
By jassinski2505

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This is completely different and out there. If you don't like it don't read it. It's jut one of my crazy idea... More

Get To Know One Another:
Books P2:
Secrets P2:
Just a small bit of Fun:
What to play a Game? :
A bit Feverish:
Ohh Fuck!
Unfortunate Events:
A whole lot of Shock:
Back to set:
Passion fruit:
Sigh, Again... :
Just a bit of Fun:
Back to the other set:
Time away:
Secrets out:
Zendaya Island:
Let out the Crazy:
She's Crazier then him:
Can't sleep:
Ride or Die:
Sick, Siblings and Dad's:
Heading back Home:
Crazy ass people:
Efron Industries:


89 2 0
By jassinski2505

No One's Pov:

" Okay let me get my head around everything..." Kaz groaned at the couple as he and everyone else, as now in the lounge room on the house, it was 3 hours after he had got there and they had just explained everything to him.

" Okay ill just go though the basics.... So you two are married." Kaz pointed to the couple, who nodded, shyly, " you where both abused." he continued, though he clenched his teeth at the thought of anyone abusing his daughter, the couple nodded once more, " and you both are insane, well from what you tell me that is."

" as insane as they come!" Daya laughed a bit, cuddling her tiger cubs on her lap, " though I'm glad to see your keeping your promise."

" yeah well, being away and knowing you hurt your youngest daughter will do that." Kaz nodded, smiling at her, " just when you say insane..."

" She means insane." The siblings said together, chuckling.

" Like asylum insane, but they don't need to go to one." Hugh laughed and waved his hand at the thought, " their normal enough to the outside world and know not to do anything to anyone."

" Ohh i forgot to tell you!" Daya giggled a bit at herself, " i hear voices in my head, Zac hears laugher and voices in his." she knocked on her head a bit.

" Voices?" Kaz asked her, curiously, " what do you mean voices?"

Daya shrugged, " One day i woke up, after a beating and they where there, haven't left since, they say things that I'm not allowed to do and shouldn't do." she replied, smiling, sweetly, before she paused and looked as if she was listening into something.

Zac rolled his eye and knocked on her head a bit, " Aye, come back to us, don't listen to them." he told her, amused.

Daya blinked and looked at him, " they don't like it when you do that." she huffed at him, and slapped his hand away.

" you need to stop, listening in." He shrugged at her.

"ohh but they say some really interesting things sometimes..." Daya told him, grinning.

" Right..." Kaz said slowly and nodding, looking at his daughter, " voices..." he continued, cautiously, " whats a Crazy Daya?" he asked her, confused, having heard it when she was explaining stuff to him.

" the crazy side of me, that comes out if i let it or I'm over emotional and stressed out." Daya explained, " Ohh! Where's Paul!?" she asked, excitedly, slapping Zac on the arm beaming, " Puddin'! get Paul!"

Zac chuckled, " well maybe if you stop slapping my arm, I might." he told her, amused, " your waking up the babies." he pointed to the moving tigers on her lap.

Daya gasped and immediately stopped, looking down at them and patted them gently, " Sorry, babies...." she told them, calmly, smiling as she pat them.

Claire leaned to Kaz and whispered something in his ear, making his eyes widen and looked at the couple, he didn't look mad, or upset, just sad and nod to Claire understanding, watching as Zac, smiled at Daya, who comes down at the tigers, their faces filled with love.

" Paul!" Zac looked up and called out, grinning, before a man came running in.

" Okay which one of you broke it? and do I need to get the bleach!?" Paul asked rushed, before seeing the couple on the lounge and relaxed.

" Paul, chill!" Daya giggled at him, looking up from the tigers, " Zac and I didn't kill anyone..." she grinned at him, " well yet..."

" ever, your not gonna kill anyone ever." Paul told her firmly, pointing at the couple, " don't go full crazy."

" i'm always crazy, its who I am, I just go normal from time to time." Daya laughed at him and held out a hand, " gum, please."

Paul shook his head at the two, rolling his eyes and gave her, her gum, " Zac maybe, you should buy out a bubble gum, company."

Zac paused and thought about it, as Daya chewed her gum and looked at him, before reaching up and knocked on his head, " Hey, voices, give my husband back." she said, giggling.

" Paul look into that." Zac grinned, and turned to Daya, " and laugher." he pointed out.

" yeah because out whole lives are a joke." Daya chuckled at him, nudging him, making him, chuckle with her.

"Okay, Daya, lets go bash stuff in." Paul told her, gesturing to the trapeze and weapons room.

Daya beamed and gently placed the tigers to the floor, " come on, Babies! let go watch mommy, bash stuff!" she said happily and flipped over the lounge, before practically skipping down the hall to the room, 'La la la' ing as she went, blowing and popping bubbles, the tigers following her, " Puddin'!" she called to Zac.

