[Love Live!] Nishikino Maki x...

By Katakilu

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A story where you, the reader, take part in the Love Live! School Idol Project series and more! I do not own... More

Chapter 1: Encounter and Introductions
Chapter 2: Invitation
Chapter 3: Beginning
Chapter 4: Trouble
Chapter 5: Bonds
Chapter 6: Limits
Chapter 7: Discoveries
Chapter 8: Relationships
Chapter 9: Halloween
Chapter 10: Love
Chapter 11: Decisions
Chapter 12: μ's
Chapter 13: Disbandment
Chapter 14: Sleepover
Chapter 15: Love Live
Chapter 16: Aviation
Chapter 17: Confession
Chapter 18: Fame
Chapter 19: End
Chapter 20: A New Beginning
Chapter 21: Jealousy
Chapter 23: Valentine's Day
Chapter 24: Fever
Chapter 25: Shows
Chapter 26: Exams
Chapter 27: Double Date
Chapter 28: The Beach - part 1
Chapter 29: The Beach - part 2
Chapter 30: Why I Love Her
Chapter 31: The Beach - part 3
Chapter 32: The first date
Chapter 33: Date with three girls - part 1
Chapter 34: Date with three girls - part 2
Chapter 35: 12 years later...
Chapter 36: Planning the Proposal
Chapter 37: What she'll say
Chapter 38: The Final Date - part 1
Chapter 39: Proposal - part 2
Chapter 40: After Proposal
Chapter 41: The Wedding
Chapter 42: Honeymoon - part 1
Chapter 43: Honeymoon - part 2
Chapter 44: Final Chapter
Valentine's Day Special
An Update

Chapter 22: Birthday

301 8 12
By Katakilu

"Hey, (Y/N)...I just want to say, I'm sorry," those words came out from behind.

"Huh? Sorry? For what?" I turned to the blonde haired girl's direction behind me.

She looked upset, as if she was a child who had just broken a precious family belonging, "You know, for getting drunk...that time," she started.

"I don't recall you being drunk at all...?" I said.

"You don't remember...? You know, last week...we went to karaoke and..." I pressed my index finger against her lips, "Just keep it to yourself, okay?" I told her.

Her cheeks grew red, and she quickly backed up and said, "A-Alright, well I'll be off then!"

I actually remembered what happened that week, I just didn't want her to emabarrass herself like that, as a good friend...speaking of weeks, next week is gonna be it, huh?

That's right...Maki's birthday...is next week.

(1 week from Maki's birthday)

"So...Maki's birthday is next week?" Jacob asked.

"Yeah, so I was wondering if you know any good restaurant that me and her can go to..."

"Hmm...what does Maki like?"

"What she...likes?"

Now that I think about it, I don't know what kind of restaurants Maki likes...should I ask her about that? Nahhh.

(The next day)

I was walking down the corridor carrying my stuff until I crossed path with a classmate of mine named Jane, she acts awkwardly around people and has similarities that are close to Maki's...like really close.

I stopped and shifted my stuff from my left hand to the other, and halted Jane with my free hand.

From shock, she instantly let her books fly through the area, "Aaaaah!" then she looked at me as if I was a nuisance.

"Ah...sorry for scaring you like that." I went to pick up the books that were scathered everywhere, "Uhh...Jane, right?" I looked up at the girl that was collecting her 'treasures'.

"Huh?" she exclaimed, looking at me with a surprised face, "Oh, uhh...yeah!" she exclaimed.

"Ehehe...is this the first time this'd happen?" I continued as I stood after clearing up the area.

"Y-Yeah! I-" Jane quickly looked away as she was about to say something, "N-Nothing!"

"Huh? You were about to say something?" I was curious.

"N-Nothing! I didn't say anything...! Wh-What did you need from me?" she asked.

"Oh! Uhh here." I gave her her books and papers, I also picked up my stuff that I placed safely earlier, "Umm...I need to speak to you...privately." I demanded.

"Oh, uhh...okay. Where to?" she agreed.

"Is the library okay?" I pointed to the direction of the college's library.

"Oh, a weird spot...but okay!"

We walked to the library.

"Let's sit over there." I pointed to an empty table by the far corner.

"O-Okay..." Jane's face has been turning more and more red every step we go...even from outside the library.

"Hey, are you feeling alright?"

"Y-yeah...why?" She asked.

"You're red, you know..." I told her.

