pauses, "Cleo, right?" He gives her one of his award winning smiles.

"Yes it is," she replies, proud that he knows he name.

"Word of advice," he offers, to which she smiles smugly. "It wouldn't kill you to be a little bit nicer to people."

We continue making our way to stage leaving a shocked Cleo in our wake.

"Hey, Harri..." he breathes into my hair as we near the stage.

I look up at him as he looks down at me. "Yeah, SJ."

He smiles one-sidely. His dimple on full display. "Have I told you that I love you?"

"Yes. But I'll never get tired of hearing it."

"Good. Because, my Queen, I will never get tired of telling you."

I laugh and let out a signature Harri snort as we climb the stairs "Prove it."

"I love you, Harri."

"I love you too, SJ," I reply sweetly. "But leave me on read again and they'll never find your body," I grin.

"Noted, Babe."



Authors note:

Hello, my lovely, beautiful, gorgeous people.

Firstly I am sorry that it was almost 12 days between chapters. I really really wanted to do this chapter justice, for the book, for the characters and especially for everyone who has stuck with me through the weeks and months. And I really hope that I did just that.

Secondly, this chapter was incredibly hard to write. I am actually in tears right now. I think I really underestimated how attached I am to all of the characters and I just want to see them all find their resolve.

Was this the end you hoped for? did you want more? What questions do you still want answering? (feel free, to be honest)

I know I have said this is the end but there is one more to come- The Epilogue, which I hope will tie off the loose ends. Promise this will be up sooner rather than later.

Finally comments or thoughts, over all?

Peace ✌️ , Love ❤️ & Unicorns 🦄

- Trudz

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