Zac chuckled and got up, " Thats my queue." he nodded to the others, grinning before flipping over the lounge like Daya did, and walked off to follow her, Paul followed him, shaking his head, amused.

" How you taking it all?" Austin chuckled at his dad, as they all got up and follow the couple and Paul.

Kaz shook his head, " a lot of information." he groaned, " but i'm not gonna say anything, Zac so far is not a bad guy."

" Glad to see you got that though your stubborn head." Claire rolled her eyes at him, as they walked into the Trapeze and Weapons room.

" Daya which one?" Zac asked her, holding her bat or mallet, as she stood in front of him, looking at them.

Daya hummed thinking, before grabbing her mallet from him, " I missed this baby..." she grinned, as Zac put her bat away, before turning to her, just as she popped a bubble right in his face, " Miss, Crazy Daya?" she asked him, tilting her and and blew another bubble, letting it get to the side to just touch his nose before popping it again.

" Crazy Daya never leaves, she's just more chill on some days." Zac laughed and kissed her forehead.

Daya nodded and grinned, putting her mallet on her shoulder, chewing her gum, " Well imma let her out a bit more." she giggled and turned walking over to the plastic area, " Simba, Nala, stay with Daddy!" she told the tigers, who where about to follow her, her back still turned to them.

Zac chuckled and looked down, " come on, you two, your mom's is crazy but thats just us." he told them, and walked to the wall where he always leaned on to watch her closely to make sure she was fine, the cubs following him, before sitting at his feet.

" so she just goes crazy?" Kaz asked the others, as they all watched Daya lean on her Mallet looking bored as Paul got a whole bunch of pumpkins and placed them to the edge if where she was standing surround by plastic.

" she's always crazy, that one thing you will learn fast, but they do this daily because Daya need to let it out or she will probably hurt someone." Jacob explained, grinning, " but she goes full, insane sometimes."

" and your all good with it? have you seen Zac go crazy?" Kaz questioned, interested.

They all laughed and nodded, " Its Zac and Daya, their still them, just with a bad past and lots of hurtful and painful memories that made them who they are, and yes we have seen Zac go crazy, he does it if anyone disrespects Daya." Laura answered, smiling.

" though I would not want to be in a trapped room with either of them if their gone insane, that why we have to stand back here, while Daya or Zac is letting out steam, because something could happen, and if its Zac who's gone crazy, then you don't stop abaya from going to him, she's the only one who can calm him down and Zac for her." Tom explained, as Kaz nodded, trying to take all the information in.

" Okay Daya! Pumpkins this time, because they take more work and doesn't splatter everywhere, like watermelons do, as much." Paul told her, smiling, " Ready?" he asked her.

Daya pick up her mallet and put in on her shoulder, " Paully, i'm always ready to smash and bash things in." She laughed at him, crewing, blowing and popping her gum.

Paul rolled his eyes, " I know." he chuckled and rolled a pumpkin to her, " go insane."

" Ohh I will!" Daya giggled, before it started to go a bit darker and more crazy, and before Kaz knew it she was hitting the pumpkin hard, with her mallet, laughing insanely and smirking, making him look at the others wide eyed , who just shrugged, used to it, before turning back to her, watching as she smashed and bashed every pumpkin that came rolling to her, looking like she was really in enjoying herself.

Zac's phone buzzed a certain tone, making her stop and looked at him, still as crazy as ever and he held his arms up to her, " Take it, I didn't do anything." he told her, shrugging, " i've been watching you the whole time."

Daya eyed him, but walked up with her mallet and reached into his pocket pulling out his phone and checked it, before looking at Zac, who smiled at her sweetly, " They still texting you..." she growled at him darkly, gripping the mallet that was on her shoulder.

" they texted me, I deleted them." Zac rolled his eyes at her.

Daya looked back down to the message and let out a angry scream before marching over to the plastic but, dropped his phone on it and hit it, multiple times with her mallet, before stopping and breathed out.

" Ya done?" Zac asked her, amused, leaning on the Wall, arms crossed, Daya glared at him and pulled her throwing stars from her thigh strap and threw them at him, one by one, as he didn't even flinch, even when the last one, scraped the side of his arm, the tiger just watched as well, not at all fazed, though she was careful around them.

Daya eyed him down, before standing up straight and smiled, " i'm done." she nodded to him, "your gonna need a new phone." she shrugged and looked down at the phones ruins.

Zac rolled his eyes and pulled another on out of his pocket, checking it, Daya walked out and looking at it, " Ohh look no messages." she said happily, and took her throwing stars out of the wall, placing them back to there they came from, " come on Babies, mommy needs a bath.!" she called to the tigers, who ran after her, happily, as she walked out of the room, leaving her mallet there.