"Huh? I am...? Huh, I guess I'm just anxious..." Jane said softly.

"Anxious...? Yeah, I guess your first time would get your anxiety up..." I explained.

"Yeah, I guess so..." she said.

I calmly set her to sit, then I move to the side of the table and sat down myself.

"So, uh...what should we start with?" she started.

"Uhhh...what are you doing?"

Jane was getting under the table, she doesn't even look like she's fainting.

"Huh? I thought we were...?"

"We were going to talk, right?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah! Ugh, I'm such an idiot..." Jane facepalmed herself.


"N-Nothing! You do not want to know what I was thinking..."


After all that, we talked and she told me things I wouldn't have known about Maki.

(I went to Jacob who is with his girlfriend)

"Jacob! Hey, Jacob!" I ran to them waving my hands.

"(Y/N)? What's up man!" Jacob waved back.

I told him everything about the talk between me and Jane.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa...so you were talking with Jane? Jane Austin?"

"Yeah, so now you know what Maki potentially likes, got any suggestions?"

"Are you sure you want a five-star restaurant?"

"Yeah, with my current money, I could even buy her one five-star hotel room for 3 days."

"Then why don't you do that? If you've got that much money..."

"Because her birthday is only one day, no one has three birthdays in a row."

"Oh, right...hmm, what about Whatley Manor?"


"Yeah, it's actually a hotel, but I guess if you negotiate with the owner there, you could get Maki's dinner there."

"Alright, thanks dude."

(The next morning)

I just woke up, right now I am calling Whatley Manor to book me and Maki a table for dinner.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

Whatley Lady: Hello, thanks for calling Whatley Manor, what can we do for you today?

(Y/N): Uhh yes! Hello...umm do you do bookings for your restaurant at 19th April?

Whatley Lady: Yes, we do...what time do you want to book and how many tables do you need?

(Y/N): Umm...what time are you open to customers?

Whatley Lady: We're open at seven o'clock to ten o'clock.

(Y/N): Umm around seven-thirty?

Whatley Lady: Seven-thirty?

(Y/N): Uhh yes.

Whatley Lady: Okay and how many tables do you need?

(Y/N): Just one is enough, it's for two people.

Whatley Lady: Okay, and what is the name of the person for this booking?

(Y/N): Uhh... (Y/N) (L/N). That's the name.

Whatley Lady: (Y/N)...(L/N). Is there anything else you need?

(Y/N):  Uhh, this dinner is actually for my girlfriend's birthday, do you think your chef can make a great cake?

Whatley Lady: Alright, what cake do you want?

(Y/N): Uhh whatever cakes is fine, but I want the cake to have tomato flavoured glaze on top, please...it's her favourite.

Whatley Lady: Okay, tomato flavoured glaze on top. Alright, is that all?

(Y/N): Umm, yes that's pretty much it. I'll call if I need anything else.

Whatley Lady: Alright Mr. (L/N), you have a reservation at 19th April, you need just one table, at seven-thirty. Birthday special, cake has tomato flavoured glaze?

(Y/N): Umm, yes...and who am I talking to?

Whatley Lady: Alice Kansas, that's my name.

(Y/N): Alice Kansas, got it...thanks.

Alice: Alright, your welcome Mr. (L/N) and goodluck.

(Y/N): Thanks, bye...

After that, I just had a normal day.

(The Day)

I just woke up, and my alarm was telling me that today is the day. I've planned a whole great day for her today. I've got her a nice dress that she could wear for the dinner tonight, I got it from Kotori.

And by dessert, there's a special surprise for her. Also, I went to the principal talked it out with him and got his permission to sleep with Maki tonight! Yeap!

(5 pm)

I'm meeting up with Maki in ten minutes, I've got her dress packaged beautifully.

"Ah! Maki-chan! Over here!" I exclaimed at her.

"Jeez! You didn't have to shout, you know!" she scolded me, I don't mind since today is her birthday after all.

"Ehehe, sorry...it's just, you made it look like you didn't see me." I apologised.

"Whatever, what do you need anyway..." she asked.

"Jump." I said.

"What?" she asked.

"Jump for me..." I demanded.



"Fine..." she finally agreed.

When she jumped, it triggered a switch and her dress fell just in front of her...don't worry, I caught it as I was the only one prepared for it.

"Wh-What's this?" she asked, confused.

"Your present, you know. Since today's your birthday." I explained.

"Wh-? You-You remembered??"