" Still think, she's going to kill you one day, if those girls don't stop texting you." Paul told Zac, with a knowing look.

" its not like I let them!" Zac exclaimed, huffing, " i've blocked, delete and even changed numbers, but they always some how get them."

" yeah well, it wither you dead, or those girls are, Zac i've told you a million times Zac is more crazy then you are, do not push her the wrong way." Paul warned him, " I like her like she's my own child and I will not help you if she gets that angry one day."

" I'll let her, I won't fight back, thats insane if I do." Zac told him, seriously, " but she won't, she knows i've down what ever I can to get those girls to stop texting me and she get that, she's just fed up with my phone going off because of them and the pictures they send." he continued before his phone buzzed, " and now I need to go, she bored in the outside Bath." he chuckled and quickly walked off to where Daya went.

The others all chuckled, and followed, well except for Kaz who was still trying to process everything, " Aye! Crazy, sit your ass down." Zac laughed at Daya, just as the family walked out to see Daya standing in the bath, in her white bikini, dancing to the music playing in the back ground, that she must have put on.

Kaz grimced seeing how she was dancing making the others laugh at him, " I know, Dad, but she does what she want's, you just have to learn to get over it, trust me i'm still uncomfortable around her when she dances like that." Austin, patted his dad's shoulder, understanding.

" Aww! but i'm having fun!" Daya whined to Zac and continued to dance.

" I can see that, but your gonna slip and fall." Zac told her, trying to get her to stop, the tigers where on a fluffy bed, near the bath, sleeping, " Zen, come on, I don't want you to get hurt."

Daya looked at him and stopped dancing, " Fine, only because you care so much." she huffed and sat back down in the bath, arms crossed and pouting, Zac rolled his eyes and sat on a chair by her, as the other came over and sat around the bath as well.

" your to grumpy to even wash your hair, are you?" Zac asked, her with a knowing look, smiling at her pouty face, Daya nodded at him, still pouting, " you want me to watch your hair?" he asked her, though he grabbed the shower head, attached to the bath and turned it on, holding it over her head, making her giggle, wiping the water from her eyes .

Zac chuckled at her and turned off the water and grabbed the shampoo squirting some on her head, before placing the bottle down and rubbed it in, making her smile at him, happily, "your such a child." he told her, amused, shampooing her hair still.

" you love that i'm child-ish, we both are." she told him, looking up a bit at him, " your a amazing husband though." she smiled at him, lovingly.

" I try." Zac shrugged, making her laugh at him and him grin happy to hear her laugh, "now cover your eye and look down, before I get shampoo in your eyes." he grabbed the shower head again and washed her shampoo out.

Daya giggled at him and covered her eyes, as he washed it all out, before moving on with the conditioner, letting her open her eyes and uncover them, to see the family and others all grinning at her or smiling happily, " Dang... where can I find myself a Zac?" Zink chuckling at the couple.

" You can't, his the only one and his mine." Daya grinned at them all, happily.

" I want someone to wash my hair for me..." Darnell mumbled, shaking his head at her.

" yeah you can't find men who are willing to do it." Michelle pointed out, huffing.

Keala nodded, agreeing, "Daya you hit a gold mine, with the hubby you got."

" I think I need to take pointers from my brother..." Dylan mumbled to the other guys, who all chuckled and nodded agreeing.

" Take me with you." Yahya mumbled back, making them all laugh a bit.

" Dylan, shut up." Zac told her brother amused, still doing what he was doing.

" you got a model, better yet you got THE Zendaya Coleman!" Dylan exclaimed to him, " how can I not, what to take pointers off you!"

" Efron." Daya pointed out, smirking, " THE Zendaya Efron."

" Ohh that right... you my sister in law!" Dylan hi fived her, as she laughed at him, " guys at work are gonna hate me, when you guys go public."

" ohh thats right... the guys at your work..." Zac muttered, annoyed, " the ones who like to look at Daya's, photoshoots..."

Daya seemed to be thinking, not really listening to the conversation, making Zac look down at her, seeing as she hasn't made a comment, "are you okay?" he asked her, concerned.

" when are we going public?" She looked up at him, " we have been keeping it a secret for a while, because of the family and stuff not knowing... but they now know..."

" and now we have to figure out when and what to tell the world, even if its just saying where dating." Zac finished for her, nodding understanding.

Daya sighed and rubbed her head, "umm okay..." she said thinking, putting her hands down and looked at her rings and tattoo, playing with them a bit, " well... maybe we cou- or we- No... how about-" she kept pausing herself at different thoughts, " well that one definitely doesn't help." she rolled her eyes at the voices, " no, I don't want to do that." she continued.