"Maki-chan, we've been dating for over five years now. And you've been saying that for the past four years already. Are you really gonna keep that up?"

"Sorry, hihi. I just said that because that's how the movies are like, so what did you get me?"

"Open it and see for yourself." I told her.

She opened it and saw the dress, "Huh, it's a dress..." she said.

"Yeah, what do you think?" I asked.

"Why a dress?"

"Because tonight, at seven-thirty, we're having dinner at a very fancy restaurant...you don't have to wear it if you don't want to."

"I-I'll wear it! I'll wear it! You bought it for me, didn't you?" she wondered.

"Uhh...yeah!" I exclaimed.

"You were hesitating just now, weren't you?"

"Nooo...of course not, come on, let's get ready for our dinner."


We've arrived at the place, although we're five minutes early, that doesn't matter, though.

"Umm, we're five minutes early, but can we get our table now?" I asked the host.

"And who are we talking about here?" the host asked.

"(Y/N) (L/N)." I told him.

"Ah, yes. Mr. (L/N), come follow me."

He showed us the way to our tables. We ordered our food and enjoyed it, before we had dessert (the cake), I dialed a number and called it...

"(Y/N)-chan, this dinner is the best, I love it." Maki said.

"Hm? Oh yeah...sure." I was still calling the number.

"(Y/N)-chan? Aren't you enjoying yourself?" Maki asked.

"Of course I am, I'm just preparing your next and best surprise from me yet."

"Oh? I can't wait...!" Maki was enthusiastic.

After the call is answered, I put my phone onto the table facing both me and Maki.

The screen showed the other members of μ's...which is if you don't know, Honoka, Umi, Nico, Eli, Nozomi, Rin, Hanayo and Kotori.

Maki: Gasp!

Honoka, Umi, Kotori, Rin, Hanayo, Eli, Nozomi and Nico: Happy Birthday, Maki!

(Y/N): Hehe, happy birthday, Maki-chan. a.k.a my other favourite girl!

Maki: Other favourite?

(Y/N): The other is my mom, duh.

I pinched Maki's cheeks, teasing her as she feels embarrassed.

Maki: I can't believe you would go this far just for me (Y/N)-chan!

Kotori: Ah! You're wearing the dress I made! So you did keep your promise, (Y/N)-chan!

Maki: Huh?! Kotori made this? No wonder you wanted me to wear this...

(Y/N): Yup! It suits you very well, too. I'll send the picture to you guys later, okay?

Eli: Yeah, you better not forget that.

Honoka: Yeah! I want to see Maki-chan wearing that dress!

Umi, Kotori, Rin, Hanayo, Nozomi and Nico: Yeah!!

Maki: Huh?! You better not, (Y/N)-chan!!

(Y/N): Sorry, Maki-chan...I've already promised them...

"And you know what'll happen if I don't keep my promise with them, do you?" I whispered to Maki.

Maki: Hmph, whatever, do whatever you want!

Then the cake arrived and I gave them the signal to sing.

  μ's other than Maki: Ureshii na kyou wa.

                                            Tanoshii na kyou wa.

                                            Tanjoubi omedetou.

                                            Outa wo utaimashou.

Maki: Thank you guys so much! This is the best birthday ever!

  μ's  other than Maki: You're welcome!

After that, Maki and I gave out the cake to random people, well I did.

(At Maki's room)

"I can't believe the principal actually let you sleep with me here tonight, talk about the best birthday," Maki said.

"Why is it the best birthday ever? Is it because I get to sleep with you tonight?" I teased and giggled.

"Sh-Shut up..."

Maki took a shower after I took my shower and we both got onto her bed...

Nothing happened!! We're both still virgins after that!!! Just putting that out there because all we did was watch a couple of movies and cuddled a lot.

When it was time for us to sleep. Maki said the following words...

"Hey (Y/N)-chan..." Maki whispered.

"Yeah?" I whispered back.

"I know I've said this before, but thank you for the best birthday ever..."

"Hihi, you're welcome, Maki-chan."

"This is one of the reasons why I love you, (Y/N)-chan❤"

"Heh, don't worry...every year, I'll come up with more things to surprise you❤ "

"I'm really looking forward to it❤"

"Oh, Maki-chan...?"




For the first time in five years or so, we had our first kiss in 4 years. I gave it so passionately that she melted into it right away. It lasted for three whole minutes.

Then after finishing it, we slept together, it was total bliss.

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