" Daya." Zac nudged her, making her look up from mumbling to the voices, " we can't hear them, what are they saying?"

" they said to just kill anyone who asked about us." Daya answered, smiling at him, " but I don't want to, so where not gonna do that."

" good choice." Zac nodded to her, smiling back, grabbing the shower head and washed her hair from the conditioner, " well do you want to flat out say it in an interview, social media it, maybe just not where our rings but show off the tattoo's and let all the fan girls speculate for a while, before we confirm it?" he suggest ideas to her, washing her hair.

" ohh the last one sound good." Daya nodded to him, covering her eyes, before he turned it off and placed the shower head down, before leaning, his arms on the bath, as she uncover her eyes and looked at him, " the most fun as well." she shrugged.

" the we do the last one." Zac nodded to her and bopped her nose making her giggle at him and splash him a bit, making him, chuckle, not really caring.

Daya looked at the faded drawing on her, " Can I get another tattoo? " she asked him, looking back to him.

" you already have a tattoo?" Kaz asked her surprised, " you said you where to scared."

Daya shrugged and showed him the one on her finger, " Zac has the King one." she pulled Zac's hand and showed the matching one, before letting it go, as Zac laughed and pulled him arm back to him, leaning on the bath again, " and I was... but a tattoo compared to beating? well its nothing compared to it."

Kaz frowned, and what about to speak up when Daya cut i'm off, " I already told, Austin and the other, that if I wanted you guys to know, then you would have, but I didn't want to upset you guys so I kept it a secret." she told him, smiling, " i'm fine... a little messed up but fine."

He nodded and smiled back, though he just couldn't get over the fact that she was abused... and Zac was to... by his own parents no less...

Daya turned to Zac, " so, can I?" she asked him, tilting her head a bit.

" do what you want, I don't own you or your body." Zac told her, grinning, " if you want more tattoo's, then fuck it! get more, I won't stop you, its your decision."

" cool!" Daya beamed at him, " now to figure out what I want..." she said thoughtfully, " Oh we should get a tattoo gun!" she exclaimed to him, the idea popping into her head, suddenly.

Zac raised an eye brow, " Why? " he asked her, confused, " I mean if you want one, ill get you on but why?"

" would you let me tattoo you? even like a small thing somewhere hidden?" she asked him, grinning.

Zac eyed her for a bit, then shrugged, " if you want to, then ill let you, just nothing huge." he told her, grinning back.

" Awesome!" Daya beamed at him, " now we should get a tattoo gun!"

Zac pulled out his phone and scrolled though it a bit, " want a black on or gold one?" he asked her, showing her the phone.

" wait your just getting it? just like that?" Kaz asked him, in disbelief.

" yeah, pretty much." Zac smiled at him, " like the jet you flew on, it has her name not he side for a reason, she has a yatch, hell! she even owns my families castle, but those are presents, she didn't ask for them, in fact she went off at me, but she has accepted it now."

Kaz looked at him, thinking, as Daya looked up from the phone in Zac's, " don't forget out cars and others gifts you have gotten me, over the course of about 3 months." She pointed out to Zac, grinning, " Ohh and gold, why no? its only a little bit more then the black."

Zac nodded and grinned as well, before pulling his phone back and did stuff on it, " Okay ill get Sam to deliver it." he told her, " because you now have a tattoo gun."

" Ours!" Daya pointed out to him, " whats mine is yours and what your's is mine, we married, Baby."

" Ohh yeah! I married your crazy ass!" Zac joked with her.

Daya scoffed, " Your just as Crazy as I am!" she nudged him, laughing.

" nah, your more crazy then me." Zac winked at her.

" Ohh am crazy as I?" Daya asked him, playfully.

Zac nodded, " Very much so." he chuckled at her.

Daya smirked at him, before grabbing his shoulder and pulled him into the water with her, laughing at him, luckily he somehow chucked his phone where the tigers where, before he sat up in the water with her, as she laughed, pointing at him.

" Really?" Zac laughed with her, spitting some water out and ran a hand though his hair , as the others all laughed at the cute couple.

" I could't help it!" Daya giggled and gave him a quick kiss, " Sorry, Puddin'!"

Zac smirked before tackled her, making her laugh as they wrestled, each other in the bath tub, playfully, both laughing at each other in joy and happiness, as the others moved back a bit, away from getting even more, slashed then they where.

Kaz watched on with a smile on his face, his daughter really was happy with Zac, the most happiest he had seen her... he sighed and shook his head at himself, " He is a good man after all..." he said softly to the others, still looking at the couple, splash each other, playfully, and joyfully, just having fun, everyone all smiled at him, knowing he was understanding what they saw in the couple and that was pure love.

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